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Protected by the Damned Boxed Set 1: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera

Page 28

by Michael Todd

  She had just finished getting Jeremy up off the mat and apologizing for knocking him out, and that was about enough sparring for her for one day. She didn’t want to completely push the new guys away by kicking their asses time and again, so she meandered over to the lifting area to work with the weights for a while.

  “How’s it goin’, Rambo?” Derek asked, leaning over Katie’s face and laughing.

  “Oh, you know, kicking recruits’ asses every day, trying to stay in one piece, and dismantling stereotypes all in one fell swoop,” Katie replied, putting the weights up and sitting up. She lowered her voice. “I’m Batdamned…” She winked. “How are you?”

  “Good,” he replied. “Korbin asked me to fetch you.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “He wants to talk to you in his office.”

  “Any idea what he wants?” Katie asked in a nervous tone.

  “No,” he admitted, making sure the bar was locked for safety. “Not a clue.”

  “Great.” She sighed, grabbing her towel and wiping her forehead. “All right, let me get my water. I’ll be right up.”

  “Sure thing, boss,” he said as he walked away.

  Katie made sure he was out of sight before talking to Pandora. No one else could hear them, but she was always paranoid about it. She started walking toward Korbin’s office.

  Can you sense anything? Katie asked.

  I can’t tell what he wants to talk to you about, no, Pandora replied.

  But? Katie asked.

  Well, there is something that I have never noticed before, she said. I can feel it getting stronger with every step you take toward the office.

  What is it? Should I be ready for a fight?

  No, Pandora said. There is a ward in place to block major powers from his office. Like I said, I never noticed it before now, so I am not even sure he had it up until now. Surely I would have noticed something that strong. Any of the demons should be able to sniff it out, but especially the stronger ones like me. I seriously think some demons are just oblivious, with no damn care for their personal safety.

  They aren’t really the brightest creatures in person either, Katie said. No offense.

  None taken. Pandora sighed. Most of the time I would agree.

  Okay, so this is some sort of test? Katie said. If so, what is he trying to prove with it?

  It’s to see who is dominant, Pandora said. If the demon inside you is more powerful than you, you won’t be able to enter the office. However, if you are more powerful than me, you won’t be bothered at all by it.

  Uh oh, Katie said. Should I not be feeling it already, then?

  Like I said, anyone with a demon would feel that, Pandora said. Seriously, just relax.

  Katie stood at Korbin’s door, slightly afraid to move. She reached up and knocked, then stood back and waited.

  “Come in,” he yelled.

  Here goes nothing, she thought, holding her breath as she walked through his office door.

  She looked around in surprise when she made it through, not because she thought Pandora was stronger than her but because her luck never ceased to bring her down.

  Katie’s attention returned to her surroundings when Korbin cleared his throat. She smiled at him and clasped her hands together in front of her.

  “What’s up, boss?” Katie smiled.

  “How are you doing?” he asked. “Damian said you took a good spill at the house the other day when you were handling spirits.”

  “Oh, I’m fine.” Katie shrugged. “Just a bump and some scratches. I heal pretty fast.”

  “So I’ve heard.” He pointed. “Please, have a seat.”

  “All right,” she said, sitting down in the chair. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is great,” he said. “What do you think about Jeremy? I saw the two of you sparring.”

  “He’s thick-headed.” She chuckled. “Doesn’t like to learn from a girl, but I think that once he realizes I’m not just any girl he will start to come around. If not, he has a tough ride ahead because Calvin is not letting up.”

  “Good.” Korbin nodded. “Now, I asked you here today because I wanted to talk to you about your role on the team.”

  “My role?” Her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “With the newbies here Calvin is my second-in-command, and with Derek pretty much helping with everything else, that leaves you as my heavy,” Korbin said.

  “Your heavy?”

  “Yeah, the girl who does everything: Jill of all trades, the one who gets it done, and a major badass among the fighters.” He chuckled. “That said, you being the heavy means you are also part of the decision-making process of weapons and defense. This is important to us, since it is our central defense. We want to know what you want, and what you think the team will want. Otherwise, defenses will be less than what they could be.”

  Katie liked the idea of being involved and evolving within the team. She knew eventually she would need to push forward. No matter how crazy her life was, how different it was for her than before, she would always aspire to be better. Katie had gotten pretty good at leading, and very good with weapons.

  This was an opportunity to put that to use, and she was already nodding before he could say anything else.

  “I figured you might be interested.” He pushed a folder to the side of his desk.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked. “I get to pick out shit that is sharp, explosive, and dangerous, and I get to be the first to handle it and test it? It’s like a damn dream come true.”

  “You’ve come a long way from college volleyball,” he noted.

  Katie shrugged. “If my coach could see me now, she’d probably say it was about damn time I got ferocious.”

  “We should put together some volleyball tournaments here at the compound. We can compete against each other.” Korbin smiled.

  “I don’t know if we really need more competition between us. It might end in an all-out brawl.”

  “Just like any other day.” He grabbed a second manila folder and opened it. “In two days, Calvin and I are heading to a demonstration at the Las Vegas Air and Defense. As our heavy, I expect you to be there too. There are going to be a lot of new weapons; some things we won’t be able to use, but a lot of things we will. We have a pretty big budget, so it’s a bit like Christmas for us. I really think you will enjoy it. Try to wear something businesslike since they won’t necessarily understand who we are. It will help you blend in with everyone else.”

  She nodded. “I can do that. Should I bring anything?”

  “Like a bazooka, or do you mean a note pad?” Korbin asked. The only hint he was joking was the glint in his eye.

  She decided to play along. “Both, kind of.”

  “We will have our ‘just in case weapons’ in the car,” he told her, “but no real need. We will be in the human world, and bases frown on bringing serious firepower onto their lands – even for us.”

  “Sounds good.” She stood up.

  “Oh, and you can either take tomorrow as your day off or the day after we go.”

  “All right, noted.” Katie put her hands on the back of her chair. “I’m excited for this. Thanks for the opportunity.”

  “And thank you for being willing.”

  “Always,” she replied, thinking of the test outside the office.

  “Anywho, feel free to get back to training, or if your training is over, go relax,” he finished.

  “Thanks, Korbin,” she replied as she headed for the door. “And Korbin?”

  “Yeah?” He looked up.

  “I’ll always be stronger than my demon,” she said, tapping the doorframe and walking away.

  Korbin smiled and shook his head, realizing that he wasn’t going to be able to put things over on her.

  She was perceptive, and she didn’t hold back from asking the hard questions—which was exactly what the team needed.

  Still, there was something about her—something that Damian knew, but he
didn’t. Maybe Damian was right that he shouldn’t push her, but at the same time, pushing his people was exactly what he did.

  All he could really do was wait and see how things turned out.

  Katie decided she’d had enough training for the day, so she went on up to her room and jumped in the shower. When she got out, she put on one of her new bras and let Pandora see it.

  Pandora was obsessed with pretty lingerie, and Katie was starting to get used to it as well. She pulled on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top and plopped onto her bed, flipping on the television.

  Yessssss, Pandora hissed, excited. Isn’t All of Our Lives on first?

  Yeah. Katie put the remote to the side. Lucas is coming out, and the maid is going to reveal that she is Antonio’s real mother.

  I love this shit, Pandora said. And I’m pretty sure The Price Game comes on afterward. You know how much I love that fucking game. Did you know you can write to them and get tickets? You should do that.

  And do what if I am chosen? Katie shook her head. Everyone thinks I’m dead. I can’t just pop up on a game show.

  Shit, Pandora said. That’s just my fucking luck. I could totally beat those idiots. I mean, I’ve been alive forever, so I have some good knowledge in my brain.

  I’m liking our girls’ afternoon, Katie said, raising her arms over her head. I needed it bad.

  I’m not a girl, I’m a demon, Pandora said.

  Oh, come on. Katie laughed. You have developed a severe obsession with my Lancôme facial scrub, you want nothing put on the body unless it smells like pears, vanilla, or lavender, and you crave chocolate.

  First of all, that Lancôme is like the recipe I used to make when I lived in Paris, Pandora said. Secondly, you try living your whole life with a bunch of demons! You will like any smell that isn’t shit or flesh. And third, who doesn’t crave chocolate? I’m sure if you looked closely enough, the bible would talk about Jesus craving chocolate.

  Somehow I doubt that, Katie said, raising an eyebrow. Okay, and you love lingerie and game shows. You are a girl.

  Whatever, she said. Men like lingerie.

  Yeah, men like taking off lingerie, Katie replied. And I don’t mean those outliers who like to wear it, like that FBI guy in history…uh, whatshisname.

  Seriously? she asked. You humans had a person making decisions in the government whose name was Whatshisname?

  No, dammit, Katie snapped. His name was J. Edgar Hoover. I just didn’t want to be bothered with remembering.

  Well, now that you have brought him up, why don’t you tell me about him? Pandora asked.

  Why? Katie asked. He’s been dead forever.

  Because, her demon answered sarcastically, it could totally come up as an answer on my game shows.

  Why do I feel like I created a monster with this whole game show obsession?

  It’s possible you did, Pandora said. So, you have human men who wear lingerie?

  Sure. Katie shrugged. We also have men who love other men.

  Oh, honey, we’ve had that since the beginning of time, she replied. It didn’t used to be as hush-hush as you current humans make it.

  People judge too much, Katie replied.

  Well, that’s fucking sad, Pandora replied. Maybe we demons should give up, then. It already sounds kind of like hell.

  There are beautiful things too. Katie laughed.

  Like game shows and lingerie, Pandora agreed.

  Precisely. Katie nodded, then looked up when there was a knock on the door. “Come in!”

  “Hey,” Derek said, poking his head in the door. “Whatcha doing?”

  “Just watching ridiculous and pointless television.” Katie looked at him. “Why? What’s up?”

  “Figured you might want to come watch the movie Priest with us,” he answered, checking out her TV screen before returning his focus to her. “It’s a comedy.”

  “Sure,” she said, grabbing the remote to turn off the TV before bouncing off the bed. “But I could have sworn that Priest was a thriller-drama,” she mumbled as she stepped out of her room, closing the door behind her.

  “Maybe to the normal person.” He shrugged, turning to walk back to the common room. “But it’s a comedy to us.”

  Katie nodded. “Ahh, I get it.”

  Pandora’s interest had kicked in. Priest as a comedy? Ok, I’ll wait for the soap opera. I have to see this.

  They headed down the hall to the main TV room, where everyone was waiting to see if Katie was going to join them.

  Calvin was sitting comfortably in the back while the newbies were on the couch right up front and center. There was a seat open next to where Derek was plopping down, and one over by Damian.

  Katie accepted a couch pillow from Damian. “Why do I find it weird that the priest is here to watch Priest?” she asked him.

  Damian winked. “From what I’ve heard, I could have been the main character.”

  “Okay, but before we start, I need Dad’s Special Popcorn.” Katie got back up and headed into the kitchen to the music of groans. She whipped around, but five innocent faces looked back at her. Not a one gave away who had groaned.

  She turned back around to continue into the kitchen, and no one said anything else.

  She pulled a bag of sugar down from the cabinet and searched through the other ones, searching for and finally finding food coloring.

  She put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and started it as she placed a small saucepan on the stove. She poured in about a cup of sugar, a tiny bit of water, and some blue food coloring and turned up the heat.

  I’m telling you, you should have gone with red, Pandora said.

  No blood on my popcorn, Katie growled. I see enough of that kind of shit on a regular basis.

  Derek walked into the kitchen. “What are you doing?” he asked, trying to figure out the mixture on the stove.

  “Making my family’s secret snack food,” Katie answered, stirring the mixture. She pushed away the sudden pang of missing her mom.

  Derek leaned against the doorframe and watched her as she did her thing. When the popcorn was done popping, she emptied the kernels into a large glass bowl and tossed the bag.

  She still loved watching the colored sugar mixture drip all over the popcorn, just like when she had been a kid.

  Her mother used to call it “fairy popcorn, something with a little bit of magic in it” but her dad was the one who had made it the first time. When the sugar mixture had melted she poured it over the popcorn, taking a moment to toss it around and get it all blue and magical.

  She’d dive for the clumps of blue later.

  Then she stood there watching the clock, waiting for it to set and harden. The rest of the guys filed into the kitchen, wondering what the hell they were waiting on.

  “Katie’s snack revolution, apparently.” Derek pointed to the bowl in Katie’s hands.

  “Here, try it.” She held it out, waiting for each of the guys to grab a bit. “It’s magical.”

  Of course they loved it, and Katie was forced to make four more batches so there would be enough for everyone.

  Told you, Pandora grumped, enjoying the popcorn but not enjoying having to share. No good deed goes unpunished. The heathen scum ate that last bowl when you would have enjoyed it so much more.

  By the time she was done her fingers were blue, and the guys all looked like they had eaten Smurfs. It was the perfect way to end the day.

  Even Pandora enjoyed the time with the others.

  Chapter Ten

  Korbin, Calvin, Katie, and Derek pulled into the visitor parking area at Nellis Air Force Base, ready to check out the different weapons and equipment. Korbin had to disclose his weapons and provide his security clearance, and then they put a tag on the guns. If the tag wasn’t still on when he left, there had better be some damned good answers.

  Derek was mostly interested in looking into IT operations equipment, but that was because he had found his niche behind the scenes.

bin flashed his badge at the security guards and they backed off, pointing out where they needed to go. Derek walked ahead of them.

  The whole thing was thrilling for Katie, but the guys didn’t seem to give it too much thought. It didn’t bother her, though. She and Pandora wandered around gawking at all the options and listening to the other guests talk.

  “We’re going to go over the guns first,” Calvin whispered to her. “I know you’re a good shot, but I also know you don’t know a lot about them, so just follow along with us.”

  “Kay.” Katie smiled and put her hands behind her back.

  There were hundreds of guns laid out on tables across the convention floor, and even some so large the damned things had their own floor space. When they walked past one of the large mounted guns on the showroom floor, Katie stopped and looked at it with wide eyes. Calvin came up next to her and laughed.

  “Girl likes big guns.” He shook his head when she eyed him. “Okay, I can work with that—though I think this one might be a bit much for downtown Vegas.”

  “Hey, you never know when you need to take out three city blocks,” Katie told him with a smile on her face.

  “Yeah.” He jerked a thumb in the direction they had been walking. “Come on, armor’s up next.”

  Oooh, tell him you know about armor, Pandora said. I got you.

  Uh, are you sure? Katie asked.

  Yes, just trust me, Pandora told her.

  “I can help with armor. I know a bit about it,” Katie said.

  “All right, Anchor.” Korbin’s deeper voice called from behind her. “Give it a whirl.”

  “Okay, follow me.” Katie waved them after her as she walked through the crowd, thankful that the signs pointed the way.

  When they got there, the guys stood behind her.

  The two pretty females eyed Katie, but the sales guy had his smile on and was looking to see if Calvin or Korbin were going to ask questions.

  That just pissed Katie off.

  She put up a hand. “I’ll do this, thank you,” she told the man, and grabbed the first bit of armor. “Ok, this crap is ceramic-disk tactical armor. Completely useless when shot at by armor-piercing ammunition, and rejected by the US Government.”


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