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1 God – Poems on God , Creator – volume 3

Page 3

by Nikhil Parekh

  The candidly reflecting and irrefutably unflinching mirror; philanthropically awarded me with the certificate of gloriously majestic truth,

  The resplendently rain soaked peacock; celestially awarded me with the certificate of vivaciously enamoring dance,

  The insatiably impeccable avalanche of gargantuan ice; bounteously awarded me with the certificate of astoundingly unnerved coolness,

  The cocoon of crimson clouds in limitless sky; rhapsodically awarded me with the certificate of inimitably unparalleled sensuousness,

  The unequivocally flirtatious squirrel; enchantingly awarded me with the certificate of unsurpassably inscrutable and timeless frolic,

  The peerlessly parading and towering lion; unabashedly awarded me with the certificate of pricelessly exhilarating majesty,

  The regally scarlet and poignant wonderful rose; marvelously awarded me with the certificate of undauntedly Samaritan scent,

  The Spartan robes of immaculate white; chivalrously awarded me with the certificate of amazingly unbiased simplicity,

  The tirelessly undulating and effulgently arcane sea; brilliantly awarded me with the certificate of unendingly effusive tanginess,

  The ubiquitously overpowering dinosaur; intrepidly awarded me with the certificate of indomitably Herculean and endless strength,

  The exuberantly flapping kites in clear sky; unlimitedly awarded me with the certificate of indefatigably nervous energy,

  The mischievously batting eyelids; pristinely awarded me with the certificate

  of blessedly symbiotic flirtation,

  The mystically vacillating and transiently titillating rainbows; graciously awarded me with the certificate of eclectically burgeoning diversity,

  The intransigently functioning globe outside; courteously awarded me with the certificate of sagaciously punctilious pragmatism,

  The aristocratically nubile maiden with a uncontrollably passionate heart; gregariously awarded me with the certificate of perennially fructifying love,

  And the Omnipotent Almighty Lord not only unassailably awarded me with the certificate of fearlessly charismatic life; but impregnated the quintessential tenacity in all of the above and infinite more to be able to benevolently honor me; to award me with spell binding certificates.



  God loves all those fearlessly impeccable eyes; which teach countless other haplessly despairing eyes; the virtues of pricelessly synergistic humanity,

  God loves all those perennially smiling lips;  which teach countless other despairingly desolate lips; to uninhibitedly diffuse into an unsurpassable of perennial happiness,

  God loves all those philanthropically bestowing palms; which teach countless other gruesomely maligned palms; the art of unflinchingly peerless camaraderie,

  God loves all those poignantly unbiased streams of blood; which teach countless other indiscriminately massacring streams of blood; to timelessly bond in the

  religion of invincibly emollient humanity,

  God loves all those bounteously eclectic fingers; which teach countless other cold-bloodedly butchering fingers; to patriotically parade as an unassailable fireball

  of compassionate united strength,

  God loves all those enchantingly enthralling shadows; which teach countless other murderously ambiguous shadows; to eternally waft the fabric of celestially blessing contentment,

  God loves all those selflessly sacrificing bones; which teach countless other cursedly rotting bones; to inexhaustibly march forward with untamed fervor for their brutally estranged motherland,

  God loves all those spell bindingly evolving brains; which teach countless other deliriously frozen brains; to culminate into unsurpassable whirlpools of blissful

  fantasy and insatiable ingenuity,

  God loves all those simplistically endowing feet; which teach countless other squalidly pulverizing feet; to holistically blend and walk with the winds of

  insuperably glorious righteousness; till the very end of their lives,

  God loves all those magnanimously mitigating shoulders; which teach countless other turgidly blasting shoulders; to indefatigably uplift every fraternity of pessimistically decimated and helplessly maimed living kind,

  God loves all those innocuously fluttering ears; which teach countless other devilishly hearing ears; to drift solely towards the tunes of triumphantly emollient goodness,

  God loves all those resplendently sensitive skins; which teach countless other parasitically blood-coated skins; to be insuperably tantalized by the unbelievably panoramic treasures of infinite mother nature,

  God loves all those Omnipotently preaching tongues; which teach countless other ignominiously slandering tongues; to sing the hymns of perennially everlasting

  equality and ubiquitous brotherhood,

  God loves all those harmoniously contented stomachs; which teach countless other rapaciously macabre stomachs; to incredulously relish the fruits of divinely nature without uncouthly spilling blood; in every leaf and house,

  God loves all those mischievously frolicking chins; which teach countless other despondently beleaguered chins; to timelessly cavort in the aisles of inimitably glorious innocence and with the full fervor of mystical life,

  God loves all those benevolently ebullient silhouettes; which teach countless other treacherously murdering silhouettes; to irrefutably follow the principles of pricelessly perpetual humanity,

  God loves all those vividly burgeoning eyelashes; which teach countless other amorphously morbid eyelashes; to iridescently twinkle into the unparalleled effulgence of uninhibitedly liberated existence,

  God loves all those eternally fructifying nostrils; which teach countless other ferociously cannibalistic of nostrils; the quintessentially sacrosanct mantra of

  live and let live,

  And God loves all those passionately thundering hearts; which teach countless other fretfully extinguishing hearts; to immortally bond in the fragrance of unflinching friendship; to immortally love; love and only love.



  A mountain of ideas always proliferating; picking up swashbuckling currents of speed as the minutes unveil,

  A blanket of mesmerizing beauty laden voluptuously on earth; on which slept the most beautiful fairies of the sky,

  A playground of innocent children; shouting and dancing gleefully in the aisles of rustic childhood,

  A garland of poignant emotions; arrows of volatile passion stinging

  thunderously through the atmosphere,

  A nest of daunting courage; the fortitude to stand tall and withstand the mightiest of disaster,

  A cloud of unrelenting fantasy; the incredulously exotic essence of imagination taking complete control,

  A river of empathy with perennial flow; gently caressing every fraternity of the varied society with astronomical compassion and care,

  A beam of Sunlight which brilliantly filtered through morbid space; profoundly illuminated every unveiling dawn,

  A garden of incomprehensibly fragrant lotus; the enchanting odor which pierced through each pore of the skin,

  A jungle inundated with delectably fresh fruits; from which oozed infinite juices and salubrious nutrition of Mother Nature,

  A vivacious rainbow of optimistic hope; which thoroughly overwhelmed all despair and helplessness in monotonous life,

  A shadow of enigmatic mysticism; which left the soul inevitably searching for the real meaning of tangible existence,

  A minuscule footprint drawn incoherently in the sands; making nostalgic remembrances of the past deluge like a whirlpool in the mind,

  A tornado of relentless vacillations; which kept creeping at every cranny to add to the spice and handsome ardor of breath,

  A valley reverberating with fabulously melodious sounds; the unsurpassable charisma of past life candidly reflected,

  A gateway of invincible triumph; valiantly c
onquered victory in each path that inexplicably unfurled before clear sight,

  A beehive of incessant turmoil; exploring and discovering the most alluring things strewn across the trajectory of this boundless planet,

  A bridge of immortal love; divinely bonding the mind; body and soul with the threads of insatiable longing,

  A soil to indefatigably struggle for existence; survive amongst a pack of savage wolves hovering around with fire in their eyes,

  Is how I have always desired my life to be O! Almighty Lord; and I thank you from the inner most recesses of my heart; for blessing this molecule of yours; with

  one countless times better than thee.



  I didn’t want to overrule anybody; make philanthropically blissful entities my slaves,

  I didn’t want to supercede anybody; make my wishes come true at the cost of peoples happiness,

  I didn’t want to overshadow anybody; make only presence felt all throughout the globe; when my fellow counterparts were crippled and needed all the support,

  I didn’t want to dominate anybody; ask individuals to emancipate; just to satisfy my insatiably gargantuan desire to become the king,

  I didn’t want to petrify anybody; display to the world the worthless power of my pompously inflated muscles,

  I didn’t want to slap anybody; in order to save my cheeks the tiniest of tyranny that could occur because of the wind,

  I didn’t want to snatch food from anybody; only to appease the sanctimonious buds of taste that lingered every minute on my preposterously fat tongue,

  I didn’t want to wake up anybody; just because I wanted to snore thunderously even well past after brilliant sunlight,

  I didn’t want to abuse anybody; meting my personal frustrations on innocuous souls who hadn't committed the remotest of crime,

  I didn’t want to rob anybody; simply to placate my unrelenting ardor of becoming overnight rich; inundating my hollow treasury with biscuits of diamond and glittering gold,

  I didn’t want to pinch anybody; just to pacify the pertinently peevish tendencies lurking irately in my mind,

  I didn’t want to scold anybody; blurt out murderously stringent tunes; simply to quench my perennial longing to shout,

  I didn’t want to force anybody; profusely exercise my chauvinist characteristics; in order to prove that I perpetually reigned supreme,

  I didn’t want to blind anybody; just to get back the pathetically diminishing vision of both my rotund eyes,

  I didn’t want to laugh at anybody; jeer a person to unprecedentedly embarrassing heights; just to supremely satisfy my swollen ego,

  I didn’t want to intimidate anybody; speak in ostentatious slang; simply because I knew that the person beside me was entirely oblivious even to his own name,

  I didn’t want to drown anybody; just because I wanted to remain floating; inhale in infinite mouthfuls of celestially fresh air,

  I didn’t want to bite anybody; just because I wanted to smother the niggling sensation in my conglomerate of decayed teeth,

  I didn’t want to kill anybody; just because I felt that I was veritably dying; had an immortal wish to be always breathing and full of vibrant life,

  All I wanted is O! Omnipotent Lord; was to live life higher than the clouds; and offer the same with irrefutable equality to all my blessed fellow beings.




  Love is a cloudburst of emotions; a torrential downpour of feelings from the inner most core of the heart,

  Love is a rainbow of mesmerizing colors; effusively portraying the insatiably volatile urges of existence,

  Love is a fathomless art; encompassing the most exotic elements of bountiful creation,

  Love is an immortal seed; which blossoms into a festoon of blissfully invincible relationships,

  Love is an ocean of benevolence; which propagates its ubiquitous essence all across the territories of this colossal Universe,

  Love is a tantalizing fountain; which showers its droplets of philanthropic gratitude; uninhibitedly on all who happen to trespass its sacred grace,

  Love is infinite beams of the profusely ecstatic Sun; shimmering a path of optimistic hope in the lives of those deluged with inexplicable despair,

  Love is a melodious song; which enthralls and profoundly captivates even the most remotely alien; in the swirl of its enchanting cadence,

  Love is an overwhelmingly turbulent storm; which thoroughly incarcerates even the most prejudiced of individuals in the aura of its poignant form,

  Love is an impregnable bridge; getting more and more fortified; with the thunderously throbbing intensity of fervent breath,

  Love is a stupendously fragrant flower; dissipating its unbiased scent in every disastrously impoverished soul,

  Love is a harbinger of peace; a bird which unrelentingly soars high in the clouds of supremely incredulous freedom,

  Love is an ingratiating fantasy; which never ends; culminating into a celestial paradise of insurmountable harmony,

  Love is a magical wand; which heals the most ghastliest of wounds; with the divinely ointment of its Omniscient caress,

  Love is a perennially sparkling waterfall; which cascades down into a pool of blissfully everlasting contentment,

  Love is an overwhelmingly precious jewel; which keeps on indefatigably scintillating; even after the most inconspicuous trace of light; fades gruesomely forever,

  Love is an arrow of unsurpassable victory; possessing the tenacity to permeate through the hearts of even the most diabolical of monsters,

  Love is a candle; which inexorably burns; illuminating the most morbidly gloomy ambience; with the formidable glow of compassionate mankind,

  Love is a Mother; who induces her intimately caring virtue in each child of the Almighty Creator,

  Love is an idol of heavenly prosperity; proliferating at astounding speeds; once introduced in the most rawest of its forms,

  Love is an irrefutably sacred phrase; worshipped by people from all fraternities; since centuries immemorial,

  Love is a resplendently alluring star; which radiates marvelous glory of truly benign existence,

  Love is an island of pure honey; wholeheartedly embracing those shivering in tyrannical agony; within the corridors of its rejuvenating warmth,

  Love is a priceless gift; which even all the assimilated power and wealth on this planet; miserably failed to purchase,

  Love is an relentless epic; encapsulating the most fabulously exotic rhyme on the trajectory of this earth,

  Love is the most sacred form of God; instilling Omnipotent beams of unshakable unity in every organism; inhaling air under blue sky,

  Over and above all; Love is the sole reason why every single entity on this earth exists; infact the very beginning of passionately palpitating signs of vital life.



  Even before I could open my lips; he had already decided what was I going to speak; the synchronized order in which I would utter each word,

  Even before I could hoist my foot; he had already decided which portions of earth I would tread on; the intricate path I would weave towards victory,

  Even before I could open my wardrobe; he had already decided the garments I would adorn; the most minuscule of attire I would use to engulf myself lavishly from head to toe,

  Even before I could let my mind loose; he had already decided my dream; the exotic fairies that I would perceive floating delectably in the colossal Universe,

  Even before I could manipulate my fingers; he had already decided what I was going to write; inundate countless sheets of blank paper with incomprehensible verses of pure literature,

  Even before I could open my eyes; he had already decided what I would sight; profoundly admire all the enchanting things that he had evolved in this world,

  Even before I could t
urn the pages of the textbook; he had already decided the route of my career; the ensemble of degrees and accolades which I would be bestowed upon in this lifetime of mine,


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