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A Dyad in Time

Page 41

by D. D. Prideaux

  “Yes.” Soft hand released her.

  “We were quite surprised to receive a personal call from our patron. In fact, I don’t think a McKenzie has personally interacted with any of the banks for generations.” Bursts of air from the rolling boil of questions in her mind showed on her face.

  “They usually leave the day-to-day to… Less busy people.” The hand smiled a warm and genuine smile.

  “Shall we?” He moved to Eve’s side and guided her past some of the columns in the lobby, weaving through doors and down corridors towards his private office where they signed some papers and talked about nothing. The pleasantries of Naïve’s always fascinated Eve, her preferring silence to pointless discussions about trivial subjects. More disjointed conversation happened as they made their way to a small, comfortable room near where Eve assumed the safety deposit boxes were. Soft hand left, returned promptly with a box and left again, politely asking Eve if she needed anything else. Saying she was fine, she was finally alone. Time didn’t seem to be making sense to her as she drifted from place to place, interaction to interaction. For her, waking up in that sterile, white place and seeing the deer only happened a few moments ago. Now, she stood at the end of a table, with a long metal box at its centre, inviting her to open it, her memories of another life bubbling over.

  Fears, ideas and swift emotions were breaking the surface of her mind water, increasing in intensity and freezing her hand a few inches away from the gold clasp on the box. Why was she hesitating? What was there to fear? She played the sequence of events through in her head, a trick Tor had taught her. Visualise what’ll happen over and over again, make it muscle and thought memory. Make it real in how you move. Say it. She said it. The mantra quietly revealing itself and forcing her body into motion, the sound of the clasp releasing booming in her ears. Cold metal shocked her fingertips as she pulled the lid back, hinges as quiet as her mantra, barely audible in the silence.

  She laughed when enough light shone into the box. Catching her by surprise the edges of the amulet bounced amplified light out of the box towards her and she looked at the stunning piece of jewellery with love. She didn’t know why she’d been so scared earlier or even a few moments ago. The object just lay there, waiting to be taken back by its rightful owner. Bubbles flowed away to stillness, the only ones remaining softly telling stories from happier times. Moments in her life that centred around a single person. Bubbles of experiences that all showed her someone she hadn’t seen for a long time, but yearned to with all her heart. Tor.


  Zou Qiu’s office was beautiful, ordered and welcoming. Khar and K’Chool felt a little uncomfortable watching Xiang and his old friend formally greet each other, both of them trying to unpick everything that’d happened to them. Khar felt like his world was crashing in around him, the floor shifting and slipping away as he desperately tried to grasp at anything that could keep him stable. Part of him was unable to believe that Obed was somehow involved, especially after hearing Cleric Mo’s story, but that part of him wasn’t strong enough to stabilise him in the shifting sands beneath his feet. In the now, he needed something solid and his assessment of their master was the solid he was looking for. He knew K'Chool would have been playing things over in her head too, but he wasn’t sure whether it was focused on their world with Obed and the Sojela, or the world she came from where Fenn was her sun. Part carrying, part leading Xiang for a time whilst his sight returned, she’d remained stoic and unreadable, her gaze fixed on an imaginary horizon. He’d seen the look. Felt the look. Knew the look couldn’t be questioned straight away. So, he waited for his time to ask. Time is your ally, he thought, Cleric Aitch’s voice echoing in his mind. It heals and reveals all, rewarding its loyal disciples.

  He heard some soft laughter then, interrupting his thinking and waking him from his stupor. Zou and Xiang were hugging warmly amongst the classy furniture, delicate decorations and tasteful art. Khar’s awkwardness began to fall away and he gently elbowed K'Chool to bring her back to the present, a small smile lifting her face as she saw the embrace. Khar’s elbow found her arm again, combining with his eyebrows raising so far, they began to work their way to the back of his head. Her response was a doubtful noise, part teeth suck, part click that was also designed to make Khar feel stupid. It sort of worked, but he often could breeze past embarrassment and stupidity with ease.

  “They’re more than just friends.” He whispered out of the side of his mouth, keeping an eye on the pair. The same noise came from his Sojela companion as two kind faces turned towards them. K’Chool thought she saw some annoyance in the woman’s face, although she was very aware she was fragile after the surprise visit in the library. Was she annoyed they were interrupting this reunion?

  “Khar. K'Chool. Please let me introduce you to Zou Qiu.” Xiang said very proudly as the pretty woman stood next to him elegantly bowed in their direction. She was impeccably dressed, making the three of them look like vagabonds after their journey.

  “Pleased to meet you.” She said delicately and turned back to Xiang. They exchanged a few sentiments in Chinese, both smiling broadly at each other before addressing the two Sojela again.

  “My apologies. It has been a long time since we have seen each other. Please, take a seat.” She gestured towards the side of the room where two luxurious sofas sat opposite each other, an impressively decorated coffee table bridging the gap between them. As they made their way across the room, an attendant arrived with fresh tea, making to gently and methodically lay out four cups in front of them. She reached for the pot to begin pouring, but Zou politely dismissed her, and she leaned forward to pour it herself. The attendant left the room, bowing slightly to them as she closed the double doors to the office. Khar looked over at Xiang, only to see the man staring at his old friend with adoration in his eyes. It seems they may have been interrupting something.

  “Xiang tells me you need to get out of China. Quickly.” Zou said, pouring hot tea into Khar’s cup and looking intently at the hot, streaming liquid.

  “Yes. We were sent here-”

  “It is okay.” Zou interrupted kindly, breaking the pour and moving to the next cup.

  “I do not need to know the trouble you are in. Just that you are in trouble is enough for now.” She continued to pour the tea with exquisite poise, not breaking her talking as she moved slowly from cup to cup, steam rising to fill their nostrils with complex aromas.

  “My operation is extremely discreet, and I am happy to help.” The operation Zou went on to describe was a complicated mix. Legal transport of high profile VIPs in and out of their country at a moment’s notice. Questionably legal transport of high paying VIPs in and out of their country at a moment’s notice and, other pursuits, that Zou wasn’t willing to discuss just yet. Khar immediately liked the woman, just as he’d liked Xiang on first meeting him. He thought about their pasts, both, as they were now and Xiang’s heritage in particular.

  “May I ask where we are heading?” Zou said as she respectfully placed the pot back in its place.

  “We can’t say until we are in the air.” K'Chool said flatly, but with as much respect as she could muster considering her inner turmoil.

  “I suppose I can wait until then.” Zou said with a nod of her head towards K’Chool, eyes closing slightly to show her respect.

  “You aren’t coming with us Zooki.” Xiang interjected, some fear creeping into his voice. The first that Khar or K'Chool had heard since meeting him. Two kind faces met and Po Po decided he wouldn’t win this particular argument, backing down to a knowing look from his old friend. Sipping her tea, Zou turned back to K’Chool, understanding binding them together. Understanding the nature of the secrecy and the nature of the relationships with their men. They were both quietly powerful, easily demonstrating their strength when called upon and knowing how to shape their partners will for the better.

  “We will be in the air, in my private jet, within three hours.” She sai
d matter-of-factly as she placed her tea on the table.

  “It looks like you all could use the time to rest.” It was Khar and K’Chool’s turn to share a look, but this one was fused with agreement. Both of them thinking the same thing.

  “Thank you.” Khar said eventually with a smile. What was three hours when they’d spent the last few days sneaking across the country, evading their pursuers and living like refugees. Flashbacks of them stealing clothes and food, creeping onto trains and bartering with locals swept over him as he sat back in the chair. He relaxed, imagining what a private jet would be like and enjoyed what he came up with. If Zou’s office was anything to go by then he might be in for a real treat. Sinking a little further back into the seat and drinking the wonderful tea he felt at peace for the first time in days, events escalating from his dream, to troublesome revelations and being on the run. He actually felt his eyes droop at the comfort of it all when then double doors to the office suddenly swept open. Zou’s attendant stood there, immaculately dressed and trying to manage her panic. The juxtaposition of the woman snapping Khar out of his malaise.

  “Four men have broken in, nǚ shì.” She stammered with a nod and closed eyes. Zou looked at the two strangers sat across from her, guilt riddling Khar’s face.

  “I suggest that we leave now then.” She said, sighing and standing up calmly. She walked over to the woman in the doorway and took both her hands in hers, uttering comforting words and orders in Chinese. The scared woman nodded gratefully and then left to carry out whatever orders she was given.

  “Shall we?” Zou stood slightly to the side of the large doors and waved an arm towards the exit. In minutes they were on a runway, scurrying towards an already prepped aircraft. Sleek, elegant and nothing modest about it, Zou’s private jet was a decadent and luxurious piece of machinery. She explained as they quickly passed through corridors and onto the tarmac, that she always kept her plane fuelled and prepped for quick departures, in case of emergencies and particularly needy music stars or celebrities. Nothing seemed to be too much trouble for the ex-special ops pilot. She took things in her stride, didn’t panic and logically followed through on plans or thought processes without hesitation. Khar could see the training in her, as he saw it in Xiang and was thankful to have met them both. Making their way to the plane they heard alarms going off, muffled gunshots and otherworldly noises but not once did they slow or stop, allowing security personnel to fly past them as they relentlessly made their way onwards.

  “Do not worry about them.” Zhou said, recognising the worry in Khar and K’Chool’s faces. “They are loyal, well trained and can be a real nuisance when they want to be.”

  When they reached their seats and secured themselves in place there, was just about enough time to look out of the window to see their pursuers. Four glowing Guan Dao vibrated and angrily spat energy towards them, each attached to a ruthless man. Soulless men, all hell bent on catching their prey, their wills oppressive and deadly. K'Chool didn’t look though, knowing she’d see a calm, smiling face. She patiently stared forward as she watched Zou go about her business getting them airborne. They just needed to get off the ground and they’d be okay, they’d be safe. She folded her hands in her lap and tried to remain calm as an uncomfortable atmosphere worked its way into the pressurised cabin.

  * * *

  They’d been flying for hours in almost complete silence, K'Chool sat in the co-pilot’s seat muttering directions to Zou whilst Khar and Xiang sat quietly. Processing. For a long time, they’d all been focused on surviving, each of them drawing on past experiences to get the trio to Nanning and the airstrip hugging its borders. More than once, Khar felt the least prepared, just as he had when he faced the Sløv in the library. Xiang’s knowledge of survival tactics, the geography and language proved invaluable in getting across the country. K'Chool’s understanding of The Protectorate tactics and the man chasing them was the other side of the coin they needed to buy passage to safety. Khar’s only use seemed to be in carrying out his watches without complaint. Beyond that, all he’d done was charismatically piece together disparate facts back at the library, into a thin story of cover-ups, death and conspiracies going back centuries. Enough, he thought. If that’s all I’m good at then let’s get to it.

  “Why were you on top of that mountain Xiang?” A serious edge to his normally playful voice.

  “Paying my respects to my ancestors.” Xiang said back, confused at the line of questioning considering he’d already told them why he was there.

  “How old is your family?” Less annoyance in his voice this time, recognising his frustrations with K’Chool were playing out with the kind man opposite him.

  “Old. We are from the Xia dynasty. At least, that’s the earliest record we have. We may be older.” The words landed on deaf ears, supported by a blank face not wanting to admit his ignorance. “2070 BC.”

  This time the words landed on hungry ears, supported by a curious face. “By Kai. That is old. Do you know much about your ancestors? Who they were? What they did?”

  “Some. Most of what we know about the family has been passed down through words and stories. There used to be records but they were destroyed generations ago.” Xiang thought about the unrest in his country through the centuries, saddened by the repeating cycles of destruction.

  “What kind of stories?” Khar encouraged.

  “Mostly of great deeds carried out by those before us. Advisors to emperors. Great generals in great wars. Protectors for, and of, the people” Xiang paused thoughtfully, the child within him filled with wonder at the stories his Po Po used to tell him. “Why do you ask?”

  Khar leant forward at this, clasping his hands and thinking hard before going on. “You saw what those people can do.” Xiang nodded in response, wanting Khar to go on uninterrupted. Silence was powerful when used by the right hands he knew. Khar found himself warming more and more to the strange and kind man. He knew when to press and when to back off. He knew when to talk and when to listen. He knew when to fight and how fighting should be done. Nothing was wasted by his words or actions. He was full of purpose and efficiency. As Khar felt his connection and admiration deepen for Xiang, he knew that if it came to it, he’d lay down his life if he needed to. The thought punctuated his thinking without warning and frightened him that he could think that way. Luckily, it was tempered with imagining the selflessness and wealth of other admirable qualities he knew Xiang possessed. Khar knew then, that he’d lay down his life for him as well, an unseen and powerful brotherhood growing in and between them.

  “They possess strong magik and are deadly opponents, but what they conjured didn’t leave a scratch on you.” Khar took a long paused for them both to think. “We have objects in our world that can make magik stop working. When they get close enough to a spell, enchantment or other magikal object, the effects of the magik are rendered useless, void. That’s what we call them - voids.” Another long pause. “I think you’re a Naïve-void.” Expecting a reaction, Khar got nothing, Xiang’s face remaining calm and welcoming. Sensing that he’d have to work harder to get what he needed, Khar probed further.

  “Can you remember any stories where this kind of thing happened? Where an ancestor encountered an item like this?” He knew it was a long shot, none of the examples of stories Xiang gave earlier having the potential to include magik.

  “I’m afraid not.” Xiang said apologetically.

  Khar knew the man wanted to help so he kept going. “What about any mention of magiks at all? Any stories where victory was snatched from certain defeat without explanation? Any, where miracles were performed?” A slowly shaking head met Khar’s questions. Exasperated, Khar flopped backwards into the soft leather seat like a child. Frustrated.

  Xiang’s brow furrowed at the reaction, but it wasn’t to do with Khar’s sulking, a glimmer of recognition was behind it.

  “There is one story.” The sentence made its way across the space of the two seats, causing Khar’s ears to
perk up and his spirit to dance in hope. “One of the oldest stories Po Po used to tell me. I think it was her favourite. She talked of a wonderful man from the old times. A just and honourable warrior who wanted to help people. A protector. But in the old times, danger and destruction were around each and every corner and he felt he couldn’t do it alone.” Xiang enjoyed the memory of the story and how his grandma used to tell it. Her eyes would brighten, her skin would get smoother and her voice got stronger. Her hands would wave about with the energy of someone forty years her younger, the excitement coming through of someone even younger still.

  “Wanting to share his knowledge and skills and help protect the people, he took an honour guard. Five warriors charged with keeping him safe, learning from him and acting on his behalf in spreading peace across the land.” His grandma’s eyes brightened. “My ancestor was one of them.”

  Khar leant a little further forward, prompting Xiang to go on, but not seeing the magik connection just yet.

  “Over time, it was said that the five became untouchable. Years of training, tutelage and friendship made them invulnerable to harm. They were peace bringers, a shining beacon of hope and bathed in golden light, touched by immortal hands.” He paused whilst he tried to remember their name. “Warriors of light.” He said triumphantly and proudly.

  “What did you say?” Khar said critically.

  “They were warriors of light.”

  Khar took the words and hugged them tight. That, was the connection he was looking for. “The person who started our order was called The Warrior of Light.” Excitement built in Khar’s voice. “Artoor Moniin, the Eternal Glow and architect of light magik. I think that Artoor bestowed your ancestor with void blood. They were untouchable by magik and invulnerable to deadly attacks beyond Naïve understanding.” Khar smiled and Xiang saw some of his grandma in him. “When you were told they became untouchable you probably took it to be metaphorical. The truth being that it was metaphorical and literal.” Xiang saw his grandma’s brightness.


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