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The Kingdom Journals Complete Series Box Set

Page 3

by Tricia Copeland

  We’d been to camp together and practiced five days a week for the past month. Maybe people like Hannah and Melody never learned. Obviously, they were still bullying their way through life at eighteen. But if I could change the attitude of the rest of the group, we would work better together. I liked feeling like a part of something positive. With continuous tension, the year would be miserable. I’d stated my position and stood shoulders squared in front of her.

  Stepping back, Hannah bobbed her head. “Melody likes Nick, got it?” She looked to Melody. “You good?”

  “Good enough for me.” She shrugged.

  Hannah lifted her chin into the air. “Let’s go, ladies.”

  Sophie grabbed my arm, and when I tensed it, she let go. “I can’t believe you did that. I haven’t ever seen anyone stand up to Hannah.”

  “Well, it was about time. I’m not going to walk around scared of her all school year.” That’s what I said, but Hannah didn’t frighten me. Even with the four inches she had on me, I could take her in my sleep. My only concern was what she could do to me socially.

  Sophie and I followed the rest of the girls out to the field, and I took my position beside Hannah. We stretched and then ran for thirty minutes. Next, we did core exercises and filed into the gym for a half hour of weight training. Our cool down consisted of going through our cheer routines and walking a lap of the track.

  “I don’t get how you’re never breathing hard,” Sophie said as we made our way back to the locker room.

  “I told you. I run an hour on the team’s rest days.”

  “I guess. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to running.”

  “Everyone has their thing. You’re really flexible.”

  We changed and made our way outside. Sophie pointed at a bus on the street. “That’s me. I’ll text you tonight.”

  “Okay, bye.” I waved to her as she jogged away. Seeing the familiar black sport utility vehicle in front of me, I ran to it. I opened the back door and slung my pack onto the seat, lowering myself onto the cool leather. Every cell tingled with anxiety. I’d held it together all through practice, but I didn’t have a drop of psychological energy left.

  “Rough afternoon?” Orm asked as he pulled away from the curb.

  “How long is the drive?”

  “Twenty minutes.” He held a bag of my favorite organic trail mix out to me.

  “Thank you.” I snatched it and tore open the bag. Picking out the nuts first, I let my body relax into the soft bench.

  “Anything out of the usual? Or does the normal cheerleader drama have you on edge again?”

  “It was like cheerleader drama on crack. Mix them with the masses and they magnify their hive behaviors. I stood up to them though. I think they’ll leave me alone now.” I popped a raisin into my mouth.

  “Did you make any new friends? Anybody stand out?”

  “No one you or Mother would be interested in.” Looking at him in the rearview mirror, I rolled my eyes for effect. “Melody likes the boy who was nice to me so that’s why she was bent out of shape.” I held my finger up. “And don’t even say it. I know Mother won’t let me date. I told you Melody likes him. He was being nice. I’m taking a cat nap.”

  “Good choice, miss.”

  Closing my eyes, I imagined floating above the city. I appreciated that Orm listened to my teenage drama. Mother and Elizabeth had no tolerance for it, and sometimes I needed to vent, of late it had been daily.

  Within a block, I heard sirens and opened my eyes to see three squad cars in front of the sushi place I’d been to for lunch. Police tape hung across the front door.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know.” Orm pushed the power button on his police radio.

  Voices rolled off several codes, and then I recognized a name. “Shogun Sushi suspected one-eight-seven,” dispatch announced.

  “One-eight-seven.” I hit Orm’s shoulder. “Someone was murdered. I ate lunch there, and someone was killed in the same spot.” My stomach turned, and I covered my mouth with my hand.

  “Focus, Alena. I will call your mother and see if she is following it. Murders happen all the time in LA.”

  “Welcome to the City of Angels, I guess.”

  “Gymnastics will help you clear your head.” Orm stopped in front of the gym.

  “Thanks, Orm.” I shot him a smile and heaved the car door open.


  “Yes.” I poked my head back into the vehicle.

  “Here.” He tossed me a small bottle of clear liquid. “It will help with focus.”

  Catching the mixture, I twisted off the cap and took a big whiff. Recognizing Orm’s energizing mixture, I released my breath and drew in another, already feeling renewed.

  Even exhausted, I looked forward to my private gymnastics sessions. Nothing beat the feeling of flipping through the air. I changed and met my instructor on the mat. She had me go through warm ups and helped me stretch out. My mind kept looping back to my lunch, but I focused as well as I could on the fifteen minutes on bars, then beam, and the floor routines.

  “You’re off your game today. Everything okay?” she asked as I finished my floor stunts.

  “There was this crime scene at the sushi restaurant I ate at for lunch. It kind of freaked me out.”

  “That’s hard. I’m sorry. Don’t let this city get to you though. We’ll do vault on Wednesday.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks!” I jogged to the locker room to change.

  The sun blinded me as I walked outside, and I shielded my eyes with my hands. Hearing a quick honk, I turned to see Orm approaching.

  “How was your session?” he asked as I tossed my bag in the back and climbed in beside him.

  “Did you hear anything about the murder?”

  “It was a female waitress, and the condition of the body is suspicious. Your mother has people at the house now.”

  “Again? This is the third case since we’ve been here.”

  “Definitely seems like we have a rogue vamp on our hands.”

  “Is Mother issuing martial law? Do I even get to go to school?”

  “I thought you wanted to be home-schooled.”

  “Today wasn’t too bad.” I let my head rest on the window and closed my eyes. Orm weaved through the streets to our building, and sensing the darkness of the garage, I lifted my lids.

  “Thank you for driving me, Orm,” I told him as we entered the elevator.

  “Of course, m—Miss Alena.”

  Upstairs there were two body guards outside our door, and I caught the scents of at least four extra bodies inside.

  As soon as I stepped inside, Mother appeared beside me. Wrapping her arms around me she squeezed me to her. “I am so sorry you had to see the scene darling.”

  “I’m okay, Mother.” I wiggled away from her.

  “I know this is hard.” With one arm around my shoulders, she led me to the sitting room. “But we have some evidence from the alley behind the restaurant. It was so close to your school, and I want you to know the scent.”

  Four policemen sat in the receiving room, and they stood as we entered. Mother kept vampires on every major law enforcement agency in the country so she could monitor criminal behavior.

  “This is a bandana they found at the scene.” One of the officers handed a plastic bag to Mother. She opened it and held it up to my nose. The fabric smelled of musk and sweat, and my nose crinkled up instinctively.

  “That’s not a smell I’ll forget anytime soon.”

  “Good.” She closed the bag and handed it back to the officer.

  “So who was it? Who’s the victim?”

  “Let’s not worry about that.” Mother wrapped her arms around my back, spinning me around.

  “I ate there yesterday and today. The person may have served me.”

  Mother stopped and motioned to the officer holding a file. Taking the file as he approached, she opened it and held up a photo. “This is the girl.”

  I cupped my hand to my mouth. “That’s the hostess.”

  The officer in front of us cleared his throat. “Did she smell nice?”

  “They all do.”

  “Okay, this is enough. Alena, go clean up for dinner,” Mother ordered.

  “But maybe I could help.”

  “Are you crazy? That is the opposite of what you should be thinking. We don’t know how old or powerful this rogue vampire is. You promise me you’ll stay away from that area.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  “Good, now go shower. Dinner is still at seven thirty.”

  Thinking the last thing I wanted was to eat, I retrieved my pack and made my way to my room. Letting the bag fall to the floor once the double doors clicked shut, I reclined against the soft wood. With violet walls, dark hardwood floors, and accents of lilac and white, this was my sanctuary. Lifting a finger and pushing magic towards the windows, I closed the shades to produce complete darkness. I shed my shoes and wiggled my toes, letting the long strands of long pile rug slip through them.

  In the bathroom, I started the shower. While it got hot, I browsed through my dresses, searching for the softest one. Dinner was an event at our house, and I was expected to be in formal attire. Finding a sleeveless white satin cocktail dress, I hung it on the door. I pinned up my hair and washed and dressed quickly. Grateful shoes were optional, I padded to the dining room.

  Mother’s brow, usually smooth and clear, creased with anxiety. Still her eyes sparkled as they landed on me. Crossing the room, I set a kiss on each of her cheeks, and she returned the greeting. “Sit, you must be exhausted.”

  “It’s been a long day.”

  “You can tell us all about it.”

  I took a seat at the far end of the table while Elizabeth and Orm took the two across from each other.

  “To Alena and her last year of high school.” Mother forced a smile and lifted her glass of Champagne.

  With my face feeling flushed from the attention, I raised my glass and tapped it to each of theirs.

  Elizabeth passed the dishes of food, and after we’d filled our plates, Mother bowed her head for the blessing.

  “Heavenly beings, full of grace, we are grateful for this harvest. Bless each soul that partakes, we beseech you.”

  Mother set her napkin in her lap and lifted her fork, signaling the beginning of the meal. Raising my knife, I sliced a bit of salmon and slid it in my mouth.

  “This is excellent Elizabeth.” I commended her when I’d finished the bite.

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “So, about your day, Alena? Elizabeth said you gave her a hard time before breakfast.” Mother’s eyes landed on me.

  I looked at my lap. “It’s early, and I’m tired.”

  “Early mornings and daytime schedules are hard for all of us.” She took a bite of fish and made a circle with her fork. “Well, Orm fairs fine, but still. Speaking of which, Orm says you made a friend? Anyone interesting?”

  I ignored the term interesting in her question, knowing she meant supernatural beings, and proceeded to tell them about Nick. “I guess he’s a friend. We studied together in my free period.”

  Her eyes got wide. “And where was this?”

  “In a study session monitored by his football coach.”

  “I see.” She dabbed her lips and replaced the napkin in her lap.

  “And what of the boy you wanted”—she cleared her throat—“excuse me, had an issue with.”

  “Cheerleaders aren’t supposed to be smart according to him.”

  “My goodness. You think humans would’ve evolved past separation of beauty and brains.”

  “This girl in my class said he pretty much picked on everyone.”

  “Teenagers.” She rolled her eyes. “Anything else?”

  “I put Hannah in her place.”

  Mother stopped mid-bite. “With tact, I assume.” Her left eyebrow shot up.

  I looked between Elizabeth and Orm, trying to create drama.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Good for you. Did you talk to anybody else? Anyone interesting?” She set her elbows on the table and made an arch with her fingers.

  “The girl, Annabelle. She was nice.”

  “What do you mean, nice? Interesting nice or just nice?”

  Usually I made it a game. I knew she hated it, so I strung her along to see how many times she would ask if I ran across anyone interesting. Right then, my nerves were frayed, I was exhausted, and I didn’t have the patience.

  “What do you mean? Someone like a covert agent who may kidnap me and hold me for ransom? Maybe my old imaginary friends, Chase or Ivy.” Speaking her name made my throat close up, but I pushed on. “Or maybe my father? When do I get to know who he is by the way? Or meet him? Maybe I could protect myself if you let me learn to—”

  “Alena.” Elizabeth’s sharp voice cut my oration short.

  Instantly ashamed for lashing out at Mother, my eyes cut to my plate. She tried, and she was a good mother for the most part. Not doting like a lot of mothers, but I had Elizabeth for that. Me, Orm, and Elizabeth were all Mother had. She loved me, but she was more of a lioness than a mother hen.

  Mother squeezed Elizabeth’s arm. “It’s okay. She’s had a hard day. She needs rest. How about half an hour tonight, Orm?”

  A tear formed in my eye. “I’m sorry. No, I didn’t sense anyone of interest.”

  “I know, sweetie. I shouldn’t push you. I need to be sure we don’t overlook anything.”

  “I’m almost eighteen. We’ve been doing this since I was in kindergarten.”

  “Well, I will agree that you are nearing eighteen, but there are still ten months until your birthday. There is much to learn before then.”

  “There is much to learn?” I asked Orm as we made our way to his study.

  “I’ve taught you how to use your magic for many things. There is always more to master. Your coven training will commence six months prior to your birth date. But what of your outbreak? You could protect yourself if she let you learn to what?” Orm closed the door behind us.

  “You know what I want to learn.”

  “And you know why we are not allowing it.”

  “I know, but...” I plopped into an arm chair.

  “Why did you mention your father?” The seven-hundred-year-old witch lowered himself into the seat beside me.

  “I don’t know. I’m tired.”

  I regretted clueing them into the fact that I wished I could meet my father. Since I’d given him up as Mother’s mystery mission target, I hadn’t given too much away though. But she asked if I’d sensed any people like us, interesting people was her code phrase, every day, and I grew tired of the routine. Couldn’t she trust that I’d tell her if I thought I was in danger? I longed to have friends, friends who were like me. Why would I hide them from her?

  Other vampire younglings were home-schooled for fear their unbridled impulses would lead to unwanted outcomes, like the bully literally getting killed on the playground. In the evenings, they attended vampire school, learning vampire history, government, and acquiescence to human activity. But Mother believed in mainstreaming and rarely allowed me to mingle with vampires. Maybe she thought if I made a real friend, I’d share my secret and we’d all be doomed. But why had she created me in the first place if I was going to be saddled with so many restrictions? What was the purpose? Orm reminded me almost daily that eighteen years was but a drop in the bucket to beings like ourselves. When you were seventeen with the brain and hormones of an adolescent half-vampire, it felt like torture.

  Acting as tutor, mentor, and stand-in father, Orm taught me all the vampire and witch histories and helped me hone my powers. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Mother was a vampire so by default my father would be a witch like Orm. But who was he? What did he look like? Where did he live?

  I flicked my finger, and the lights of the room dimmed. I focused on the logs in the fireplace, and flam
es gushed from the planks of wood.

  “Being a bit dramatic, aren’t we?” Orm asked.

  “I am a teenager.”

  “I don’t think you really want to be home-schooled.”

  “No, I don’t”

  “Well, you need to keep your emotions in check.” Orm shifted in his chair.

  “I’ve been cloaked all day. If there’s some place to be able to break down, it should be with your family.”

  “You are right. But your mother will pull you from school if she doesn’t think you can hold it together.”

  “Well, now I’m listening.”

  “And you know why you can’t learn to fly yet.”

  “But it would be so fun.” I jumped to the edge of my chair. “We could go out into the desert and practice there. No one would see us.”

  “When you’re eighteen.”

  “You promise?” I stared into his eyes.


  Swirling my finger in the air, I started the stereo, and Bach trickled from the speakers. I lay my head on the back of the seat. I had to figure this magical eighteen thing out. Eighteen-year-old witches gained their full powers when they became members of a coven. I would join Orm’s coven, making us a family of two. But there was something more they were keeping from me. My mind wandered back to all I knew.

  “What do you mean?” My almost three-year-old self asked Orm.

  “You are a special creature. Your mother and father loved each other so much, and they wanted someone to share their love with.”

  “Why is Father gone then?”

  “He is out in the world making sure you are safe.”

  I folded my arms over my chest. “Why can’t he be here to keep me safe?”

  “Adult things are confusing sometimes.”

  “But I’m smart and can remember everything, so you can tell me.”

  “This is the way it has to be, child.” Orm patted my head as we walked towards his study.

  I stomped my black patent leather shoes to the wood floor, and the lights flashed with each foot fall. “But I am big, and I should be able to know.”


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