Red Flag (FSCU Pitbulls Book 2)

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Red Flag (FSCU Pitbulls Book 2) Page 13

by Stella Marie Alden

  Whatever. I love them both. I’ll be home in the summer and after, who knows. However, this once, I’m going to do what I want.

  Chapter 26


  The next game, when the coin is tossed, the familiar hyper-focus fails me. By now, nothing should exist other than football, a field, and two teams.

  I can’t see Star’s face but wave at the bleachers where her drum bangs out my song. I’ve no way of knowing if she really wrote the cadence for me but it warms my insides in a strange new way.

  While good, it also worries me as the draft nears. What if the NFL refuses to let me in?

  We win the toss and opt to receive. The referee swings his leg at our opposition and the game begins. They kick, our blockers take position, and as the ball flies down the field, I sense, more than see a hole.

  Come to papa. I’m in the zone.

  Cradling the ball to my chest, I dash down the field with one thought in mind. With tunnel vision engaged, I fucking run like the wind.

  Somewhere behind me, Coach shouts, “Go, dammit!”

  Ryan and the rest of the team scream encouragements and I almost fall when hands grab at my jersey.

  Hell no! I swivel out of the opposition’s grasp, do a three-sixty, and dig in for the finish. I can’t even fucking believe the thick white line under my feet.

  It’s the best Christmas present ever and it sets the tone for the whole game. We win by a mile.

  In the locker room, Coach hands me a water bottle. “Plenty of scouts out there today. You did good.”

  “Good enough for them to forgive my past?” My desperation must show because he gives me a rare smile.

  “Just keep playing with your special focus and no one will be able to resist you.”

  “Thanks CJ.”

  After he goes, I join Ryan in the ice room and ease into a tub next to him. “Damn good game.”

  He grins. “Fuck, yeah. Y’all on ’roids or something?”

  “Something like that.” My woman’s pretty face comes to mind and despite the frigid cold, my cock stirs.

  His brows lift. “Pinky? You nabbed her?”

  “She fucking loves me man, and I said it back.”

  “Shit. You cool?” He shivers, his lips blue.

  “Yeah. It’s like, I don’t know… right. She’s coming home to meet my family for Christmas.”

  “Nice. Your cousin. He okay now?”

  “Uh-huh. I don’t know how I’ll ever pay Coach back…. Speaking of him… we better get going. He’ll be starting our post mortem any second.”

  “Seems to me we could skip it today. We played nigh onto perfect.”

  We endure Coach yelling at us for being too full of ourselves, meet our women at the Union, and share a few beers.

  “See y’all later.” I wave goodbye to Kira and Ryan, fighting again.

  Alone at last, I kiss Star on her pretty pink mouth, grab her upper arm and pull her ear to my mouth.

  “We need to fuck. My balls are turning blue.”

  “Exams and studying.” Her mouth scolds but her eyes are merry, telling me we’ll find an hour somewhere.

  About a week later, not wanting to rack up more debt, I let Star rent a car to get us home for Christmas. The drive takes about six hours but I don’t mind, especially when she lets me drive. I love being with her and having time to talk.

  “I’m glad we didn’t fly.” Crossing the Georgia state line, she smiles across the front seat and I put my hand on her upper thigh.

  “Me, too.”

  Hair down, she’s wearing a tight white sweater and dark green leggings. Her mouth is swollen from our frantic love making before we left and the blush I put on her cheeks, lingers. No makeup, she’s so beautiful, I want to pull over, find a secluded field, and make love to her until we’re so sated we can’t think.

  “You worried about The Bowl?” She’s so good at reading my mind, it’s scary.

  “They’re a good team but we’re better.”

  “Cocky much?” She chuckles and squeezes her fingers into my upper thigh.

  “You know it.” I wiggle my brows like Groucho Marx and she rolls her eyes.

  “How many more games are there, if you win?”

  “When we win, luv. We have the Peach bowl on the twenty-eighth. After, we go to New Orleans for New Years. The championship is back in Atlanta. The band plays for all those, right?”

  “Oh my God, Mr. Miller works us as hard as you guys. Have you seen our Pitbull? From the stands it looks like it’s barking.”

  “Can’t say as I have.”

  “I’ll show you the video. It’s amazing.” She pulls out her phone and flashes it at me.

  I can’t take my eyes off the road but laugh because she is. “I guess you won’t be doing much marching when you start your doctorate.”

  She shakes her pretty pink locks. “Not in a school but I know some guys in Burlington and maybe we’ll start up a cover band. There’s a lot of ski areas and people come to hang out and dance.”

  Shit. No matter where I go, I won’t be anywhere near Vermont and the thought of other guys makes me clench onto the seat. “Didn’t you apply to any schools, other than UVM?”

  “I did but haven’t heard back from any… not yet.” Her eyes crease and mouth turns into a grimace.

  Four years is a hell of a long time to be away from her but we haven’t talked about the future. I want to, but scared what she’ll say.

  “What’re you thinking?” Her face settles and clear blue eyes stare across the seat, capturing my heart.

  Damn, when I pursued her, I never thought beyond having her in my bed for the school year.

  Watching the road, I ease up on the gas because traffic gets heavy. “I was just thinking… after the Combines.”

  “You mean the draft? You’re worried you won’t make a team?”

  I shrug. “Coach says I got a fifty-fifty chance. He explained all my fuck-ups to the powers that be. He told them about my cousin losing insurance and how I got sucked into borrowing money. Funny thing is, I’m not the first one this has happened to. Thankfully, James is out on his ass.”

  I shudder, an evil premonition hitting me hard.

  She notices my face. “What, have you heard from him?”

  “No. CJ has a brother, some kind of hotshot lawyer who’s threatened to sue for damages. Then, there’s this security company up north. If any of us catch wind of these thugs, I’m to let Coach know, immediately.”

  “Wow. I had no idea he was so connected.”

  “When he was a famous quarterback, he had to hire a fulltime bodyguard.”

  She shrugs. “Makes sense. Funny he’d settle at Freedham. It’s such a small town.”

  “I think he grew up in North Carolina and his mom is close.”

  “You want that someday? Wife, kids, coaching job?” Her tone sounds an inner alarm.

  My pals told me to watch out for this. Women are always asking seemingly innocent questions but answer wrong and boom, you’re out of the game.

  “The truth is, I’ve never really thought much beyond the draft.” It’s not what she wants to hear and mouth goes down but she doesn’t get mad. Perhaps I squeaked by with a C minus.

  However, her test isn’t over. “If you don’t make the draft, what’re you going to do?”

  “Get drunk?” I try to lighten things up but her frown grows deeper and now those blond brows crease.

  “Can we be serious for a moment?”

  “Honestly, luv? I have no idea. I’m not good at anything else. I’ll probably go back to college and try again next year.”

  “You can do that?”


  “What about then? If you still don’t make it?”

  “Honey, I’m getting this feeling y’all don’t have much faith in me.”

  “Not so. I’ve been talking to Kira. She said the average career for a player is a couple years. After retirement, for most, their future is grim. I want us to be
different.” Her hand slides off my thigh to my waist and touches my cheek.

  She said us. Well, hell. Despite going off to become a doctor and play in a band in bum-fuck Vermont, she still wants to be with me.

  “I guess we’ll figure it out when and if the time comes.” One thing for sure, I’m not going to be apart from her for four damn years.

  I venture a glance over where a small tic of a smile plays on a corner of her pretty mouth. I’m not sure how I did it, but I passed. I’ll thank my teammates later with a round of beers, after we win the next game.

  I let her drive for a while so I can snooze while she tunes in some country music. I dream of making love with her on some private beach somewhere in the Islands off the US coast. When I wake, it’s dark and home is but a few miles away.

  Stretching, I smile over at her, singing away to the radio, making her own harmonies. Damn, she’s good.

  She catches my eye and smiles before returning her attention to the road. “Almost home.”

  “Wait until you meet my mom and dad.” I envision my house all decked out for Christmas and smile.

  Chapter 27


  I hold my breath when we pull into his driveway, wondering what his parents will think of me. Suddenly, his front door bangs open, and about twenty people pile out of the split cape.

  Jackson exits the car as they crowd about with warm embraces. Then, I’m given equal treatment. Not generally a hugger, I’m at a loss when they swarm, all asking questions at the same time.

  “Girlfriend.” I answer one girl about my age.

  “Since September. No, Yes. I guess so. Psychology. Beer.” I shoot out my answers as Jackson laughs.

  He grabs my hand as we make our way up the steps and into the crowded foyer. More people stand at the top landing and cheer as we join them.

  “Merry Christmas.” A woman turns from where she stands in front of the stove and hugs Jackson fiercely, tears forming in her eyes.

  “And you’re Star.” Ignoring my outstretched hand, she pulls me into a hug. Like a strong whiskey, her kindness spreads until I’m all warm inside.

  A man with the same facial features as Jackson shakes his hand and slaps his back in a manly embrace.

  He smiles and takes my hand. “Sorry. We’re a bit much.”

  His wife puts a spoon in his mouth. “Taste this.”

  “Perfect.” Licking it clean, he opens the fridge, hands me a beer, and one to his son.

  After a long drive, it does the trick, and I begin to relax as more people pile into the kitchen. I meet at least two dozen cousins, the only one I remember, being Egan. There’s two sets of grandparents and some aunts and uncles. There’s no room to sit but no one seems to care. The party drifts out onto a deck, the lawn, and to a neighbor’s house.

  Someone’s playlist of carols sounds through speakers and alcohol flows freely. A few women try to pull me away from Jackson but he keeps me firmly planted by his side. His arm is wrapped around my back, his fingers at my waist.

  They all want to talk football which is fine with me. The crowd has me a bit overwhelmed. I’ve read about families like this and it’s strange to be inside the group and yet, an outsider.

  Conversations ebb and flow and occasionally, I nod or say a few words but am content to bask in the warmth created by this close-knit group. I can’t help but wonder who I would’ve become if I’d had similar, growing up.

  His dad, smiling, steps to where we stand. “You want a seat, Star?”

  “No, I’m good. Long drive. You know?”

  “I do know. Did you do it all yourself or did Jackson here, take a turn.”

  “He did the first half.” I laugh when Jackson rolls his eyes.

  “Well, thank you for getting him home in one piece.”

  “My pleasure, Mr. Farnsworth.”

  “Call me, Pat. He tells me you’re studying to be a doctor?”

  “Psychologist, yeah.” I glance over at Jackson who’s eyeing me with pride.

  “She’s brilliant, Dad. Straight A’s.”

  “What’s she doing with you?” A handsome, dark haired cousin punches him on the shoulder and turns to me with a white, toothy smile.

  “I’m Tim. You ever get tired of ol’ Jacks, y’all give me a call.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  “Not!” Jackson tugs me to his chest, taking my breath away. “Go find your own girl.”

  Tim chuckles. “Merry Christmas, asshole.”

  “Dinner!” His mom clangs a dinner bell, more fit for a ranch.

  Then everyone brings bowls of food out onto a long line of folding tables set up in the backyard.

  Colored lights wrapped around the railing, along with battery powered candles light the space. Everyone hushes for grace, then we dig in.

  There’s fried chicken, cheesy grits with bacon, and pulled pork with three kinds of barbecue sauce. I can’t even count the number of salads and side dishes. Even with just a taste of everything on my plate, it’s too full for more.

  With our thighs touching under the table, Jackson shoots me a smile. “Having fun?”

  He looks more boy than man and my heart overflows with a kind of love I didn’t know existed. I can picture us twenty, even thirty years from now with our own kids coming home from college.

  The vision fades but the feeling remains and stays with me.

  A little later, people begin to say their goodbyes and his mom whispers. “You and Jackson will be sleeping on the pullout in the basement. I assume that’s okay?”

  Wow. What a cool mom. “Perfect. Thank you.”

  Jackson squeezes my hand and grins. “Told you. My parents are the best.”

  Then, we say goodnight with more hugs and walk into a finished basement with dark paneling, drop ceiling, and painted cement floor.

  The bed is covered with a Santa comforter and Christmas lights surround the perimeter of the room. Every inch of shelving has a snowman, elf, or some kind of decoration, most of them antique or hand made.

  The house quiets down but I’m wide awake and want to talk.

  Jackson snores quietly but I nudge him. “You sleeping?”


  “I really like your family.” I kiss his ear and he stirs and turns.

  “Mmm.” One arm drops around my shoulder, his breath warm near mine.

  I kiss him and his lips turn up. “Tired.”

  “Too tired?”

  “Never.” His eyes pop open and when he gives me that smile, my heart quickens.

  “We need to be quiet, though. Their bedroom is right over ours. You can’t shout.”

  I giggle and nibble on his ear. “You’re the noisy one. I’m as quiet as a mouse.”

  “The house was not stirring, not even a little pink one?” He pulls down my PJ bottoms and slips out of his.

  His hand goes between my legs and when he finds how I’ve been thinking about him, he groans.

  “Shshs.” I put my hand over his mouth and he bites my hand and whispers.

  “Fuck, Star. You’re already wet.” He turns, lifts over me, and places his cock at my entrance.

  On his elbows, legs between mine, he thrusts in so deep and fast, I gasp. Hand over my mouth, he begins to move fast and furious. I arch up to release the pressure that’s been building all day.

  He grinds and rotates into me, knowing what I like best. We explode like a couple teens making out for the first time. After, with a heavy sigh, he pulls out and I fall sound asleep with visions of pulled pork dancing in my head.

  Chapter 28


  We don’t often get to spend the night together, so I wake with my cock raring to go. He’ll need to wait because my mom is grinding coffee beans and the dog is sniffing at the basement door.

  Star stirs in my arms, turns, and lifts her lovely lashes. “Hey.”

  Her smile hits me right in the gut and a bit south, as well. I kiss the tip of her nose while inhaling her sweet scent.
/>   “Hi, luv. Merry Christmas.”

  “Mmmm. Yup. It is.”

  “How do you know? It hasn’t even started.”

  “It will be.” She curls her fingers around my hard length.


  “Shush.” Her teeth nip my earlobe. “Someone will hear.”

  Slowly she sinks under the covers and licks the tip of me until I’m writhing on the sheets. My hands in her pink soft hair, I direct her tempo.

  My God, she takes more of me in while gripping my base. When her thumb swirls, my butt muscles tighten. I swell, she goes faster. I arch, she sucks, and as I cum, she swallows all I have to give.

  “Mmm.” She kisses up my pelvis and stops to tongue my belly button before resting her head on my chest.

  “Your turn.” I kiss her neck and try to lower but she jumps out and grins.

  “Not this time. I’m too noisy. Let this be my gift to you.”

  “Later then.”

  “Of course.” She grabs a towel and saunters to the bathroom, humming Deck the Halls while I lay on my bed, smiling ear to ear.

  My mom calls down the stairs. “Merry Christmas. You two awake?”

  “Up in a second, Mom. Is there coffee?”

  “And sticky buns. Got them at the mall yesterday.”

  When Star gets out of the shower, I can’t wait to show her my computer-printed card. Inside I wrote, I don’t have anything to offer but my heart. Will you marry me?

  Her eyes get all teary and her mouth drops open. Was I too soon? Should I have waited until I could afford a ring?

  When her arms wrap around my neck and she devours me with kisses, I get my yes. Thank you baby Jesus!

  I want to make love to her but upstairs, my mom turns on some Christmas music, a not-so-subtle reminder she wants to start our holiday.

  “What are these?” Cupping Star’s cheeks, I kiss her eyelids, squeezed tight to hold back tears.


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