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Protecting You: A Small Town Romance Origin Story (The Bailey Brothers Book 1)

Page 9

by Claire Kingsley

In between matches, I scanned the other teams, wondering who’d be going up against Asher. There were quite a few men who appeared similar in size. One paced back and forth on the other side of the gym, his eyes locked on Asher. His head was buzzed and even though he wore a dark blue gi, there was no mistaking the muscle underneath.

  Asher watched him too, like a wolf tracking a potential rival. There was no hostility in his gaze. Just focus. He exuded composure—a confidence that, to me, seemed far more intimidating than the intense glares he was getting from the guy in blue.

  Levi won his first match in less than thirty seconds, earning an enthusiastic response from the crowd. Logan grappled after him, and although his match lasted longer, he made his opponent tap out. Both returned to the sidelines to high fives and pats on the backs from their teammates.

  Finally, it was Asher’s first match. His first opponent was a man in a black gi from a gym in a neighboring town, not the guy in blue. It was over almost before it began. One minute the ref was blowing the whistle and both men were on their feet. The next, Asher had him on the ground, twisted into a position that looked like it hurt. The guy in black tapped out, the whistle blew again, and it was over.

  Asher helped the other guy to his feet, and they shook hands. Then the ref raised Asher’s arm, declaring him the winner. I jumped up, clapping and cheering for him. A few people shot me annoyed looks, but I didn’t care. I was going to cheer for my man.

  The wait for his second match wasn’t long. This one went the full round, and by the end, my heart was hammering in my chest and I’d left fingernail prints in my palms from clenching my fists so hard. I didn’t understand exactly how the scoring worked, but Asher had won on points. The ref lifted his arm and I cheered my heart out again.

  He stayed with his teammates, but met my eyes often, offering a wink or a half-smile. When Levi and Logan were up, he helped coach each of them through their next matches. Both won, moving on to the next round.

  So did the guy in dark blue.

  The tension in the gym grew as the afternoon went on and more competitors were eliminated. My butt hurt from the hard bleachers, but as Asher walked out onto the mat for his final match, all thoughts of discomfort fled.

  Because of course he was up against the guy in dark blue.

  They nodded to each other with what looked like respect. I didn’t know who he was, but I had a feeling he and Asher had competed against each other before. They were similar in height and build—both tall and athletic—and both moved with a similar confident grace.

  My eyes were locked on them, my heart in my throat. They shook hands, stepped back, and the ref blew the whistle.

  I watched in awe as the two men fought to take each other down. Within seconds it was clear they were evenly matched. This wouldn’t be an easy win for either of them.

  Asher moved with stunning power and speed, finally gaining the upper hand. He hooked his opponent’s leg and the next thing I knew, they were on the mat.

  From there, it was hard to tell who was winning. My heart raced and I clenched my fists, leaning forward as I watched the battle. Asher strained against his opponent, his face intense. I was close enough to hear his low grunts as they fought—and my god, it was ridiculously arousing.

  I’d never seen this side of Asher before. He was so focused and there was so much ferocity in the way he moved. He was powerful and strong, with a hint of anger in his expression and danger in his dark eyes.

  If I hadn’t known him so well, it might have scared me a little.

  His brothers shouted encouragement from the sideline and his coach barked instructions. The crowd cheered, the noise thick around me. Sweat dripped down Asher’s temples and his opponent’s face was flushed bright red.

  “Come on, Asher!” I had no idea if he could hear me, but I yelled a steady stream of encouragement as the two men fought for dominance.

  The guy in blue got Asher on his back and I gasped. But Asher locked his legs around him, pulled him down closer, and hooked a leg across his neck. Suddenly, he had his opponent’s head and one arm trapped with his legs.

  Asher’s jaw clenched tight as he held the position. The other guy tried to break free, but his already red face quickly deepened to a dark purple. A few seconds later, he tapped Asher’s leg with his free hand.

  It was over. Asher had won.

  I shot to my feet, clapping like a crazy person. The guy in blue stood first and reached a hand down to help Asher up. They spoke and I could see the mutual respect as they shook hands again.

  Then the ref lifted Asher’s arm and the crowd cheered.

  My cheeks felt flushed and my heart beat fast. Asher came straight for me, and I scrambled down from the bleachers to meet him. I launched myself at him, throwing my arms around his neck. He picked me up off my feet and squeezed me tight.

  “That was amazing,” I said in his ear. “You were so incredible.”

  “Thanks, baby,” he said, still breathing hard. “Thanks for being here.”

  “I’ll always be here for you,” I said. “Always.”



  My apartment was still mostly empty. I’d bought a bed, so at least I had a place to sleep. And between a box of kitchen supplies Gram had brought over and a shopping trip with Grace, I had everything I needed to be functional.

  Except furniture. But aside from the bed, that was going to have to wait.

  I’d saved a little money, intending to use it for the basics—a couch and a table at least. But after that first date with Grace, I’d scrapped my plans. I had something more important to buy.

  I hadn’t bought it right away, although that had been a function of being busy as much as anything. I had to work, go to the gym, take my shifts at the firehouse. In between, I spent almost every spare moment with Grace.

  But as soon as I’d gotten off work today, I’d done it. And now instead of a furnished apartment, I had a little box with Grace’s engagement ring.

  I wasn’t sure when I was going to ask her. I didn’t want to rush her, and we’d only been dating for about a month. Which was kind of a mind fuck, because it felt like we’d always been together. Like those years of drifting apart hadn’t really happened.

  Still, I didn’t want to get the timing wrong. And simply having the ring felt good. I’d taken another step toward our future. My plans were coming together.

  I put the box away, tucking it up on a shelf in my bedroom closet. It would be there when we were ready.

  Grace was probably home from work by now, so I left to go pick her up, locking the door behind me. Living alone was different, but I liked it. It felt good to have my own space.

  I still saw my family all the time. Logan and Levi were in training to be volunteers, so they were at the firehouse a lot. Gavin seemed to find his way down there on a regular basis, hanging around like I had when I was younger. And Gram had instituted Tuesday dinners, insisting that no matter what happened in our lives, if we were within driving distance, we were expected to be there.

  Grace also joined us. Every week.

  It hadn’t taken long for both of our families to get used to me and Grace being together. My brothers groaned and complained when I kissed her in front of them, telling us to get a room. Gram remained completely unsurprised that we’d started dating and I was pretty sure she suspected I’d buy a ring—probably soon.

  Even Naomi was happy for us. I hadn’t been sure how she’d feel about me dating her daughter. Grace wasn’t much older than Naomi had been when she’d gotten pregnant, and I didn’t want her to worry that I’d turn Grace’s life sideways. When I went over to pick up Grace for our second date, I’d told Naomi, straight up, that I loved her daughter and I wasn’t going anywhere. She’d hugged me and simply said, “I know.”

  Grace came outside as soon as I pulled up in front of her house. She looked adorable in a t-shirt and cut-offs, with her hair up and her purse slung over her shoulder. I got out of my car as she bounded down the s
teps, and she practically jumped into my arms. I kissed her, reveling in the sweet relief of her lips.

  “Hi, beautiful.”

  “Hi.” Her arms tightened around my neck and I squeezed her back. “I missed you today.”

  “I missed you, too.” I held her for a long moment, just enjoying the feel of her against me. “What do you want to do tonight? Are you hungry?”

  She pulled away. “You know, I’m really not. I had a late lunch. But if you are…”

  “Actually, I’m not either.”

  “Okay.” She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and something about the look in her eyes stirred a hot sense of need inside me.

  So far, we’d waited. We’d made out—a lot—but we hadn’t slept together. I didn’t want to rush her when it came to that either, but fuck, I wanted her. And the way she was looking at me with undisguised desire in her eyes made me want to drag her back to my apartment like a caveman.

  Come on, Asher. Be a gentleman.

  “I was thinking…” She licked her lips and a hint of pink crept across her cheeks. “Maybe we could go hang out at your place tonight.”

  We almost never hung out at my place. There wasn’t any furniture, and not much to do. No TV or anything. So why would she…

  Oh shit, did she mean…?

  “Yeah, sure, if you want. Although the only furniture I have is the bed.”

  “I know.”

  Before I could stop myself, a low groan rumbled in my throat, and I pulled her close. The kiss I gave her was downright obscene, considering we were standing in front of both of our families’ houses, and chances were good we had an audience. But I didn’t care. I invaded her mouth with my tongue and pressed my very solid erection against her.

  “Is that what you want, beautiful?”

  Her hand slid down and briefly skimmed over my cock through my pants. “Yes.”

  “Let’s go.”

  We got in my car and I clasped her hand in mine. Brought it to my lips for a kiss a few times on the way to my place.

  My body buzzed with anticipation as I walked her to my door. The tension between us was palpable, making my heart thump in my chest.

  I unlocked the door to let us in, then held her hand on the way up the stairs. I hesitated at the top, but she gently tugged my hand in the direction of my bedroom.

  That was all the encouragement I needed. I took the lead, pulling her down the short hallway into my room, and kicked the door closed.

  Sliding my fingers through her hair, I tasted her lips. Lapped my tongue against hers, hungrily licking into her mouth. Her hands slipped beneath my shirt and her palms splayed across my skin.

  Still kissing her, I guided her to the bed. She lay down and I climbed on top of her. We were still dressed, but as much as I ached for her—and as hard as it was getting to actually think—there was something I needed to say before I got her naked.

  I brushed her hair back from her face. “Grace, I kind of need to tell you something.”

  “I do, too. But you first.”

  “I haven’t…” I hesitated, not sure how to say this. I’d never told anyone. “I’ve never actually done this. At least, not all of it.”

  Her lips parted. “You haven’t?”

  “No. I’ve done… other stuff. And I tried a couple of times, but I stopped it before it got that far. Don’t get me wrong, I can. Everything works.” I ground my erection into her a little, just to prove my point. “It just never felt right.”

  She touched the side of my face. “Oh, Asher.”

  “Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I’ve never been able to separate sex and love. And you’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”

  Her eyes held mine and her smile lit up her face. “I haven’t either.”


  “No. I’ve never wanted to with anyone else.”

  “Oh my god, I love you so much.” I kissed her again, instinctively rolling my hips.

  Her soft moan into my mouth set me on fire.

  But just because I hadn’t had sex before didn’t mean I was going to be a bumbling idiot about it. I took my time undressing her, caressing and kissing her skin. Touching her. Exploring. And letting her explore me.

  I rolled onto my back and took my pants off. Our shirts were long gone, and she was down to nothing but a lacy pink bra and matching panties. She propped herself up alongside me and skimmed her hand over my chest, down my abs, toward my hard length. My muscles tensed in anticipation.

  She met my gaze and raised her eyebrows. I grinned at her. Yes, Grace, you can definitely touch my cock.

  Her fingers brushed the tip and I sucked in a quick breath.

  “Is that okay?”

  “Definitely okay.” There was a hint of strain in my voice. “Take your time.”

  She touched me again, her fingers gliding down the shaft, then up again. I watched, fascinated, as her confidence increased. She wrapped her hand around me and gently squeezed.

  I groaned, my eyes rolling back.

  “I want to know what feels good,” she said.

  “Fuck, Grace, right now everything feels good.” I reached down and put my hand around hers. “You can squeeze harder.”

  Her voice was breathy. “Okay.”

  She tightened her grip, and I grunted at the increased pressure.

  “What else?”

  “You can stroke it, like this.” I guided her hand up and down my cock. I had to be careful, or she was going to make me come way too soon. Something about her hand and my hand both moving up and down the length of my erection was unbelievably hot.

  Still, there was so much of Grace I hadn’t explored yet. I rolled to my side, nudging her onto her back. “Can I touch you too?”

  Biting her lip, she nodded.

  I helped her out of her bra and panties and tossed them to the side. Her tits were round, her nipples pink. And god, the way her waist curved into her hips.

  “Holy shit, Grace. You’re so beautiful.”

  She smiled at me, nibbling on her bottom lip again.

  Leaning down to kiss her, I cupped one of her tits, then ran my thumb over her nipple. I stroked it a few times, teasing it into a hard peak. She moaned when I took it in my mouth and sucked gently.

  “Does that feel good?” I asked.

  “Yes. So good.”

  I traced my hand down her body, pausing at the apex of her thighs to make sure she was comfortable. She tipped her legs open, inviting me in.

  Softly kissing her lips, I let my fingers explore. I traced her slit, then dipped a single fingertip inside her. She was temptingly warm and wet.



  I slid my finger in deeper—slowly, carefully. Learning the way she felt. What made her hips jerk and moans escape her lips. “Show me where it feels good.”

  She reached down and placed her hand over mine. Together, we found her clit, and she showed me how to touch her. First one finger inside her, then two. She guided me in a steady rhythm, my fingers in her pussy, the pad of my hand rubbing her clit.

  I watched in awe as her inhibitions fell away. Her body moved, her hips tilting in time with my strokes. Lips parted, cheeks flushing, breath coming fast. Her legs fell open wider and her eyelids fluttered. I moved faster, her hand still on top of mine, and her walls tightened around my fingers.

  “Oh god, Asher,” she breathed.

  Fuck, yes. I fingered her faster. Harder. Her moans were rhythmic and desperate, her hips bucking against my hand. I flicked her nipple with my tongue and she cried out.

  Her back arched, her grip on my hand tightened, and her pussy spasmed around my fingers. She squeezed her inner muscles, rolling her hips with the pulses of her orgasm.

  Watching her come made my heart pound and my dick throb. She was so fucking sexy.

  And so fucking wet.

  Her climax subsided and I slid my fingers out. I kissed her and she draped her arms around me while her body relaxed against the shee

  “How did that feel?”

  “So good.”

  “Grace, I want to be inside you. Are you ready for that?”

  “Yes. I’m so ready.”

  I rolled over to get a condom out of the crate I was using as a nightstand. I hadn’t been sure when I would need them, but right now I was really glad I’d decided to be prepared.

  After rolling the condom on, I climbed on top of her. My cock nudged at her opening. But as much as I wanted to be inside her, I didn’t want to hurt her.

  “Tell me if this hurts too much, okay?”

  She nodded.

  I held her gaze as I gently pushed inside her. Slow. Painfully slow. The instinct to drive into her and fuck her senseless was strong, but I kept my head. She gasped and a flicker of pain crossed her face.

  “Are you okay?”

  “It hurts a little, but I really don’t want you to stop.”

  I kept going, stretching her open. Feeling her wrap around me. She was hot and tight around my cock, and nothing—nothing—could have prepared me for how incredible she felt.

  Careful not to move too fast, I pulled out slightly, then pushed back in. She tensed, but slid her hands down to my lower back. I moved out, then in again, with the pressure of her hands guiding me. Gradually, I felt her body relax. Felt her legs open wider and her hips roll against me.

  Her hands pressed into my back each time I thrust inside her. I let her body, and my instincts, show me what to do. The more she relaxed, the faster I moved, and the deeper I drove into her.

  “Are you good?”

  “Yes. Don’t stop, you feel amazing.”

  I plunged into her, grunting with every thrust. The pressure in my groin built fast. I was surrounded by her. By the softness of her skin, sliding against mine. By her scent in my nose. Her taste on my lips. I kissed and licked her, lapping my tongue against her neck. Driving my cock in and out of her wetness while she moaned and murmured in my ear.

  Growling, I fucked her harder. Deeper. She dug her fingers into my back and drew her knees up. My muscles flexed, my hips jerking against her. She felt so good, it was unreal. I thrust in again and my entire body clenched tight.


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