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Douluo Dalu: Volume 40: Beginning of the War

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by Tang Jia San Shao

  “You’re still in the prime of your life, how come you have to leave your position to me?”

  Ning Fengzhi rubbed his daughter’s head, his eyes brimming with pride. Laughing, he said:

  “Because, only by replacing daddy can our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School become the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School! The sect master position belongs to those capable. You’ve already surpassed daddy. Daddy believes that, under your leadership, our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will definitely reforge our glory.”

  Tang San nodded:

  “Uncle Ning, that’s only natural. Rongrong has always been of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.”

  Ning Fengzhi said:

  “The army will resume marching, I have to return. Little San, the key to this war will be your Tang Sect. Uncle believes that you will definitely give the Spirit Empire a huge surprise.”

  Ning Fengzhi brought the two Title Douluo away, and the others also returned to their posts. When the army resumed marching, Tang San brought the Shrek Seven Devils after the four Tang Sect hall masters to the Tang Army’s position in the million man army.

  The Tang Army was on the left side of Xue Beng’s central army, forming an army by itself. Their equipment was different from the other legions. When Tang San saw the equipment of the common Tang Army soldiers, he also couldn’t help sighing that the Heaven Dou Empire had disregarded all production costs for this special force.

  The Tang Army soldiers didn’t wear metal armor, but rather leather. This leather armor wasn’t the light protection guarding just the vital areas of the body, but rather rhinoceros leather armor protecting the whole body. It was even more expensive than full metal armor. Not only was its defense very powerful, it was also very light and didn’t influence movement.

  All Tang Army soldiers were young warrior between age twenty and thirty. Each carried a two chi long and one chi wide Godly Zhuge Crossbow on their backs. Tang San saw at a glance that these crossbows were only made from refined iron, and not iron essence. His original doubts were instantly explained. He originally couldn’t understand how the Tang Sect could create ten thousand Godly Zhuge Crossbrows in a short five years. Now it seemed the answer had provided itself. The size and weight increased cost, but lowered the demands on the crossbow materials.

  Besides the large crossbows, each Tang Army soldier was also equipped with a four chi long refined iron war saber, and all over their leather armor hung characteristic leather bags holding at least one hundred twenty crossbow bolts, each six cun or so long. Even though these crossbow bolts weren’t fully made from iron essence either, the arrowheads all were. Through quick calculations, Tang San discovered that the large edition Godly Zhuge Crossbow shouldn’t have lost much in power. It was even more suitable to equipping an army.

  Each Tang Army soldier was provided with a large horse with head high. The value of their equipment wouldn’t be less than that of the heavy cavalry, and that was still when disregarding the Godly Zhuge Crossbow. This showed how the Heaven Dou imperial family was filled with expectations for this special force.

  The four hall masters came up to Tang San. Tai Tan spoke:

  “This Tang Army was founded three years ago, when His Majesty Xue Beng ascended the throne. Made up of elite warriors selected from within the army, after three years of training their combat strength is already quite formidable. Enough to use on the battlefield. Their training was conducted privately in absolute secrecy. Each person carries the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, as well as one hundred sixty crossbow bolts. Besides the forty inside the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, the remaining one hundred twenty is carried on their person. The Godly Zhuge Crossbow they’re currently carrying is my improved design. Sect master should have seen that sacrificing size and weight, we can reduce the manufacturing difficulty and material demands without giving up power. For special use in the army, it’s absolutely no problem.”

  Tang San nodded:

  “Besides these ten thousand, how many people are currently equipped with our Tang Sect hidden weapons?”

  Tai Tan said:

  “Our initial production first went to supplying the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Of course, we supplied them with all the best quality hidden weapons, and also full sets. Only for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s directly related disciples. After that was our own Tang Sect. This time, altogether two thousand three hundred Tang Sect spirit masters have set out, among them the Speed Hall, Medicine Hall and Defense Hall disciples all have two hundred, the remainder are lately joined young spirit masters. The Strength Hall Disciples were left in the sect to continue producing hidden weapons. There’s also five hundred elderly and children left in the sect. Right now the sect altogether consists of around three thousand people. The sect disciples along here are all equipped with full sets of hidden weapons, just like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. At the same time there are also three hundred with Godly Zhuge Crossbows with special bolts. They are mainly focused on Armor Breaking Arrows and Thunder Flame Arrows. Their attack power is at least fifty percent higher than ordinary Godly Zhuge Crossbows.”

  Tang San said:

  “What’s the average level of our spirit masters here?”

  Tai Tan said:

  “Around rank forty on average. They are after all mostly youths. But they’re also all trained by Grandmaster, their fighting strength is considerable. As for the disciples of our three halls, they’re a bit stronger. Among them the Speed Hall disciples are equipped with the most hidden weapons.”

  Listening to Tai Tan’s simple introduction, Tang San had a rough understanding of the Tang Army’s circumstances. At this time, the army resumed marching again, and the Tang Army soldiers mounted one after another. They moved orderly and nimbly, and even though there was no killing intent, that spear sharp aura showed in every action.

  In these five years, the Tang Sect had grown swiftly. Not only in terms of number, with the direct backing of the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, they had summoned large numbers of blacksmiths to assist the Tang Sect in producing hidden weapons. Of course, the crucial components were still manufactured by the Tang Sect disciples themselves, while some components were distributed for these outside blacksmiths to make, substantially speeding up the entire manufacturing process. Otherwise there would have been no way to equip an army like this.

  All the resources were fully supplied by the Heaven Dou imperial family, without costing the Tang Sect a penny. Moreover, they had been allocated funds before even producing anything. After these five years, the Tang Sect’s accumulated wealth was already quite something, even comparable to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School of the past. Only, before the return of the Shrek Seven Devils, the full spirit master strength of the Tang Sect was still insufficient, especially in terms of powers. Otherwise, the Tang Sect’s overall strength wouldn’t be inferior to the three upper sects back then.

  Although Tang San also knew that the Heaven Dou Empire gave their full support in order to deal with Spirit Hall, he still couldn’t help but admire Xu Beng and the late emperor Xue Ye.

  The army marched on, stopping every couple of hours for a brief rest. In one day, the millions of heroes covered a full two hundred li. At such a pace, they would reach the common border of the Heaven Dou Empire and Spirit Empire in five or six days.

  At nightfall, the army made camp. While camped, the army was arranged differently from when on the move. In the military camp, the infantry was on the outside, with cavalry inside and the imperial guard in the center. Supply wagons and provisions was also in the center of the army. An unending stream of supply wagons was constantly passing through, and the entire camp was bustling.

  After a full day of march, they could finally rest. Cooking details lit fires for food, while ordinary soldiers raised tents to rest.

  The Tang Army didn’t need to make their own camp, a specialized supply force came up to make it for them. Their position was also at the center of the million man army, close to the b
ig tent guarded by the imperial guard.

  When camp was just made, a messenger came down from the big tent in the center of the army.

  “His Majesty invites his highness king Lan Hao to discuss business in the central army.”

  “Fine, I’ll go right away.”

  This was still the first time Tang San participated in a military conference. He didn’t bring anyone, alone following the messenger into the army center.

  The big tent in the middle of the army wasn’t lavish, the boiled cowhide tent looked thick and solid, surrounded by a steel forest of weapons, protected by the imperial guard. After following the messenger inside, Tang San discovered that there were actually more than a hundred people already inside.

  Xue Beng sat in the elevated main seat, the position on his left empty, Grandmaster sitting to his right. Next were more than ten grave looking generals seated. The others all stood below.

  Seeing Tang San arrive, Xue Beng stood hurriedly, personally going to meet him. The crowd of generals all looked somewhat curiously at this young Imperial Tutor. Especially when they saw Tang San bringing a trident inside. Xue Beng showed no offense, and he couldn’t help secretly praise him.

  “Teacher, you came. Please sit.”

  Xue Beng pulled Tang San inside, having him take the seat to his left. In fact, Tang San’s current position was below only his, above countless others.

  Tang San lowered his voice:

  “Your Majesty, I don’t understand military affairs. Don’t mind me, official business is urgent.”

  Xue Beng nodded, gallantly returning to the main seat. His gaze swept the crowd below, and the large tent instantly grew quiet, the hundred or more military officials deferential.

  “Our army has ten thousand men to a legion, you are all legion commanders. At present Our army is already less than five days travel from the Spirit Empire. The war is imminent. Gathering all generals here today is in order to concretize the battle plan. We don’t need to mention the importance of this battle to the Empire. We hope all generals can work with one heart. After we have won this battle and returned, We will provide rewards according to achievements, conferring titles accordingly.”

  “Your Majesty, long live, long live, long long live.”

  “Reporting to Your Majesty. At present everything is normal in the army. Advance scouts report that the Spirit Empire has already responded, gathering their army before Jialing Pass[1].”

  A fifty year old general to Tang San’s right stood and gave a report. While speaking, his gaze swept Tang San, his expression somewhat apathetic. Clearly he wasn’t particularly concerned with this youngster who could sit above him.

  Xue Beng said to Tang San:

  “This is the Empire’s pillar, marshal Ge Long[2], titled the Nine Lives Divine Dragon. He is also number one in the empire, chief commander of the three armies[3].”

  Listening to Xue Beng’s introduction, Tang San understood. No wonder this old commander wasn’t too taken with him, he was the number one person in the Heaven Dou Empire military. Even if he wasn’t above him and Grandmaster in noble ranking, in terms of actual authority he might be second only to Xue Beng. From Xue Beng’s expression as he looked at him, it was clear that this new emperor relied heavily on this marshal Ge Long. It was also no wonder this marshal was dissatisfied with having to sit below him. Judging by his presence, he should be a Spirit Douluo level power.

  Ge Long wore Heaven Dou silver armor, embracing a three tined helmet. A spirit master was in the prime of his life in his fifties, and to have reached the Spirit Douluo level at such an age was quite remarkable. After all, how many geniuses like Tang San and the others could there be?

  “Your Majesty, according to our analysis as well as estimations regarding those traitors, even if the Spirit Empire gathers the ten kingdoms and duchies, they can at most field six hundred thousand soldiers. This should be their limit in wartime. And with our army and the Star Luo Imperial Army attacking from north and south, they can only send around three hundred thousand troops against us, not even a third of our numbers. The terrain before Jialing Pass is flat, and even though the Spirit Empire seized the field ahead of time, they absolutely can’t stand up to us in battle. They will definitely retreat to Jialing Pass, defending from a natural stronghold. As long as they summon their spirit master legions, even with a million heroes, breaking through their defenses will be difficult beyond difficult.”

  “Jialing Pass is in the center of the Heaven Spirit mountain range, a key military point. One man can hold off ten thousand there. If we want to make any contributions in this war, we must break through the pass.”

  Xue Beng pondered:

  “If we were to detour around the Heaven Spirit mountains and come at them from another direction?”

  Ge Long frowned:

  “I have also considered this option, but the feasibility is very low. First disregarding how many more days the army would have to march, in order to have a chance to go around, we would have to enter the hinterlands of the Spirit Empire. The terrain there consists mainly of hills, valleys and basins. It’s extremely unfavorable for our army. It’s on the contrary even more dangerous. Moreover, there’s also the chance for enemy troops to block our escape route. Behind Jialing Pass is a long narrow plain, leading deep into the territory of the Balack Kingdom, directly to the root of the problem. Consequently, this subject believes that breaking Jialing Pass is imperative. Only by attacking from there can we achieve the greatest benefits, entering to attack or guarding our retreat, as necessary.”

  [1] Jialing Pass - (嘉陵关) “Auspicious Mountain Pass”

  [2] Ge Long - (戈龙) “Spear Dragon”

  [3] Three armies - Left, Right, and Center

  Chapter 275: Seven Devils, Guarding, Supply Line

  Listening to Ge Long, the Heaven Dou Empire generals nodded one after another, agreeing with his comments.

  A seventy year old general on the right side got up:

  “What marshal Ge Long says is correct, there are flat plains before and behind Jialing Pass. If we can force our way in, we will certainly be able to show the full might of our army. Even if we can’t attack, the plain behind is suitable for our retreat. At the same time, on the plains are our Empire’s three main cities watching out for each other. When retreating or defending, we won’t be pushed a thousand li in one go.”

  Xue Beng nodded:

  “Since that’s the case, we’ll proceed according to the plan. Only, since we can think of attacking Jialing Pass, the Spirit Empire will naturally also anticipate it. Jialing Pass has steep terrain, and is built using the mountains. The wall are a hundred meters high and a hundred meters thick. It will be very difficult for us to break through when facing the Spirit Empire’s army.”

  Marshal Ge Long said:

  “Your Majesty, we want to fight a war of attrition with the Spirit Empire. At present, even though the Spirit Empire looks like an iron wall, they founded the nation not long ago, and every kingdom and duchy has their own selfish motives. A war of attrition will admittedly cause us some losses, but their losses will belong to the armies of the kingdoms and duchies. It will be difficult for them to avoid being harmed unevenly. After the losses have reached a certain degree, the Spirit Empire’s morale will be in disorder. What we will do is to control the loss ration between our army and the enemy as far as possible. Our Heaven Dou Empire is vast, with millions of heroic soldiers, our logistics are replenished in a steady supply. Further adding in Star Luo Empire’s response, the circumstances will only be more and more advantageous for us the longer such a war continues. Only, this is still based on our spirit masters being able to hold off the Spirit Hall spirit master legions. State Preceptor, give us your opinion. Roughly to what degree can you resist the Spirit Empire spirit masters?”

  The State Preceptor Ge Long mentioned was naturally Grandmaster.

  Grandmaster said:

  “King Lan Hao has already promised His Majesty to assist our
spirit master regiment with the Tang Army, blocking the Spirit Empire spirit master legions, reducing the harm to the army as much as possible.”

  “Oh? In other words, your highness king Lan Hao is very confident?”

  Marshal Ge Long’s gaze turned to Tang San.

  Tang San couldn’t help secretly nod during this marshal’s explanation just now. He had no attainments in military affairs himself, and therefore he only listened respectfully. Now that this marshal asked him, he smiled calmly:

  “The battlefield is home to myriad changes, I can’t say to what degree we can block the Spirit Empire spirit masters either. But just as Teacher said, we will give our all to reduce the damage to the main force. Only, I still have some questions right now. Perhaps marshal has already thought of a way to deal with them, but I still want to remind you.”

  “What questions?”

  Ge Long’s eyes held some disdain. To his eyes, Tang San really was too young. Even though he also knew that Tang San had once taken the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament championship, defeating Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation, it seemed to him that Tang San was still just a talented young spirit master. To be able to sit in his current seat was even more related to him once rescuing emperor Xue Ye, achieving merits lasting until today. But to comment on military matters, what did he count as? He actually sat on his seat in this commander’s tent.

  Tang San said:

  “I don’t understand warfare, that will naturally all be executed according to grand marshall's arrangements. But conflicts where spirit masters participate will be very different from ordinary wars. Spirit masters have formidable personal capabilities. They might not be able to clash with your steel heroes, but they can very easily have extraordinary effects on the battlefield. For instance, if I was the Spirit Empire’s Bibi Dong, I would definitely send a spirit master squadron to circle behind our army. Grand marshal is right, we absolutely won’t fear the Spirit Empire in a war of attrition. Our army is as one, with the entire nation behind us. But, millions of men also consume equally enormous resources. When we are fighting a war of attrition with the Spirit Empire before Jialing Pass, if Bibi Dong sends spirit masters to our rear and constantly raids our supply army, influencing our provisions. In time, perhaps……”


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