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Allies (Kaylid Chronicles Book 4)

Page 8

by Mel Todd

  "Killed who?" McKenna blurted.

  "Come on people, we need to get packed and out of here. We have another vehicle that will be here in ten. Rarz, I need to discuss your needs with you before we leave." Philip’s voice radiated from the living room with the power of a drill sergeant.

  "It is immaterial at this time. This is history so old it lives only in our legends." With another half-nod Rarz turned and went back, his tail following him with an odd grace.

  My life is so strange.

  ~Wefor, is that true?~ She asked in the mindspace as she headed to do a quick pack, not that she had much to do. At the top of the stairs she set the squirming Nam down who raced to help Carina and the others get their stuff all packed up. She could feel the kids’ excitement. They still found all this fun. The adults, on the other hand, were grim, and Toni brimmed with helpless rage at the situation they found themselves in.

  [There is no reason it can not be true. There is no information in the databases to indicate they are aware of it. Only that they tried it and it would not work on Elentrin but did work on a subject race they had found at one point in their history. One of their ships went back to test it on the indigenous people and the Kaylid were created to fight the Drakyn.]

  ~I see. Which may or may not be the way it happened. Victors rewrite history a lot. But I guess it doesn't matter. Still doesn't change the situation.~

  Pushing that to the side, she headed to where Toni had been sleeping and found the woman shoving things into her suitcase, every move jerky.

  "Toni?" At this point talking out loud might give them more privacy.

  "I know, I know. This is the best hope we have. That if I stayed, we would probably all die. And by all, I mean all humans. I know that I'm being silly. I know they’ll protect the kids to the best of their abilities. I know all of that!" Her voice broke on a sob. "And I still don't want to go. They’re changing so fast, becoming people in their own right, not just my kids, and I'm terrified that I'll miss it. I'm terrified something will happen and I won't be here to take care of them, to hold them, listen to them sleep. And I can't do anything about it and I didn't choose any of this."

  McKenna pulled on her shoulder gently and Toni turned around, tears streaking her face. With a sad smile McKenna pulled her into her arms and held Toni while she cried. After a minute she joined in, too. Charley and Nam had become so important. And now she was leaving them again, with strangers. She let her own tears come and wash them both clean of some stress. She could feel the kids monitoring them, but they didn't come in, letting them deal with their grief.

  After what felt like eternity but was probably only a few minutes, Toni sniffed and pulled back. "Thanks. I guess I needed that. I'll be okay."

  "You're one of the strongest women I know. Of course you'll be okay. But that doesn't mean you can't hurt." McKenna pointed out.

  "Pot, Kettle?" Toni said with a wry smile. "I know how you feel about Charley and Nam, so don't tell me this isn't killing you also."

  "It is. I want to be here with them. She’s only six, so I get it. But not being here hurts. However, if I don't try to do something and we then all die?" McKenna shrugged. "I'm torn, so I'm doing what I can."

  Toni wiped at her nose. "You're doing fine. Okay, enough emotions. We have stuff to do, then an enemy to kick out of our solar system."

  "You sure you're okay?"

  "No, but I'll make it. Trust me, compared to Jeff dying, this I know I can handle. I just needed that cry I guess." Toni turned away and started packing again, her movements smoother and more efficient.

  "Good. Next question—what's up with you and the Drakyn?"

  Toni froze at the question then sighed and turned around. "That obvious?"

  "Just weird. You don't usually react like that. So what's the issue?" McKenna started to help her pack up things. They were running out of time and she could hear the others running around, getting things together.

  "When I saw him walking out of that portal I almost choked. It was like my dreams had been made real."

  "How did you see that? You weren't there." McKenna looked at her in surprise, but remembered the strange feeling at the time.

  "No, but we got the comments you made, and I was stressing. I wanted to see what was going on, especially with Perc and JD muttering, like whispers in the mindscape." Toni frowned. "I just wanted to see so badly, and suddenly it was like I was there, but the view was odd. I could see it through your eyes. Everything in color. It lasted only for a minute or two, but I couldn't focus on anything except him."

  "We can do that, too," Charley said softly.

  McKenna turned to look at him. She hadn't realized he'd been in the hall.

  "Do what?" Toni stared at him with the same confusion McKenna felt.

  "See through others' eyes. I mean, I can only see through Jessi's. But Jamie can see through hers, also. We haven't tried with Nam. She's too new to us. But yeah, we found that out." He shrugged and looked away from them. "Just heard you talking about it and thought I'd tell you. But it is kinda cool. We're all packed up. So where are we going now?"

  He didn't seem too stressed and McKenna wondered how much of his life had been being shipped from place to place.

  Is this better for him? Or am I making it worse?

  Unable to resist, she snaked out an arm and pulled her to him in a side hug. "You guys okay with all this change?"

  "Sure. This is fun. Dragons, aliens, army guys, invaders. It's like being in a movie." He grinned up at her and she rolled her eyes.

  "If you say so. Go get your stuff downstairs. I think we’re moving to a base."

  "Ooh, will we get to stay in barracks? That would be awesome." Charley looked excited at the idea, and Toni snorted.

  "Maybe. I'll ask. Now get." She shooed him off and he darted into the nearby bedroom, grabbed a bag and lugged it down the stairs. Jessi and Nam followed with smaller bags.

  "I think I'm jealous. They think this is fun. And I don't want to disabuse them of that idea," McKenna commented as she watched them trot down the stairs. "But now," she said turning back to Toni. "Rarz, spill."

  "Dammit, I was hoping you'd been sidetracked." Toni didn't look at her as she finished putting things in the bag.

  "Not so lucky. Spill, but do it in my bedroom so I can pack." Toni followed McKenna as she began to throw things into her bag.

  "So yeah, the dragon walking out of a big shiny portal was a bit of a surprise, but nothing like the fact that I recognized him."

  "What?" McKenna looked up, trying to separate dirty and clean clothes. She hadn't even had a shower yet.

  "All my life I dreamed of dragons. Both as humanoid and on all fours. Honestly when I shifted, I was surprised I didn't turn into a dragon. But who tells people that stuff? I just pushed it away and focused on being a kid, then being an adult, then a mom. It was silly dreams and not like I had them every night." Toni shrugged as she grabbed stuff out of the closet. "I'd almost forgotten them and I haven't had them for years. The dreams on the ship pushed them to the side, I guess. So when he walked out, I almost choked."

  "Huh. What do you think it means?"

  "No clue, other than me being weird. But really there are only so many ways dragons can look. I doubt I dreamed about him specifically, probably just a weird parallel thing. I mean a dragon and aliens and shifters." She trailed off as she said that, and McKenna looked at her sideways.

  "Personally, I think it would be stranger at this point if they weren't linked. Besides, he keeps looking at you funny also, as if he knows you."

  Toni groaned. "I hate it when you're right." She looked around. "That looks like everything." They could hear the people clearing out. "I'll talk to him later. If we survive, it might matter. Now? I'll try to quit freaking out every time I see him. But he looks wrong without the wings."

  McKenna grinned. "Agreed. But still. it was getting a bit claustrophobic with them. He uses them the way I use my tail in both my forms."

he does. Anything else?"

  ~Everyone got everything? We good?~ She asked, checking with everyone.

  ~Finishing up the last of the kitchen stuff now. The place will be a bit of a mess, but we don't have time to clean it.~ Cass said.

  ~Yep, they have another vehicle on the way, and we have the Suburban, the car that was here, and the one Burby's crew came in. We’re leaving all the bags in the garage and they'll collect them for us. The kids are already in the car; it's the only one with booster seats for the three of them. So we just need to know where we’re going.~ Perc had this steady 'everything will be fine' cadence to his voice and it made her feel a bit better.

  McKenna cast a glance to Toni who shrugged. They grabbed their bags and headed downstairs. Rarz stood in the living room, out of sight of any person who might be passing by. Philip was giving Rarz a considering look then frowned at Perc and JD.

  "Is there an issue?"

  "All of you are huge and not inconspicuous and I really don't want anyone to know we have you here. You don't look like a Kaylid, even without the wings." He glanced back at Perc and JD. "Very noticeable especially among a bunch of humans."

  "Hey, we're human, too." McKenna couldn't stop the snappish response. Roberts snapped to attention.

  "Yes, ma'am. I didn't mean to imply you weren't, ma'am. Just that you are obvious." He stood, not looking at her, his eyes over her shoulder.

  McKenna sighed. "I know, but all of us can change back to human. We'll just need to food to replenish the energy. Perc, JD—you okay to change? You have enough reserves for a shift?"

  They both stood there a minute then nodded. "Yeah, not going to say I won't need calories to change back. I'm still underweight, but should be fine." JD said, shrugging one shoulder.

  "All of you? Wait, Rarz can change, too?" Philip had lost the rigid attention pose.

  "Yes. The wings were just too much in that small space." McKenna frowned, then remembered Rarz had changed before the men got there for the awe factor.

  Rarz, however, was looking back and forth between them. "Why are you worried about caloric intake? Do you not store spare mass in your quantum spaces?" With his brow ridges furrowed, McKenna figured that was his equivalent of a confused face.

  I wonder if all species in humanoid forms have similar expressions? And what the heck is he talking about?

  Before she could voice that Perc did. "What are you talking about quantum space? Storing mass?"

  Rarz paused, his head moving from one to another looking at them. "Pardon the intrusion, but how do you change now?"

  McKenna titled her head, now totally confused. "We have nanobots that do it, and they burn calories to fuel themselves to restructure our cellular structure."

  The Drakyn blinked at them, both sets of eyelids closing and opening rapidly.

  "That is horribly inefficient and a waste of caloric energy. Why would you do it like that?" His voice sounded astonished and McKenna laughed.

  "You think we have a choice? We didn't have a choice in any of this. All we can do is deal with what we've been handed." She paused, looking at him. "Are you saying there’s a different way to do this? This isn't how you do it?"

  He opened and closed his mouth two times in a row before finally responding. "I apologize. I must think about this. I do not know how to deal with this information and what it implies, much less how to explain to you. Give me some time."

  Philip looked at them. "Okay. If that’s done, can all of you shift and get back to something no one will look at twice? Besides, I'll need the shifting later to help impress people."

  "As long as you have food there to fuel our shift back, it really isn't an issue." JD offered and Perc nodded.

  "I'll make a note. Please?" The Gunny actually asked, not ordered.

  Points for him.

  Her friends shrugged and started to change, flowing back into human, looking grimy and tired.

  "Interesting. Yes, much to consider." Rarz watched all of this with sharp eyes then he, too, let himself change.

  Once again McKenna noted that he felt different when he shifted. But she couldn't say what felt different. Just that it wasn't like watching or feeling any of hers shift. It felt smoother, like silk against skin. And then a man, dark haired and powerful, but so undeniably human, stood in front of them.

  "How do you know our form so well? Or is it that easy for you to change?" Cass asked from the doorway, as Blair Lewis stood next to her. The curiosity in their eyes, matching pairs.

  "I have practiced since my majority. The dreams I shared with Tonan Diaz gave me the templates to change into in my later years."

  Toni sucked in a sharp breath at her full name and Rarz looked at her.

  "We should talk later. Once your world is safe." His words rang deeper and wider than should have been possible, ringing like a bell in McKenna's soul.

  "Yeah," was all Toni said as she turned and headed out the door, not looking at anyone.

  Chapter 11 - Meet the Troops

  Over the last year, micro disturbances have been noticed by a few scientists. But up until now there haven’t been more than weird results and most scientists admitted they thought it due to instrument failure. With the appearance of the Elentrin above our world, the possibility that it was real has spiked interest and controversy. But to most scientists' frustration, they can't duplicate the anomalies. There don't seem to be any going on right now. Is this timing or was this the start and maybe something that would have given us some warning had we known what it meant? ~ TNN Science

  Philip had asked McKenna to ride with him and Burby so she could share the information about the arrangements with everyone else, even the Drakyn. She agreed mainly because she couldn't sit with Charley or Nam. The booster seats took up the entire row.

  "They’re arranging space for us at Andrews. Most flights have been canceled anyhow so they’re going to set us up there."

  "And the kids?" she asked, making sure to pass everything into the mindspace. The space which now held an opal-like button that she just knew was Rarz.

  "We’re putting them up at the Presidential Inn, along with you. We have the entire floor pulled aside and MPs and agents will be there constantly. Christopher has arranged for three of his female agents to be there and I called in some retired Marines I know to help staff. Note they are retired ‘cause they hit twenty years, not because they can't kill someone as easily as they can drain a beer."

  McKenna relaxed a bit at that. With that many people, if their kids were hurt no one could have protected them.

  "Okay." She sat and listened as he talked, asking questions as they arose, but once again most of the work was on other people. The river of events buffeted her from one side to the other. It annoyed her, but she didn't see anything she could actively do right now except wait.

  The trip took over three hours, even with all the vehicles moving at high speed, but the transfer into the hotel, and then the adults to the nearby Jacob Smart Conference Center was smooth. Coffee awaited them and she lunged at it, desperate. At this point it was getting late, and they had been up since early that morning.

  Lawson still trailed them, though he'd lost his self-assurance as more and more high-ranking people showed up.

  "Should I stay or take back off to my unit?" he asked as an aside.

  She glanced around the area and all the strangers coming in and staring at them. "Go. Get back to your people. I just wish we had been able to take a shower." Her voice had a wistful tone and she ran her fingers through hair that felt filthy. JD and Perc didn't look much better and their worn kilts and tank tops looked as rough as they did.

  "I hear you. Okay, I'm headed out. And Largo?" Lawson paused, looking at her, a half-smile on his face.


  "You did damn good for a bunch of spoiled cops." The half-smile grew into a smirk.

  "And you weren't too bad for a clumsy ground-pounder," she fired back. He laughed, gave her and the rest of them a wave and headed out.

  McKenna sipped her coffee and waited as more and more people in various uniforms and suits filed into the conference room. The five of them found themselves huddled together with Rarz standing slightly apart, yet near them.

  ~Ever feel completely out of place?~ Toni murmured as she tugged on her t-shirt and jeans.

  ~Yes, but this is extreme. I feel dirty, like I have the wrong clothes on, and I'm getting tired fast. Even with the caffeine.~ McKenna didn't whine, quite. But she would have given a lot to have met all these people with brushed teeth and hair. Fully rested would have been nice too.

  ~I think I'd feel out of place here regardless of what I was wearing,~ Cass said, her voice soft. ~This is not my normal group of people. Give me a bunch of people in lab coats and more focused on data than anything else, then maybe.~

  ~Your culture has such varieties. This world has more cultures and languages than any we have ever seen. I'm surprised more of the luminaries didn't come here.~ Rarz's comment made McKenna turn to look at him. He stood, in human form, his robes made him look like a cosplayer, but he seemed at ease.

  ~How can you be so calm? You don't know how they will react. You're surrounded by aliens, at least aliens to you. So why aren't you freaking out?~ McKenna tried to keep the accusation level out of her voice, but still, she'd be a nervous wreck at this moment.

  He turned and looked at them, all huddled together against the people they would have to face soon and nodded a bit. ~Because this is what I train for. Besides, if they draw weapons I can change to a wyrm or relocate to home in the span of a few minutes. Most weapons are unable hurt me in wyrm form. But you need me. And I need you. This may be the only chance either of us has to halt the Elentrin. If not?~ He nodded his head again, almost like a shrug. ~Then I am unaware of anyone who can stop them. I am a luminary. A finder of new planets, new worlds. I do not know that there is anything else to hope for.~

  His words created a lump in her stomach, but it also served to stiffen her spine. This was her world and she'd be damned if she let anyone destroy it without doing everything in her power to stop them. Even Charley and Nam weren't worth the lives of seven billion people.


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