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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 86

by Eve Newton

She taps her fingers on her chin and asks, “Have they have all fed from you recently?”

  Again, I nod. She clicks her fingers as the realization hits her. “Your blood. They have it coursing through them and it is amplifying their own abilities. They become a part of you for a short while. It makes perfect sense.”

  It does? I blink at her and look at Xane and say, “That makes you able as well. Probably more so after the ritual.”

  He tilts his head at me and clicks his fingers. He has brought to his hand my necklace of Hellfire that I took off yesterday. “Interesting,” he murmurs as he clasps it back on me. “Why did you take it off?” he asks absently.

  “It hurts my Vampires,” I tell him as if he is a bit dim.

  “It’s only a little heat. Won’t kill them,” he says offhandedly.

  “Not the point,” I say through gritted teeth. He shrugs, unconcerned. “Corinne, may I have a word with you, alone?” I ask.

  She bobs her head and I excuse us, taking her into the other room. I’m sure that they are all eavesdropping, but I need to know. “Sebastian spelled me yesterday. How did he manage to do that?” I ask her quietly. “It can’t be because of my blood because my own magick doesn’t affect me.”

  “Vincentius is a rare creature,” she says carefully. “I would pay extra attention when you are around him.”

  “Okay, noted. But that doesn’t answer my question,” I say, irritated.

  “You should ask your sire. It is not for me to gossip,” she says warily.

  “I am asking you. You know he won’t tell me anything,” I implore her.

  She raises her perfect eyebrows in agreement. “Who I am to disobey a direct order from my Queen?” she asks with meaning.

  “Corinne,” I smile at her, “I order you to tell me about Sebastian.”

  She sighs and says, “He wasn’t human. He has never been human. Before Constantine turned him, he was Faerie.”


  C ome again?

  “Faerie? As in…” I hold up my left thumb and wiggle it to indicate my protection ring.


  Whoa. That’s intense. It makes perfect sense now. His ability in the first place is remarkable and not something that humans should possess.

  “But how was he able?” I press for an answer.

  “Faeries are extremely powerful, and his abilities have been magnified by his turning, as well as by drinking your blood... it is a very formidable combination.”

  Oh. My thoughts are racing. Now that I think about it, Sebastian doesn’t have a ring. At least not one made from Faerie Silver, that is, and, doing a quick mental check, he doesn’t have any other adornment (that is visible on the parts of him that I have seen, at any rate) that is made from Faerie Silver – because he doesn’t need it. If he is Faerie, even though he is now a Vampire, he doesn’t need it.

  “That’s how it was figured out, wasn’t it?” I ask her, my voice so low she has to lean forward to hear me. “He discovered he could walk in the sunlight and that is how your ancestor figured it out.”

  “Yes,” she says, not really wanting to admit it.

  Fuck me. Talk about a revelation. “The spell. The spell used to enchant the Silver. It uses Faerie blood, doesn’t it? It’s not the Silver, it’s the blood. That’s why they are so hard to procure. The tests so stringent. Why we must be deemed worthy. The sacrifice has to be worth it,” I say, more to myself. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.

  She is looking not too pleased that I’m figuring all of this out and especially within earshot of my little group. We have spoken in very hushed tones and I don’t think anyone has overheard us, but we can’t be sure. I lower my voice even more, “How was I allowed to get more? For charges that already had been given the gift. How was I allowed to get more?”

  “You are Queen,” she says simply.

  I have to admit that is the first actual perk I have come across since getting my Powers and title.

  “Thank you, Corinne. I am most grateful for your cooperation. I see things more clearly now and it makes a nice change, having been in the dark for months now. Anything else you care to share about…anything? While you are here?” I ask sweetly.

  She smiles sweetly back and says, “I have already said too much. Your mother wishes you to learn on your own. She believes it is the…”

  “Making of oneself,” I interrupt her with a nod. “Yes, so I’ve heard,” I add wryly.

  She tilts her head. “Xanthe?” she asks with a small smile.

  “Yes,” I affirm.

  She chuckles. “Well, if I may take my leave now? Ahmed will only be worried.”

  “Of course. Thank you for coming,” I say sincerely. “Oh, and tell Ahmed I say ‘Hi.’”

  She nods. “I will. He holds a great affection for you. Having watched over you for the last millennium he feels quite avuncular, the big softie. He will be pleased with your greeting.”

  I giggle at her tone and say, “Don’t be a stranger. I need you. You know,” I clear my throat, “every now and again.”

  She laughs, a beautiful peel, and says, “That is quite the honor.” She lowers her voice again, “I will try and sneak out to see you again very soon. It’s best if I go behind wards I have set.” And with that she blinks out of existence.

  I make a mental note to find more wards she has set up for more secret rendezvous. I also vow to ask her how she can Teleport. She is still a few hundred years away from being able to have that ability. Must be a Witchy-Vampire power boost combo.

  “Dev. Are you okay?” I say to him, walking back into the bedroom. “I feel like this is all my fault.”

  “Lizzie, it’s not your fault,” he sighs. “It just is. Sorry, Xane. I am sure this is the last thing you wanted,” he adds.

  Xane looks surprised by the apology and says, “Well, it’s not ideal, but Liv told me what happened. Even I wouldn’t go so far as to just let her die here.”

  ‘Let her die here?’ What an interesting choice of words.

  “Liv, I wonder if I could steal you away for a couple of hours? There are things we should discuss that we didn’t get around to yesterday.”

  I look at Devon, who shrugs. “Might as well while you can. Who knows what Hell is going to break loose when she wakes up,” he says it lightly, but I know he is still in terrible pain.

  “Okay, baby. If you need me, get Linc to call me,” I say softly and kiss him.

  He looks sad that he doesn’t have that ability even with our close bond, but he nods nonetheless and says, “I like the suit by the way. Very business kickass.” I knew he would know exactly what I was going for.

  “I’ll be back soon.” I turn to Lincoln. “Call me if anything changes,” I say, referring to our Alpha bond which allows us the ability to call on each other no matter where we are.

  “I will. Take care, V.A,” he whispers and kisses my forehead. I wave to Scott and he waves back, then Xane and I leave the suite. I hesitate outside the door and look up. Xane follows my gaze to the ceiling and inquires, “Problem?”

  “Maybe. I’m not sure. Can you give me ten minutes? I’ll meet you in your office.”

  He looks disappointed but agrees, “Sure. I’ll see you in ten.” He heads towards the elevator. I make for the stairs and run up two at a time. I stop in front of the door to our suite and hesitantly open it. CK is there, alone, I’m pleased to say, staring into the empty fireplace, Scotch in hand.

  He turns as I enter. “There you are. I was loathe to come and find you after the last time,” he says with a sad smile. He notices my change of clothing and the necklace. His sad smile turns into one of pain before hardening into a straight line. I step closer to him and inhale subtly as he does to me. Both of us come up empty and stare at each other.

  I am the first to speak as I say, “Eloise’s sister? She is one of your…playthings?” I don’t use the word ‘Pet’ as I always assumed that was for humans, or weaker Vampires. Vivienne is clearly nei
ther of those things.

  “She was,” he says cautiously, knowing this is a minefield of epic proportions.

  “Oh. You didn’t think to mention that?”

  “I saw no reason to. Your issue was with Eloise. Not her sister.”

  Same fucking difference, you idiot!

  I nod slowly. “I see. Well, I hope you had fun,” I say, meaning anything but.

  He peers at me. “I said she was.”

  “I heard you.”

  “Was, Aefre. Not anymore.”

  I blink at him. “So, you are saying that you didn’t…play with her today?” I gulp, not really wanting to know.

  “No,” he says. The relief floods through me, making me dizzy, until he says, “But I wanted to. Christ, Aefre, I’m sorry, but I wanted to.”

  Now I just feel sick.

  He takes a step forward and I take a step back, hands up. “What? Wait. What are you saying?”

  He sighs, running his hand through his hair and says, “I have tried, Aefre. Since we got back from Castle Black, I haven’t wanted to be with anyone in that way. In fact, even before then, since we got close again. I don’t want to be that monster. I want to be better for you. For us.” He pauses. “She came here, and she is strong. Strong enough to take it and I wanted to. She wanted me to. She begged me. I was still turned on from the feed and you… I wanted to be that way with her. I’m sorry. Can you forgive me?” he asks softly.

  What can I say to that? There really isn’t anything that I can say to that. So, I don’t. I just stare at him and I’m sure he can see all the emotions passing across my wretched face.

  He looks away in shame. “I’m sorry,” he says again.

  “Where is she now?” I croak.

  He looks up, surprised at the question. “With Sebastian,” he says.

  Oh, spelled or willingly? I think this nasty thought.

  He says, “Willingly.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “I’m yours, Aefre. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t be that monster again, especially after learning what I did…” he trails off, looking at me in sorrow.

  “Learning what?” I dare ask but I’m dreading the answer.

  “That everything Lance did to you, I taught him,” he says quickly. “It nearly kills me to think of the things he did, that I have done to others…to Vivienne, being used on you but to torture you to the extent that he broke you,” he chokes it out. “Aefre, forgive me. Forgive me for being a monster, for creating a monster. For being so much less than you deserve.”

  He is begging me now and I mentally sigh. The slight uncertainty when he asked about how I talk to Lincoln was sweet and I loved that he asked about it, but this completely vulnerable side of him is just unnerving.

  “Constantine,” I start, my heart thumping as I register his words. Broke me. He said, ‘broke me’. He knows. I recall whispering it so quietly to Lance in the cell. However, we have never mentioned it again. I should’ve known he’d heard me. He flinches as I use his full name, which I seem to be doing a lot of today. “There is nothing to forgive. Please, don’t feel you should keep apologizing for who you are. Who you were.”

  “I told you that I wasn’t interested in being that with anyone but today I did. I feel like I have betrayed you,” he presses.

  I’m getting irritated now.

  “You are the only one I want,” he adds.

  I kiss him briefly. “I know. I love you. You didn’t do anything and that is what counts. Look, I have somewhere to be right now,” I say with a quick glance at my phone. “But I will be back in a couple of hours.”

  He looks at me sharply at my quick dismissal. “Where?”

  “The Underworld. Xane and I have things to discuss that we didn’t get around to yesterday. I have questions and so does he.”

  He looks less than happy. “Why can’t you talk here?”

  “Like that’s going to happen. I can’t go two minutes without someone Astraporting in with some emergency or another. Two hours and I will be back, then I am all yours. And besides, due to the whole Jess debacle, you get me for another day,” I add as a bonus. Lincoln won’t be too happy, but as long as I spend some more time with him, he won’t complain.

  His face brightens as he registers that. “So, I do. I shall have to thank her for her attempted suicide when she wakes up.”

  “Don’t push it, my love. That bitch is not getting away with this. I will ensure it,” I say suddenly, forcefully.

  He blinks at me. “How so?” he asks curiously.

  I explain that I will be taking over her care and that Devon just needs to hang around. ‘Furious’ is probably the word I would use to describe his features, but I put my hand to his lips to stop his outburst. “Don’t, my love. My mind is made up. Devon is her sire in name only. Everything else is for me to take on. He doesn’t want this, and I won’t force him to be something he is not.”

  He looks like he is about to argue with me again, but I silence him with a kiss. “Two hours,” I say and make my way to the door. Over my shoulder, I call back, “And make sure Sebastian is here with his apology.”


  I debate with myself, on my way back to Xane’s office, whether or not I should tell CK about my knowledge of Sebastian. Knowledge is power, but then, do I really need another secret to hold on to? Look how well that has turned out so far. I sigh as I mount the steps, but all my Vampire troubles go away as Xane opens the door with a flourish. “My lady.” He beckons. “Shall we?”

  I take his hand. “We shall.” He Astraports us to his family’s home.

  “Are all the houses like this here?” I ask him.

  “I will take you on a small tour in a moment. There is something we need to do first,” he says. I take a moment to look around the room we are in and turn back to him. “Xane,” I complain loudly, “why did you bring me to your bedroom?”

  “Who says it’s my bedroom?” he says slyly.

  “I can’t imagine you would bring me to anyone else’s.”

  “True. You’ve got me there. Do you like it?” he concedes easily.

  I have another look around; I do like it. Whereas mine at home is all medieval, Xane’s is exactly how I would have pictured it: gothic and dark. There is a massive wrought iron, black, four-poster bed with spikes on every corner, and black silk covers. There is a huge iron chandelier hanging from the ceiling with candles, not light bulbs, and again I wonder if we are somehow back in time. A thick black carpet covers the floor and heavy velvet drapes are half pulled across stained glass windows. “I love it,” I say, meaning it. “It’s very you.” I’m conscious that I said those exact same words to Cole when he showed me his room. I fiddle with my rings uncomfortably. I shouldn’t be here. “Can we go to your office?” I ask.

  He points to a corner where there is a massive desk and chairs. “This is my office. At least my informal one. The other one is too…” he waves his hand around, “grand,” he says finally.

  “I like grand. My own at home is very similar to yours.”

  “But I bet you have an office space in your bedroom,” he says. “No, wait, let me guess: in a sitting room that leads off your bedroom.”

  I stare at him in surprise. “That’s very specific,” I say to him.

  He shrugs. “Your bedroom is a sanctuary for you. But you are also too involved with your work to not have it close to hand.”

  “Astute,” I say and turn around to hide the small smile playing at my lips.

  “I am. Especially about you,” he says from right behind me.

  “Xane,” I say, turning around, then stepping back from his nearness. “Can you please tell me what you meant yesterday about the ‘with whom I am trying to procreate’ remark?”

  “Exactly how it sounds.”

  I frown at him and he elaborates, “You are not just a Vampire anymore, your Dragon self is active, your Demon self is active. I assume you have tried Shifting to a Wolf?” He doesn�
�t let me answer 'no' – that hadn’t even occurred to me yet – and continues, “All of these creatures procreate, as you put it. Babies are born and they grow up being what they are. There is no chance that you would have a baby Vampire, but baby Pups or baby Demons or baby Dragons? Yes, there is a strong possibility. You are Queen now. You will be expected at some point to reproduce.”

  I am frozen to the spot and my face must show it as he says, “Terrified, aren’t you?” and chuckles. “As it happens, there is a curse you can use to prevent such occurrences. I have used it on myself with great success. Page 152 of the Grimoire,” he says, tapping a finger to my temple and it unfreezes me. I just stare at him in my apparent terror as I mentally sift and come up with page 152. I frown as I can’t read it.

  “Just sound it out,” he says but doesn’t give me the chance to do anything as he drops his mouth to mine and pulls me into his arms. I struggle for a few moments with my hands on his chest to push him away, but I feel it again. The heat. The normal heat that is radiating off him, I can feel it. It feels amazing. I want his arms wrapped around me, warming me.

  “Don’t tell me you can’t feel it,” he whispers before resuming his kisses.

  “Oooo, Uncle Xane is kissing a girl,” a child’s voice says from the doorway.

  I jump away from him like a scalded cat.

  He sighs and turns to the child. “Xaria. Mind your own business,” he chides the girl who looks to be about eight in human years but who can say how old she really is? “Where is your mother?”

  “I’m here.” A woman who looks just like Xanthe, rushes in behind her daughter. “Xaria!” she snaps, “Don’t interrupt your uncle when he is busy.” She stops dead when she sees me and flushes, “Oh, Your Majesty. I didn’t realize you were here.” She curtsies to me and I hold my hand up and say, “No, please, it's fine.” I don’t like all this formality business.

  “Liv, this is my sister, Xandra, and my niece, Xaria,” Xane introduces them. Again, with the X’s. Does the whole family come with them?

  “Nice to meet you,” Xandra says and I say it back.


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