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The Kingdom Journals Complete Series Box Set

Page 41

by Tricia Copeland

  Taking in my surroundings, I noted carpets lining the stone floors and vast paintings hanging on stone walls. The ceilings, also of stone, must have been twenty feet above my head. The group reached me, and I followed them down the hall, studying each painting as we passed. The third one down, I stopped.

  “Isn’t this Da Vinci’s Virgin on the Rocks?”

  “Yes, and no.” Dr. Antos’s smile spread across his face. “This is a third version commissioned by a friend of the family.”

  “The angel’s hands are different. In the others, the angel’s palm is horizontal.”

  “You know art. Yes, in this one, Uriel looks to be either pointing out his deed or seeking praise for the act, depending on which interpretation you favor.”

  “Who is Uriel and what did he do?” asked Jude.

  I recalled the story from my childhood. “Uriel saved John the Baptist and his mother and is depicted reuniting them with Mary.”

  “Why are all the paintings of angels?” Jude continued as we proceeded down the hall.

  “Well, since you are set to begin your coven training, I guess there’s no time like the present. All witches are descended from one of the four archangels. This painting was a gift from the line of Uriel to our family, of the line of Michael.”

  My mind spun with the new information. Was he serious? Angels? Witches were descended from angels? He expected us to believe that? There was no hint of humor in his demeanor, and I assumed he did. Even in my disbelief, it fit. Dad always told us stories about angels. If you believed in angels it wasn’t much of a stretch to believe that angels sired witches.

  The psychiatrist continued on until we reached a wider corridor. “You will have many questions, but let us find your rooms. This is the main wing. Your quarters are on the west wing. Dining is to the north, meeting rooms to the south, and leisure rooms are below us.” Dr. Antos continued down the hall. “After you freshen up, we can have a tour of the facility.”

  “A hot shower sounds amazing.” Jude quickened his pace to catch up with the psychiatrist.

  His act of being indifferent to me, and the excitement and confidence he exuded, grated my nerves. Wasn’t he freaking out?

  We turned corner after corner. Every corridor looked just like the last. Stopping at an elevator, we rode two floors up to the top floor.

  “Our facility is at capacity. I’m sorry your rooms are the most remote. Some would say they are the best in the compound. You’ll overlook the sea, and the sunsets can be spectacular,” Dr. Antos told us as we stepped out of the elevator.

  After another two turns, he led us to the end of a hallway. He handed a key to me and then Jude.

  “I will return to escort you to lunch in an hour. If you want to contact your parents, now might be a good time. Press zero on the phones provided, and the operator will get you an outside line. Even if you have an international plan on your phone, all cell signals are blocked within the building.”

  “What about Wi-Fi?” I asked, concentrating on taking normal breaths.

  “You will have access to the internet for your studies and approved leisure time. I believe you will find there will be little down time as we have much work to do.”

  “When can we inquire about my dad? Mom said they filed reports but haven’t gotten any answers.”

  “There are people here who will assist in this. I will take you to them this afternoon.”

  For as much as I didn’t trust Dr. Antos, I feared going into the room. They could lock me in. Jude and I weren’t stronger than Dr. Antos, and I doubted we could overpower Carmen or Alex.

  “I will give you some private time now.” Dr. Antos bowed, backed, and spun away, retreating in the direction we’d come.

  “Alex and I will be right here, madam. There is nothing to fear.” Carmen must have noted my apprehension as I picked up my bag.

  I forced a smile. “Thank you. This place is huge. I’d be lost before I hit the second turn.”

  “You’re welcome,” Carmen commented, stepping back to stand beside the door as if to make his presence a finality.

  This is a test. Jude’s voice echoed in my head.

  I spun to see him turning the key in his lock. Looking to Alex and then Carmen, I noted their expressions hadn’t changed. I let my key drop to the floor to cover my aberrant move.

  “Oh, my key.” I studied the rug below me, bending to pick up the key.

  Looks like just you can hear me. Everything will be okay. We’ll figure it out. I’ll be as close to you as possible all the time, Jude continued.

  I pushed thoughts to him. Testing. Turning the key in the knob, I entered my room.

  Yes, he replied.

  You can hear me too? I closed the door behind me. Jude?

  There was no reply, and I guessed the walls and doors blocked the transmission of magic. Scanning the space, I wondered if it were made from original stone. I ran my hand along the jagged surface. Unlike the corridors, the floors were hard wood. A vast white shag rug extended under a four-post bed. A canopy sat atop the posts, and sheer white curtains hung down each side. I slid my hand over the white silk comforter and turned to face the windows.

  Streaks in the glass led me to believe they were original, but no draft escaped from the edges. I searched for an opening and found a handle just out of my reach. Pushing a chair to the window, I swung the pane open. Below, waves crashed on the rocks, and foam slid back into the dark sea. The day had brightened, but the sun still sat cloaked in the sky, barely an outline of light.

  Crossing to a set of double doors, I found a closet, lined on both sides with dresses, shirts, and slacks. I unpacked my things, loading them in the dresser drawers. Another door led to a bathing chamber with white marble floors covered in soft white rugs. Beside the shower I found a towel, soap, shampoo, and conditioner, all designer brands we could never have afforded.

  Remembering I was allowed a call home, I found the phone on the desk. I dialed zero, and an operator with a heavy Italian accent connected me to an outside line.

  “Camille?” Mother answered on the first ring.


  “You made it there okay?”

  “Yes, we’re here, at the estate. Really it’s more of a castle.”

  “Yes, the website pictures were impressive. How was the flight? How are you?”

  “Tired, but fine,” I lied to her.

  “Okay, honey, well, I have a client, can you call tonight?”

  “Yes, I will. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  “Wait, did you hear from Dad?”

  “Not yet.”

  My heart sank. “Dr. Antos said they had people that would look into it.”

  “Really, why? How?”

  “He’s from like this super rich, powerful family here.”

  “Oh, well, that’s good, I guess.”

  “Okay, bye, Mom.”

  “Bye, sweetie.” She ended the call.

  Feeling vulnerable, I locked the room as well as the bathroom door. It gave me a little reassurance that I could bolt the doors, even though I figured the staff had keys and a big jolt of magic could blast through the deadbolt. I started the hot water and stood under the stream. I hadn’t planned on washing my hair, but it’d been a month since I’d been in a real shower. I took my time scrubbing my skin and shaving my legs. With unlimited hot water, I could have stayed in there for a week. Eventually I got too hot. Drying off, I applied the lotion they had provided. My nails were ragged, and I searched the drawers till I found a file.

  Having noticed that the halls were cold, I dressed in my khaki hiking pants, long-sleeved shirt, and sweater. There wasn’t time to dry my hair properly, so I wove it into a braid. There was a rap on my door, and noting the time, I grabbed my socks and shoes.

  “Miss.” Carmen’s fist held ready to rap on my door again as I opened it.

  “I’m here.” I balanced on one foot and then the other, pulling on my socks then shoes.

bsp; “We will have some lunch before the tour.” Dr. Antos spun in the direction of the elevators.

  His gait was fast, and I skipped to catch up, falling in beside Jude.

  Your hair is pretty that way. Jude’s voice sounded in my head. The words were unexpected, and I fought looking his way.

  Thanks. I stole a sideways look at him. His camping clothes had been replaced by a pair of khakis and button-up shirt.

  The clothes were in my room. I didn’t ask how they knew my size.

  I have a closet full too. Witchy thing, I guess.

  We waited for the elevator and boarded, taking it down to the main level. Winding through what seemed to be a central gathering area littered with couches, chairs, and low tables, we entered a dining room. Dr. Antos weaved to a table set for five.

  Carmen pulled a chair out for me and then took the seat to my left.

  Dr. Antos set his napkin in his lap. “Carmen and Alex will be your guides for the duration of your training here. Anything you need or have a question about they are here to assist.”

  “What are we training for?” I asked as a bowl of soup was placed in front of me.

  “To become a full witch. Once you complete the coven training and join our family, you will have access to your complete set of abilities,” Dr. Antos explained. His eyebrows cocked up. “That is why you’re here, right? It’s what you wanted?”

  “Yes. But what about my dad? Should I be joining his coven?”

  “Do you know if your father practices magic?”

  “No.” I dropped my eyes to my lap. “But you said you had people that could help find him.” I looked back at him.

  “Yes. I will take you to our technology center later this afternoon.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And what of my father?” Jude asked. “My grandparents said he hadn’t contacted them in a week.”

  “This is a quandary. Isn’t your father usually away on business?”

  “Yes. But he always checks in, and he isn’t answering his phone.”

  “Seems like you both come from homes that are more unstable than you realized.” Dr. Antos’s gaze fixed on the wall beyond Jude for a moment.

  After the soup, we were given a chicken breast and broccoli, followed by a pasta serving, and finally a salad. The group was silent, save the clinking of utensils on plates. My nerves on edge, I forced a couple of bites of each item down.

  “I’m going to be as big as a house,” Jude commented as he set his fork down.

  “You’re going to be using lots of energy. You’ll need plenty of fuel.” Dr. Antos set his napkin on the table and stood. “We should get to the tour.”

  Trailed again by Carmen and Alex, we followed the psychiatrist to the main elevators and the study rooms, training gyms, pool, spa, and library.

  “Where is everyone?” Jude asked as we re-entered the central gathering room outside the dining area.

  “Your schedule is a bit off today. Others are in their personal areas or education rooms. Breakfast is at six thirty, lunch at noon, and dinner at seven. There’s a snack bar at the end of the dining room if you’re hungry in between.”

  “Can we go to the technology center now?” I asked, anxious to start the search for my dad.

  “Oh yes.” Dr. Antos tapped his temple as if he’d forgotten.

  Two floors down, the technology center seemed to double as the security hub as rows of computers and monitors lined the walls. Each one was operated by a uniformed man rivaling Carmen’s and Alex’s sizes. The hum in my head increased as we moved into the room, and I guessed they were powerful witches.

  Wondering if any women lived there, I trailed Dr. Antos to the far side of the space. He motioned to a man sitting at a desk in front of us. “Give Mario the details, and he’ll work on the case.”

  “You took my phone.”

  “Oh, right.” He pulled the device from his breast pocket.

  I brought up my dad’s last location and gave it to the technician, along with his phone number, picture, full name, date of birth, and citizenship. I even had a picture of his passport the technician scanned.

  “I will work on it, madam.” Mario’s gaze shifted from me to Dr. Antos.

  “Wonderful, let us continue with the tour.” Dr. Antos placed a hand on my back, guiding me to the exit. Jude lagged behind, studying the monitors as he went. In hindsight, I wished I’d come up with some excuse to spend more time in the room. Jude looked like he was sizing up their security, and we needed all the intel we could get. Of course, if they did have a secret dungeon, I guessed that wouldn’t be on the tour.

  “Okay.” Dr. Antos clapped his hands together as we got in the elevator. “You may have some free time before dinner. Let Carmen or Alex know where you’d like to go, for a swim or run in the gym maybe, and they will escort you. You’ll find all the clothing you need in your room.” He exited the elevator as it opened on the main floor. “I will see you at seven.” He waved and spun away from us.

  Inside my chambers, my brain rattled through the choices. I found some running clothes and shoes in my closet. Back in the hall, I realized Jude had the same idea.

  “Oh.” I stopped short, seeing him in running attire.

  “We can run in opposite directions,” he said, rolling his eyes.

  “Works for me,” I snapped and turned to Carmen. “Can you help me find the gym again?”

  “Of course.” He motioned for me to proceed down the hall.

  In the elevator, it was uncomfortable not talking to Jude. I guessed he decided we should use our communication trick sparingly, but it was torture not to hear his voice. We rode to basement level one and followed our guides to the second level of the gym. The running track circled and overlooked basketball, tennis, and racquetball courts.

  Jude stretched out beside me. It was hard to focus on my warm-up with his tan, muscled body only feet from mine. The layers we’d needed in Iceland hid his chiseled features. He looked to be one hundred percent muscle.

  “You want clockwise or counter clockwise?” he asked.

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Okay, I’m going this way.” He pointed to the left and took off in a slow jog.

  I started my run in the opposite direction. Over the next few laps, I increased my pace to my normal speed, glad Carmen didn’t feel the need to follow me.

  This is cool. Jude communicated to me. I can see you across the gym. I glanced over to see him on the opposite side. Don’t look at me. They might think you like me or at least have realized I’m kind on the eyes.

  Confident much?

  You’re not so bad on the eyes either.

  I felt my face flush and checked my watch to distract myself. I miss you. I hate being here.

  Let’s focus on the goal, get the sword, figure out where our dads are, and get the heck out of this place.

  I second that. This building gives me the creeps. I’m sorry I got you into this.

  Hey, I got to Iceland all by myself. This was set in motion before I met you. I’m glad I know to be wary of Dr. Antos.

  Do you think they sense us using magic? I asked him.

  Probably, but with the low-level hum throughout this whole place, I think we’re good.

  Fingers crossed. I sneaked a sideways glance as he passed me.

  It was hard not to smile when I looked at him, and I focused on my fear to keep my features in check. That thought was a slippery slope, and I distracted myself with the bits of information we’d picked up. We were descended from angels. I knew from my ten-year-old obsession with them that Michael and Uriel were two of the highest-ranking archangels, along with Gabriel and Raphael. I wondered which line I belonged to, and if it was the same as Alena’s, Hunter’s, or Jude’s. I prayed I wasn’t related to Dr. Antos, but I guessed if I completed my coven training and joined his coven, then I would be even if I hadn’t started out that way. Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that. I’d find my dad, we’d get the sword, and I’d have time to j
oin the coven I was born to belong to.

  My watch beeped, and I slowed to a walk, sweat pouring down my forehead.

  “My lady.” I jumped at the sound of Carmen’s voice beside me. But he held out a towel for me.

  “Thank you,” I managed.

  “Dinner is in an hour, and you’re expected to be dressed in formal attire.”

  “I did notice the dresses in my closet. I should get another shower then.”

  “Yes, madam.”

  “You can call me Camille.”

  “Of course, Miss Camille.”

  I rolled my eyes, wondering if he was capable of relaxing. He’d need sleep at night, right? He couldn’t be awake twenty-four-seven forever. Would they have a guard outside our chambers all night? Someone would have to relieve him.

  My thoughts strayed to wondering if everyone in the compound knew what was going on or if it was just Dr. Antos. Where did they have the sword? Were Sonia, Thanatos, and Theron there? Did they have another compound as well guarded as this one? Yes, I’d gotten myself in a pretty pickle, as my grandmother would say.

  Back in the room, I showered and washed my hair again. I found a blow dryer in a drawer and brushed my hair out straight. As Jude had, I found my wardrobe stocked with clothes in the correct sizes, including shoes and underwear. Feeling bold, I chose a red dress.

  A rap on my door indicated it was time for dinner. “You look lovely, Miss Camille,” Carmen said as he extended his elbow to me.

  I fit my hand around his bicep, noting my finger barely covered a fourth of its circumference.

  “This is a far cry from the camp in Iceland,” Jude commented. Frida would freak if she saw us now. He continued just to me.

  “I could never live in Iceland,” Alex noted. “At least here we have beautiful warm summers.”

  “It gets green in the summer there,” I defended. “Actually, very green.”

  “I guess that’s why Icelanders have such a high depression rate,” Jude put in.


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