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The Kingdom Journals Complete Series Box Set

Page 76

by Tricia Copeland

  I peer into her eyes. “Promise?”

  “That is my oath to you.” She kisses my forehead.

  “Thank you.” I hug her to me.

  “Come on, child.” She slides from my embrace. “You’re going to mush your dress.”

  Sage green taffeta fits tight around my torso to my waist. The sleeves hang three-quarters of the way down my arms, and ruffles, matching those of my billowing skirt, extend to my wrists. Elizabeth hangs a green stone, given to me by Henry, around my neck.

  “He loves you as if you are his own daughter. Please don’t hurt him.” Elizabeth touches the stone and looks into my eyes.

  “I know. I will try,” I promise her.

  Guests stream in for an hour. I shake each hand, diverting my gaze and curtseying to the young men. Many I have seen before, in church or along the street. Some are Master Henry’s former students, which is uncomfortable as they feel like brothers to me.

  A cool gust of wind catches the door, swinging it wide open. My nerves revel in a much-needed break from the smell of humans. As the door closes, a hush seems to fall over the crowd. My gaze darts to my friends, who are huddled together, eyes fixed on the entrance.

  Their whispers float to my ears. “Who is with Sir Thomas? Why haven’t we seen him before? Where is he from? Does he have status?”

  I look to the doorway to find the source of their excitement. A boy, half a head taller than Sir Thomas, stands just inside. I realize I should say man, but his light hair and skin, brilliant blue eyes, and smooth skin exude youth. With squared shoulders and a straight back, confidence flows from his form, making it hard to guess his age.

  Intrigued, I watch as Lady Thomas then Sir Thomas greet Henry. Sir Thomas introduces the tall stranger to Henry. Henry’s body freezes for a split second as their hands lock, and I strain to make out their words. The noise from the hall rises in volume, and I’m unable to hear the exchange.

  Beside me, the new gentleman takes Elizabeth’s hand and dips his chin.

  “You have a beautiful home. Thank you for the invitation.” His words seem to flow from his mouth as if a song. I don’t recognize the accent, and my eyes lock on his as he steps in front of me.

  For as large as he is, no aroma wafts from his form. I look to Elizabeth whose eyes tighten just a tinge, then refocus on his face.

  “I’m Alec of Alexander.” He offers his hand, palm up.

  I place my fingers on his. His skin matches the temperature of mine, and my eyes cut to his. Holding his gaze, I curtsey. “Anne, Anne Scott.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He squeezes my hand and bows his head. Leaning towards me, he kisses my cheek. His lips feel warm on my skin, and my pulse races. To my right, I hear Faye suck in a breath. Still, Alec grips my hand, his breath warm on my neck. “I believe I’ve seen you in the woods hunting.”

  My face flames as a hush settles in the room. Alec steps back, and his lips rise on one side to form a half-smile. His face emanates an emotion I classify somewhere between coy, seductive, and pure bliss. I pull my blood into my core to cool my cheeks. My mind races with fear. How didn’t I detect him in the woods? My eyes dart to his. He blinks, and a full relaxed smile graces his face.

  “Mister Alexander.” Faye reaches out and slides her hand between ours. Alec’s gaze shifts to her face, but I can’t seem to redirect my attention. Faye’s eyes dart to me and back to Alec. “We haven’t met formally. I’m Faye.”

  He slides his hand from her grip. “I’m sorry. My name is a bit confusing. I am Alec of Alexander.” His eyes dart to me and back to her. “In the north, we’ve only given names and use our father’s name to denote our lineage.”

  “How interesting.” Faye forces a smile and steps closer to him. Placing a hand one of his shoulders, she peers into his eyes. Her lips form a smile that spreads across her face. “So nice to make your acquaintance.”

  I look between the two of them, trying to figure out what exchange took place. Perhaps Faye is indeed part faerie as we suspect. Maybe she needs multiple touch points to read someone. My mind flips through my interactions with her, knowing she’s hugged me more times than I could count.

  “The feeling is mutual.” Alec dips his head to her. Looking at me, he smiles and then spins on one heel to follow Lady and Sir Thomas.

  “What a nice gentleman.” One of Faye’s hands moves to my elbow, and the other clutches my hand. Thinking to protect the swirling thoughts in my head, I snatch my arm from her grip.

  “Yes.” I force a quick smile, as my mind fights to process everything. Faye couldn’t have heard what he’d said to me about the woods. With the volume in the room, I doubt Elizabeth did. I glance at her as she introduces yet another eligible man to me. I shake his hand and nod mechanically. I wonder if Faye sensed something about Alec. What of Henry’s reaction? The absence of human scent? The temperature of his skin? Is Alec a Vampire? I already know the answer. Why hadn’t I been more careful while out hunting?

  I think of my hours in the woods. My trips are as much about escape as they are sustenance. How many times has he seen me? I love following the stream, dipping my feet in the cool water, letting the tinkling of the brook over the rocks ease my senses. I shudder at the thought that I was being watched.

  “I believe we have greeted all of our guests.” Henry brings me out of my spiraling emotions. He leans towards Elizabeth and whispers in her ear. “That kiss was improper. Keep Alec away from Anne.”

  With Elizabeth numbering three hundred years, I imagine she knows Alec is a vampire. He exposed himself to me, so he must not be afraid of us. I realize he could be hundreds and hundreds of years old, and goosebumps rise on my skin. How many women has he kissed?

  “Are you cold, dear?” Faye rubs my arms with her hands. “I wonder if a window is open. I feel a cross breeze.”

  I jerk away from her touch. “That must be it. I’ll check our room.”

  Looping through Henry’s study and the kitchen, I enter our quarters through the washroom. Despite what I’ve told Faye, I swing the window open wide and stick my head out, breathing in the clean night air. It resets my senses, and I take another large gulp. I can’t afford to be away from the party for long. Speeding back to the front hall, I smooth my dress and force a smile.

  Hearing a flurry of chatter from my friends, I move in their direction. One grabs my arm and pulls me into the group as I approach. Their comments fly at me. “I can’t believe that man kissed you. Are you swooning? I would need a cold dip after that. Who is he? Have you met him before? My father would have thrown a gentleman out of our house for being so forward.”

  “He’s new here. I don’t think he understands our etiquette,” I answer.

  “You would think Lady and Sir Thomas would have taught him some manners,” another huffs. “How dare he?”

  The bravest of our group leans into the circle, and the other girls huddle around her. “That man is the most handsome male I have ever seen in my life. He could kiss me on the cheek or anywhere else he pleases.”

  My face flames, as I guess he may be able to hear our conversation. Several expressions in front of me freeze, and I sense a form behind me. How is this being able to sneak up on me? I feel a warm fingertip on my bare shoulder and rotate to face him.

  “Alec.” I force a smile and scan the room for Henry and Elizabeth.

  “I’m afraid I have committed an error in etiquette. I wish to apologize.” His deep-blue eyes lock onto mine. Extending his hand he dips his chin. “Our customs are different in the north. I’m sorry if I caused you distress. Would you do me the honor of a dance?”

  I keep my hands firm at my side, knowing Henry thought Alec improper. I search the room for Elizabeth and Henry and find them standing with Lady and Sir Thomas.

  “Sir Thomas has spoken with every couple, explaining my error,” Alec continues. “Shall we?”

  My eyes cut to Henry and back to Alec. “You should ask my father’s permission.”

  “If you
wish.” He motions for me to lead the way.

  As we approach, Alec bows to Henry. “Your daughter suggests that I should ask your permission to dance with her.”

  Henry swallows, and his eyes cut to Sir Thomas and back. “Of course, a dance in our home would be appropriate, if she desires.”

  Alec bows again and offers his hand to me. I slide my fingers over the calluses lining his warm palm. He leads me to the dance floor, and we wait in the circle for the music to begin.

  He lowers his head to speak into my ear. “I don’t know your dances.”

  “I’m guessing you learn quickly. Just follow the person in front of you.”

  Music starts, and the dance begins with an intricate jig. Alec bounces to the tempo, and within minutes learns the pattern. I focus on inhaling deep breaths, memorizing his scent. It is like Elizabeth’s, but I note a hint of salt.

  “How am I doing?” He brings me out of my thoughts.

  “I told you it wouldn’t be a problem,” I whisper to him.

  “I just pray there’s not a solo number.”

  “Just wait.” I smile at him, and his eyes seem to sparkle.

  His attention cuts between me and those to his sides as the men perform their part. When it’s my turn, I can’t seem to pull my eyes from his stare. The lines of his face and his square chin draw me in, and I’m captivated. When he takes my hand again, his gaze holds mine as we dance around the room. As the music ends, he bows low in front of me, his eyes fixed on me.

  I flush as I realize the rest of the dancers have moved off the floor. He offers me his hand, and I take it.

  “You dance well,” I say as he leads me towards Elizabeth and Henry.

  He winks at me. “It was a bit tricky there at the beginning, but I think I got it.”

  “Alec.” Henry greets us. “You did well for your first trial.”

  “Thank you and thank you.” He turns and bows to me.

  “Thank you.” I dip my knees in a curtsey.

  “Anne.” Henry offers his arm to me. “You should speak with the rest of our guests.”

  Henry leads me to all those gathered, and I smile and trade pleasantries. As we move through the room, I practice finding Alec, and within an hour, I hit the mark each time. A grin forms on his face when he catches me looking, and my lips form an automatic smile in return.

  The end of the event is marked by yet another receiving line, with Faye, Elizabeth, Henry, and me bidding farewell to each guest.

  A student of Henry’s, one of the first boys I met at the school, now married with a baby, approaches me. “I didn’t get a dance with my favorite sister.”

  I promise him a dance at the next party and to visit with his wife and new baby. Even with my attention divided, I’ve honed my nose to sense how far away Alec is, and as he draws closer, my pulse quickens.

  “Miss Anne.” He bows in front of me.

  “Thank you for coming.” Every cell of my body longs to touch him. But, I keep my hands pinned together at my waist, fearing further implication of a relationship between us.

  As soon as the doors close behind the last guest, Henry paces away from us and back. It’s the first time I’ve seen the man angry, and my mind races, wondering how bad the situation may be. Henry motions to me as he passes. “How could he come into my home and lay claim to you that way?”

  Elizbeth catches his arm. “Sir Thomas spoke to everyone. No one believes Alec has put forth any offer for Anne.”

  Henry pulls his arm from her grip. “That’s what they’re saying, but what they think is entirely different. And then I had to let him dance with her or else Sir Thomas would’ve been insulted. It’s beyond me why Sir Thomas would support the boy. He has the manners of a barn animal.”

  “If I may.” Faye steps forward, hands wringing at her waist. “He seems like a good, decent man. I believe he’s being honest. He doesn’t know our customs. Who’s to say he wouldn’t be a good match for Anne?”

  Henry extends his fist into the air. “You may think you know things, woman. But, no daughter of mine is marrying a field hand. Just because Thomas can’t sire a son of his own doesn’t mean he should claim the first boy who comes along. She is not to see that man, you hear me?”

  Henry stomps up the stairs, taking them two at a time. With a glance in my direction, Elizabeth hurries up after him. My eyes fall to the ground. Is Henry right? Will others see us as a couple? Did Alec’s actions seal my fate? I jut my chin into the air and stride towards my room, pledging that no being will ever decide my future for me.

  Faye trails after me. “Child, Henry’s just upset. He overreacted, but don’t let this get to you.”

  If I’d been human, perhaps tears would be appropriate, and I cover my eyes as she reaches me. She wraps her arms around me and pats my back. “There, there, honey, you’ll see. This will be old news by next week.”

  I raise and lower my shoulders as if I’m sobbing. “I just want to go to sleep.”

  “Okay, well, I’ll see you in the morning.” She releases me.

  Entering my room, I fiddle with my buttons until free of the dress. It should be hung, but I lay it atop the chest. Untying my corset, I slip on my work dress. I need to be outside to think. Climbing to the sill, I jump to the ground. Even though I love the brook, I head the opposite way for fear of coming across Alec.

  I avoid Elizabeth like the plague. As soon as we’re alone, I make an excuse to leave. Usually, I take her counsel on everything, but a gnawing feeling in my gut tells me to handle the Alec issue myself. On Monday we receive an invitation to dine with the Thomas family at their farm on Friday. Much too polite to do otherwise, Henry accepts the offer.

  As I’ve taken over schooling the youngest grade, my days are busy. They provide a nice distraction from thoughts of Alec and my anxiety about seeing him again. I take different routes on my hunts each night, searching for his scent. My psyche battles itself as I grapple with longing to see him and being horrified to learn the truth. What if he is very old? Did he kiss me on purpose? Does he think he should have some claim to me now?

  Wednesdays are market days, and I trail Faye, adding her choices to the baskets on my arms. I catch his scent, but the next second, the wind whips up and the smell disappears. Scanning the crowd, I don’t find him. We move to the next booth, and Faye inspects the vegetables.

  “Looking for someone?” Alec’s warm breath cascades down my neck. The heat from his body floats over me as he inches closer.

  “As a matter of fact, no.” I keep my eyes facing forwards.

  “You haven’t been to the stream.”

  “I wasn’t sure it was safe.”

  “I could’ve tracked you anywhere.”

  Shocked, I open my mouth to speak, but no words form.

  Alec continues to follow us. “Do you not wish to see me? I’m sure you have many questions. I’d like a chance to answer them.”

  “Alec.” I project my voice so Faye can hear. “What a pleasure. I don’t believe I’ve seen you at the market before.”

  Faye turns around. “How nice. Alec, I didn’t see you there. We’re so looking forward to dinner on Friday.”

  “Me too.” His eyes sparkle as they meet mine and cut back to her. He lifts a basket. “Sir Thomas’s other man is under the weather today, so I brought in some of the early crop.”

  “Wonderful.” Faye smiles and sets her pick of cabbage into the basket I’m holding. She places her hand on his biceps, then releases him with a wink. “So refreshing to meet a man who earns his living. Don’t you think, Anne? Why don’t you join us, Alec? I’m sure Anne could use some help with those baskets once you’ve made your delivery.”

  “She looks pretty strong.” Alec walks beside me as I follow Faye to her next destination.

  “That she is,” Faye calls over her shoulder.

  When Faye stops to inquire about some lettuce, Alec leans down so our heads are inches apart. “Will you meet me at the brook tonight?”

  I smile a
nd nod despite myself as his scent encapsulates the space around me.

  “It was nice seeing you.” He projects his voice to Faye. “I should be going. I’ll look forward to Friday.”

  “Oh, yes, indeed.” Faye’s grin spread across her face. “Please give our best to Lady and Sir Thomas.”

  “I will.” He bows.

  I curtsey as he backs away.

  “Henry has you all scared, eh? I think he’s a nice man.” Faye comments as she fits her purchases in the basket.

  “I thought I wasn’t supposed to be seen with Alec.”

  “Yes, that’s what Henry said.” She winks at me.

  Once we’re out of the market and alone on the walk, I venture my question. “Why did you say Alec is a good man? How do you know?”

  “Took you four days to ask that question.” Her eyes cut to me and back to the street. “As Henry said, I know things. Have all my life. My mother was like that too. I’ve never been wrong. The more I’m with Alec, the more I pick up from him. You can trust him; he’s an honest man. To me, something like that is more important than status or wealth. Henry’s just trying to look out for you, making sure you’re provided for.”

  “I can provide for myself.”

  “Maybe.” She holds my gaze. “But this is a different world from that of your ancestors. There are customs and traditions, and the price is high for those that don’t follow them.”

  My eyes hold hers, and I realize she may know what Elizabeth and I are. “I understand.”

  That evening, as Elizabeth readies for bed, I can’t escape her questions. “What did you think of Alec?”

  “He seemed like a nice gentleman.” I hang my dress on the bed post, avoiding her gaze.

  “Faye told me you saw him today.”

  I slouch onto the bed. “How do you know how old a vampire is?”

  “So, you are interested?” She sits beside me.

  “Curious.” I shrug. “We haven’t seen another vampire since we left France.”


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