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Throne of Blood

Page 12

by Amber Cook

  "I have no idea," Zen whispered, but he shook his head. "But, the important thing is that I received the Fifth Pillar's Orb. The Demon King's daughter was just an extra treat. With her, we have a direct connection to the other Demonic Pillars."

  They planned to use her to connect to the other Demonic Pillars. She could only assume to convince them to turn on Kace, thus weakening him more. These humans truly believed they could kill Kace and, if they could pull it off, they stood a chance. Not a big chance, but they had a better shot than anyone else she had met.

  "Ugh...Let's not waste any more time out here." Marly said as he gestured to the eerie forest. "It's too quiet. Something may be listening."

  "You're right." Zen finally pulled the shackles forward, causing Adira to stumble towards him. She finally began to spoke as he dragged her towards the looming building up ahead.

  "What is that place?" She hissed in fear, but Zen didn't answer. His fingers only curled tighter, dragging her with greater urgency. "Answer me, you coward. Where are you taking me?"

  "To hell."


  When Adira had first heard the name, The Halls, she didn't know what to expect. She assumed that it was just some maze with no beginning nor end. What she hadn't expected was for The Halls to be nothing more than a never-ending cell of sorts. The vast hallway that stretched before her was lined with cages, and Adira could smell the putrid scent of rotting corpses. Dim lights swung from the ceiling, casting pale light into each cell. Adira's face whitened when she saw what was inside. Demons just like her laid sprawled out on the floor, body's nothing more than a mangled mess of muscle. She could see the darkened flesh, oozing puss and blood as they breathed labored. It was as if their bodies were already long dead, but they could not let go. Something was not allowing them to die.

  The further she went, the more horrible acts she could see. Some inhabits of the cells were already still, laying in a puddle of their own liquefied bodies. But, mixed in with the demons were also humans. They lay quivering in puddles of their own piss, their bodies seemingly changing. When Adira saw them, when she breathed in, allowing their scents to fill her palate, she knew right away. They were no longer pure humans. They were being transitioned. Slowly, they were becoming the very things they despised.

  Adira spared quick glances at Zen and the two of them as he dragged her further. Never once did their faces change at the sights. It was as if this was completely normal to them. They were numb to the sights of carnage and death around them.

  "W-What have you done to them?" Adira gritted out, but she could not stop the fear that slipped into her words. Would she turn into something like them? What were they going to do to her?

  "What do you think?" Brynx asked, a grin pulling on his lips. "Surely, if you are what you are, you should be able to smell them."

  "How? Why would you do this to them?"

  "Why not? They are demons, after all." He said it as if it was matter-of-fact and that she was not sane in the head.

  They were just demons. They were her kind, her own brothers and sisters in a way. Seeing them curled, seeing their rotten bodies, made her sick. If it were not for the shackles that bounded her wrists, she would free them all. If they were already dead, she would burn their bodies and let them rest.

  Adira could still remember when she had been like Drystan. She had been so fascinated by humans, swept away by the stories they wrote. In every single one of them, they were painted as the hero. Never once were the demons. Back then, Adira had believed that humans truly were these marvelous humans, but now she could not believe that. They were cruel, sick, and twisted beyond words. At least she offered her victims a painless death. These humans did not. They simply looked at their prey, at their victims, and marveled in their deaths.

  "Y-You are sick." She spit out at him, and Brynx looked at her lazily over his shoulder. There was venom to his eyes, but more importantly, a daunting nature.

  "That's funny, hearing those words come from your lips. Why aren't you one of the worst demons of them all? How many of our kind have you slaughtered?"

  If she said that she had not willingly slaughtered them, would that make a difference? In the beginning, before the Orbs had been implanted into her, she had never wanted to kill a human. Those stories ran wild in her mind, making her believe that they were too pure and innocent. As the years had passed, she had realized the truth about them. She had learned that by letting one live, she would put her own kind at risk. If given a choice to kill an innocent human or let them live, she would always choose death. She would not risk her own kind.

  Adira did not reply. She could not count how many humans she had murdered. Over the years, their faces had become melded together. She could only assume the number went well into the hundreds of thousands, but never once did she regret it. Everything she did had a purpose, even if it wasn't necessarily hers.

  "That's what I thought. Don't worry; soon you'll be able to tell me everything. After all, The Halls are the bringers of the truth. Here, you'll tell everything." Brynx reached forward, reaching to curl a lock of her silver hair around his finger. "What do you have to say?"

  Adira shied away from his touch, snatching her head away from him. She could not stand the thought of being touched by him. Marly stayed quiet by Zen's side, and they continued forward until a blinding light filled the room. Adira squinted her eyes as it blurred her vision, and the next thing she knew, she was being snatched forward.

  Adira tried to throw her hands out to balance herself, but the sudden jerk caught her off guard. One moment the blinding light swelled around her. The next, she heard the smooth click of iron as she was thrown into a cell.

  She collapsed onto her knees, gritting her teeth as the ground bit into the thin flesh. It felt like fire to the already mending flesh that had begun to form. She spun, turning towards the three of them but the bars had clicked closed behind her. She latched down onto them, hissing as smoke seeped from her flesh. When she pulled her hands away, large boils covered her palms. There were incantations carved into the bars.

  "Let me out of here!" She screamed, but the three of them did not budge. They only looked at her with those eyes, eyes that made her want to gag. She wanted to tear them out of their sockets.

  "Oh, we will. It's just afterward you may not be screaming to come out again." Brynx purred as he turned, walking away from the cage. Adira tried to reach forward again but winced as her finger brushed against the iron bars. The last glimpse of the three she saw was Zen, looking back to where she sat. There was something in his eyes, but she could not decipher it. It was already too far gone by the time she leaned forward, reaching for him.

  Chapter 10

  Since the day the Orbs had been planted in her, Adira knew what her purpose was. It was not to become the heir of the First Demonic Pillar. It was to become a weapon. Although, there was no denying the worth Adira had in other departments.

  The setting moon overhead cast pale crimson shafts of light down onto Adira's face. Her nightgown gently swayed in the soft, chilled breeze that never left the wastelands in front of her. Even though the sky was nothing more than a blanket of crimson, seemingly giving life to the world in front of her, she knew it was the opposite. The world before her was barren, void of any life that might have once graced it. Adira couldn't stop the laugh that tickled her throat. She felt as if she was just like this world, void of life.

  The Orbs between her breasts flashed their welcoming, and Adira's fingertips went to press into them. The nightgown she wore tonight was different than her typical one. The fabric was sheer, made of silk that had been stolen from the Human Realm. It hugged her body tightly, leaving nothing to the imagination. The low neckline exposed her breasts and gave a clear view of the Orbs. That was right. This wasn't like any normal day. This was her wedding night.

  "What's wrong?" She whispered to the Orbs, gently stroking the glassy surface. "Is something bothering you?"

  Although she could no
t see it, she could feel chilled fingers press against her neck. They were frigid, yet more inviting than any living being she had ever known. She wanted to melt into those hands and allow them to take her away.

  "Are you jealous?" She purred, shivering as those fingers ventured down her collarbone and to her chest. "This is so unlike you. What is there to be jealous of? My every being is owned by you."

  Those fingers became constricting, and Adira gritted her teeth. "What are you so worried of? You do this every time." There was a creek behind her, and Adira's brow darkened. "Now is not the time. We can discuss this later."

  With those words, the frigid fingers disappeared. Every time this night came, they were always like this. They would touch her, trying to consume her as if that could stop the inevitable. She didn't understand why they were always like this. After all, this was her nineteenth wedding night. Did they think it would go any different?

  The doors to her room pushed open, and Adira lightened her features. A smile played on her ruby red lips, accenting her eyes. Her steel hair had been left undone, and there was a heavenly glow around her frame. To anyone, she would be the definition of bewitching.

  Before this night, Adira had only met the demon before her a handful of times. To be honest, she wasn't entirely sure of his name. The only thing that was important was that her father wanted her to marry him. It wasn't like she could say no. She knew what would happen to her if she denied him.

  "You look stunning." He said, closing the door behind him. Adira's eyes darkened when she saw him slide the lock into place, but she still kept her features light.

  "I thought you had forgotten about me. You know how to keep a girl waiting." She purred in a honeyed tone.

  The demon shook his head, looking away sheepishly. "Something had to be taken care of."

  What was more important than her? Adira could only assume that had been something in regards to Kace.

  "Well, I'm here now. Would you like to have a drink?"

  "A drink?" She said, her eyes following his every move. "I guess I am a little exhausted from all the dancing."

  "You were quite good at that. I've never seen such a dance before. Where did you learn it?"

  How could she tell him that she had learned it by reading books made by humans? They would always count the steps, falling into a rhythmic lull.

  "I have my own secrets." She purred again, but she followed his motion to the singular table in the room. Although Adira was the daughter of Kace, her room would entail otherwise. It was a spacious area, but there were obvious signs of wear. The only thing that looked newly furnished were the sheets on her bed, but that was for obvious reasons. Besides that, she would never be allowed new things. Adira could only assume it was due to her mother's complex.

  The demon reached forward, grabbing the pitcher of wine before him. He looked at Adira, then to the Orbs in her chest. "Do you hear them often?"

  Adira cast her eyes downward, falling into the role he wanted her to play. She knew exactly what he was doing. He was going to try and poison her. It wasn't the first time Kace had tried to do so. "They come when they wish to talk to me. I do not call upon them."

  In the corner of her vision, she could see him dump the contents of the vial in her cup. Again, she acted as if she were oblivious to such things. "Have you enjoyed tonight?"

  "Yes, very much. I never once would have thought I would be here."

  "Is that so? It's almost as if it were fate." She mused, trying to keep that honeyed look on her face. He reached towards her, giving her the gauntlet he held, and Adira smiled. She starred down into the murky surface of the wine, her reflection flashing back at her.

  "I'll drink to that." He said, raising his gauntlet up to clink it with hers. Adira followed in suit, a sinister smile on her lips.

  "Yes, to fate."

  She tipped the gauntlet back to her lips, taking in a small mouthful of the liquid. The bitter taste of wine did well with hiding the bitter taste of poison he slipped in. She had made it appear as if she had taken a bigger gulp, when in fact, she had only taken in enough to wet her palate. He needed to be able to smell alcohol on her breath.

  "Is this all we are to do tonight? Drink wine and toast to things? Once we elope, we will have many nights to do such things."

  "I never took you as the type to rush."

  "What do you mean? I have been dressed to the nines all day. It's time for me to have my fun." She whispered, eyes lowering in a seductive manner. "What do you want from me? Name it, and it will be yours."

  He prowled towards her, coaxing her onto her feet. Adira knew what he wanted. He did not look at her. No, he looked at the Orbs buried between her breasts. The low cutting nightgown allowed for him to see everything, and his fingers reached towards the Orbs.

  "Are you certain you can handle it?" She inquired, "Sometimes, they do not like outsiders."

  "Well, I'm hardly an outsider anymore. Isn't that correct?"

  "Our marriage hasn't been fulfilled. They tend to be a little harsh towards new people."

  Even with her words, he did not stop himself from grasping the Orb between his fingers. Adira's eyes widened, shivering as an immense feeling tore through her body.

  "So what they said is true. These Orbs are connected to your body, and you really do feel amplified things from them."

  Her brow quivered, and she wanted to bark back at him. His fingertips gently pressed against the thin flesh on her chest. It was hard to focus on what she had in mind with his fingers so close to her.

  "How magnificent." He lowered his face to stare into the twirling, bottomless pit of darkness. "All of this power will be mine."

  Every person who had ever been with her had said those exact words. They were entranced by the Orbs, not her. "That is if they allow it."

  "If I have you, then they'll allow anything."

  Adira's lips pulled in delight at those words. He truly was confident that he could tame the looming beast within. "Let's get this started."

  "You don't want more to drink?" He asked frantically, but Adira brushed his hand to the side. She latched onto his wrists, her fingertips curling into them.

  "I'm done with drinking. I don't think you'll have a problem with that, would you?"

  "Not at all."

  Adira pressed forward, ever so gently pressing her lips against his own. Her eyes stayed open as she moved on, angling the two of them towards the bed. With each step she took, he deepened the kiss. His tongue was sloppy against her own, which nearly made Adira gag. It was like he was fumbling over himself. He should savor something like her, not rush.

  Adira wasted no time, shoving her hand into his chest and sending him toppling towards the bed. He hit it, the silky covers puffing at his impact. Adira had not meant to put so much force behind the shove, but it got the point done. He laughed breathlessly, taken back by the sudden show of dominance.

  "What was that for?"

  "Did you not like it?" She purred, bundling the ends of her hair as she swept them over her shoulder. Her fingers reached towards the straps of the sheer, silk nightgown.

  "No, keep going. I've just never seen a demon so..."


  He couldn't help but laugh again, his eyes watching her movements. "Crazy in so many ways."

  Like muse to her ears, Adira could not stop herself from inching forward. She prowled onto the bed, straddling his abdomen in between her legs. He reached forward to grab the thin dress, but Adira shied away from his touch. She wanted to avoid being touched by him at all times. Even his clothed abdomen beneath her legs made her stomach seize.

  "I'll do it myself." She whispered, grabbing the ends of her gown as she tossed it aside. She offered him a thin smile, pulling her steel hair back over to cover her chest. "Oh, I'll show you crazy."

  Adira grabbed his hands, pinning them to the bed over his head. The sheer force behind her action took him back, and he tried to bring his knee up, but Adira grabbed it. She looked down at his
knee before shaking her head in disappointment. "Isn't this what you wanted? Don't you want to see the power you're about to taste?"

  Lowering her head, Adira feverishly raced her tongue up his abdomen, smirking at him. "Do you think you can handle me? Do you think you can handle us?" Her fingers curled into his wrist, causing droplets of blood to begin to form.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm showing you crazy."

  Adira swiped her hand across his throat. The smooth nail was instantly replaced with a sharpened talon, slicing his throat. Blood arched in front of her, spraying onto her own bare body and face. His eyes widened in disbelief as he tried to break free, but Adira only clicked her tongue in disapproval.

  "Did you really think it would be that easy? Even if you had tricked me into drinking the poison, it would have done nothing. Do you think that was the first time my father has tried to poison me?" Adira rocked back on his abdomen, shaking her head as blood spurted onto her. "He's tried so many times that I can no longer count it on my hand. After a while, a girl tends to develop a taste for even the finest of poisons... You failed to realize that."

  His eyes began to fill with blood, and Adira pushed her bare chest against his. She looked at him, grinning as she licked her tongue against his jawline. "Do you know why I've never been wedded? Do you know why I've taken nineteen demons to this bed but have never been married? It's my father's best-kept secret." She bore her teeth down into the thick flesh on his cheeks, tearing away a small sliver. "I've killed them all."

  His convulsing body began to quiet beneath her legs, and Adira couldn't wait any longer. The blood that poured and pooled from his body began to thin. Thick droplets floated through the air, combining until they created a stream towards the Orbs between her breasts.


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