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Gravestones & Wicked Bones (Shadow Creatures Book 1)

Page 8

by D. D. Miers

  Hot desert air smacked into my face as we exited the cellar. Most times, I detested the constant warmth against my skin, but tonight, I savored it. Stars speckled across the midnight-blue sky, creating a perfect silhouette of the surrounding mountains.

  As much as I wanted to bask in the hot, musty-free air, I wasn’t there to enjoy the scenery. I took three more steps from the door and turned to face Bastian. “What’s going on?”

  He tucked his hands into his pockets. “I need you to go to Porter’s this evening.”


  “I’ve received word of a business contact arriving. I need you there to gather some information.”

  “Wait. I’m sorry.” I put my hand into the air between us. “You want me to leave the safety of this place—and my sisters—so I can be your lap dog for the night and potentially cross paths with the man who, in case you forgot, threatened to kill me? No way.”

  “You’ll be protected there. Porter warded the bar. Not even my men can enter.”


  “This isn’t a request, Ivy. Need I remind you, you are still indebted to me.”

  I stepped into his space, my finger pointed at his chest. “Last time I checked, you were supposed to remove my sisters from the bond. Which has yet to happen. As far as I see it, you’re the one who owes me.”

  Due to Dante’s interruption, Bastian hadn’t undone the magic binding my sisters to him. Now I wasn’t certain if he ever would. He’d probably back out of the entire agreement, citing that the risks were too great now.

  Bastian sighed. “Ivy, this man isn’t just a threat to me, but to you and your family as well. I need to know his purpose. Only you can obtain that for me.”

  The concern edging his eyes made him appear tired and weary. The Fae never looked anything but exceptional. This was bad.

  “Why is he here?” I asked.

  “I don’t know.” He smoothed his hair again. “But it’s important that we find out.”

  Once again, I found myself with no other choice but to do as Bastian asked. I exhaled. “Fine, but you and your ghouls better keep my sisters safe. If anything happens to them, I swear to god, I’ll kill you all.”

  “I ‘d expect nothing less.”

  Threatening a Fae was always a risky move, but I didn’t care. Not tonight. “Good, because I mean it, Bastian.”

  “I said I understood.”

  “Between a rock and hard place” had become the only way to describe my life anymore. I didn’t want to add another enemy to my ever-growing list, but if this man truly was a threat, I needed to listen to Bastian.

  I paced a few steps, then turned to him. “All right, what do you want me to do?”

  Chapter 11


  At ten o’clock p.m. exactly, Brax set out to grab the girls, while I headed for Bastian’s, Kylo and Blaze in tow.

  To my disappointment, he wasn’t there. Instead, his assistant, Marla, offered to reach out to her boss and get this entire situation squared away before things got out of hand. I played my part, brooding and barely able to keep my anger at bay, but I knew Bastian wouldn’t be returning whatever he took.

  The not knowing still annoyed me.

  I knew everything.

  I checked my watch again. Brax and Damon were twenty minutes late for our rendezvous. What the hell was taking so long? There’s no way that leather face and his ghouls had overpowered the two of them.

  Kylo sat on a rock at the cave’s edge of our campsite, toying with the phone in his hand. “At what point do we go for them? Another ten minutes?”

  I cracked my neck. “They’ll be here.”

  “You think they were able to get shit done with no problem?” Blaze asked.

  “I do. There’d be more activity if they hadn’t.”

  In the distance, motors rumbled. The ball of tension in the pit of my stomach eased.

  Brax and Damon rolled to a stop just outside the entrance, blindfolded figures strapped to each of their bikes.

  “Any problems?” I asked before noticing they were down one female. The most important one. “Where’s Ivy?”

  “She wasn’t there.”

  I let the words soak in. “Well then, where the hell is she? What did her sisters tell you?”

  Brax shifted one of the girls off his seat. “They won’t say.”

  “So, make them.” My tattoos ignited, as irritation slithered up my spine.

  “Dante,” He guided me a few steps away and spoke low, glancing back toward the girls. “Look. Her essence was all over that room. If she was there, it was recently. I’d say within hours.”

  It took everything in me to remain calm. My demon wanted nothing more than to knock Brax off his feet with a punch directly to the jugular. Fortunately for him, I was practiced at self-control.

  I inhaled slowly, then released it. “The plan doesn’t work without Ivy, Brax.”

  “So we adjust.”

  “And the Illusion? It’s intact?”

  “As long as he doesn’t try to interact with anybody, we’re good.”

  “Then what’s your big idea?” I asked.

  “We find Ivy. I’ve got a dozen recent objects she’s touched filtered into my senses. We wait for things to calm down, then we go for her, make her play ball.”

  “What about them? Are they gonna play ball?” I nudged my head toward Ivy’s sisters being guided into the cave by Damon and Blaze.

  “Somewhat combative. One of them is a total pain in the ass, but after we gagged her, it wasn’t a problem.”

  Once far enough inside, Damon lowered the girls until they clumsily landed on the dirt floor. Dust scattered up into the air and flecks illuminated over the fire blazing in the center of the cavern. Their hands were bound and mouths gagged in addition to the blindfolds. It was important to create as much confusion as possible. I’d noted twelve caves like this just in the surrounding twenty miles. They’d have to be very, very good to figure out where we were.

  “Take the bonds off their mouths and remove the blindfolds.” I moved until I stood just over them, arms crossed over my chest.

  As soon as Brax touched her, muffled yelling started from the one with darker hair. She tried to push away from him, kicking and clawing at him, but her hands were still tied.

  The second the gag dropped, she started in. “Get off of me.” She nearly bit Brax’s fingers off.

  “Relax,” he said, snatching his hand back before she could sink her teeth into it.

  “Relax? Seriously? You just tied us up and kidnapped us. Relaxing is the last goddamn thing I’m going to do.”

  Like Ivy, she had jet-black hair and tan skin. A wild fire danced in her violet eyes. And just like Ivy, she looked like trouble. The other was more demure, with dull brown hair, but beautiful green eyes to compensate. She either looked like her father or wasn't completely Ivy's sister; the other one, too, for that matter.

  “No one’s going to hurt you,” Brax reassured.

  “Excuse me if I’m not convinced of that.” Hands still bound, she reached over to her sister and gently squeezed her hand, almost moving herself into a protective position. “Do you know who we are? Who you’re messing with?”

  While Brax was being the good cop, I decided to flaunt a little bad cop. "Which one of you is Jade and which is Violet?"

  The one with dark hair set her jaw and lifted her head to me, locking eyes and holding them. It was quite impressive, given her current predicament. She was in no way in a place of power, but she was holding herself as if she were.

  "I’m Violet," she growled through clenched teeth. "Who the hell are you?"

  "I’m the one asking the questions, sweetheart.” I lowered my head until I was barely an inch from her face. “And you’re the one who’s answering them. Got it?”

  She blew a strand of black hair that fell in her eyes. Brax leaned against the wall to her side, arms tucked into his pockets as he watched her with too much focus. Shit. I turned and looke
d at Kylo, Damon, and Blaze. They were scattered about the cave, but close enough to overhear, each of them watching the two beautiful creatures intently. What was it with these sisters? One glance and they’d captivate any man in the room.

  “Are you him?” the quiet one asked from over Violet’s shoulder.


  “The guy. The one Bastian was protecting us from,” Jade stated.

  Violet laughed. “Protecting us? Nobody protects us Jade, except us. You know that.”

  “Are you here to kill us?" Jade whispered.

  I looked at Brax, who tore his eyes away from Violet long enough to face me. We’d never been the heroes. I’d never hurt someone who didn’t have it coming. Right now, this wasn’t about truth, this was about perception. I had to know what Ivy had stolen from me: why she’d done it and how to get it back.

  I shook my head. "If I wanted you dead, I wouldn’t have had you brought here.” I paced across the cave, keeping my eyes on them. “Your sister stole something from me. You’re going to help me get it back.”

  “I’m not doing a damn thing,” Violet snapped.

  “We couldn’t even help you if we wanted to,” Jade argued. “We don’t know anything.”

  “Do you know who I am?”

  Violet raised her chin. “We know enough.”

  “Good. Then you know I’m not screwing around.” I flicked my hand open. A flare of flame and smoke sprouted from my palm. “Fortunately for you both, I don’t need you to do anything, except listen and do as your told.” I turned and faced the fire, giving them my back. “If you can manage to do that for the next couple of days, you’ll both live—and so will Ivy.”

  “And if we don’t listen?”

  I had to give Violet credit. She had as much moxie, if not more, then most men I knew.

  “Then I have no use for you,” I stated flatly.

  Silence filled the cave as they weighed their options. Not that there were many options.

  I heard a scuffling as one of them rose. I didn’t have to figure out who. “All right. But you better not lay a hand on either of us—or our sister.”

  “Agreed.” I turned to Brax. “You’ll take Jade. Damon will take Violet. Blaze can trail you both, and Kylo’s with me.” The second eldest Crane sister had made too strong of an impression on Brax, and I needed to keep them separated.

  Damon clutched Violet’s arms, and she stiffened, refusing to move. “Wait, where are you taking us?”

  “Out of town. It’s the safest place for you. Once I get what’s mine, you’ll see your sister again. Perhaps even sooner.”

  She and Jade exchanged a tight glance. “We can’t go.”

  “I’m not asking.”

  “I’m not talking about our will here,” she argued.

  “Enough!” I roared over her voice. For fuck’s sake, this chick could argue with the best of them. “Brax, bind her mouth again until she learns the value of silence.”

  Brax looked back at the pair and then to me. Whatever he wanted to say, he kept to himself. A few minutes later, Violet’s protests were muffled again and when Jade tried to argue, I’d told him to do the same to her. Their gags remained tight enough to do the job but not so much as to do any real damage. I wouldn’t admit it aloud, but I knew it would upset Ivy, and for that reason alone, I couldn’t do them harm.

  As we drove to the edges of town, Jade rode on the back of Brax’s bike, her arms tied about his waist with rope. Violet rode behind Damon. She gripped the seat, refusing to hold onto Damon’s waist with the cord he’d given her bound hands. When we approached the city limits, magical energy pulsed and a crackle of light and power erupted. Seconds later, the girls flew backward, like plastic bags through the air. They hit the asphalt hard, smothered grunts forced from their lips at the impact.

  "Holy shit." I turned the bike too suddenly, not accustomed to the sudden magical flux, and dropped it. Forgetting the metal beast for the moment, I rushed to make certain they were all right. I was trying to scare the shit out of them, not actually get them killed.

  Kylo and Blaze rolled up beside me. “What just happened?”

  “I don’t know.” I said, before I stormed across the road.

  Anyone human would’ve broken their neck or worse, but both girls, aside from a few bruises and scratches, appeared fine.

  Now that was really interesting. Were they like Ivy? Or something else?

  Brax knelt down and undid the binds and gags still wrapped around them. I hadn’t exactly approved the decision, but after what they’d just been through, I figured a few allowances were in order.

  "What was that?" I asked.

  Violet turned her steely gaze on me. "I told you, you idiot. We can’t leave.” Her rage was a force to reckon with. She turned and reached out to her sister. “Jade, you okay?”

  Jade wiped at the pebbles impaled into her palms, blood and dirt smearing the front of her jeans with each swipe. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  I kneeled down in front of Violet. “Are you going to explain?”

  She licked at the bloodied cut on her lip and turned.

  “I said, explain. Now.”

  "Dante, give her a minute, man," Brax fired at me.

  I cocked an eyebrow at him, and he looked away, not willing to stare me down.

  “We can’t leave. Not me. Not Jade. Not Ivy. I don’t know why, and I can’t tell you any more than that. Bastian controls it. Controls us.”

  Brax glanced from Violet to me, recognition lighting in his eyes. "He’s got a blood-tie to them. They’re charmed somehow, making it so they can't flee."

  It all made sense. Especially after Ivy’s comments in Reno. There is no escape, she had said. Maybe in more ways than one for her.

  Brax pulled me off to the side as the others helped the girls up. "What’s the plan now? Go back to the cave?”

  I looked at the stars. They were less visible tonight than last. “No, we need to keep moving. Choose another spot, somewhere with daytime coverage.” I glanced to Brax again. “You’ll need to mask our presence as well. We can’t risk being found before the plan plays out. Bastian can’t know the girls are gone.”

  “He won’t. I’ll take care of it.”

  "Good. I—“

  I cocked my head to the side, unable to speak as awareness hit me in the gut. A presence returned, simmered inside of me. A presence mingled with my own energy—Ivy.

  I jogged back across the road, grabbed my bike and raised it upright.

  “Where are you going?” Brax asked, following me.

  “To deliver to the news.”

  “What news? And to who?”

  “Ivy.” I slipped onto the black leather seat. “She just resurfaced, and I know exactly where.”

  Chapter 12


  Everything was normal. Everything was fine. Nothing was wrong.

  If I said it enough times, maybe it would be true.

  Bastian dropped me off at Porter’s thirty minutes ago. Before he left, he tried, and failed, to reassure me that my sisters and I were safe. When I asked where he was going, he stated he’d be out of town for a couple of days and would return on Saturday. At that time, he expected a full report on this uninvited imp entering his territory. I had to admit, Bastian’s optimism that I’d still be alive by then left me somewhat hopeful.

  Porter didn’t make a big scene when I walked through the door. Instead, he nudged his head and went straight back to work. I took my place behind the bar, cleaning off the counter and replenishing drinks as if the last two weeks hadn’t happened.

  A light crowd tonight meant I’d easily spot this newcomer. Not that it would’ve been too difficult with more people. An imp’s energy was much like a succubus’. It would be impossible to not sense him. Besides, Bastian said the man had strawberry blonde hair and yellow eyes resembling a horned owl. I doubt I’d miss someone who looked like him.

  Besides Marla and Lila, Porter never allowed Bastian’s people inside. He
always spoke of his bar as neutral territory. Showing favoritism in any one direction in the supernatural world brought on too many headaches. Now I understood why.

  To avoid the rising tension, Porter had warded his bar from the conflict. No one involved in any of the current drama was getting inside. I took comfort in that. Even so, I still wanted all of this to end. To go back to my tedious normalcy.

  I wonder what Dante would do if I just stole the vial back and gave it to him? Would he even believe it was all I had taken? Would he forgive me and leave us alone? Did I want him to? The logical parts of my brain told me it didn't matter, while the tug in my chest reminded me we still had a strange connection, no matter how much I wanted to pretend we didn't.

  Just as I rinsed out some glasses, the tug grew stronger. Almost physically jerking me toward the door.

  It wasn’t possible.

  I knew Dante was coming right before he walked in the door. Not enough time to prepare or do anything but stare at him as he approached.

  How had he managed to break Porter’s ward? From what I understood, Porter had been taught the incantation by a direct descendant of the Salem witches.

  Too involved in their own shit, not a single person glanced at the sexy demon who’d just walked in. His black-on-black outfit and dark, seductive eyes made my stupid stomach flutter like some pubescent teenager. Apparently, you still wanted to screw someone, even after he threatened your life.

  He sat down in the empty corner. Without glancing in my direction, he set a wrinkled bill on the bar.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Relax! Breathe Ivy!

  My ego—and his predator instincts—couldn’t see me falter. I steadied myself, crossed the bar, and leaned against the back counter. “If you’re here to kill me, I’m not gonna make you a drink, so put your money away.”

  He looked up from under his thick black lashes, “I’m here to talk.”

  “Talk? I thought you were done talking.” False bravado, people. It’s the only way to survive.

  “Do you have zero sense of self-preservation?”


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