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Behind the Count: Cessna U Wildcats Book Two

Page 15

by Readnour, Kimberly

  “I’m glad you did.” I force myself to look away before confessing just how much I appreciate the gesture. Looking like a lovesick puppy dog is the last thing I want to accomplish. The sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar fills the air as a teenager walks past, carrying a plate with a cinnamon roll.

  “That looks amazing,” I say, still eyeing the thick, delicious-looking pastry.

  “Garret said Erma’s Sweet Rolls is the best vendor. That’s why I came here for our drinks. Did you want a cinnamon roll, too?”

  I debate for a moment, and although tempting, this is our first stop. “No, the lemon shake-up is fine for now. But later. Turning down homemade buttercream icing is nearly impossible, you know.”

  “You’ve got it,” Noah says, the corners of his mouth curving into a smile. We step to the counter.

  Before too long, we’re walking down the midway with our lemon shake-ups in hand. Kids run past laughing with cotton candy smeared on their faces. He intertwines his fingers with mine, and the move seems natural. I absorb every minute being in public while holding hands. All the worry of being caught dissipates as we’re in our own bubble of protection.

  “Since we’re doing all this walking, I take it your ankle is better?”

  He lets out a sigh. “Yes, but even though I feel strong, Coach wants me to do some strength exercises before fully returning.”

  “I bet you’re anxious to get back on the field.”

  “You have no idea.”

  Sucking on my straw, I hit bottom and search out a trash can. When we dispose of the drinks, Noah lets out a woot.

  “Look up ahead to the right.”

  I follow his gaze straight to the balloon dart stand and squeal. “Oh my gosh, it’s Uni.” Almost. Hanging from the overhead canopy, a giant pink unicorn dangles in the air. The color may be off, but the stuffed animal sports the same rainbow-streaked horn.

  Noah wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me next to him. He kisses me on the nose and says, “I have to win one for you.”

  “Really?” I smile up at him, my heart racing. When I lost Uni in the fire last year, I felt like I lost a piece of myself along with Noah. Now, being with him and holding hands while getting a redo is a little surreal.

  “What do you say? Think I still have it?”

  I laugh. “Have you ever had it, stud?”

  He leans next to my ear and whispers, “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  Tingles shoot across every nerve ending, causing me to shudder. He lets out a small chuckle, and we head to the dart game.

  “I heard this game is rigged,” I say.

  “It is. The darts are usually dull and the balloons under-inflated, but I’m confident.”

  “Okay, Mr. Cocky Pants. Show me your best stuff.”

  Sixteen darts and fifty dollars later, we walk away with a new and improved Uni.

  “How’s your ego?”

  “A little bruised. But there wasn’t any way you were going home without that unicorn. I don’t care if it cost me a hundred dollars.”

  I laugh. “Thank you. It may not be the original, but he’ll mean even more to me.”

  “You know, I hated going to that carnival back then.”

  “You did? I thought you couldn’t wait to go.”

  “After everything that happened, I didn’t feel right leaving you behind. Braxton didn’t want to go either.”

  I tip my head up toward him. His expression turns dark and haunted. “I thought Braxton was dying to go.”

  “No, it was your parents that insisted on us going.” He takes a deep breath. “When we got there, all I could think about was you lying in the hospital bed all sad. That’s why I spent half the night trying to win you that stuffed animal. Like I told you before, the moment I saw the unicorn, I thought of you, Sprinkles.”

  I smile at the warm sentiment. “I was so jealous that you guys went. The stuffed animal meant more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  “You mean more to me than you’ll ever know.” The carnival sounds fade to the background as Noah’s haunted expression holds me hostage. “You almost died. I was never so scared in my life. I questioned everything the night the ambulance took you to the hospital. I wondered what I did to have God take two people away from me.”

  “Oh, Noah.” This conversation is too heavy, taking place in the middle of a carnival, but I had no idea he had felt that way. “I came out of it okay.”

  His smile is soft. “No, but it changed everything for me. And Braxton. If you recall, that’s when he got more protective.”

  I nod, not knowing what to say.

  “Anyway, how is everything going with your training?”

  “Good.” I rap my chest. “I feel strong.”

  He retakes my hand, and we resume walking. The carnival noises rush in at once. The reality of our situation weighs heavily between us. “I don’t want to treat you like you’ll break. Braxton does that enough for both of us, but listen to your body, okay? It will tell you if something is off.”

  “I feel fine, really. But I hear you.”

  “You want to ride the Ferris wheel?”

  I look over at the big monstrosity. “I’m game.”

  “You think I’ll have to buy a ticket for UJ?”

  “UJ?” I laugh.

  “Yeah, Uni Junior.”

  “Uni Junior,” I repeat. “I like that, but you may have to.”

  Our feet lead us to the ticket booth over by the kiddie rides. His hand slips from mine and wraps around my waist as we wait in line. He drags me close to him and nestles against my ear. “It’s a good thing there are all these kids around because I want to devour you right now.”

  Heat flames my cheeks as I glance around the carnival. But then, I stiffen.

  Noah rears back, looking at me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend—”

  “No, that’s not it. Look who’s coming over here.” I plant a smile on my face right as Noah creates distance between us.

  “Oh, shit,” he murmurs.

  “Hey, you guys. What are you two doing here?” Garret asks. He’s dressed casually, holding hands with a little girl.

  My heart hammers in my chest as a million questions slam my thoughts. Did he see Noah whisper against my ear? What had we looked like standing there? Damn it. I don’t want him to tell Braxton. I’m not ready for this to end.

  “I thought I’d take Shannon to the carnival. She’s never been before.”

  “You’ve never been to a carnival?”

  “I want to ride the strawberries. You promised.” A sweet voice pulls my attention to a pigtailed, dark-haired beauty who looks to be about three or four years old. Her coloring matches Garret’s, making me wonder if she’s his niece.

  “The spinning strawberries looks fun,” I say. “You’ll have to make Garret take you on them.”

  “Gee, thanks.” His hand goes on top of the girl’s head while she hugs his leg. “I saw you guys and wanted to say hi. I need to take this little munchkin on a ride. Glad you finally made it to a carnival. Make him buy you a cinnamon roll before you leave.”

  “Don’t worry, I will.”

  We exchange goodbyes, and I turn to Noah as soon as Garret is out of earshot. “Do you think he suspects anything? Or, more importantly, do you think he’ll mention this to Braxton?”

  He stares after him with a distant look. “I don’t know. When he comes back on Sunday, I’ll feel him out.”

  I nod. Our clash with Braxton may come sooner than we anticipated.

  * * *

  No, this can’t be happening.

  My breath halts the moment he turns Braxton’s truck toward my dorm instead of driving straight to jock housing. My mind scrambles with what to say. From his touches to his forward suggestions, I would have sworn he’d take me back to his place. I highly doubt my bed would be more comfortable than his double. So, why bring me here?

  A part of me wishes I could be oblivious to his intentions and not care whether he brings me
back to the dorm or his house, but that isn’t reality. I do care because I don’t want this night to end. I want us to take our relationship to the next level. Who knows when another opportunity will arise? I risk a glance at Noah. My heart sinks as indecision or maybe apprehension coats his features, revealing my concern that he’s talking himself out of this. I know his reputation. If I were any other girl, he’d have me in bed already. But if I were any other girl, he wouldn’t have taken me out on a date. I shake off the sting his rejection causes, knowing full well it’s just my insecurities resurfacing.

  I unbuckle my belt and scoot across the leather interior until I’m next to him. He gives me a sideways glance but remains quiet. I have no idea what I’m doing. If I don’t try something seductive, I’ll end up frustrated after this perfect evening.

  Twisting my body toward him, I trace my fingertips along his scalp just above his ear and place my other hand on his thigh. His breath stutters. I lean closer and drop my voice. “Thanks for tonight. I had a great time.”

  “I did, too.” He pulls the truck into a parking spot but keeps the engine running. He unbuckles his seat belt and turns toward me, searching my eyes. At that moment, I wish I had all the experience in the world and could look back at him with those sexy eyes that say “fuck me.” Then, maybe he wouldn’t be so hesitant and wouldn’t see the nervousness and fears I can’t seem to hide.

  My heart hammers as I summon the strength to say what my mind thinks. “I don’t want tonight to end.”

  His breathing hitches as those greenish-brown eyes darken to a deep jade. I know he wants me just as badly as I want him, but getting him to cave to those desires is a whole other ballgame. Noah’s always in control of his emotions. Always reserved. For once, I wish he’d let go.

  “Are you asking me up to your room, Sprinkles?”

  “You know exactly what I’m asking for.” I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he seems to contemplate my words. My body hums with anticipation.

  “I want you to be one hundred percent sure if we do this.”

  “Noah”—I squeeze his thigh, which earns me another stuttering breath—“I’ve never been surer in my life.” I erase the distance between us and press against his hard chest. His heart beats fast, his breaths rapid. He wants this. I can tell, but he needs to let go of those rational thoughts that keep doubting his every move. Please let them go. “I want you.”

  His hand wraps around my waist, and he dips his head down to my lips, giving me a small kiss. My body ignites from the physical touch. “I want you too, but once we do this, there’s no going back.”

  “I know.” I run my hand along the plane of his abdomen and don’t stop until l feel his hardness against his shorts. The corners of my mouth lift into a smirk. “You want this, too.”

  “God, yes, but—”

  I cut him off with a kiss. As his mouth moves with mine, the last thing I want is a denial.

  “Come upstairs with me.”

  His mouth curves into a seductive grin. “Would you be opposed to coming home with me?”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “If we’re going to be having sex for the first time, then I want you in a bigger bed. You deserve better than a dinky dorm room.”

  “Take me home, Noah.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The house is quiet with no signs of Dalton anywhere. It’s not that I don’t want to see my friend, but I want tonight to be about Noah and me. Noah clicks the overhead light on and grabs the container of cinnamon rolls from my hand before taking them to the kitchen. As my eyes adjust, I stay rooted in place and glance around the living room. For jocks living together, they keep the space relatively clean. Everything from the throw pillows to their sports magazines is in order.

  I run a shaky hand along the length of my dress and wonder why I’m thinking about their housekeeping skills. But I know why. It’s a distraction to keep from thinking about the next step. Our next step. Imagining having sex with Noah is one thing, but it’s quite another to actually follow through. I’m equal parts thrilled and tense when all I want to be is confident and sexy. Much like the girls before me. Much like Marla. No! I mentally scold myself. Tonight, there is no one else.

  No ex-boyfriends.

  No history of other girls.

  Just Noah and me.

  “We have the house to ourselves for most of the night. Dalton said he’d be late,” Noah says as if reading my thoughts.

  I nod, still focused on the tidiness of the living room, and force my hands not to fidget. I’m so far out of my element it’s beyond ridiculous.

  “Did you want anything to drink? Milk to go with the cinnamon roll?” The timbre of his voice skates over me like a warm breeze on a lazy summer day. When my gaze raises to meet his, my nerves ease somewhat from the playful grin ghosting his lips. This is Noah. The guy I’ve watched grow from a boy to a man. I’ve seen him at his most vulnerable state. I’ve seen him at his strongest. And through it all, he’s always been there for me.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Mmm, you are.”

  A strangled laugh escapes my lips at what I’m sure is a joke, but his expression stays sober. The way he stares, his intensity is almost palpable as the air shifts between us, taking on a positive charge. He steps forward and closes the gap between us. My heart rate surges as he stares down at me with a passion that says he wants me, but the stuttering in his breath reveals I may not be alone in my nervousness. He visibly swallows as the backs of his fingers brush the side of my face. “You’re so beautiful, Sprinkles.”

  My mouth parts, but before I can refute, he grasps the nape of my neck and brings his lips to mine, silencing me. The kiss starts slow, a mixture of featherlight brushes and tantalizing promises of better things to come. I melt against his body, wrapping my arms around his waist and drinking in every piece he offers. I’ve dreamed of this night for so long. I imagined us together in so many different ways. It’s a little surreal to have my fantasy coincide with reality.

  Noah deepens the kiss as our tongues continue their exploration—each sweeping pass a delicate tease of tantalizing eagerness and promises. His fingers wrap around my hair and tug with just enough force to expose my neck. His lips drop to the underside of my jaw while his free hand roams the curves of my backside. My hands fist his shirt, wishing it was gone, as he grabs my ass and pulls me flush against him. His arousal presses against my lower belly, evoking a flurry of heat that seizes my entire body. A sound that’s both pleading and torturous escapes my mouth, the sensations too much.

  Pulling back a fraction, Noah searches my eyes. “We don’t have to do anything tonight. You know that, right?”

  “Noah, please don’t back out now. I want you.”

  The sexiest growl passes his lips and intoxicates me. He grabs my hand and leads me toward the stairs.

  We step into his room, and he turns the table lamp on. Bright light fills the space, and I instinctively hug my arms to my chest, shrinking into myself. A scared little girl isn’t quite the picture I want to portray. I’m beyond ready for this; I am. Taking the next step with Noah is the most natural thing, but that doesn’t stop my stomach from rolling. I squeeze tighter, biting my lower lip. I’m going to be naked. It’s been over a year since a guy has seen me, and the sting of rejection still hurts as if it happened yesterday.

  Noah isn’t Caleb.

  Noah must sense my unease. He drops my hand and picks up a towel from the hamper. He drapes it over the lamp, the light muting instantly. “How’s that?”

  “Better, thanks.”

  He steps closer and cups my face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t prepare for this night very well. I didn’t start our date with this in mind.”

  My heart sinks at what he means. I assumed he would’ve taken care of the necessities. I try to hide the panic in my voice as I ask, “You don’t have protection?”

  “No,” he says through a chuckle. “I meant I pictured our
first time being a little more special. Like with candles and soft music.”

  He’s talking, but all I heard is that he imagined us together. That he thought about being with me. And his admission makes me feel way better than it should. “Oh, well, as nice as that sounds, all I need is you.”

  Something dark and sinister passes through his eyes. My name falls from his mouth before his lips are back on mine. And this time, there’s a raw need behind his kiss. A demand for more and a sign he won’t be stopping. His hands slide to the nape of my neck as his deft fingers slide the zipper down. My dress falls to the floor, leaving me in my camisole that hides most of my scars. He breaks apart and drinks me in. I try to search for any signs of repulsiveness, but desire is all I see. I force myself to relax. But when his lips are back on mine and his hands grasp the edge of my camisole, I can’t stop my thoughts. My body wars with my mind, loving the sensations he causes, hating the need to back away.

  He works the silky material past my belly button. I moan in his mouth, my heart thrumming. He takes his time, teasing my flesh with the backs of his knuckles while deepening the kiss.

  I love it.

  I hate it.

  Another inch higher.

  I can do this. There isn’t anything I want more than being here with Noah. The wetness between my legs is more than enough proof.

  One more inch.

  His knuckles brush the underside of my breast, and I react before my mind catches up. I pull away from our kiss and clamp my hands on his. He stills.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Can we…” I bite my lip, searching for the right words. “Um, I-I’d rather leave this on.”

  Noah’s hands drop to my waist as he nods. He doesn’t question why, but the flicker of pity crossing his eyes tells me he knows. He brushes the loose strands of hair away from my face and whispers how beautiful I am. The words hang in the air but don’t register. I’m afraid they never will. I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing I could be normal.

  Noah steps back, his tone stern as if daring me to cross him. “Look at me, Sprinkles.”


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