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The Kingdom Journals Complete Series Box Set

Page 121

by Tricia Copeland

  “I heard that.” Will’s reply came from down the hall. “Just because you grew up in a civilized town didn’t make you any better, what with the ridiculous courtship rules and arranged marriages.”

  “Okay, let’s focus,” I urged. “We’re not talking forever commitment here. We’re talking prom.”

  “So, we’re really doing this?” Jude asked as we edited the videos. “Just going to school, dances, like nothing is wrong.”

  I shrugged. “What else should we be doing? We failed with the witches. Anne is gathering her forces. I can’t take Lucifer’s offer. The faeries will be dead in seconds if the sword can extract souls.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “No, but I’m out numbered. We wait for Alena to become a full witch, break the curse, and go after Sonia.”

  Alena jumped from her seat and flung her arms around me when we unveiled our prom-ask videos at dinner. “Okay, so we have to figure this out because we’ve got to all go to prom together.”

  Due to desired prom arrangements, Alena insisted that all of us needed to go to both proms, she reworked our school assignments so that Camille attended with me and Jude and Tyler with her. I didn’t like Tyler spending so much time around Alena but decided Camille would fit in better with my friends anyway. I couldn’t picture Camille hanging out with the cheerleading squad.

  My reentry felt awkward at best. Camille and Layla hit it off right away. But it’d been six months, and everything had changed. My friend Jacob took my spot as guard on the basketball team, and while the coach was happy to have me back in practices, he wouldn’t let me start.

  I stole any time I could to see Alena. Knowing our vampire friends watched Camille, Alena and I snuck away for lunches in our secret garden. In the evenings, we met up for workouts and study time.

  Mom stood just inside the door as I entered after eleven Thursday night. “The point to this was to get some distance from all the witch stuff.”

  “What do you mean?” I hiked my gym bag up and continued down the hall.

  “If you’re with Alena twenty-four seven, then that’s not a break.”

  I spun to face her. “Mom, this is what my life would have been. Alena would be in my life whether we’d gone on this trek for the lance or not. Staying away from Alena won’t make me any less a witch.”

  “I don’t want this life for you. I want you to go to college, get a shot at a normal life.”

  “What can you do about it anyway? I am who I am. This is my choice.”

  “Is it, or do you feel obligated?” She wrapped her hand around my mine.

  “You’re saying I should abandon DJ, just leave all these vampires and witches unprotected. This is my destiny. I can help them, and I want to change things for all these people.”

  Her eyes pleaded with me. “I don’t understand why it has to be you.”

  “I don’t either. I just know that it does.”

  My breath caught when Alena entered the room. She looked like an angel in her white prom dress. Her strawberry-blond hair hung in ringlets around her face, and her blue eyes seem to sparkle as they landed on me.

  “Well, this isn’t awkward.” She surveyed the entourage gathered to see us off to prom.

  “You look amazing.” I fitted the corsage of pink roses on her wrist.

  Her cheeks became red. “Thank you.”

  Our parents snapped picture after picture, releasing us after they captured every possible combination. Nervous, I held Alena’s hand tight as we made our way to the elevator and down to the parking garage. Will, Jacob, Aaron, and Dimitri waited beside a black-stretch-limo SUV to drive us to the dances.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to two proms.” Camille slid into the seat opposite us. “I don’t think I would have even gone to prom at all in Iceland.”

  “Not even with your friends?” Alena’s eyebrows shot up.

  “I really only had one. Moving every two years isn’t conducive to making friends.”

  Alena swung her hair over one shoulder. “Been there, done that.”

  “All’s well that ends well, I guess.” Jude squeezed Camille’s hand. “No more moving after the curse is broken.”

  “I almost forgot about that part of the curse. When are we going to figure out how to break it?” Camille’s gaze fell on me.

  “I guess after Alena becomes a full witch.”

  “Hey, none of this talk. This is a curse-free, witch-free night. This is about friends enjoying the most important night of high school together.” Alena opened the refrigerator and produced a bottle of sparkling grape juice.

  Jude leaned forward. “I might need something a little stronger than that to forget about prophecies and destinies, especially with four vampires as bodyguards.”

  “We’re just lucky Mother didn’t send Orm and Chalondra. How buzz kill would that be? Not that I don’t love them, but could those two be any older?” Alena laughed.

  “I’ll drink to that.” I lifted the glass Alena filled for me. “To friends.”

  “Friends forever.” Alena smiled and clinked her glass to mine.

  Holding our glasses out, we tapped them to each other.

  “To sisterhood,” Camille started.

  “And brotherhood.” Jude nodded to me.

  “To us, always one.” I held my glass up high.

  “Always one,” the others repeated.

  We began the evening by meeting my friends for dinner. Anne arranged a private room and catered meal. Afterwards, we proceeded to my prom at a downtown hotel. I liked being with my friends and introducing Alena to them. We danced to some hip hop and then a couple of slower songs.

  Alena’s alarm dinged, and she slid it from her bag. “Time for my prom.”

  “Let’s say goodbye to my friends.” I squeezed her hand and led her through the crowd.

  Finding Layla, Jacob, and the rest of my buddies from the basketball team, I said my goodbyes. I forced a smile as Alena skipped in front of me to the waiting SUV. With a gnawing pit in my stomach, I waved at Layla and Jacob before climbing into the vehicle.

  Alena’s friend Sophie met us at the entrance of their prom event. She hooked her arm through Alena’s, and Camille, Jude, and I followed them into the ballroom. Sophie and Nick, who Alena had sort of dated, were the only friends I’d met, and I nodded and smiled as she introduced David, Hannah, and Melody and their dates.

  Heading to the dance floor, Alena stopped short. She pointed at the screen as pictures of Ganby and his memorial appeared. I wrapped my arm and her waist and kissed her temple. A tear formed in the corner of her eye, and I pulled my handkerchief from my pocket.

  “It wasn’t your fault.” I tucked her hair behind her ear.

  She buried her face in my chest. Taking a few deep breaths, she raised her chin and looked up at me. “But if it’d been anyone else he’d picked on, he’d still be alive.”

  “Theron killed Ganby. It wasn’t your fault.” I squeezed her shoulders.

  She nodded and slipped the bloody tear-stained handkerchief into her bag. “Okay, happy faces.”

  Spinning, she walked to Sophie and David. I caught her hand before she reached them and whispered into her ear. “I love how big your heart is.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and hugged my shoulders. “I think I love how big your heart is too.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered into her hair.

  “Sounds good to me.” Taking my hand, she led me out of the ballroom. “Where to? The roof?”

  I shook my head and motioned to the exit. “Too dangerous. The courtyard? There’s a fountain and twinkly lights.”

  “Come on.” She pulled me towards the elevator. “What can go wrong? We are some of the strongest beings alive.”

  I wanted it to be perfect, for her to have everything she ever wanted. “Okay, just for a minute.”

  Climbing the eighteen floors to the top, I fried the wires on the alarm with my magic, and Alena broke the lock.

p; “We make a great team.” She skipped to the roof’s edge.

  “Wait, come here.” I jogged to catch up. “I have something to tell you.”

  “What is that?” Her eyes held mine.

  I gathered her hands in mine. “I don’t just think I love you. I know I do.”

  A smile spread across her face, and I pressed my lips to hers.

  Stepping back, she laced her fingers through mine. “I love you too.”

  The next instant, I registered a gust of cool air, hooked my arm around her waist, and launched us towards the stairwell.

  “Leaving so soon?” Theron blocked our path.

  “What are you doing here?” I positioned myself between him and Alena.

  “Getting good at finding you for one thing. But also, I’m kind of hurt, you see, rooftops are kind of our thing.” Theron craned his neck, smiling at Alena.

  “Isn’t Beltane tomorrow, shouldn’t you be like preparing for your wedding or something?” Alena interjected.

  Theron laughed. “You didn’t think I would actually get married. I’m seventeen years old. No one gets married at seventeen anymore. Turns out we don’t have to be married for the covens to be melded, just engaged. It works well for me since I’m still waiting on you.”

  I spread my shoulders. “I think you could be waiting a long time.”

  “Why don’t you let Alena answer that for herself?” The side of his mouth rose.

  “What do you want?” I glanced up, expecting to see Father or Sonia at any second.

  “I actually want the same thing you do.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Sonia and our father gone.”

  Alena stepped from around me. “Why would you want that? Aren’t they grooming you or something?”

  Theron’s thin lips curled. “They’re just using me to yield the sword.”

  “You know it’s the wrong one, right? It won’t break the curse.”

  “I’m not stupid. I don’t care about any curse, except for they don’t want it broken, so I do. I’m guessing that’s what you’ve been looking for, right? Longinus’s Lance? Did you find it?”


  “You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.” Theron opened his leather coat to reveal St. Maurice’s Sword.

  I pushed Alena behind me and jumped back. “Why would you risk betraying Sonia and our father?”

  “I hear them talking, making plans to erase the vampire species from existence as well as all others they believe to be unholy beings. That’s what they think of me too. My own father loathes who I am, half a being with no soul.”

  “But you’re a full witch. Don’t they recognize that?” Alena took a step towards him, and I blocked her path.

  “Somehow, I’m not good enough. But you, you guys can help me. If we band together, we can kill them.”

  “We’re not killing anyone. Our only goal is to stop Sonia from shoving witch souls into vampires and to free the ones who’ve been occupied. You have the sword. You can end all this. Destroy it, and Sonia has no more power.” Motioning for Alena to stay back, I stepped to within three feet of Theron. Was I stronger than him? Could I get the sword from him? My heart raced. I had to keep him, and above all the sword, away from Alena.

  “No.” Theron slid the sword from his jacket. “This is my power. They have no idea I took it.”

  My eyes cut to the sky again. “I’m guessing it’s not going to take long to figure it out.”

  “Help me kill them.” Theron’s gaze switched from me to Alena. “We can’t be persecuted, locked away, forced to hide our true nature anymore. We are stronger than they are. We should be ruling. Everyone that has kept us down must be shown how it feels to be loathed.”

  “Whoa?” I held out my palm. “What are you talking about?”

  “Hybrids.” Swinging the blade, he paced in front of me. “We can’t be treated as second-class citizens anymore. I won’t live that way. If you won’t help me, I’ll find someone else, perhaps Lucifer.”

  I held his stare. “Lucifer? Who’s Lucifer?”

  “Liar. He told me you would deny it.”

  “Okay, fine.” Continuing to back away, I balled my hands into fists. “What did he offer you? And what was his price?”

  “He’ll give me an army to help kill Sonia and Theron. He only asks that I either destroy the Lance of Longinus or kill one of you.” He aimed the point of the spear at my chest.

  Alena leaned around me. “But you came to us. You’re trying to do the right thing by asking for our help.”

  Theron snapped his fingers and pointed at me. “That’s why I’m here. We can both get what we want. You can break your stupid curse, and I get the muscle to bring down Sonia and our father. Of course, I’m guessing she has to be a full witch first. What are you waiting for?”

  I knew that look, and I knew my brother. Theron only cared about one thing, himself. He wanted power, and he wanted Alena.

  “What do you propose?” I asked.

  “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He resumed pacing.

  “I keep the sword so Sonia and our father can’t use it, and you attack with your vampire army. It’s a win-win.”

  “What’s the catch?”

  “I get to keep St. Maurice’s sword and Sonia and Thanatos.”

  “What are you going to do with them?”

  “Freeze them, or better yet, encase them in those magic-blocking crystals Anne’s army loves so much. I’ll make sure they never escape.”

  “That’s ridiculous. That’s only a win for you.”

  “You get to break your precious curse, fulfill your destiny, and walk off into the sunset.”

  “But all those vampires will still be possessed.”

  “I can release them whenever I please.”

  “Well, show us you mean what you say. You have the sword, release them now.”

  “Are you kidding? Sonia and Thanatos would be here in two seconds. Have you forgotten the part where Sonia’s immortal?”

  “Won’t destroying the sword strip Sonia of her immortality?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t say I would do that, just release the vampires that have been soul-jacked. I need the sword. It’s my only leverage over Sonia and Thanatos.”

  “Why do you need leverage? And how do you propose we capture Sonia?”

  “I threaten to destroy the sword unless Thanatos makes me High Priest. Without the sword, Sonia is nothing. You have the crystals, right? They will make me High Priest, and we encase them in crystals so they’ll never be able to use magic again. Then, I will show everyone who really are the most powerful beings on the earth.”

  I straightened my back. “What makes you think you should lead in father’s stead?”

  “Because he has anointed me so. The witches will accept me as their leader. What? You think it should be you? No one knows who you are. You’re a joke. That little stunt last week did nothing except expose you for the fool you are.”

  My magic grumbled in my chest. “I won’t allow you to become leader.”

  Theron stepped towards me. “Who wants to have power now?”

  Taking a deep breath, I willed my magic to dissipate. It wasn’t the time to engage Theron, not when he had the sword so close to Alena.

  “I agree that things need to be changed. No one should have to hide who they are, be second-class citizens, but we must let everyone have a voice.”

  “No.” The sides of his lips turned down. “The witches and vampires made these rules. No hybrids, that’s what they decreed. They are morons that can’t be allowed to have a vote. We need to replace all of them.”

  “Because hybrids did horrible things. We must show them hybrids are not bad. The way to show them that is to lay down your arms, expose Sonia and Thanatos, and let the witches decide their fate.”

  “Sonia and Father will never let that happen. Sonia is too powerful. It must be a surprise attack. I will give you your in, and then you attack and put her down.”
  “And you are nowhere near the fight?”

  “I will have the sword. Alena could help me keep it safe.”

  “Right? And so we are back to Alena. She is not getting anywhere near you or that sword.”

  “I would never hurt her.”

  My brain reeled. For as much as it seemed to make sense to partner with Theron, every cell of my body yelled not to trust him. I’d made the mistake of giving him the benefit of the doubt many times, and he’d always double-crossed me.

  “Sorry, I’m not sure I can trust you. Give us the sword, and maybe we can strike a deal.”

  “Give you the sword?” He threw his head back and cackled. “Then I would have no leverage. You need me. Admit it.”

  “Making a deal with you is just as bad as making a deal with Lucifer.”

  “What did he ask you to do? What was his price?”

  “We had to kill Sonia and Father.”

  “And you’re too wimpy to do it.”

  My rage exploded. “Yes, because it’s wrong.”

  He charged me, and I sent out a shock wave. Hitting the barrier and bouncing back, he glared at me. “Admit it, you want to.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “But I know you love her.” Before I could blink, he launched the sword at Alena.

  Releasing another barrier wave, I diverted the path of the spear, but watched in horror as the tip sliced her cheek.

  I grabbed her arms. “Are you okay?”

  “My cheek! Is it healing?” She pressed her palm to the wound.

  As she moved her hand, the gash in her face closed. “Yes, it’s healing.”

  Seeing the sword on the ground and sensing Theron’s approach, I jutted my leg out and kicked it away. Spinning, I hooked my arm around Alena and pinned her to my back.

  “How did you do that?” Theron circled around me.

  I swiveled, keeping myself positioned between him and Alena. “I’m powerful and fast.”

  “I can see that.” Theron jumped to the sword and launched himself over the side of the building.

  Alena struggled against my grasp. “Where did he go? We’ve got to go after him. We were so close to getting the sword. Getting him to join us.”


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