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Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection

Page 82

by Dakota Willink

  Mia had no idea how long she called for help. Hours seemed to pass with no response from Rafael. Her voice grew hoarse and weak as her legs began to tremble from standing in the same place for so long. Feeling the knot swelling on her forehead, Mia’s head began to throb. The young woman leaned forward and to each side to press against the bars looking for any sign of weakness that she could take advantage of. They were rigid against her body.

  When she’d almost lost hope that he would ever come to help her, her nose captured that distinctive scent. “Rafael?” she croaked virtually soundlessly.

  “I am very disappointed in you, Mia.”

  His use of her name instead of his usual “my sweet” brought tears to her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she pushed desperately from her abused throat.

  “There is no escape from this place. It is futile to try. There are safeguards and traps to capture you if you dare to look for a way out,” he informed her coldly.

  The darkness shielded his face from her as he approached. How does he see? He moved through the shadows as if he had been born to them. He was now close enough for her to feel his warmth. She reached her hands as far as possible through the iron bars. Her fingertips were badly abraded and bruised from the frantic search to free herself from the cage around her. When her fingers on one hand brushed the back of his, they moved to cling to Rafael, needing to connect with him.

  Coldly, his hand shook her grip away. Crushed, she leaned back into the corner, making herself as small as she could. Tears cascaded down her cheeks at the feeling of being more alone than ever. “I didn’t try… to escape,” her voice cracked as she tried to explain.

  There was no response other than a mechanical clicking that sounded in front of her. Mia realized that he was releasing the trap that had closed around her. She tried again, “I was just exploring. I’m sorry.”

  Mia felt the air around her move slightly as if something had disturbed it. She cautiously extended her arms. The bars had vanished. Stepping forward eagerly, her overtaxed legs collapsed under her, and she fell ungracefully to her knees with a muffled sound of pain. “Rafael?” she whispered into the space she already knew was empty.

  The light over the mattress flared again. Forcing herself to her feet, she stumbled to the padded mat. She couldn’t believe it was so far away. No wonder Rafael believed she was trying to escape. Collapsing onto the oasis the simple cushion had become just as the lights again extinguished, Mia lie down. Her battered fingers searched for the blanket that she already knew would be gone. Defeated, she curled into a ball and closed her eyes, unable to cry anymore.


  That scent woke her. The one that heralded Rafael’s presence. As quickly as her abused skin and stiff body could move, Mia pushed herself up.

  “Rafael?” she asked, hopefully. Her voice was almost nonexistent. Mia’s hand rose to cover her throat as if she could will her vocal cords to function.

  Only the vanishing scent answered her. The young woman licked her cracking lips. It had been so long since she’d had anything to drink. That meal of golden French toast seemed like a thousand years ago. Mia slumped back onto one elbow and heard something fall over next to the edge of the mattress. Her battered fingers slid over the edge to search the floor.

  “Oh, thank you!” she croaked as her hand closed over a large bottle of water. Eagerly, she sat up and rushed to twist off the plastic lid. Her desperate, huge gulps sloshed water from her lips.

  Mia forced herself to slow down so she wouldn’t waste a drop of the precious liquid. Her fingers scooped up the errant drops, carrying them to her mouth. When the bottle felt half-empty, she made herself screw the top back on. Holding it up to her forehead, she pressed the plastic container filled with cold water lightly against the large knot that throbbed incessantly. “Aaah!” she said as her headache eased a bit.

  Mia lie back down on the soft surface and reached back to the ground to see if anything else just happened to be lying there as well. To her delight, she discovered two additional water bottles. Even better, as she settled back, her arm brushed a small icepack and something little and round wrapped in a crinkly wrapper. Placing her hand on top of these new treasures to keep them close, Mia immediately sat up to chug the other half of the liquid in the bottle she had been hoarding.

  Setting that empty plastic bottle carefully between her body and the wall so it couldn’t get lost in the darkness, Mia rolled onto her back and placed the icepack on her aching forehead. “Ohhh!” she sighed in delight at the cooling sensation. Actually, there wasn’t any part of her that didn’t feel it had escaped being run over by a speeding train.

  Remembering the crinkling paper, she lifted the small object to her mouth and sniffed. Peppermint filled her nostrils. Eagerly, she ripped open the wrapper and shoved it in her mouth. “Mmmm,” she hummed with happiness as the mint flavor filled her mouth and soothed her raw throat. Careful not to crunch down on the mint so she didn’t eat it too quickly, Mia sucked on the candy, savoring it more than she’d ever enjoyed anything in her life.

  Several minutes passed before she said as loudly as possible, “Thank you, Rafael. I’m sorry, I disappointed you. I wasn’t trying to run away. I was just exploring. Please forgive me,” her voice cracked at the end as her emotions swelled inside her chest.


  Silence once again filled the darkened space. Mia had no idea how long she waited, hoping for an answer. A light flickered on and off to her left. Another followed a short distance away from the foot of her bed. Her head tilted back to see a light pulse on past the head of the mattress. Laughing with delight, Mia clapped her hands.

  He’d heard her. He’d even brought her something sweet. Mia’s heart lurched at that thought. My sweet. Was the candy a way of telling her he forgave her? Wrapping her arms around herself, Mia smiled for the first time in hours.

  The ice pack was growing warm when Mia realized that she needed to go to the bathroom. How long have I been here? she wondered. It felt like two days, but this was the first time she’d needed to go. Maybe, she hadn’t been here that long. There was no denying that she needed to go now. What am I supposed to do?

  She debated walking along the wall to a spot away from her mat and just peeing, but she was afraid that she’d be caught in a trap again. Finally, mortified to have to ask him, Mia called out, “Rafael? I don’t know what to do. I need to go to the bathroom.” The water and mint had soothed her hoarse voice slightly, but still, she worried that he wouldn’t hear her.

  There was no response. Finally, afraid that she would wet the mattress, Mia stood and took two steps away from her place of safety. She wrapped her arms around herself as she desperately squeezed her legs together.

  “Come here, my sweet.” She heard his voice behind her. “Walk to my voice,” he asked.

  Scrambling toward him, Mia froze for only a few seconds as a light flashed on above them. Her steps flew to the low camp toilet that sat next to him, and she frantically dropped to the seat. Mortified to be urinating in front of anyone, Mia hunched forward, and her hands flew up to cover her flaming face. To her amazement, he didn’t walk away in disgust but moved closer until her hands touched the soft fabric of his pants.

  Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his legs to feel the human touch of his warmth against her face. He was here. He had come again. “Thank you, Rafael,” she croaked. To her delight, his hand cupped the back of her head and held her close to his thighs.

  “I will always come when you call, my sweet. You belong to me now.”

  Without pausing to question his words, she nodded. She belonged to him.


  When she had finished, Rafael helped her clean up before moving the toilet to sit next to the wall. At his request, she practiced walking back and forth to the toilet from her mat. Six steps from the head of her mattress and she would run into it. She promised him that she would not forget.

  Blinking in the white glare of the spotlight, Mia tr
ied to memorize the features of the man in total control of her life. His hair was dark brown or black. She couldn’t tell in this light. It sparkled with silver threads mixed throughout his elegantly styled hair. Dressed in an immaculate suit, Rafael Montalvo looked like he could have been standing in front of a board of directors in an exclusive company.

  His formal dress made the young woman feel even more naked. His dark eyes surveyed her body possessively, causing Mia to feel less embarrassed by her exposure and strangely prouder of earning his interest. She straightened her posture to allow him to see her clearly. Her thoughts were a jumble that somehow resulted in her wishing that he would be pleased with her.

  Rafael’s fingers lifted her chin just slightly more. She realized that he was examining the knot on her forehead she had forgotten. The cool fingers of his other hand explored the swelling that remained. “You have learned that I alone can keep you safe and happy, my sweet. Have you learned any other lessons since you arrived here?”

  “Oh, yes,” Mia rushed to reassure him. “I know to follow directions immediately and to never wander away.” She looked at him, hoping that her answer would be the one he wanted to hear. To her dismay, he continued looking at her as if there was something else that she needed to say. Thinking furiously, she remembered to add, “And… that you will always come when I need you.”

  “You have forgotten the most important part, my sweet,” he said, shaking his head sadly.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t remember.” Grasping at straws to avoid angering him, she added, “Perhaps, I can’t remember because I bumped my head. Can you help me remember?”

  “You belong to me.” The words were uttered singularly with an equal emphasis placed on each one.

  “Oh, yes. I belong to you while you keep me here,” she rushed to repeat.

  “No. You belong to me,” he repeated.

  Staring at him in the ring of whiteness created by the spotlight, Mia couldn’t stop the shiver of reaction that flooded her body. Those words had featured strongly in her fantasies.

  She wanted to belong to someone. Not like the love interest of a dedicated boyfriend or husband. When she admitted the truth even to herself, her secret dreams and desires focused on a strong man who ruled her.

  She shivered under his knowing gaze. “But you don’t really know me,” she whispered.

  “Don’t I? I know if I touch your arm that you will feel my touch between your tightly clenched thighs.”

  He reached out and drew his fingers lightly down the side of her arm from shoulder to forearm. He paused, watching her closely as the muscles in her legs flexed. There were no secrets between them.

  “If I do this,” he said in the same matter-of-fact tone as his hand seized her wrist in a grip that immediately brought tears to her eyes. He spun her around to bend her arm up behind her before adding, “You’re even wetter.” His other hand slid over her reddened bottom to cup her labia.

  “Aaah!” the gasp was forced from her lips by the surprise and his forceful and invasive touch. Mia dropped her head forward in shame as she felt herself gush against his warm hand.

  He was right. How is he right?

  When his heat loomed against her, her back straightened automatically. He was so close. Mia leaned back slightly over her captured hand pressed almost between her shoulders. She craved contact with his body. When the skin of her back touched the fine wool of his blazer, her eyes closed in enjoyment as she inhaled the sandalwood cologne that always lingered around him.

  His head tilted forward to press a light kiss to that sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder. Rising away from her bare flesh only to return as if drawn back to this tender spot, Mia moaned as his mouth opened, this time to bite down firmly on the captured flesh. But for the hand cupped between her legs, Mia’s knees would have buckled as his tongue lapped over the embedded teeth marks that remained imprinted in her flesh.

  “Mine, Mia. You belong to me.”

  When his hands released her without another word, Mia collapsed to her knees on the padded mat. The light over her vanished. The whisper of his leather shoes on the concrete was the only clue that she was alone once again. She inhaled deeply to savor the dissipating scent of this man who knew her better than she knew herself.

  Crawling fully onto the soft mattress, Mia curled into a ball. Closing her eyes, her hand rose to trace the small indentations from his white teeth in her flesh. He had staked his claim. Suddenly exhausted, she laid her hand over the marks and allowed herself to rest.


  Huddling on the mattress, Mia’s mind churned with anxious thoughts. She hadn’t heard from Rafael for what seemed like days. Unable to track time, she’d counted the number of trips she’d made to the toilet. Four.

  Thin fingers uncapped the last bottle of water that he had left for her. Mia took a small sip to wet her parched mouth and then forced herself to close it and set the plastic container aside. Regretting the large amount of water that she had consumed in the beginning, she now rationed herself to small dribbles of the precious liquid.

  Why has he abandoned me? she wondered. Scared by his blatant claiming of her and her traitorous body’s reaction to his touch, Mia had stubbornly decided that she would not call for him.

  Hungry, cold, and forsaken, Mia was forced to change her mind. “Rafael?” she tentatively called.

  Almost instantly, a small light flickered on a few feet away from her. Hopeful, she called again. “Rafael? I need you. Can you help me? I’m almost out of water…” Her voice cracked with emotion. “I’m hungry.”

  When no further response happened, she whispered, “I belong to you. Won’t you come care for me?”

  His voice echoed through the chamber. It was projected through some sort of intercom system. “I am coming. Wait for me.”

  It seemed to take forever. Mia smelled it coming before she heard the cat-like grace of his walk. Her stomach growled loudly. Before she could stop herself, she stood on the ground next to her mat. One heel pressed against the cushion to maintain her contact with her safe place as she leaned forward to sniff.

  “Pizza?” she asked, her mouth already salivating at the smell of tomatoes and cheese.

  “Leonardo’s,” he answered, drawing near.

  “How did you…” Mia started to ask how he had known it was her favorite restaurant of all time but remembered all those topics they had discussed online. A thrill went through her that he had paid such attention to their small conversation.

  The light over her mat switched on as he drew closer. Without a second thought, Mia rushed forward to throw her arms around Rafael’s waist. As he pulled her close, she closed her eyes to enjoy the feel of his warm body pressed to hers. Even the feeling of the pizza box bumping into her back didn’t distract her from enjoying him. He was more important than any food could be.

  “My sweet, let me feed you,” he asked her when finally, he stepped away from her. “Sit and we will eat,” he suggested, toeing off his shoes and stepping onto her mat.

  Delighted, Mia scrambled into her favorite position—back against the concrete. This time, she sat at one end of the mattress to allow him to sit down as well. Hands clasped at her heart, she watched Rafael gracefully lower himself to the padded surface and place the box in the empty space before him. Only when his hands opened a fizzing can of soda and handed Mia the container did she realize that he had balanced a six-pack of soft drinks as well as the pizza.

  Greedily guzzling the bubbly drink, Mia forced herself to stop drinking and lower the can. She smiled as he nodded approvingly before opening the top of the box. The rush of the steam from the box made her lean forward to inhale the heavenly aroma. Never had pizza smelled so good.

  Rafael dropped a hand on her knee, keeping her from rushing to scoop up a piece. When she sat back slightly, he lifted his hand to reach into the box and carefully selected the largest piece of the pie and handed it to her. “Careful, my sweet. It is hot.” Had she been watching, she wou
ld have seen his broad smile as she inhaled the first piece.

  “Take another drink. I promise you may have as much pizza as you wish,” Rafael reassured her. His hand once again lowered to her knee.

  The tingles that shimmered from his touch made her look at him questioningly. When he encouraged her with a nod, Mia reached in and scooped up a steaming hot piece. Her head tilted to the side as she turned to look at him once again. Impulsively, she held out the slice she had selected. “This one has lots of cheese. Would you like it?”

  His smile could have illuminated the rest of the dark room.

  She basked in his approval as she held the pizza a little closer to him. To her delight, he accepted her offering using his free hand. As she watched, he lifted the aromatic treat to his lips and took a bite. His “mmmm” of appreciation as he chewed made her wiggle in happiness on the soft mattress they shared.

  “Eat, my sweet,” he reminded her when she sat empty-handed. His thumb on her knee began to brush softly over her skin. Nodding, she reached for another slice and took another hungry bite. As they sat and shared the delicious Italian pie, Mia felt like the entire world had disappeared around them.

  The spotlight over her small space was intimate and exclusive of everything else. She had all his attention. There were no texts or business tasks to do. Rafael was hers. The surrounding darkness which had felt threatening and dangerous now seemed to protect their privacy.

  He had chosen to make her the center of his attention. Mia did not have to opt to focus on him. She smiled to herself as she remembered all their exchanges over the internet. From the moment that she had met him online, the mesmerizing man had dominated her thoughts. Rushing home each evening to check for messages, her life had become more… alive.

  Finally, her stomach could hold no more. The last few remaining pizza slices were growing cold. Now, mingled together on one side was a pile of crusts. She’d been delighted to discover that the handsome man did not like to eat the crust either. Mia had partially sated her fierce hunger by inhaling that first piece in its entirety. Reaching the crust of the second, she rejected eating that crust to eat the yummy filled section of a third pizza slice. She’d hesitated to throw the hardened bread back into the box like she did at home until she’d seen him casually drop his into the box. Seeing them now all together made her feel strangely linked to Rafael.


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