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Rude Boss' Secret Baby: A Single Mom Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 4)

Page 9

by J. P. Comeau

  He shrugged. “What better way is there to do anything?”

  I sighed. “I suppose as such.”

  He leaned back and chewed on a french fry. “I want to be upfront and say that I don’t do this kind of thing with employees. Ever. I’ve never been in this situation before, and I’m trying to step as respectfully as possible.”

  I took a bite of my sandwich and choked it down. “I know.”

  “Protocol at my business states—”

  I held my hand up. “I don’t care about protocol.”

  He chuckled. “You should. You work there, too.”

  I took another bite of my sandwich to appease him before I pushed it off to the side. “The only thing I care about is that you, A, understand that I’m not that kind of person, either, and B, I’m not hating what we’re doing.”

  He blinked. “Those are two very good things to know, yes. Which brings me to my next question: do you feel we should stop?”

  I considered his question for a few moments. “I mean, if it doesn’t get in the way of work, what’s the problem with a bit of stress relief?”

  “Is that all it is for you? Stress relief?”

  My eyes met his. “Is it something more than that for you? Because we should talk about that as well if it is.”

  He held my gaze within his own for a long time before he spoke. “Monday. Dinner. Plan for it. We have some things to talk about with the upcoming business trip, and it sounds like we have more to talk about on a personal front when both of us are a little less tired.”

  A shiver worked its way up my spine. “All right, I’ll get it on my calendar.”

  He reached for another fry. “Wonderful. Now, eat up. I want half of that sandwich gone before we head back upstairs. You’re going to need your strength.”

  I smiled softly as his eyes dropped back to his food, and not another word was spoken between the two of us. The more I got to know Trey, the weirder he seemed, but not in an odd sort of way. The more time I spent with him, the more his rougher layers kept peeling back. And with every layer that exposed itself, I found a little more compassion beneath the anger. I found a little more emotion beneath his stoic eyes. Trey Cataline was much more than met anyone’s eyes, and I found it invigorating as I silently munched on my tuna melt.

  And I also found myself eagerly awaiting our planned dinner at the beginning of next week.



  “Uh-huh. Yes. Two dozens of white roses, separated. Yep, that’s correct. ‘A-U-R-O-R-A’ is the spelling. Make sure it’s right. Uh-huh. Yes. One with a teddy bear, and one with the chocolate. That’s correct, tomorrow is blue. Yep. And you as well.”

  I hung up the phone with the florist and quickly got back to work. I had way too much to field on my own without Leslie here, and I couldn’t spare much time in any direction. But the one thing I wanted to make sure I set up was regular deliveries of flowers to both of the girls. A dozen, freshly cut each morning, for both Aurora’s room and Leslie’s townhouse. Plus, I wanted to get each of them treats that I thought they might enjoy.

  One different present for each of them, every day during Leslie’s week off.

  I didn’t want to bombard them too much, especially with my presence. I knew Leslie had a lot on her plate, to begin with, and her daughter probably had no idea who the hell I was. And it sure as hell wasn’t my place to insert myself into their lives like that on a whim with Aurora as sick as she was, so I kept my distance.

  However, I still wanted them to know that they were being thought about.

  The week crawled by in agony, and I was thankful when the weekend came around. Pulling twelve-hour shifts with nothing even close to a break was rigorous, at best. It showed me, more than ever, how much Leslie was needed in this place. More than ever, it showed me that I needed to make sure I treated her with the respect she deserved, lest I be working these kinds of hours until the day I fucking died.

  But, when Monday finally came around, I heard those heels scraping against the carpet.

  I smelled her candy-laced body spray as she came down the hallway.

  And when I heard her humming as she sat at her desk, I looked up to find Leslie smiling at me.

  It’s going to be a damn good day with her here.

  She looked almost relieved to be sitting at her desk, and that washed a wave of relief over me that I didn’t even know I needed. And I couldn’t wait for our dinner date that evening.

  I couldn’t wait to get her alone again and make her feel like the Queen she had become to me.

  “Mr. Cataline?”

  I looked up to find Leslie standing in the doorway of my office. “Come on in. Close the door behind you.”

  She nodded and did as I asked. “Mr. Cataline, I have a few mess—”

  I crooked my finger. “Don’t yell at me from across my office. That defeats the point of having a door. Come stand beside me.”

  Again, she did as I asked, and her body heat stiffened my dick against my pants. “Mr. Cataline, I have a few messages that were on my voicemail for you, and they seem pretty urgent.”

  I leaned back, peering up at her. “Who are they from?”

  She perched against the edge of my desk, allowing the outside of her leg to fall against mine. “There are three from someone named Matt Harrisson, with two Ss. He was very adamant about that part.”

  I grinned. “He’s adamant about a lot of things that don’t matter. What did Ol’ Matty Matt want?”

  She crooked an eyebrow. “Matty Matt? Is that really what you call him?”

  I shrugged. “Behind his back, yeah.”

  She giggled, and the sound filled me with pride. “Well, Ol’ Matty Matt Harry over here needs you to call him about—”

  I sputtered. “Matty Matt Harry? Seriously?”

  She shrugged. “Hey, if you can have nicknames for people, so can I.”

  “It’s a great nickname. I kind of want to change his information in my system so that people from my company start addressing him that way.”

  Her jaw dropped open in shock. “Why, Mr. Cataline, I would have never taken you for a prankster.”

  I winked up at her. “What can I say? You bring out the good in me.”

  I wasn’t sure what possessed me to say something like that, but it wasn’t as if I were lying to her. For some reason, Leslie brought out a side of me I had stuffed down and away from the rest of the world. A part of me that I didn’t want to expose to the hurt and the pain I had dealt with for the majority of my life.

  Somehow, Leslie had become this balm of comfort, and it was because of that comfort she provided that I felt able enough to expose a part of me that the rest of the world didn’t get to see.

  “Is there something the matter?” I asked.

  Leslie shook her head as if she were ripping herself out of a trance. “No, not at all. But, I am glad I can bring out a little bit of the good in you.”

  I wanted to settle my hand against her knee, but I resisted the urge. “I feel the same way.”

  She smiled before clearing her throat. “So, Ol Matty Matt Harry over here wants you to call him about distribution issues. That’s all he’d say on the matter, though I’m unsure as to what distribution services have to do with your PR firm. I figured that was more an issue for your—”

  I nodded. “He works closely with the same warehouses I do, yes. He’s probably wanting my opinion on something he’s trying to push that I won’t let him. I’ll make sure to give him a call later on in the day when I can stomach his tirades. Are there any other messages?”

  And when Leslie sighed, I knew I was in for it. “A Mrs. Voyich called as well.”

  I groaned. “Oh, boy.”

  “Yeah, it’s about as good as that, too. She says you’ve been dodging her requests for video conferences and telephone meetings you two set up. Is that true?”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. “She’s the other investor in my yacht rental business. She wants me to expa
nd to other coastlines instead of keeping things local where I can keep my hands on it at all times.”

  “Let me guess: she wants you to make sure she’s the head of the next coastline you tackle.”

  I pointed up at her. “Bingo.”

  She placed her message notes on my desk. “Well, she called a few times and left you a few messages that ranged from genuine to curse-filled. I think it’s time you stop dodging her and just talk with her.”

  I closed my eyes. “I suppose you’re right.”

  “And think of it this way, the sooner you can get this stuff done, the sooner we can get off to dinner. Right?”

  My eyes slowly eased open. “You’re absolutely right.”

  She slid off my desk. “Which means I should leave you alone, right?”

  I leaned up and reached for my desk phone. “Right.”

  She giggled. “I’ll see you in a few hours, Mr. Cataline.”

  The way she purred my name made me swallow a growl as her hips swayed deeply with her steps. She teased me with her curves as she walked toward my closed office door, tossing me a playful wink over her shoulder. I had half a mind to slam my phone down, grip her hair, and bend her over my fucking desk. However, I resisted what my cock wanted as she slipped out of my office, carrying with her the only shred of peace I’d ever come across since my mother had killed herself.

  So, I placed phone calls quickly in the hopes that I could still keep my evening free.

  I should have known better, though.

  In my line of work with the kinds of businesses I ran, there were always snags. Once someone started placing phone calls, there was always a reason to stay late, and that day was no different. I didn’t get but about fifteen minutes into a conversation with Ol’ Matty Matt Harry before he had my ass in a warehouse checking out some pretty serious distribution issues, and by the time I got to a point where I could call Mrs. Voyich, she had already spelled out a pretty convincing argument that led to me agreeing to expand my yacht rental business.

  Which meant I had to stay late to get some shitty paperwork done.

  “Knock, knock.”

  Leslie’s voice filtered through my office door, and I sighed. “Come in, Leslie.”

  She cracked the door open before she sighed. “I take it you’re about to have a late-night?”

  I pointed to the chair in front of me. “Have a seat. I’ve already ordered us steak to be delivered.”

  She slipped into my office. “Now, I’m never one to turn down a nice steak, even if we have to eat it in a dark, cold, dingy office.”

  I whipped my eyes up. “My office isn’t dingy.”

  She giggled. “Made you look.”

  A grin ticked my cheek. “Come and take a seat. The food should be here any minute.”

  She sat in front of my desk in the chair I had offered her. “So, what’s keeping you attached to your desk?”

  “Mrs. Voyich convinced me that there was no harm in opening up another space for the yacht rentals.”

  She giggled. “What beach are you tackling now that you already own Miami? Myrtle? You heading west to the Gulf?”

  I placed my pen down. “Actually, I decided to tackle the West Coast of Florida first. I figured if I’m putting Mrs. Voyich in charge of something around here, it might as well be in a place where I can easily get to things if she fucks it up.”

  “Do you think she’s going to fuck it up?”

  I shook my head. “No. I think she’ll do a great job, though she might need help.”

  “Is this where you segue to tell me you’re transferring me to help her?”

  I answered a bit too quickly. “Not when I need you here, no.”

  Our eyes met, and I felt my heart skip a beat before Leslie drew in a deep breath. “So, what’s this about a business trip we’re taking? The only thing you’ve sent me thus far are the requirements for our living situation and the fact that it’s going to be in Honolulu.”

  I stood from my chair and walked around, perching in front of her against my desk. “That’s right, we’re heading to Hawaii for a long weekend of conferences, speaking engagements, and mindless meetings. Sounds thrilling, right?”

  “Depends on how close we’ll be to the water, I suppose.”

  “We’ll be at Waikiki Beach for most of the conference, so any oceanfront villas or penthouses in that area will suffice.”

  She smiled. “Fantastic. Being that close to the water will make for some wonderful views after listening to people mindlessly talk all day.”

  “It’ll also make for some nice memories.”

  The second the words flew out of my mouth, the mood in the room changed. I wanted to talk with Leslie about dates, plans, and expectations for the conference I was hosting before the food got here. But instead, Leslie placed her purse on the floor, tossed her notebook on top of it, and stood to her feet.

  Before closing the distance between our bodies. “What kind of memories?”

  I swallowed hard. “The kind that makes for decent-enough stress relief, I suppose.”

  She smirked. “Ah, those kinds of memories.”

  I nodded curtly. “Possibly. Depends on how busy we are.”

  Her fingertips graced my silken black tie. “So, you mean you want to bend me over the bed while we gaze out at the ocean?”

  My cock pulsed. “Maybe.”

  She snickered. “And you want me to sit on your lap with my legs spread while you try to have your morning cup of coffee on the balcony?”

  “I’m sure we’d have separate balconies to enjoy our morning coffee.”

  Her eyes fluttered up to mine. “Then, do you mean pressing me against the glass while the sun sets over the water so you can fuck me into oblivion before I swallow your entire cock down the back of my throat?”

  I couldn’t abate the growl that worked its way through my lips. “The things you do to me.”

  Then, she pressed her hand over my clothed, engorged dick. “Why don’t you tell me the things I do to you, Mr. Cataline.”

  I blinked. “What if I show you instead?”

  In the blink of an eye, all thoughts of the food were gone. All thoughts of planning this business trip and hashing out details of this new rental station fell from the forefront of my mind. I gripped Leslie’s hair and whipped her around, hearing her gasp as I bent her over my desk. I kicked open her legs with my foot as her pencil skirt rolled up the backs of her thighs, exposing a lovely excess I wanted to mark with my teeth. My hand fell away from her hair. I grabbed at her skirt, shoving it up the rest of the way until her dampened panties came into view.

  I wasted no time in pulling my dick out, stroking it as her ass pressed back toward me.

  Until a piercing sound filled the room and stopped us in our tracks.

  “Shit, that’s Suri. Can you hand me my purse?” Leslie asked.

  I took all of the strength I had to pull away from her glorious body long enough to root around for it. I tossed it onto my desk and massaged her ass cheeks, pulling them apart to take a peek at her puckered, virginal asshole. The idea of her lovely curves tightening around me while those things jiggled for my viewing pleasure made my cock leak with a need for her. I licked my lips, thinking of all the ways we could make room for our delivered dinner before we worked our food off with a lovely little round two.

  But then, Leslie stood to her feet. “Are you sure that’s what’s happening, Suri?”

  The worry in Leslie’s voice pulled me out of my heated trance, and I quickly stuffed myself back into my pants. She was quick to roll her skirt down and slip out of her heels before she turned her back to me and walked off into a corner. I strained to try to hear what she was talking about with her friend, but she had lowered her voice so much that I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

  However, once Leslie hung up and came back toward me, the sorrow in her eyes was apparent.

  “Trey, I’m—”

  I held up my hand. “Your family always comes first. Is
Aurora okay?”

  She looked surprised, and I wasn’t sure why. “She’s, uh… coughing a little more than normal. The doctor wants me to bring her in.”

  I nodded. “Then, go. And keep me updated once you have an answer.”

  She snatched up her purse from my desk. “I will. I’m sorry about this.”

  I shook my head. “Never be sorry for being a good mother. Not all of us are so fortunate.”

  She furrowed her brow. “We’re touching on that eventually; I hope you know that.”

  I blinked. “Good luck.”

  She swallowed hard. “I’ll call you the second I know something, okay?”

  “I’d appreciate that, thank you.”

  Then, I watched as she quickly made her way out of my office, leaving me with a feeling in the pit of my gut that I hadn’t felt in, well, ever it seemed.

  I missed her. I missed her presence and warmth. Her smell and her body. I missed her beauty and her laughter and the way we were beginning to freely speak and laugh with each other.

  I missed Leslie as she left me alone in my office, fielding food and phone calls all by myself.

  And I knew, more than ever, that I was fucked because of it.



  I heard something plop against my desk, and I peeked over. As my fingertips whizzed across a keyboard I had practically memorized, with my headset dangling around my neck, the warm smell of coffee filled my nostrils before I heard Trey’s chuckle grace my ears.

  “Figured you could use a bit of a pick-me-up,” he said through his grin.

  My knees weakened as I reached for my drink. “And when did you find time to make a caffeine run?”

  He leaned against my desk. “Believe it or not, I took my lunch break today, unlike someone who shall remain nameless.”

  I sipped my coffee and groaned. “It makes for very long days when you want to plan all of your business trips for the year at the drop of a hat.”

  He smiled. “And that’s why I pay you the big bucks, Leslie.”


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