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Talk Flirty To Me: Cheap Thrills Series Book 4

Page 16

by Moore, Mary B.

  As we passed by a table, I’d seen G-strings which tied at the side with satin bows, and an idea had hit me. So, picking up a pair, I’d asked Scarlett if she could make an adjustment to them for me, seeing as how she did ‘personalized wedding underwear’ according to a sign on the wall.

  When I’d told her my idea, she’d looked at me like I was whacked, whereas Tony had put his head on the desk and muttered, “So close, I was so close.”

  But, the adjustment had been me, and I thought Jarrod would appreciate it, so to heck with his dramatics – even though I wouldn’t ever say that out loud because he’d saved my bacon and he was a really nice guy.

  After that, I’d gone to the store with another purchase in mind. It took me five trips up and down the aisle to stop and get what I was there for, then it took me staring longingly at a bottle of tequila thinking I could drink it to get up the courage to actually go to the till point. Then I’d hidden the items under the huge amount of groceries that I didn’t need but had picked up on my many journeys past the aisle the items were in, and then I had to act like nothing was amiss when the checkout guy scanned the items. I did, however, freak out when the kid who was packing the bags went to pick them up to put them in with my groceries. He looked about thirteen and no way did I want that on my conscience. I’d just shoved them in a bag that was already back in the cart when my brother had appeared out of nowhere, which was a semi-relief because I’d noticed Shane Perkins watching me from the end of the aisle nearest me.

  Saying hi and bye, I pretty much ran to my car to put the bags in the trunk, and then drove home like I was a paranoid diamond thief.

  All of that just for three boxes of condoms.

  It wasn’t until I’d hidden them away in my bedside drawer that it dawned on me – I could have just ordered them online and no one would have known.

  And this led me to now, sitting on my knees on the bed, wearing the burgundy sheer number with my personalized G-string under it, my hair blown out, and my makeup sex kitten style (although, it could have been hooker style, I had no idea.)

  Cue the heart attack at twenty-two.

  Tony had given me his number and told me to call him if I had any questions, so on my way home this afternoon I’d done just that. After he’d thrown around some ideas – some of which made me blush so hard I could have roasted s’mores on my face – we decided that this one was the best one, i.e. it was the one I could do without dying of shame.

  Hearing Jarrod’s footsteps coming up the stairs, I raised up so that I was standing on my knees and widened my thighs slightly, eyes trained on the doorway. He was looking down at his feet when he cleared it, but then he stopped and his head lifted up to look at me. He slowly trailed his eyes from my face all the way down to my knees, and then back up again, stopping on my chest for a second before looking back up at my face.

  “Baby, what…”

  “I decided that we needed to celebrate your birthday all over again,” I told him, praying that I sounded a level of confidence I definitely wasn’t feeling at that moment.

  Hearing that, he swallowed audibly and then looked down my body again, this time stopping on my crotch. Maybe I should have listened to Tony…

  “Is that,” he squinted, “Luigi from the Mario Bros smiling at me?”

  Yes, yes, it was. “I thought after the whole Mario incident, this would be…” I paused and looked around the room – noticing that the books on my shelf were out of place again – at anything that wasn’t Jarrod, “applicable,” I finished lamely.

  Slowly he took a five steps closer to me, his lips twitching slightly. I totally should have listened to Tony.

  “It is applicable to us,” he agreed, toeing off one boot and then the other while I watched frozen in place. Once that was done, he continued walking closer to the bed until his shins were almost against it, meaning that I had to tilt my head to look up at him. “Can I take a closer look?”

  Like he had to ask twice.

  My arms had been hanging loosely at my sides, so all I had to do was turn my hands to grip the hem, and I slowly pulled it upward.

  “Stop,” he ordered gently as soon as the material had cleared them, then sat down on the bed. “Are the bows there for decoration?”

  My only response was to shake my head.

  “So if I untie them, they’ll show me your pretty pussy?”

  The pretty pussy in question clenched, but this time I nodded.

  Gently dropping down onto his side, he leaned on one elbow, leaving the other arm free to extend so he could untie one side. I felt it the second the ribbon came undone and then half of the material sagged.

  “Never thought I’d say this,” he rumbled in a deep tone I’d never heard from him before. “But the Luigi addition ratcheted up the sexy factor of this outfit.”

  Tilting my head to the side, I thought about that. “So, Luigi does it for you?”

  Before I could make a mental plan to contact Scarlett and tell her I wanted Luigi panties in all colors in this style, he let out a soft bark of laughter. “Fuck no, baby. You in your ribbon panties with Luigi on them does it for me.”

  I was still getting more panties like this with him on it if that was the case. I might even look at what other gaming characters I could get put on them.

  That plan again screeched to a halt when I felt him trail the tip of his finger from my hip down the crease of where my thigh met my vagina, making my legs tremble slightly.

  Feeling it, he glanced up at me. “You scared?”

  Shaking my head, I croaked, “Not even close.”

  His eyes heated as he got what I was saying, and then he trailed his finger back up again. “Are you sure about this, baby? Are you sure you know what you’re asking for?”

  “I’m not an innocent virgin waiting for you to come back from a lifetime of knighthood and chivalry, Jarrod,” I snapped, albeit breathlessly.

  His finger froze where it had been moving across my abdomen, tracing where the waistband would have been if half of it wasn’t sagging down, and he glanced back up at me. “You’re not?”

  I went to drop the hem of the nighty that I was still holding up, but seeing what I was about to do, he ordered, “Don’t. Leave your hands where they are.”

  It irritated me how I did it immediately, which then made the tone of voice I used to reply to his previous question that bit more growly, “No, I’m not. I’ve just never done this before.”

  Rolling his lips together, he resumed the movement of his finger until he was at the other bow. I braced, waiting for him to tug it, but the tug never came. The more I waited and wondered, the more tense I got. Then he finally – fucking finally – tugged the ribbon, and it was hasta luego Luigi, or maybe that should be arrivederci?

  “Christ,” he rasped, running his finger down the crease on the other side now. “Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought it was this pretty.”

  Ok, that was a nice thing to say, but what was I meant to say back? “Thank you.”

  Why was I such a freaking dork?

  Running his hand down the inside of my thigh now, he grinned up at me. “You’re welcome, but really it’s me who should be thanking you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I smiled back down at him. “It’s really no hardship, you know. Your hand feels really… Oh, Jesus Christ,” I groaned, as he ran the tip of his finger through my cleft, stopping to circle around my clit once before stroking back through it again.

  I felt the bed dip as he used his free hand to get up on his knees, and when I opened my eyes, he was right in front of me. “Before we take this further, Katy, where’s Elodie?”

  “She’s at Neo’s. He wanted time with his niece.”

  Nodding, he leaned in until our lips were almost touching. “So I can make you scream?”

  He could if he wanted to, which is what I told him.

  The next second, I felt a tug on the backs of my thighs, and I was falling onto my back on the mattress – screaming. “That w
asn’t what I thought you meant.”

  Reaching over a shoulder to grab the back of his t-shirt, he pulled it over his head and threw it to the side. “It wasn’t, but it was the fastest way to get you into the position I’ve wanted you in for a while.”

  Now that was a great response, and also true.

  Before he’d arrived, I’d placed electric candles around the room, and the flickering light that they gave off was making the bumps of his muscles more pronounced. With my eyes on them and the V at that was just visible above the waistband of his jeans, I didn’t see the expression on his face as he looked me over. Maybe if I had, I’d have seen how much this meant to him. Then again, if I’d seen the depth of that, I’d have gone out and bankrupted myself buying lingerie from every proprietor I could find, so it was probably just as well.

  As an FYI, none of that was what was going through my mind at that moment. Instead, I was wondering what that V and those muscles would taste like if I licked them. There was a shower at the garage that the guys used before they left for the day, just out of a personal need to be clean before they got in their cars. Ren and Cole I could understand seeing as how they had kids who would climb all over them the second they got through the door, but Jarrod doing it had always confused me. In fact, I could probably count on one hand the amount of times he hadn’t done it. At this moment, though, I was supremely grateful that he showered there, because I was certain that I was going to find out how the areas tasted – sans engine oil.

  “I would pay good money to know what’s going through your head right now,” he said gruffly, getting my attention away from his abdomen and onto his face.

  “I want to lick the V you’ve got going on, and I was wondering how your six-pack would taste.”

  He blinked twice at this honest information. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  My eyes flicked down to his hard length that his jeans were doing a shit job at concealing. “Pretty much.”

  He let out a hoarse laugh, getting my attention back on his face. “That’s only part of it, Katy. There’s much more to it than that,” he explained, slowly lowering down onto a hand fisted in the bed beside my shoulder, and closing the distance between our faces. “Every day you do something that takes me by surprise in a good way. Every day you look at me with this soft look on your face and it makes me feel ten feet tall. Every time I kiss you, I want to take you down on the nearest surface and fuck you until neither of us can move again. There’s so much to you that just reels me in, and I’ve spent a lot of hours pissed that I haven’t had you in my life like this from the day you were born.” When I went to question that, he shook his head. “No, I’m serious. I feel like – even though we’re both young still – I’ve wasted time, time that I want to have spent with you, and I don’t understand it.”

  Well shit.

  “And now I’ve got you dressed in the hottest nightie, having worn the sexiest panties I’ve ever seen in my life, and I don’t want to waste any more time.”

  With that, he lowered down and kissed me, his mouth opening almost immediately so his tongue could caress mine. I got so drawn into the kiss, that I only barely registered him shifting to his side and his hand trailing down my thigh. Then his finger was delving through my folds. This time, he circled around my entrance before he plunged the digit inside me. It felt so full with just one finger that my head tipped back and I let out a strange mewling noise that I’d never made before in my life.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, “you feel like silk.”

  That sounded like a positive thing, so I didn’t say anything – not that I could. The sensations hitting me were almost overwhelming.

  Then he began to kiss down my neck, making his way to my breastbone, then down past that down to where my nipple was. Throughout all of this, he never once stopped moving that finger in and out, and I couldn’t stop my hips moving slightly with each plunge and withdrawal. At the band of lace on my chest, he stopped to nuzzle it with his nose, and then he shifted and sucked my nipple into his mouth, the lace of the nighty still covering it, and I came. With just those two actions, I came. I wasn’t a one pump chump because there’d been no pumping. I was just a chump.

  Lifting my head up, I watched as he quickly moved down my body until his head was over my crotch, and then he lifted me up with his hands under my ass and swiped his tongue through my folds. Any strength to hold my head up still was now gone, and it fell back again as he continued to lick, stopping only to suck and flick my clit, which was so sensitive now that I couldn’t stop my hips jerking each time.

  Feeling another climax building, I groaned, “Jarrod, I need you.”

  “Busy,” he muttered, punctuating it by sucking my clit into his mouth.


  “Busy,” he repeated, trailing his tongue down to my entrance, and then plunging it into me.

  “Honey, please,” I started, and then stopped when my breath hitched in the middle of the word and the end of it came out as almost a squeak.

  That apparently was the key for him, because he moved away and I heard the clinking of his belt buckle. Rolling onto my side, I reached for the drawer that I’d kept the condoms in, almost hissing with irritation when I realized it was too far away to reach.

  Seeing what I was doing, he leaned over me and opened it, taking out one of the boxes. Our positions meant that I came face to face with his penis and I was too taken with how beautiful it was to be scared by the size of it. It was like the rest of him – perfect. Moving back so that he was on his knees, he tore the wrapper of the condom with his teeth, and then rolled it down his length – and that sight was awesome. An act like that was a private moment, something that I wouldn’t have thought that I wanted to share with anyone, until then. Now I wanted to see it each time that we did this.

  Once it was in place, he lifted me up off the bed with his hands in the middle of my back, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “We’re going to do this slowly,” he said softly, holding my eyes as I felt him position himself.

  Shaking my head, I tried to push down to get him inside me, but his hands kept me in place. “I don’t want to go slow.”

  “Katy,” he growled. “Slowly. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Lifting my eyes to look at his face, I saw the worry there and my head cleared slightly. This time I nodded and took a deep breath in.

  And then he was slowly pushing inside me.

  Such was his strength that he controlled my descent with just his arms around my waist. When I was halfway down his length, he stopped and rested his head in my shoulder. “Are you ok?”

  Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I moved so that the tips of the fingers of my right hand trailed up through his close cut hair. I could feel the strain in his body and realized how much this was costing him. “I’m fine, you can keep going,” I whispered, angling my head so that I could kiss his jaw.

  With a shaky breath in, he raised his head, and lifting me off his length slightly, he raised his hips at the same time as lowering me down. With our eyes connected now, he sank me down the rest of his length until I’d taken all of him.

  Ok, all right. Ok, all right. This is a lot, but it feels fantastic. The feeling of fullness and being stretch was overwhelming and looking into his eyes while feeling this and knowing he was inside me at that moment… un-fucking-believable.

  Still looking at each other, he lifted me back up again, and then dropped me back down. Slowly he repeated this move until he knew I’d adjusted to him, and then he started to do it a bit faster.

  Dropping my legs so that I was now properly astride him with my knees in the bed, I took over control of the movement. The glides up felt good, but nowhere near as good as the drops back down felt. Seeing the effect it was having on him, I took the opportunity to grind into him on the next downward slide, getting a loud groan out of him when it made me clench around him.

  That apparently was a trigger for him, because h
e tipped me backward onto the bed and started thrusting into me as he leaned down and took my mouth again. I used the change in positions as an opportunity for my hands to roam, and skimmed them down his back, feeling the muscles bunching with each thrust.

  Never in my life had I imagined it would be like this, and when he moved to put all of his weight on one arm and I felt the thumb of his other hand on my clit, I realized that it was possible for it to feel even better.

  Roughly thirty seconds later, every muscle in my body froze, and I screamed as I came, clenching around him as he continued thrusting, making it go on even longer.

  “Fuck,” he grunted, his thrusts getting harder and faster. Wrapping him up in my arms and legs, I felt it now as the muscles in his back went into overtime with the wildness of his movements.

  Then he had his head in my neck and he let out a growl as it hit him. A fucking growl! Through it all, he continued to move in and out until the power behind each thrust lessened as it left him. After a while, once we’d gotten control of our breathing, he lifted his head up, skimming the stubble on his chin up my neck and across my jaw until his mouth was over mine.

  That’s when I opened my eyes and saw his gorgeous greeny-hazel ones smiling down at me.

  “To use a Maude phrase, that was the best moment of my life,” I told him breathlessly, and then froze when I realized what I’d just done.

  I’d named my grandmother and quoted her while he was inside me.

  Fortunately, I discovered that things could feel even better-er-er-er (because it warranted creating a new word for the English vocabulary as better didn’t cut it). Jarrod burst out laughing, full on belly laughs that moved him around inside me. Something about this made me come again and hard. Totally better-er-er-er.


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