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Half-Orc Redemption

Page 45

by Luke T Barnett


  Mara’s words were cut off as she began coughing- almost choking- on her bread. Joseph began to reach out a hand, but Mara held up hers. Joseph slid her his ale. She took a gulp and immediately spit it out.

  “Bula!” she spouted between coughs.

  She coughed for a few moments more, before finally slowing.

  “What sort of poison is that?” she said, still trying to rid her mouth of the taste with more bread.

  Joseph gave the ale a sniff and then took a sip, tasting it.

  “Yes, it does seem not the best I’ve tasted.”

  The barkeep just shook his head.

  Mara too, shook her head, still coughing a bit.

  “It is no wonder your men cannot fight,” she said. “It must be eating away at your gut.”

  Joseph cracked a grin.

  “My men are well-trained, elite troops,” he said. “And you bested them. Where did you attain your skill?”

  “I…my father and brother trained me.”

  Joseph looked at her staff leaning against the counter and reached for it.

  “Dolanas told me how you-“

  He halted as Mara quickly took up the staff, twirled it and pointed the end at Joseph’s face. He could see on her face a look of trespass. Slowly, he withdrew his hand.

  “Forgive me,” he said, sliding off his stool and bowing at the waste. “I meant no offense.”

  Mara sat in that position for a moment before lowering her guard.

  “You did not offend,” she mumbled. “It is just…personal.”

  “I understand.”

  Mara sighed as she slid off her stool.

  “I must try and get some sleep. I do not wish to be awake at this hour every night.”

  “If you would allow me, lady, I would like to escort you back to your room.”

  Mara stared at him a moment in wonder. Since accepting his nobility, she had come to see his actions as truly genuine, not the false actions of a deceptive man. She did not understand fully his gesture and it seemed out of place to her. She gave him a questioning look in reply.

  “I would feel better to make right my actions, whether there was offense or no.”

  Still a bit bewildered, Mara nevertheless gestured for him to lead the way. Joseph moved past her towards the steps and she fell in behind him.

  “Enjoy your game, men,” he told the soldiers. “And watch out for Triglar’s full house. He favors that.”

  “Goodnight, sir,” they all replied in unison as Joseph and Mara disappeared into the stairwell.

  The knight that had reassured Mara dropped his cards down on the table, stating he had better get to bed as well and then finishing off his mug. The other two agreed that it was their time as well. They casually finished off their mugs and collected the cards. They then rose, pushed in their chairs and headed for the stairs, knowing full well that there was not among them a man named Triglar.



  Dugan-to/Draigan-sae – respectful address to a male/female, particularly used for one of higher status.

  Du – expression used to get one’s attention, i.e. “Hey!” “Hey, you!” “You there!”

  Brueg – belittling term, particularly used for one of little-to-no honor or no thought of honor; literally: “ugly heart”

  Shoran – expression of excited congratulations and/or approval.

  Don-ga – fool, idiot

  Rish-kal – inhuman being or unnatural beast

  Prua – ridiculous, stupid

  Grua – expression of severe frustration and/or consternation. More emphatic form of prua with added overtone of anger.

  Bo-til – ruffian, thug, brigand, brute thief

  Bula – expression of frightened or panicked realization, such as “oh, no!”

  Dru-gin – man worthy of great honor

  Binsha – forget it; literally: “leave it.” This is the shortened version of binsha-makuri – “leave it in the dirt and the past.” This covers things physical and abstract. There is an implication that once left, it is left forever, impossible to be picked up again.

  Grilga – derogatory term applied to females who are seen as having no constitution for conflict

  Rola bung di nola – expression that denotes an impossible situation. Literally: “break the trees and tear the sky.” These are two actions thought to be impossible to execute, the former being impossible by the Tamboue because the trees in their land were hard as iron.

  Giashda toschca – expression denoting that something stated to imminently or eventually occur will never happen, i.e. “when pigs fly.” Literally: “as the sky burns.”

  Greechak – belittling term referring to a fighter as un-focused, wild, and savage in their fighting style, or lack thereof. This term was very insulting for one of Mara’s culture. Literally: “beast-dog.”

  Joshk – adjective referring to something’s true nature being revealed. In the negative it can mean that something has been proven false beyond any doubt.

  Shinja – adjective describing something unnaturally deep. Not often used and thus its equivalent in common is not known to Mara.


  Gooklak – fool, idiot; literally: “stupid one”

  Kceek Tulik – “Beast Teeth.” This is a common expression among the orcs for mountain ranges containing mountains that have very defined peaks. However, this particular form has an implied uniqueness so it is the literally: “Teeth of a Great Beast.”

  Grushkarg – The best word-for-word translation would be “strong.” However, in the culture of the orcs of the Northlands, there are many shades of meaning when speaking of strength. This word carries the strongest possible meaning. It encompasses leadership, indomitable spirit, and a sense that the object to which it is attached can never be brought down. The picture is of the legendary orc Grush punching the side of a mountain, reducing it to dust. This is also where the phrase “a strength that could crush a mountain” comes from. Literally, this word is: “strength of Grush.”

  Blugard sharkar – threatening statement usually translated, “your blood will flow (first).”

  Dukja (Clan of Thornblade dialect) – term used for a fighting style that abandons defenses, reservation, and tactics, while boosting speed and strength, and ignores pain and physical damage for a short time. “Savage” or “berserk” are the best translations for that is the intent behind the word. However, there is no truly adequate word-for-word translation. Rather the above explanation best explains the term.

  Mmringoul – expression used only in situations of such kinship between two individuals that it is as if they were born from the same parents, even though they are not physically related. Literally: “same womb.”

  Uk – you, you there, hey, hey you

  Jootka me dok boopkiks – “over here” or “come here” with the address of “half-breed” or “half-blood.” Me adds an imperative tense making this a command. In addition, this word adds implied superiority of the speaker.


  Scourgs – derogatory term for those considered savage and bloodthirsty. Only used when speaking in terms of honor in battle. Most often used of orcs.

  Gorgalflim – expression of angered shock; literally: “slippery earth”

  Mola – word lost to antiquity. Likely it is one of the names of the original dwarves who mined out and carved Mul Krün and Drudem Kunjar.

  Brum – explosive clay-like substance found only and always encased in deep rock, usually under pools of water.

  Note from the Author

  Hello, readers!

  I want to extend a special thanks to all of you supported me through the writing of this story as well as those of you who have picked it up and read it. This book began as a simple background story blurb for a character in an RPG. Well, the Lord took it from there and developed it into this wonderful story of redemption from sin and darkness, something very personal in my own life (though I have never faced off
against an army of rampaging orcs… in real life).

  Saved from sin and darkness. This has been my story. And the darkness is, day by day, being erased from my life and my soul. I have never been more at peace, more fulfilled, or more purposeful in my life. It is only growing and I would never go back, not for anything.

  If you like writing fanfiction, I do encourage that. However, I would ask that any fanfiction of my work be done respectfully and not contain any sexual themes, blasphemy against the God of the Bible, foul language, or excessive violence or gore. Please respect my work as I look forward to reading yours. And thanks for reading the Author’s Note!




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