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The Van Wilden Chronicles Box Set Books 1-3

Page 10

by Jessica Gleave

  Gareth sensed there were no more vampires in pursuit.

  “What was that,” Gareth cried.

  “What? The five vampire jerks who came after us after I killed baldie?”

  Gareth was surprised to see she was panting a little.

  “No, the deal with you having vampire fangs but also human blood I can drink? What exactly are you?”

  “Geez, do I have to spell it out? How hard did you hit your head? I’m half-human, half-vampire.”

  “Why are they after you, then? Because of your souped-up blood?”

  “Is that what the vampire who attacked you asked about, my blood?”

  “No. He was just asking questions about your family.”

  She folded her arms and tapped her fingers. “Well, they must know why we are here, then.”

  “Why are you here, then?”

  She pursed her lips. “You and the twenty questions, I swear.”

  “Don’t try to tell me a vampire just attacked me only so he could ask me questions.” Gareth snorted.

  “I’ll tell you everything, eventually, just not here. The forest isn’t a safe place to talk. I’ve got to get back to those dead vampires in the woods to set them on fire before they revive.”

  “Morgana, wait.” Gareth reached for her hand.

  “Go home, Gareth. Keep yourself safe. I’ll come around to check on you later.” She stepped toward him. Taking him by surprise, she leaned forward, brushing her lips across his own.

  “Go home, Gareth.” Then she was gone.

  Gareth stood there perplexed. Did she just kiss me?


  Gareth arrived at his front door within minutes. Even though he couldn’t sense any vampires around besides Alastor, he still took a quick glance around before he entered.

  Ava and Alastor were sitting on the loveseat snuggled together watching a DVD. Both of them appeared shocked when he entered.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Ye won’t believe how fast ye came in, mate.”

  “Oh, I believe it.” Gareth lifted the sofa with one hand and gave it a spin, stopping the propeller with his other hand, he then sat it down—all before blinking.

  Ava squealed.

  Gareth raced up and down the stairs to display his newfound speed.

  “What’s up with ye?” Alastor called out.

  Gareth returned. He noticed Alastor had put a protective arm around Ava.

  “I was investigating in the woods.”

  “Even though Morgana told you not to?” Ava chastised.

  “This again, sheesh.” He shook his head. “I was attacked by this lunatic, bald-headed vampire. He stabbed me with a stake spiked with this stuff called wolfsbane. You ever heard of it?”

  Alastor shook his head.

  “This vampire was about to rip my heart out of my chest. He was like really close to succeeding, then Morgana shows up and takes him out. I wasn’t doing so good, so Morgana fed me some of her blood.”

  “And yer saying her blood did this to ye?” Alastor rubbed his chin. “Or was it the wolfsbane?”

  “No, the wolfsbane almost killed me. Stay clear of that shit. Wow.”

  “Right, mate. Got it. So what’s with her blood?”

  “Well, all she’d tell me is she’s half-human and half-vampire, but I don’t even know how it could make me so powerful.”

  “Maybe it’s the vampire blood?” Ava suggested. “Since normally, you’re unable to drink it.”

  “Could be. All I know for sure, it was the sweetest blood I have ever tasted.”

  “How does one become half-human and half-vampire?” Ava was sinking deep into thought.

  “Beats me, but I’m going to find out.”


  Morgana sprinted back into the forest to finish off the blonde vampire she’d thrown an unlit stake at. She arrived just as the vampire was beginning to stir.

  “Not on my watch, scum,” Morgana growled, stamping her foot down on top of the stake, driving it back into the vampire’s heart. She pulled her silver lighter out of her pocket and lit the end of the stake, setting the corpse on fire.

  Morgana watched the burning corpse. The flames illuminated the surrounding forest. Had she not known the purpose for the fire, it would have been an enchanting scene. Once satisfied, she retraced her steps along her and Gareth’s trail, making sure the other vampires she had staked and hit with the flaming weapons were turned to ash.

  Satisfied, she returned to where she had found Gareth, ensuring his attacker had been completely incinerated. There was nothing but a pile of ashes there as well. Morgana nodded.

  She pulled out her phone, speed dialing her father. “It’s done.”

  “Good. Return home to report and debrief.”

  Morgana was putting away her phone when she had the distinct feeling she was being watched again. She did a quick scan of the area, listening out for any rustles or broken twigs under footsteps. Nothing.

  She couldn’t feel a vampire’s presence either, which disturbed her more.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Around mid-morning, Morgana rang Gareth and Alastor’s doorbell. She sensed Alastor approaching.

  “Well, hello, Morgana. How ye gettin' on?” greeted Alastor.

  “I’m fine, thank you.” She smiled brightly.

  “If ye are looking for the boy—”

  “I’m right here.” Gareth’s voice came from behind them.

  Morgana followed Alastor into the foyer.

  Gareth was leaning against the banister of the stairwell. His nod was polite, but his stare was intense.

  Back to the mistrust, she supposed. She stood her ground and held his gaze. He was dressed in jeans and a black button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was sexy, she had to admit.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  Gareth eyed her up and down, making her heart flutter. He seemed to be enjoying the look of her tight jeans and long, pale pink, torso-hugging, V-neck sweater. He walked toward her, his eyes never leaving hers. The tension between them was thick, but Morgan felt it ran deeper than just a sexual attraction.

  “Anyway, I’m still here, but I’m leaving ye both to it.” Alastor’s voice broke the silence. “I’m off to meet up with Ava not to have a staring contest with her.”

  Morgana smiled. “Please say hello to Ava for me.”

  “Will do.” Alastor looked at Gareth as he shrugged on his coat. “Cheers, mate, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Gareth flashed a cheeky grin at Alastor, who pretended to swipe his head.

  Morgana enjoyed their playful antics. Her life was usually so serious. Too serious, maybe. She wasn’t sure how these two had managed to maintain such playful spirits, but it suited them, and she was beginning to enjoy their youthful nature.

  Alastor ducked and left without another word, closing the door behind him.

  “So,” Gareth began slowly, turning toward Morgana. He crossed his arms. “Tell me how you came to be half-human and half-vampire?”

  “How about we start with why I’m here, which is to see how you’re doing?” Morgana walked down the hall toward the living room.

  Gareth squinted his eyes, following her into the living room on the right.

  She spun on her heel as he entered, blocking his path.

  Without hesitation, he leaned in, placing his hand on her chin lifting her face toward his.

  Morgana licked her lips in anticipation. She had barely kissed him the night before, and she hungered to taste him.

  Gareth’s cheek brushed hers. “Tell me how you came to be half-human and half-vampire,” he whispered in her ear.

  Morgana groaned. She wanted to feel Gareth’s lips on hers. She sighed, stepping out of his reach, then strode toward the window, biting her bottom lip. If she were going to gain his trust, and for her to find out if she could trust him, she would have to tell him something about herself. Maybe a tidbit wouldn’t hurt.

  Gareth w
as right behind her. His tone gentle, “Come on,” he coaxed. “After what I saw last night, you’re still going to play hardball?”

  Morgana turned to face him, staring into his brilliant blue, hopeful eyes. She caved. “My father fell in love with my mother when she was still human.”

  “But how can a vampire impregnate a human? That’s just not possible.”

  “My father isn’t a human-turned vampire like you or Alastor. He’s a Primus Vampyr.”

  “A prima what’s-its-name now?”

  “A Primus Vampyr. It means first vampire. Not all vampires were once humans, some were born vampires.

  “Father was living in England in the seventeenth-century, posing as a bank worker when he met my mother. She was a socialite’s daughter.

  “Father courted Mother. They fell in love and married.”

  “Your mother didn’t know your father was a vampire?”

  “My mother only found out my father was a vampire after they were married. Back in those days, there were not many opportunities for private moments while they were dating. Eventually, he felt it would be best to come clean. He feared she would leave him, but she still loved him and stayed. All along, she knew in her heart there was something different about him, but he was so kind and gentle to her. How could he possibly be bad? My mother was to turn into a vampire a year after the wedding. The plan was for my father to get a job overseas as a lot of promise was to be said of the Americas. She would still write to her family, of course, but she knew after so many years of not aging, she wouldn’t be able to physically see them anymore.

  “It was all going as planned when my mother became pregnant. My father didn’t know he could even impregnate a human, but he was quite thrilled. His other children were grown, and he never saw them.”

  “There are more of you?”

  “Sort of. Their mother was also a Primus. But yes, I have two older brothers and a sister. They didn’t come here with us, though. I rarely see any of them, and one in particular even less.”

  Gareth arched an eyebrow. He seemed to be taking it all in, so she continued. “Oscar was eager to raise a family with my mother. The pregnancy was hard on my mother, though. My father fed her his own blood to give her strength. But she died giving birth to me. The vampire blood in her system caused her to turn.” She turned to Gareth. “So this is what I am… half-human, half-vampire, a Dhampir. I have all the strength, speed, and immortality of a vampire but none of their weaknesses.”

  Gareth smiled.

  This sent waves of joy through her.

  “Thank you for telling me,” he said, stepping forward.

  He wanted to kiss her. She could see the desire in his eyes. He was hesitating, though. Something was holding him back. Her human pheromones were going crazy. All she wanted to do was rip his clothes off and give into her urges.

  His head moved forward, licking his lips again. He gazed into her eyes and stopped. “Your eyes, they’re so brown.”

  “Yes?” Her head cocked to the side. She wasn’t sure where this was going.

  Gareth shrugged. “It’s probably nothing. I don’t know. There’s just something familiar about them.” He sounded more like he was mumbling to himself than talking to her. He hesitated, then placed a hand on her cheek.

  Her stomach rumbled. She groaned in embarrassment. She was actually hungry. In her rush to check in on Gareth this morning, she had skipped breakfast. The human side of her needed food. With a reluctant sigh, Morgana pulled herself away.

  Gareth’s hand was still in mid-air, and he dropped it. He turned his head to the side.

  She took his hand. “A girl has got to eat, you know.”

  “I wouldn’t mind a bite myself.” He looked back at her, hunger in his blue eyes as they focused on her neck.

  She held up a hand. “Whoa, slow down, buddy. Just because you’ve tasted my blood, doesn’t mean you can stare at me like an all-you-can-eat buffet. I could snap you like a twig before you even get the chance to extend your fangs.”

  Gareth flinched and averted his eyes away from her neck. “Sorry. I guess I’m getting a little carried away. I’ve just never met anyone like you. And especially not with souped-up blood.”

  He did seem genuinely apologetic.

  “I’ll let you buy me lunch to make up for it. Unless you actually have food in this place?”

  Gareth laughed. “No. We certainly don’t. I’ll buy you lunch. But you’re buying dinner.”

  “Two dates in one day? I think you’re pushing your luck there.”

  Morgana gave Gareth a playful shove, sending him flying backward.

  “Oops.” She walked over to him, holding out her hand as he laid sprawled on the floor. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t mention it. Only my pride is hurt.” He slowly picked himself up. “Geez, you’re strong.”

  “I’m the daughter of a five-thousand-year-old Primus. Of course, I’m strong,” she scoffed before walking out of the room.

  Gareth shook his head. “Why do I always attract the pushy ones?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Gareth pulled the long, bronze metal handle of the glass door leading into of one of the local cafés, holding the door open for Morgana. A long, refrigerated display case containing cakes and sweets split the room in half. The walls were painted a bright sunset yellow, and large picture windows framed the scene. They had the choice of indoor or outdoor seating and opted to remain indoors.

  Gareth deliberated about holding the door for Morgana. He’d learned from watching modern humans, men simply don’t do gentlemanly gestures nowadays, and modern women seem to accept it. But then, Morgana was no modern human woman. He peeked back to see if he had offended her. She seemed preoccupied, her eyes scanning the room. Gareth sighed with relief. This whole dating a vampire-non-vampire was really playing with his mind. He liked the idea of them going on actual dates like Alastor and Ava, though. He quickly shook it off—the last thing he needed right now was to start acting like a goon. Gareth found them an empty table by a window opposite the counter. Deciding he was going to continue being a gentleman, he pulled her chair out for her. She spread her fingers out in a fan across her chest.

  “Why thank you, kind gentleman,” she said with a playful, southern belle accent.

  “You’re welcome, my lady.” He bowed, twirling his hands as he did so.

  Morgana laughed.

  Such a sweet sound, Gareth thought. It seemed so easy to be with her. He’d never met anyone like her. The only other time he’d felt anything this strong was with Mariza—a name he’d prefer to forget altogether. Mariza was manipulative and vile. His love for her had not come easily as she’d spent a great deal of time conniving her way into his heart. When he finally did fall, she’d taken advantage of his feelings to such an extent it had nearly cost him his life. He’d sworn never to let that happen again and had held strong for nearly a century. To feel so vulnerable again, especially after this long, while staring into Morgana’s eyes earlier, had brought too much flooding back all at once, and he’d frozen. Luckily, her stomach had rumbled and saved him from having to give some sort of awkward, my-ex-messed-with-my-head explanation.

  He straightened his shoulders, burying his issues deep inside. He was out on his second date with Morgana. One more in human terms and a guy could get lucky if he could bring himself to have sex with her. It wasn’t the physical part of sex he couldn’t do. God knew he’d had his share of women since Mariza. But Morgana was different, and opening himself back up again was going to be difficult.

  Morgana picked up the menu. “What’s good here?” she wondered aloud.

  “Honestly, I wouldn’t know,” Gareth said, picking up his menu. “I’ve never actually eaten here. No real need to.”

  “No. I suppose you wouldn’t.” She smiled politely.

  “So you really need to eat human food?”

  “I do. I actually prefer it to…” she trailed.

  Gareth lowered his voice so only she co
uld hear, “To human blood, you mean?”

  Morgana nodded.

  “Can you drink human blood?”

  “Of course. I can exclusively survive off either if I choose to. I just don’t lust for blood like other vampires do.”

  “Interesting. Then you can tell me what might be good to eat here because I haven’t got a bloody clue.”

  Morgana laughed at the pun, but she was cut short when the waitress—a curvy, middle-aged woman, wearing a uniform the same color as the walls—appeared at their table. She gave them a strange look, probably having overheard part of their conversation. She pulled her order pad out of her white apron and wrote something down.

  Gareth shrugged with indifference. It didn’t make any difference to him if the waitress had heard him or not. Some humans were weird. He could be one of them.

  “What can I get for you all?” the dirty-blonde-haired waitress asked.

  Morgana ordered a cappuccino and the Greek salad.

  “How about it, hun?” The waitress turned her attention to Gareth, smiling a little more generously as she eyed him up and down.

  He did a quick scan of the menu. “I’ll just have a cappuccino.”

  “No food?”

  Gareth shook his head. “I’m on a diet.”

  The waitress smirked.

  Morgana waited until the waitress was out of earshot. “You ate the other night. Why aren’t you eating today?”

  “It’s actually such a struggle to digest human food, and I prefer to avoid it, but I figured I ought to order something.”

  The waitress brought their coffees over.

  Morgana thanked her, tearing open a small sugar packet and pouring the contents into her coffee.

  Gareth took a sip of his cappuccino. “Argh,” he spluttered. “If there’s one human thing I’ll never get used to, it’s drinking coffee.”

  “I don’t know, I find it quite nice.” Morgana took a sip of her own.

  “Baffling. I think it’s disgusting.”

  The waitress scowled at Gareth as she walked past. Again, Gareth shrugged.


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