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Blood & Magic

Page 4

by Catherine Wolffe

  Positive they made the oddest couple of all time standing at the front door, J.T. shifted, nerves rippled down his backbone. Glancing at the exterior of the house, he figured Aubrie had done a good job with the old fixer-upper. Smart cedar shutters hung from the front windows and the front porch was newly floored. Lots of tender love and care went into the landscaping around the perimeter of the rustic abode. Logan had mentioned how gardening was Aubrie’s therapy. She’d lived alone for several years in the house before Logan came along. J.T. understood the quiet that came with living alone. He’d grown used to the silence.

  The door opened. A trim woman of about thirty stood in the opening. Her chocolate brown locks hung long and soft against her smooth skin. Her eyes examined him carefully for only an instant before the charm was once more in expression.

  “Well, J.T., thank you for bringing Nybbas home.” Aubrie stood, feet braced in the doorway.

  “Football, I love football.” Nybbas brushed past her, making a beeline for the flat screen in the corner of the living room. “The Saints are playing tonight,” he announced to the room at large. “Hi, Logan.” The green gramps waved before shuffling over to an ottoman. Plopping down, Nybbas belched.

  Reminded of the green slim from Ghost Busters, one of his favorite old eighties movies, J.T. couldn’t contain the grin.

  Aubrie followed his progress before turning back to J.T. “Logan told me you were coming.”

  Her words were a flat statement rather than a welcome. J.T. waited a beat. Doubting it would do any good, he tried to explain. “I found him rummaging through my fridge. Had to wait for the sun to set before bringing him back. Did we come at a bad time?”

  Aubrie’s eyes never left his face. “No, perfect timing.”

  She was examining him for flaws. He would have laughed but thought better of the idea immediately. She did not like him. The fact appeared in the tightness of her features. Remaining outside, J.T. waited. Vampires were welcome, or they were not. A custom, one he adhered to without question. Always err on the side of caution was his mantra.

  “J.T.? Hey bro, come on in.” Logan’s voice grew closer from the living room.

  Aubrie released the door handle, taking a step back. Turning, she headed for the kitchen.

  Well, J.T. surmised, that was that.

  “Want a beer?” Logan slapped him on the back. Good to see you, bro. He gestured toward the living room. “Hey, Aubrie, would you get us a couple of brews?”


  There was the flat tone again in her answer. J.T. glanced across the foyer to the kitchen. She narrowed her eyes at her fiancé. Wondering if there was a chill in the room, he glanced at the game instead of their silent communication.

  “Don’t mind her. She’s bent at me for forgetting to tell her you were bringing grandpa back until a little while ago.” Logan shrugged. “Well, I didn’t think it was a big deal.” He pointed to the clothes piled in the corner of the room.

  J.T.’s attention tracked to the shoes mixed in with jeans, shirts, and jackets all wadded up in a ball on the floor opposite the couch. “I was cleaning up some when you guys showed up.”

  Imagining Logan had not wiggled his nose helped J.T.’s visual of the reason or at least a partial reason, Aubrie was giving him the cold shoulder. Come to think of it she never had been too friendly toward him from the beginning. J.T. always figured it had something to do with not wanting to get too close for fear of reading his thoughts. Nasty business, reading thoughts.

  Aubrie’s smile proved thin as she came back with two beers. “You need to tell me these things, Logan. A girl must prepare. What’s it going to be like when we are married?”

  Logan took the bottle she offered, cutting a look at J.T. Smiling winningly, he spoke as if on cue. “No need to ask when you’ve got me around. Right?”

  “Thanks,” J.T. said as he took the bottle from her.

  Her smirk spoke volumes. Aubrie headed for kitchen once more.

  With a practiced smoothness, Logan changed the subject. “J.T., how’s business?”

  “Good. Can’t complain.” The P.I. gig afforded him a means of parlaying his condition into a viable job. Private investigators logged a lot of stakeout time at night. “Not many clients question why I do most of my work after normal business hours. Some of the female customers even find the timing intriguing.” His mouth pursed as he shrugged. My client list is full, at the moment. Turning the question around, he asked Logan, “How’s the garage?”

  “Oh, you know. Something always needs fixing.” Logan stretched his mile-long legs out on the coffee table.

  J.T. figured that as guests went, he did not fall into the category eligible to get away with such a move. Instead, he decided to ease back on the couch. “What’s the score?”

  “Seven to six. The Saints are leading.” Nybbas turned to them with an impish grin on his rumpled face.

  “Seriously, bro, you been doing all right?” Logan glanced across his boots at J.T.

  Understanding Logan’s underlying meaning was not the problem. His Team Six bud wanted to know if the Sultan had visited in his dreams. J.T. didn’t like lying, but people didn’t want to hear your troubles even as they pretended concern for a vampire’s well-being. “Yea, been doing all right. Nothing I can’t handle. What about you?”

  “Good for the most part. Don’t think I’ve forgotten how you stood for me when the cops charged me with murder.”

  “Bro, you know I was glad I could help. That’s what friends do. You still feel like the Sultan was behind Connie’s murder?”

  “Hell yeah, he was behind it. In front of it, on either side of it. J.T., the Sultan, murdered Connie.”

  “I wish we had something to go on, so we could pin him with the crime. His getting off scot-free blows.”

  “Tell me about it. We’re going over things tonight to get ready for another trip mission. There are so many people held prisoners over there.” His eyes fell away at the thought. “Sending in an assault team would end in a bloodbath.”

  J.T. mulled over the circumstances before nodding. He had already come to the same conclusion. “Meagan’s folks, do we have an idea where they are?”

  Logan shook his head. “No, all I can see is their aura in or near his stronghold. The coordinates keep changing though like he’s scrambling the signal.” Logan stood. “What about another beer?”

  Glancing down at the bottle holding only a third of what it had, J.T. nodded. “Sure, one more beer couldn’t hurt. Logan, Duke said he had something planned for returning to the Netherworld.”

  Flicking a glance toward Aubrie, Logan snagged two beers before returning to the couch. “Here you go.”

  “Sorry, I should have waited,” J.T. said quietly.

  “No worries,” Aubrie offered from the kitchen. Her voice was cool and reserved. “You guys have plans for world domination. Pay no attention to me. I’m perfectly happy just cooking away in my kitchen. Let me know when you men have finished rearranging the world because then I’ll set the table for dinner.”

  Logan’s mouth thinned. “Gotta excuse her. She’s a little testy since we got back from the Netherworld this last time. We left so many behind.”

  Nodding, J.T. leaned forward, resting elbows on knees. “Yeah, so I heard. Duke was telling me about Meagan. Is her family really prisoners of the Sultan’s?”

  “Yeah, they are. Like so many others, they are held prisoner by the bastard, and we haven’t been able to locate them.” His jaw worked as he considered. “J.T., I tell you, the Netherworld is a front. You know, ‘the world is a stage? All the people are actors. My theory is that he’s using the mansion to lure people into his trap. You can smell the evil in the air. We’ve got to go back for those he enslaved, whether we launch an attack on him and his cronies or not.”

  J.T. snarled under his breath. “Bastard has got some balls.”

  The doorbell rang.

  Aubrie answered. “It’s Duke and Katie. They brought Meagan too.
Hey there!” she said as her smile brightened. Before she could ask them in, Meagan reached out, giving Aubrie a warm hug. “Okay,” Aubrie blinked before patting Meagan on the back. Pulling back, she examined the girl. “You, all right?”

  Meagan nodded but said nothing. Slipping past Aubrie, she went over and sat by Nybbas on the ottoman. Their heads came together as he explained what she had missed.

  Her behavior gave J.T. pause. So young, he mused, yet so mature. So fragile, yet solid. Like his Jessie. The young girl’s timid nature fell away as she smiled back at Aubrie. “What’s for dinner?”

  “Spaghetti,” Aubrie returned the smile for their young ward.

  “Yummy!” Meagan offered with a grin.

  Aubrie turned back to Katie in time to get a hug. “You owe me big time, my friend. Mission Aubrie’s Wedding Dress is complete. Your dress is at the cleaners.”

  “Thanks, Katie. You and Meagan are a couple of lifesavers. I’d have never gotten that dress hemmed in time for the wedding.” Aubrie glanced up as Logan passed them headed for the kitchen.

  So the women had a bond was J.T. initial reaction. Just like the SEAL team. Funny, but that fact eased something constrictive in J.T.’s chest.

  “Hey guys, come in. We’ve been getting settled. Want a beer?” Logan asked as he opened the refrigerator.

  “Sure.” Duke gave Aubrie a hug as well as a friendly brush of a kiss against her cheek. “Good to see you, Aubrie,” he said in greeting.

  Logan handed off the beer before smirking at Duke. “I thought I smelled a skunk.”

  Without missing a beat, Duke shot back, “Yeah, well you better check those feet of yours. I swear you can smell those suckers a mile away.” Winking at J.T., Duke dropped to the couch, grinning with satisfaction. Reaching over, he took J.T.’s hand in a firm shake. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Sure.” Logan glanced around. “Shall we get to work? Time is a pretty scarce commodity where the Sultan’s concerned.”

  Should he push for more than a recon at this point? J.T. mulled over the circumstances. With each day, with each hour that passed, more and more harm came to those under the Sultan’s thumb. Brutality, hunger, disease, and debauchery were all on the table in the Netherworld. Glancing down, he examined his hands gripping his knees. Easy up, brother, or you’ll botch this mission before it gets moving, he mentally mused.

  Meeting their eyes, he examined the participants in this little exercise of theirs. Duke and Katie, stalwart and solid. Duke would stand for those he cared for even though his skills did not come close to an enemy such as the Sultan. Katie would back up any move Duke made. She possessed such courage. A self-motivated woman with brains. J.T. hoped she didn’t let her emotions cloud her judgment. Meagan, a mere child, she displayed such bravery in the face of danger. Her role was personal. If anyone needed his protection, it was her. Then, there were the lovebirds, Aubrie and Logan. A unit with skills which, if utilized properly could tip the scales in their favor. J.T. decided a wedding was a bad idea, in the midst of their mission, but wasn’t in charge of the decision, so he would have to run interference, he supposed.

  As if on cue, Katie joined the circle with freshly popped corn. Aubrie set down salsa and chips. J.T. glanced around the coffee table. Not the only one the Sultan had hurt, he mused. Easing back, he nodded at Logan. They were all victims. He was the outsider. “Logan, why don’t you start?”

  “Roger that. What do we know about the Sultan so far?” Logan asked the room at large.

  “He’s a ruthless son-of-a-bitch,” Duke offered without apology.

  “Yes, but specifically, what are his skills. We need ammunition against his powers if we’re going to defeat him.” Logan paused.

  J.T. straightened. A phantom pain shot through his side, merely a reminder the Sultan had strengths. “Last night he used a lightning bolt on me.” Raising his shirt, he showed off the faint scare.

  “You’re already healed.” Aubrie’s voice held uneasy amazement.

  “One of the perks of being undead. You heal quickly from most injuries.” He might hate the obvious surprise in her voice, but he had to put it out there just the same.

  Her eyes found a spot on the table. “Kind of like the potion I was fed.”

  Logan reached for her hand, giving her fingers a good squeeze. “J.T. can take care of himself, Sugar. Don’t worry.”

  “I’m not worried. It’s just that…” She trailed off. “Oh, never mind.” Rising she went back to the kitchen with empty glasses.

  Logan watched her go. “Okay, keep going. What else do we know besides he can manipulate an unprepared mind and he has impressive firepower?”

  Duke rubbed his injured leg. “Yes, he does.”

  “Let’s not forget, he can possess a person’s body.” Glancing at Logan, J.T. shrugged unabashed. “Gets into our dreams. Oh, and visions are a big talent of his.” Scowling down at his beer, J.T. paused a second. “I’m not sure, but I think he can track our moves.” He glanced around. “Have any of you had the same feeling? Because, if he suspects our moves, we’re going to fail. It’s as simple as that.”

  “No need in being so damn pessimistic, vampire.” Duke frowned at J.T. over his beer. “We’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves. Right, Logan.”

  Logan’s brow furrowed. He released a long sigh before continuing, “J.T.’s right, Duke. If we don’t get our plan together, the Sultan can wipe us off the map permanently.”

  “All right. That’s the whole reason for being here tonight. Let’s get something rock solid in place before committing to going back. We’ve got to finish him once and for all.” Duke’s fist landed on the coffee table in affirmation.

  “Easy, cowboy.” Katie broke her silence beside him. Duke’s eyes blazed with an uneasy fire. “You’ve got that look in your eyes,” she whispered before cutting her eyes at the group. “The same one I saw last time.” She squeezed his thigh, a soft smile rimming her features. “You’ve got help. No solo mission is going to be necessary. Okay?” The small quiver in her tone didn’t slip by J.T.

  “Duke, we’re in this thing together. Everybody is working as one – a team – a family.” Logan frowned at the turn in the conversation’s tone.

  Duke nodded staring at his bottle. “Yeah, I know.” Absently rubbing his leg, Duke frowned around the table. “This creep is deadly. I don’t know what we’ll find once we return.” Glancing directly at Meagan, he winced when she bowed her head.

  Logan reached over, laying a hand on her shoulder. “Your family is safe. I can see that much. The Sultan’s powers aren’t completely without flaws. We’ll get them out.”

  Meagan, who had slipped in to listen to their discussion, nodded hesitantly.

  J.T. shifted. So far, they were grasping at straws. “What if I begin with a recon? Make sure of his whereabouts as well as those of the prisoners or warriors as he likes to label them. Recon will give us a window, an entry point we can use in making plans. When the logistics are in place, we can push for an attack.”

  “That sounds good. In the meantime, I’ll work on firepower,” Logan said. “Gus and I are stockpiling weapons and explosives even now.” Logan scanned the group. “We all need to know how to fire a weapon. Hand to hand combat training begins tomorrow evening as well.”

  “Good thinking.” J.T. glanced at the team. “Each person needs to play a specific role. Expect our skills and strength to be tested past their limits. We’re going to have to dig deep for the courage necessary to stop this madman.”

  Aubrie scooted to the edge of her seat. “What about Pilot. Shouldn’t we include him in these discussions?”

  J.T, couldn’t hide his concern. Logan had mentioned Aubrie’s shadow walker friend to him before. Pilot had infiltrated the Sultan’s inner circle. “Maybe. I think, for the time being, Pilot will be safer if we don’t include him.”

  With eyes growing wide, Aubrie stood. “What are you saying? Do you mean you don’t trust Pilot?”

  “You misunderst
ood Sugar.” Logan laid his big hand on hers as he stood. “That’s not what J.T.’s saying at all. Pilot is an intricate part of the Sultan’s plans. If we disturb that connection or create doubt regarding Pilot’s loyalty in the Sultan’s eyes, Pilot could be in danger. Better to leave him alone for the time being.”

  Aubrie blinked. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.” She eased down into the chair. Swallowing, she folded her hands over one another. “We must protect him, though, from any fallout when we take out the Sultan.”

  “Of course, but I agree with Logan,” Duke said. “Since Pilot has infiltrated the Sultan’s lair deeply enough for the Sultan to make him his ‘right-hand man,’ we can’t jeopardize his position no matter what.”

  Logan tapped a slim finger on the table. “It’s just that at some point we’ll have to engage his help. That’s where it’s going to get tricky.”

  Katie reached out, taking Aubrie’s hand in hers. “Don’t worry. Pilot is talented and bright. He won’t let anything happen to our favorite shadow walker. I just know he won’t.”

  Aubrie’s smile was weak.

  Logan turned to Aubrie, gathering her closer before addressing the group. “If only I had the power to teleport Pilot back. Even if it were from beneath the Sultan’s nose, I’d feel better about leaving the shadow walker there. His intel had been invaluable so far. The connection is vital to our success. Still, the truth remains. The Sultan is a ruthless killer. He’s already proven that fact. I believe he killed Connie Colter and he attempted to kill Duke. If he finds out Pilot is a spy, he’ll have his head in seconds.”

  J.T. brow drew together. “Can you guard against our actions coming back to haunt Pilot? Maybe a spell?”

  Logan swallowed before glancing into Aubrie’s eyes. She’d been thinking the same thing. He smiled at her. They were so in tune with each other’s thoughts, it was like being twins where one could finish the other’s thoughts.

  “J.T., will you excuse us? I need Logan’s help with the spaghetti.”

  “Sure.” J.T. dismissed them with a smile. Glancing at their retreating forms, he turned his attention back to the group. “Where were we, Duke. You were saying something about ways to keep Pilot safe.”


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