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Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection

Page 23

by Dakota Willink

  Vadik was shitting his pants because he knew, she had the means to destroy him.

  So what does a Baranov do when shit goes down?

  They call me. I’m the one who needs to deal with this. I’m the one who needs to fix this. I’m the one who holds the gun, and like a puppet, he’s the one who pulls the trigger.

  My eyes followed her silhouette as it wandered from window to window, finally stopping in her bedroom. Through the sheer billowing curtains, I catch glimpses of her body. Soft tanned skin, light auburn hair, and the plumpest tits, like ripe melons ready to be sucked on.

  The very first time I'd seen her, I knew. I knew she was meant for me. At first, I simply sat and surveilled, set up cameras and took notes. She was quiet for the most part, rarely left the apartment and when she did, it was to buy food. For three weeks, I never caught a clear look at her. Not until that morning when she stepped out onto that balcony. Instantly, I'd stopped what I was doing and focused on the woman leaning against the rail. Closing her eyes, the sunrise hit her soft cheekbones and her heartshaped face glowed. That long light auburn hair lit up with fine threads of gold highlights. My eyes drifted down her simple white shift, no hoodie to hide her body that morning, and the sheer material hid very little from me. My cock stirred, and in turn, she ignited my obsession.

  I had every contour of her body memorized. From the soft roundness of her ass to the deep swell of her hips that led down to plush caramel-colored thighs that, when parted, exposed two perfectly pink lips.

  Oh yes, her pussy I’d caressed, I’d smelled her womanly perfume, and I’d tongued that delicate bud until she’d come in her sleep for me. It was intoxicating to hear her whimper and feel her squirm on my tongue. And every time I broke into her dingy apartment, the adrenaline of getting caught only urged me forward. Because in the end, I wanted to get caught. I wanted her to know just how well I played her body and just how deeply that instrument of pleasure belonged to me. And when she’d open her eyes on that fateful night, I’ll finally get to sink into heaven.

  Stepping back into the kitchen, I slid the balcony door shut and made my way towards one of the back rooms. I had secured the apartment complex across from hers only a few weeks ago. It was easier to hold surveillance when I was living directly across from her.

  Turning on the cameras, I sat back and watched her. Hastily, I unzipped my pants, the anticipation of seeing her made my cock groan, and I wrapped my fist around it, stroking it for her.

  Becoming obsessed with my target wasn't in my plans. I knew everything about her, from the scent she wore on her neck, to the silky fabric that covered her cunt. She preferred cream rather than milk in her coffee, she indulged in shitty cheeseburgers, and every once in awhile, she'd sneak out of the house and go watch a movie. Horror or suspense was her favorite, and as I watched her delicate form seated only a few feet away, I loved how her eyes widened, and her gasp could be heard from rows back. Her lips were full of butter as she ate up her popcorn. She was a beautiful woman who now had to hide from everyone including herself. I traced her face on the screen as I stared, fascinated by her.

  Something happens to a man when his sole focus is a woman. She took over my life and I didn't even know it, and here I was wanting her to be mine. I watched as I stroking my aching erection. Her lips parted as she lay back on her mattress, spread her legs, and began that sultry dance that was only meant for me. God, how I wished she'd rock her hips on my cock like that. I focused on her lips as I began to stroke to the movements of her fingers, another camera perched at the perfect angle to give me a full view of the luscious peach situated between her legs. A fruit that was mine to devour whenever I wanted to.

  I grunted as I remembered the taste of her. I'd get my weekly dose of her soon. As much as I didn't want it, eventually, my fun would end. These fuckers wanted proof of her dead body, and I wasn't ready to give that to them. But the more we waited, the closer the FBI got to the true murderer. A sleaze ball pedophilic Russian who I preferred was dead and rid from this world, rather than her.

  My perfect, Rose.

  A low rumble came from me as she sunk her fingers into that sweet little hole, gripping the pillow as her hips continued to hump into the air. I wondered if she subconsciously knew I came into her bedroom at night to lick and fondle her.

  Did she feel my touch?

  Could she feel my tongue in her dreams?

  Every time I’d indulge in her, the next morning she’d cum. Her pussy already nice and juicy from the lapping I’d given it the night before. Those were the sweetest orgasms, the ones that made her arch back and stole her breath as her pussy shook with need.


  I stroked faster, precum leaking down the thick base. My balls ached, and as much as I needed to cum, I wouldn’t. It was torture, but it was the edge that I wanted to keep. It kept me alert, kept me craving more.

  Grabbing the pillow, she pressed it over her pretty face, shouting out as her body convulsed, her thighs slamming shut over her hand. I groaned and slid forward in my chair, slammed my fist down on the desktop in frustration as I stared at my beautiful girl.

  So perfect.

  So lonely.

  No one would know, my sweet Rose.

  No one would know if I stole you away.

  And you’d learn to love me.

  You’d have to.

  It would be the only way for you to survive.

  She was a wilting flower waiting to flourish beneath my fingertips.



  I kept looking back behind me as I trudged down the winding street. The snow had fallen the night before and my boots crunched loudly with every step I took. It was quiet, only the wind howled around me, the bitter cold creeping its way beneath my worn-down winter coat.

  I didn't have a lot of money and most of the clothes I now wore, I had grabbed from the salvation army. The first two days I took out as much cash as I could and bought a ticket on a Greyhound heading to upstate New York, to a town called Cazenovia, tucked into the mountains. My aunt had an apartment in town that she didn't use, and I still had the key from last summer when I'd needed a break. For now, all I knew was I needed to hide while I figured out what the hell I was going to do.

  If I went to the police, then I’d be found out and they’d kill me for sure. The Baranov family dominated Manhattan, and Lyksander Baranov had his hand in so many different businesses, it was hard to tell the good from the evil. His son thought he was God’s gift to women and thought he could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, including violating any woman that came across his path. But what he did that night…

  I shivered as I recalled her screams. The way her eyes pleaded with me to help her. His vicious hisses as he’d harmed her. He continued to fuck her as she lay limp in his arms, groaning how good her pussy tightened as her soul drifted off.

  I wish I could turn back time. I wish I could stop seeing the horror in her face as her life was drained out of her. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to erase that from my memories. Another dark facet of my life to add to the pile of shit it had become.

  I hurried along the streets, my money had run out quickly and I was forced to find a job. It was in a run-down bar called the Diamond Club which was located in the worst end of town. But the pay was decent and the men tipped fairly well. The manager was a woman who didn't let anybody get near her employees, so I felt safe working there. It was my walk to and from that had me on edge.

  In the last two months, nothing had happened. It was quiet, a little too quiet. I had a feeling I was being watched, but I didn't know where else to go, so I stayed where I was.

  Hearing a footstep, I took a hesitant glance over my shoulder and picked up the pace. I still wasn't used to being so alone in a place like this. I preferred the other side of town where I was lucky enough to have someplace to sleep. But my walk towards the bar at night felt like I was always taking a chance with my life.

  “Hey, Sweet pea. You’re
here early?”

  I smiled at Jezebel, one of the dancers, as I walked in, shoving off my coat. “Inventory.”

  “Oh yeah, you gotta make sure every bottle is accounted for. Can’t spill a drop or boss lady will have you out on your ass.”

  I smirked. “Boss lady doesn’t even know where half the inventory is kept.”

  “If that ain’t the truth, I don’t know what is.” I smiled as Patrick, one of the bouncers walked in, sitting at a stool near Jezebel. “When are you gonna say yes to that date, Beautiful?”

  “When hell freezes over, Hot Shot.”

  He grabbed at his chest faking being hurt and she laughed, swatting at his arm, her fingers lingering there for a moment. He leaned in, whispering something in her ear making her giggle and blush, and for a second, I envied them. They didn’t have much, but at least they were happy. I was lucky to have one good day.

  Fear could undeniably do things to your state of mind. Depression had set in and there wasn't a night that went by that I didn't fall asleep crying. My anxiety barely let me out of the apartment, and the waves of paranoia made me sick to my stomach. And then there were those dreams filled with dark shadows and a man. An evil man who did things to me. Consuming me at night. Touching me.

  A bottle fell from my hands and broke at my feet. Both Patrick and Jezebel hooted, and I ignored them as I cleaned the mess up. Grabbing a shard of glass, I hissed as it cut at my finger. Cursing I walked down the back hallway to a small bathroom. Running cold water on it, I looked up to see my reflection in the dingy mirror. This was what my life had become. A series of unknown dreams, and that feeling of dread that followed me around like the angel of death, ready to take my soul at any moment.

  Maybe you should just let it.

  My thoughts were dark as I stared at the woman in the mirror. I almost didn't recognize myself. My hair was long and seemed darker, it wasn't full-bodied anymore, it just lay limp along my back. My eyes were now a dull gray, the greens and blues that used to light them up, no longer existed. My black tank top looked like an old rag, and I wore a pair of dark blue jeans and black boots. It was always best to wear pants in a place like this. Drunkards like to slip a finger or two between your legs when you were caught off guard.

  Finishing up in the bathroom, I made my way back out onto the floor. I finished up the inventory just as patrons started wandering in around ten, by midnight the place was packed. Jezebel was up on the stage, Patrick was out by the door salivating over her curvy ass. I smiled as she strutted onto the stage in her five-inch red heels. Her chocolate brown skin glimmered with gold glitter under the bright lights. She curled herself around a pole and the bills started flying onto the stage. As she slid down the metal, I somewhat envied her and how free she was with her own body. It was a freedom I'd never experienced before. Ever since I started working at the agency I'd had to hide from the world. As I poured another drink I realized I'd always been hiding. Whether it was from Vadik or from the fact that I thought I couldn't make it. This was the first time I was doing things for me. Sure it wasn't an ideal situation, but it taught me that I could survive on my own, without having to please people around me.

  I was capable of starting over.



  This was my preferred spot. At the back of the strip club facing the bar. The dancers knew not to disturb me anymore, and I was left alone for the most part. I came to watch one woman, and one woman only. Most nights she was serving, but tonight she was behind the bar. I preferred it that way. I didn’t like when she served. The men would drool over her, touch, slip fingers where they didn’t belong. She merely smiled and slid away, and she would gain tons of tips for that sweet smile of hers. I hated that this was where she’d wound up. It was a smart move. No one would think a good girl like her would wind up in this dump.

  I was here every night she worked, sitting in the shadows, avoiding her pretty eyes. I'd come in through the back door and observe quietly. Now and then, a girl would take a chance and come by to offer me a lap dance, but I'd wave them off, my eyes only on her.

  My Rose.

  Tonight had a twist to it though. On the opposite side of the floor sat a man. Long black overcoat, dark beard, dark eyes that were focused on her. I instantly sensed there was something wrong, and when he brushed off one of the girls, I knew he was sent here for her.

  I should have known I wouldn’t be the only one. It had been two weeks since I received the last order.

  Kill the girl.

  And I was supposed to produce proof, but, how could I? She was still alive, and I was taking my sweet ass time debating what I was going to do with her. Killing such a beautiful creature was a waste. Vadik was the one who needed to be executed, left on his father’s doorstep just like so many others were discarded under his orders.

  I wasn’t ready to complete my assignment and if there was anyone who was going to take her life, it would be me, not some asshole scum who just showed up. Oh no, this wasn’t gonna go well for him at all. I faked my drunken state as I stumbled down the dark path that led to the parking lot. Rose usually left out the side door, and I’d wait until she’d walk out onto the street, to follow her. But tonight, I had to use a different tactic, and I needed to be vigilant of any shadow that lurked in the dark.

  I crouched down beside the dumpster, and that's when I saw him, the figure wasn't very discreet. He lit up a cigarette as he leaned back against the brick building. He acted casual as if he had no worries in the world. What he didn't know was that she already had her keeper. No way in hell had he any chance of putting his hands on her.

  I observed patiently and waited. The orange glow of the cigarette letting me know he was still there. Fifteen minutes later, my Rose flew out. She looked left, then right, and shielding her eyes from the wind she began her walk home. No buses ran at this hour of the morning, and by the time she got home, the sun would usually be casting a soft glow along the streets. But today it seemed as if it wanted to hide a little more, and it was dark as she made her way down the dark side street. Wrapping herself tightly in her old winter coat, she turned right and that’s when he made his move, stepping out of the shadows and towards her. I wasn’t sure what his plan was, but I was prepared to hinder them in any way possible.

  We crept along the silent streets, block after block, creeping among the shadows and keeping my distance. I could see her a few feet ahead as he was getting closer and closer. I simply let him think he had the upper hand while Rose's tense back tipped me off that she'd noticed. Glancing back, she picked up her pace, and he did the same as I followed in pursuit. She suddenly made a left turn and I cursed. She was anxious and scared, and she'd let fear decide for her, guiding her towards an unknown fate. He ran the few steps after her and soon they both disappeared around the corner. I hastened my step, still keeping to the shadows, my heartbeat was steady as it expected what came next.

  A shrill scream rang out into the night and I ran, stopping short as I reached the corner. Another terrified scream and my eyes followed the sound across the street towards a dark hidden alley which was set aside, away from any type of human contact. I quickly and stealthily made my way across the street and that's when I found them. He had her on the wet grimy concrete, his hands gripping her throat. She was struggling, her legs kicking out, her nails pressed against his eyelids. She was a fighter, my Rose.

  I stood there, excitedly watching the show. I wouldn't let her take his life, but I was playing with the idea of letting her die. Either way, with me by her side or not, her fate was sealed. If it wasn't this murderous bastard, it would be another or another. I watched as he squeezed her throat, her eyes bulging, her nails now dragging limply against his coat. I could just let her go, right now. The urge was deep, but my yearning for her went beyond that.

  Lifting a wooden plank that was lying on the ground beside them, I raised it high above his head, her eyes caught my looming form and she tried to scream. He was so involved in killing her, he
had no idea his life was about to end. He squeezed her throat and I could see she had no more fight in her, and for extra measure, he slammed her head against the ground. That's when I swung, a sharp nail entering his skull just as her eyes fell shut.

  Ripping the nail out, I swung again, catching him on the temple, and satisfied, I kicked him off her. He slid to the ground, the plank still attached to the side of his head and I exhaled in exertion as I stared down at him. I kicked at his feet, making sure he was dead. When he didn't respond, I went over to Rose who had fainted. Taking my gloves off, I pressed two fingers to her throat and waited for a pulse. Sure enough, it came through, and I breathed a sigh of relief. The beat was dull, but at least it showed a sign of life.

  Lifting her off the ground, I made a quick decision to take her back to my apartment. She’d be out cold and I needed time to get rid of the body before she came to. The apartment was only a couple blocks away, and she’d be safe there. As I locked the door to the bedroom, I lowered my head thinking she was safe as anyone could be with a hired gunman to watch over them.

  As I headed back towards the body, my mind was set on what the fuck had just transpired.

  Since when did they question my ability?

  Since when did I lose their trust?

  I'd told them to wait. These things take time. But they went and hired a cocky bastard and now here I was burying the shithead in the woods. I had to make sure the hole was six feet deep unless some stray dog came by sniffing and came across a bone or two. Then I'd have the whole FBI crawling up my ass, not that anybody would be missing this piece of shit.

  Two dead bodies, one very frightened girl.

  The garbage bag at my feet stirred, startling me, and taking the shovel I hit it a couple more times until I heard the sound of bones cracking.


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