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The Kingdom Journals Complete Series Box Set

Page 47

by Tricia Copeland

  “Magic.” He put his hands to his hips.

  “Really?” I called to the water in the hot tub, pelting him with droplets.

  He countered, pushing a wave of water that crashed against my legs, making them buckle under me. Seeing the towels on the counter, I formed a whirlwind with them and lowered it to encircle Jude. Then, I ordered them to tighten around his body.

  “Nice.” He laughed from his mummified position.

  “What’s going on in here?” Miguel’s voice boomed through the room.

  I let the towels fall to the ground, and spun to face him.

  “Blowing off steam?” Jude suggested.

  “Clean this up. The staff is not going to be happy.”

  The towels had soaked up water from the deck, and we wrung them out and set them in the hamper while Miguel stood, hands crossed over his chest, waiting. “You don’t have very much time before dinner.”

  “I brought my things to shower and change in the locker room,” I told him.


  We followed him to the dressing rooms, where Jacob and Alex waited.

  “I may be a while.” I pointed to the women’s side.

  “I’ll be waiting,” Jacob said.

  I showered and washed my hair quickly, leaving the water running. I dressed and towel dried my hair, fitting my watch on my wrist. Tiptoeing to the exit, I called to Jude. Jude, I need out of the gym.

  On my way.

  Calling my cloaking camouflage, I peeked around the corner. Jacob’s gaze didn’t change as I entered the doorway. Jude exited from the men’s locker room, and I crept past the bodyguard after Jude.

  I’m right behind you, I said to Jude.

  God, that was freaky.

  Sorry, open the door, and I’ll go out ahead of you.

  Jude opened the door and let his backpack slide to the floor. I slipped past him while he leaned to retrieve it.

  “Must be more tired than I thought,” he commented to Alex.

  “Trial day can do that,” Alex replied, following Jude down the hall.

  I crept in the other direction, towards the elevators Carmen and I had taken to the kitchen. Seeing someone entering the elevator, I raced to the closing door, jumping inside just in time.

  The tall broad witch, I guessed to be a guard, twitched as if chilled, and I held my breath.

  He pushed the button for the second basement level. It was the same level as the tech room where Miguel had taken us the first day. Disappointed, I figured I might get to view a new area on their surveillance cameras. I doubted they would have had the dungeon feed up for us to observe.

  As I expected, he exited the elevator and went straight to the technical hub. I made myself skinny and slid in the door behind him. Circling the room, I saw images from the grounds, castle walls, the courtyard Miguel had mentioned, the main levels, and numerous other halls, but no cells and no Dad.

  Checking my watch, I figured I should get back. I got nervous when several minutes passed and no one exited or entered. Realizing I could heat or cool the room to make it uncomfortable, I pushed a heating spell into the air. Within a few seconds, the employees started rolling up their sleeves and loosening their collars.

  “Man, what happened to the heat.” The guy on the end stood and pulled the door open. As he opened and closed it, letting cool air in, I jumped into the hall and made my way to the elevator. Again, I waited for someone to let me on. It was a minute and half until the doors opened and a guy carrying a toolbox stepped out. I slipped in and pushed the button for the correct floor, glad they didn’t have a retina scan inside the elevator. Arriving on the correct floor, I made my way to the gym. Miguel approached the entrance and I sped to catch up with him.

  “She’s been in there twenty minutes, do you want me to go in?” Jacob said as Miguel entered.

  “She’s a teenage girl.”

  I passed them, entering the locker room. I shut off the shower.

  “Camille?” I heard Miguel’s voice.

  “Yes?” I called.

  “Jacob was concerned because you weren’t answering him.”

  “Oh sorry, I couldn’t hear anything over the shower. The hot stream felt too good to leave.”

  “Okay, I will see you in ten minutes in the dining room.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I started the blow dryer and blew out my hair. Packing my bag, I joined Jacob in the hallway.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “I’m surprised you aren’t a raisin after that shower.”

  “And he has a sense of humor, too.” I smiled my biggest smile at Jacob.

  “Don’t push it.” He held the door for me, and we made our way to the dining room

  As it was Saturday night, dinner was served in the large dining room. Entering, I recognized Anastasia and greeted her.

  “Congratulations, child. I hear you have several new pets.”

  “Yes.” I squeezed her hands. “I want to think of names for them.”

  “I hate that Miguel always puts you younglings through that trial. I’m glad you were able to rise to the test.”

  “Me too.”

  Thinking that maybe not every person in the coven was an evil warlord, I made my way to our table.

  “There you are. Congratulations.” Maria wrapped her arms around me.

  “Thank you.” I realized I was happy. Not because I’d advanced to the last initiation trial, but because I’d sneaked past our guards and made it into the locked area.

  “You look different. Did today’s victory help you feel more confident about your abilities?”

  “Yes. It did,” I lied, thinking they could believe my better attitude had to do with the coven tests.

  “Miguel says you two had a bit of fun at the pool today. It’s been so gray of late, so I don’t blame you. Children shouldn’t be cooped up like this.”

  Miguel laid his hand on top of Maria’s. “They have the gym and large chambers with a view of the ocean.”

  “That is covered in fog this time of year. But, yes, the gym is nice.” Maria agreed with him.

  Champagne was poured into our glasses, and when the weekly toasts were given, I took a sip with each one.

  Maybe you should slow down on that, Jude warned using our silent communication.

  We have a victory. I’m celebrating.

  How far did you get?

  Later. I smiled and lifted my glass as another toast rang out.

  “To Camille and Jude.” Miguel lifted his glass. “In a week, our father Michael willing, they will be ready for initiation.”

  A round of cheers went up, and I lifted my glass to my lips again. Dinner was a blur as conversations drifted in and out of my periphery. Waiters brought bread, soup, meat, pasta, and salad and filled my glass when it emptied. As an attendant was about to add wine to my glass again, a hand appeared above it.

  “I believe she’s had enough.” Jude’s eyes bore into mine. “You need to eat something. You hardly touched your food.”

  “But I’m not hungry.” I poked at my nose. “My nose feels weird.”

  “It’s probably numb from the alcohol. You should go back to your room.”

  “But I want to talk to all these pretty people. They love me so much.” I glanced over at Miguel and Maria who were absorbed in their own conversation across the table. “They probably won’t miss me though.”

  I went to stand, and Jude’s arm caught me as my ankle turned. “Whoa, these heels are high.”

  “Dear, are you all right?” Maria’s voice rose an octave.

  “I think she had too much to drink,” Jude supplied.

  “Let me get Jacob.” Miguel snapped his fingers above his head.

  “I’ll tend to her.” Maria appeared on the side opposite of Jude.

  “I’m fine.” I waved my hand in front of my face.

  “Oh, dear, we’ll watch how the waiters are filling you youngling’s glasses more closely.” Maria led me from the hall, and Alex, Jacob,
and Jude followed.

  “Ya think?” Jude’s voiced floated to my ears.

  I looked back at Jude as he rolled his eyes. “You aren’t enjoying this enough.” I pointed at him.

  “Oh, I’m enjoying seeing you sauced, and I’m going to enjoy seeing you hung over tomorrow.”

  “No one will be hung over.” Maria’s voice grew stern. “Tomorrow starts the last phase of your training. I will bring you a mixture of oils to clear your body of the alcohol.”

  We rode the elevator in silence and snaked through the halls to my room. “I should name my birds,” I said as we arrived outside my door. “I wanted to name them Uno, Due, Sette, and Otto, but now I don’t know which is which.”

  “You know Italian?” Jude asked.

  “Just a little.”

  “I’m sure it doesn’t matter.” Maria turned the key in my lock. “I’ll take her from here.” She motioned Jacob and Alex away. “Alex, fetch my oils bag from my chambers please.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Alex nodded, turned, and walked away.

  It was the first time we’d been left guarded by only one witch, and I briefly wondered if this was an opportunity to escape. To where? I laughed at my thought, glad my drunken state could hide my actions.

  “Yes.” I pulled my desk drawer out. “I’ll write their names down and put them on the cages so I won’t mix them up.” Pulling a pen out, I wrote the names and attached them to the wires one by one. Then a package on my dresser caught my eye. “Breadcrumbs.” I opened the bag and sprinkled some crumbs in each of the cages.

  “Here, child.” Maria held my pajamas out to me. “Why don’t you change and wash up.”

  I floated to the bathroom, changed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. When I joined Maria at my bed, she had set up a diffuser on the bedside table and was dropping oils into the top. “These will clear the toxins from your blood and lessen the effects of the alcohol. Drink plenty of water.”

  “Okay, thanks. Sorry about tonight.”

  “It’s okay, dear. We all get a little carried away from time to time.” She tucked the covers under my chin. “You’ll feel better tomorrow.”

  “I actually don’t feel that bad right now.”

  “I’m sure you don’t.” She patted the covers and backed to the door. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight.” My eyes closed as soon as the door clicked shut.

  Chirping woke me before my alarm went off, and I opened my eyes to see Maria lifting the covers off the cages. “I came to check on you,” she said as I sat up, tugging my covers to my chin.


  “How do you feel?” She sat at the end of the bed.

  “Fine, good. Thanks for taking care of me last night.”

  “No problem dear. You know you can come to me when you need anything. We’ll be true family soon enough.”

  Wondering what the day had in store for me, I dressed and met Jude in the hall.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine, thanks.” I tugged my sleeves over my hands as the cool air from the hall chilled my body.

  I didn’t like seeing you like that. I heard Jude’s voice in my head. We can’t afford to be off our game.

  I know. I’m sorry.

  We followed Alex and Jacob to the breakfast room, where Miguel sat at one of the tables. Miguel stood as we approached. “Camille. Jude.” He nodded and took his seat. “I trust Jude appropriately reveled in your scene last night?”

  “Of course he did.”

  “You will feel differently about one another soon enough.”

  “What does that mean?” Jude moved to the front of his chair.

  “When you are of the same coven, you feel a brotherhood for the other members. They become your family.”

  “But I’ll be able to choose to go back to live at home, right?” I asked.

  “But of course, dear.” Maria covered my hand with hers.

  I drank two cups of the special tea Maria had for us each morning, thinking I needed all the immune boosters I could get.

  “Alex and Jacob will escort you to the chapel once you’ve freshened up,” Miguel told us as we stood to go.

  Should we be worried about the chapel thing? Jude asked me as we walked to our rooms.

  I have no idea.

  Once I’d fed Uno, Due, Sette, and Otto, I met Alex, Jacob, and Jude in the hall.

  “So, do you guys know what this chapel thing is?” Jude asked them.

  “The fourth phase of coven initiation is the element of fire and when you must swear to uphold the family’s edicts. The house of Michael holds the honor of being the council leaders. You must prove your commitment to the coven and ability to hold dominion over other beings.”

  Commitment to the coven. The words stuck in my brain, and I wondered if there would be some test of authenticity. If so, this would be when they would lock me in the dungeon.

  The chapel doors were wood, with an angel carved into an inset, and I guessed him to be Michael. Miguel, Maria, and a woman I hadn’t met yet stood around an altar at the far end. Two candles on the table created the only light in the space. We made our way down the aisle to them passing stone walls lined with stained glass windows. I guessed they may look spectacular when the sun shone through them. As it was, the panes appeared to be varying shades of tinted black glass.

  “Thank you, Alex and Jacob, you may leave us,” Miguel said as we approached. “Welcome children.” Miguel extended his arm in greeting, motioning us to move closer. “This is Guinevere. She is a seer of truth. Because this phase of the coven training exposes secrets of the family, we must be sure you are committed to the path of joining our coven.”

  You can do this, I told myself. You are committed to joining the coven to gain your full powers.

  “Camille.” Guinevere smiled and extended her hand out to me. I rested mine in her palm. She closed her eyes, and my brain began to hum. Over and over, I thought: You are committed to joining this coven.

  Guinevere opened her eyes. “Her desire to join our family is strong. She will complete the training. And of you, Jude?” She wrapped her palms around his hand. “He feels abandoned by his father and family. He wishes to be of the family of Michael to gain the family he should have had all along.” Her eyes opened, and she dropped his hand. “You have chosen well again, Miguel.”

  I drew breaths in and out of my nose thanking the stars we hadn’t been detected.

  “Thank you.” Miguel uncovered a metal plate, red with heat. A tool with a round end lay on top of it. “This is the seal of Michael; it symbolizes our allegiance to his family.” He raised his sleeve to expose a brand on his inner wrist. Movement caught my eye, and Maria and Guinevere followed suit.

  Jude leaned in. “The detail is amazing. It looks like a tattoo.”

  “The metal of the brand is sealed in the skin,” Miguel noted.

  I guessed this wasn’t the time to bring up that I wasn’t that great with pain. Wishing I were still hung over, I gripped the tabletop.

  You can do this. Don’t show weakness. Jude’s voice echoed in my head.

  We are not Marines.

  “Ladies first?” Miguel lifted the seal and held out his palm.

  I jutted my chin out. “Of course.” Raising my sleeve, I turned my right arm up and held it out to him. Maria and Guinevere held my forearm, and Miguel pressed the brand to it. The surface of the metal felt like ice, and a bone-chilling sensation traveled up my arm to my chest. My heart skipped as a frigid mass settled like a weight on the muscle. In my mind, there was only one interpretation to the effect the seal had on me. I did not belong in this coven. A chill spread throughout my body.

  “It will only sting a few minutes.” Maria’s words brought me out of my shock.

  “It’s fine.” I forced a smile at her as she poured some salve on the wound and covered it with a bandage.

  Miguel pressed the brand to the metal plate and smoke rose into the air. “Jude.” Miguel lifted the brand f
rom the hot metal.

  Jude pushed up his sleeve and held his arm out, his fist clenched into a ball. I kept my eyes fixed on Jude’s face. He winced, as Miguel pressed the brand to the skin, and Jude’s eyes cut to me. His chest rose as if sucking in a deep breath, and I wondered if he’d had the same experience as me.

  “Well, that smarted a little.” Jude chuckled. He was either really good at faking, or the emblem hadn’t had the same effect on him. If he hadn’t felt the chill, could it be that I hadn’t aligned myself with the right person? Doubts filled my head. Had I let my feelings for him cloud my judgment? Was he actually a spy? Bait to reel me in?

  “I’m so happy for you.” Maria squeezed my shoulders and pulled me to her. “I feel like you’re my own daughter.”

  “Thank you.” I patted her back, and she released me.

  “There is much to learn. We will retire to the library for you to begin your studies.” Miguel motioned to the door.

  Wishing we could go back to our rooms so I could figure out what Jude had experienced, I followed Miguel to the vast room of books. My fingers were like ice, and I shoved them into my jacket pockets. As Miguel led us through the stacks, I realized his demeanor seemed different. He held his chin higher, and his shoulders expanded.

  When we passed a gentleman, the man bowed his head. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” Miguel’s smile spread across his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Each patron we passed reacted the same way, congratulating Miguel and bowing to him. I guessed our passage into the last stage of coven training warranted some new respect or appreciation of our mentor’s talents. Or perhaps it was just that he’d snared me and a herald. I cut my eyes to Jude, praying he wasn’t deceiving me.

  “Here.” Miguel stopped at a table stacked with books. “These are all the written histories of witches and our coven. These will be your texts for the next week. You should begin. I will retrieve you before lunch.”

  “You’re leaving us here alone?” Jude asked.

  “Alex and Jacob are in the hall if you need them.” Miguel tipped his head, took a step backwards, and then spun and retreated in the direction we’d come.


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