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Bridal Bonds (Warriors of Phaeton Book 2)

Page 3

by Leora Gonzales

  “Wheaton, they are going through a lot, right? Be patient and they will warm up soon. Their loss is fresh in their minds. Not only did they almost die, but they blame themselves for swallowing those damn pills in the first place.”

  “Their trust was abused. It is a disgrace that they were tricked into taking the Hefnon12, but they shoulder none of the blame for the actions of the Verge. Their husbands grieve for the lives of children lost but will not stand by and lose their brides as well,” he said determinedly. “There needs to be a voice of reason while they heal and you will be that voice.”

  Wheaton leaned forward and placed his hands on her shoulders. “We need you, Andi. They need you.” He paused then pointed out, “We will not even be close enough to Earth for you to leave on a shuttle for three more weeks anyway. Our trip from home world to Earth’s orbit is going to take time. Would you not rather spend it helping out rather than being confined to an apartment the entire time?”

  Glaring up into the big warrior’s eyes, she was unable to stop herself from nodding in agreement. Damn him. The bastard was an expert negotiator if what had just happened was anything to go by. No wonder he was such a successful council member.

  Wheaton, satisfied that she had agreed, pulled a pen out of the pocket on his leather vest. He pointed to the spot on the document for her signature. Letting out a sigh, she signed, not able to stop herself.

  “These will be filed immediately. Thank you.”

  “I’m only staying for the duration of the contract and that’s it. Comprende?” Pointing her finger at him, Andi waited for him to show he understood.

  “Yes, comprende,” he repeated, the Spanish word sounding funny coming from an alien warrior. “The doctors will be in here in a moment to go over the information on the brides still being treated and let you know your duties.”

  “Great,” Andi said with false cheer.

  Stuck with the doctors she labeled Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumbass. Well, stuck for a couple months at least. These women needed her. Isabel was coping by shutting everyone out except for Andrea. What the doctors needed to realize was that humans wanted to be told everything would be okay, even when they knew it wouldn’t be.

  From the doorway, Andi watched Isabel open her eyes and glance around before closing them again and falling asleep. It seemed that was all she was capable of lately. Using sleep as an escape, Isabel had started requesting drugs to help her sleep more and more. According to Isabel’s chart, Tamin and Rodin had given them to her, unaware it was the last thing she needed. That was going to change immediately if Andi had anything to say about it.

  “Andi?” Turning to see who was speaking, she was surprised to see another recovering bride walking toward her.

  “Staci, what are you doing here?”

  “I have an appointment for a follow-up scan with the docs.” Peeking into the room where Isabel was sleeping, she shook her head sadly. “She’s not getting any better, is she?”

  “Not yet, but she will soon.” Giving Staci a considering look, Andi added, “I may need your help talking her through this. From what I gather, she’s refused to see Nixon lately. He’s come every morning and sat with her while she sleeps, but once she wakes, she asks him to leave.”

  “I know how she feels. There were a few days where I couldn’t stand to look at Cooper. I felt so guilty. And when the docs said I might not be able to ever get pregnant again… Well, let’s just say I went to a bad place.”

  The women linked arms as they walked from Isabel’s door and made their way into the main area. A platter of donuts sat in the middle of a large table, and Andi grabbed one. Getting comfortable, she studied Staci with an appraising eye.

  “You are doing really well, Staci. What’s helped you the most so far?”

  “Well, first off, there was Cooper. That man wouldn’t leave me alone no matter what I said or did. Then, Tamin and Rodin said I was healing better than expected. For the last few weeks, they’ve been treating me with the regen bed here on the ship. The results show the scar tissue is getting smaller and smaller with every visit. I guess even a slight chance at getting pregnant again was enough to remind me I’m a fighter. It also helped that Cooper said it didn’t matter if we could have children or not. He was happy that I was alive and said to not worry about the future.”

  “From what I can tell, Nixon doesn’t want to push Isabel. He’s worried the stress of doing so will cause a lapse in her recovery.” Tapping the table with her fingers, Andrea thought for a moment. “I have a feeling that’s exactly what she needs. Everyone has been so busy tiptoeing around her since our kidnapping that she’s been able to hide from what happened.”

  Staci nodded. “I agree. Maybe I can get Coop to talk to him and offer some advice.” Pointing to the hallway, she added, “She’s not going to get better by sleeping and pretending it didn’t happen. Plus, if Tamin and Rodin think I may be able to get pregnant again, then she might be able to as well.”

  * * * * *

  As the women sat and outlined a plan for shaking Isabel out of her funk, Tamin and Rodin eavesdropped from the doorway. They had been unaware of the way the female mind worked. Thinking it had been best to tell the women bluntly what they had been through and that their future might not contain children had been as simple as reading a printout from a regen bed. What was the point in giving false hope when dealing with something so serious? They had not been aware the miscarriages would leave such an emotional scar on the three brides who had suffered the losses.

  Rodin crossed his arms across his chest and watched the two women. His main focus was on the woman whom he now knew as Andi. The woman seemed to have his patients’ best interests at heart, regardless of her violent tendencies. He was still shocked that she had slapped him. Knowing he had deserved it only made it worse. For that, he felt shame. Never had he spoken so cruelly to a female. He took pride in the fact that he had made friends with Poppy and Val so quickly after he had been introduced to them. His only excuse for the actions and words he had used that day was that he had been angered by what the Verge had done. Being unable to save the brides’ babies had been a blow he had not been prepared to take. With their technology as advanced as it was, they were used to being able to heal almost anything.

  After the incident with Andi, Tamin had pulled him aside and told him he needed to get himself together. Anger at a situation out of his control accomplished nothing. Assuring Tamin that he would apologize to the brides for his abrupt and insensitive manners, Rodin also promised to apologize to Andi. He had taken his anger out on her. Implying that her matched warrior would obviously not want her had crossed the line. Watching her closely, Rodin felt the stirrings of arousal. She was a beautiful woman from head to toe, and he was unable to figure out why her match had been dissolved. Along with her outer beauty, Andi seemed to possess an inner strength that he admired. Caring for the brides as much as she had been able, and then shedding tears when she found out their prognosis, had shown her for who she really was.


  Clearing his throat as he stood in the doorway, Tamin smiled when the women looked in his direction. Nudging Rodin to get his friend moving, Tamin held out his hand to Staci and then to Andi.

  “Ladies, how can we be of service?”

  “I’m here for my follow-up appointment in the regen bed, Doc.” Staci seemed nervous but excited. “You said that I was healing better than expected and I wanted to see if that was still the case.”

  Rodin glanced at Andi. “And you?”

  “Well, you’re looking at your new nurse.” Smiling broadly when his face fell in horror, she tried to hold in a giggle. “The council offered me a contract to help the brides recover after their ordeal. Isabel in particular is one of their concerns.” Nodding to the hallway, she tucked her hands in her pockets and waited for him to say something.

  “I thought that you would leave for Earth once we made orbit… You are staying?” Rodin was unable to keep the hopefulness o
ut of his voice.

  “For a couple months at least. I’m going to suggest a few changes in Isabel’s care and hopefully get her ready to face the rest of her life as a Phaeton bride.” Sounding confident she was going to succeed, Andrea was obviously waiting for them to say something. Tamin read her thoughts in her face. Were they going to have a power struggle over the care of the brides? Did the doctors trust her to know what Isabel needed to get over her grief?

  “And where will you be staying?” Tamin inquired, curious if she had been assigned quarters close to the med center where both he and Rodin lived.

  “She will be staying with me.” The deep voice boomed with authority from the open med center doorway. Before either of the men could react, Andi leaped on and hugged the warrior walking toward her.

  “Zane! I wasn’t sure if I was going to be seeing you again,” she gushed, obviously unaware of the doctors’ irritation at the new addition to the room.

  “I made sure you would see me again. I have missed you.” With Zane ruffling her hair and causing her to laugh, Andi didn’t realize Rodin had started to take a step toward Zane. Held still by Tamin’s grip on his shirt, he had been stopped in his tracks, but still continued to shoot glares at the man.

  “Zane, this is Staci. She is married to Cooper. And these guys are Tamin and Rodin, who I am sure you already know.”

  As the men greeted one another, Staci watched the interaction with a smile.

  “So, she’ll be staying with you?” Staci asked, keeping her gaze on the doctors as if to see their reactions.

  “Yes, Wheaton just spoke with me and inquired if I could act as your personal escort. I suggested that you would be better off simply staying with me again. We are used to sharing quarters—”

  Interrupting Zane, Rodin asked bluntly, “Why can she not have her own apartment?”

  “Since the security breach with the kidnapping, the council has decided that all females will be placed with a guard twenty-four hours a day. She has been staying in an empty apartment since our union was dissolved. Instead of assigning a new warrior to her, I simply volunteered, since we are friends,” Zane answered then gazed at Andi. “Plus, I have missed my almost-bride. We have much to discuss.”

  Not liking the answers he was getting, Rodin gritted his teeth. Feeling Tamin bump his elbow, he realized that he was openly displaying the emotions he was feeling. “She is more than welcome to stay with Tamin and myself,” Rodin offered. “It would actually make more sense since she will be accompanying us here every day.”

  Both Andi and Zane were shaking their heads. Zane with an expression of anger and protection and Andi with one of amusement mixed with disbelief.

  “No,” they both said at the same time.

  “Why not?” Rodin bit out.

  “Because we don’t like one another and I would prefer not to get charged with murder while I am a guest on your ship,” Andi said to the doctors, unable to keep from laughing at the thought of living with the two of them.

  Tamin bumped Rodin again on the arm when it appeared as though Rodin was going to argue. “We understand,” he concurred. “Zane, if at any time you need to have a break, please tell either myself or Rodin and we can provide an escort.”

  * * * * *

  Visibly upset, Rodin stood silent for a moment, taking in the situation. Seeming to realize they needed to get their day started before patients started piling up, he gestured to Staci. “We can begin your exam if you are ready.”

  “Of course.” Staci practically ran to the room that Rodin was walking to, asking questions.

  As Tamin followed them out of the main room, Andi turned to Zane. “What about your new match? I don’t want to be in the way of any potential wooing.” Winking at her friend, she grinned when he blushed.

  “No wooing will be happening anytime soon. The system is compromised and until they can get it fixed, I will have to wait for a new bride. I figured you could use a friend. I know that you were set on going home.” Tucking his arm around her shoulders, Zane gave her a one-armed hug.

  “I wasn’t really looking forward to it, but I do need to get started on the ‘putting my life back together’. That means job and apartment and just…well…everything I guess. I feel like I’m in limbo and apparently that is going to last for the next two months until the contract I just signed expires.” Andi returned his hug, excited to have her friend with her.

  “Well, it seemed like maybe one of the doctors had his eyes on you.” Shaking his head, he gave her a stern look. “I’m not sure I approve.”

  “His eyes on me? Puh-lease. If anything, he was watching me to make sure I wasn’t going to yell at him again.”

  “He will get over it.” Zane snagged a donut from the table. “I can go retrieve your things and move them to my place if you like.”

  “That would be great. I need to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing here during the day anyway.” Bouncing up on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, she said, “You are a lifesaver.”

  “You are welcome, hot stuff.” Zane shoved the rest of the donut into his mouth before walking out the door.

  “Hot stuff?” The voice behind her caused Andi to jump in the air with a screech.

  “Uh?” Trying to calm her heart, she stared at Rodin in confusion.

  “He called you hot stuff.”

  When Andi simply raised her eyebrow as if saying “so what”, he continued, “You seem physically familiar with him. He called you hot stuff, and you will be living with him.”


  “Are you having sexual intercourse with him?” Not noticing that Andi had gone completely still, Rodin appeared to let anger keep his mouth moving. “If you are having intercourse and become fertilized, you will be required to stay here the duration of your pregnancy and also leave your child if you choose to return to Earth.” When Andi was silent, Rodin seemingly took that as a sign she did not understand what he was saying. “It was in the original bridal contract you signed. All children are required to be raised by the Phaeton race should you get pregnant.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Andi was unable to stop herself yelling, her voice carrying down the hallway where Tamin and Staci were finishing up.

  “What would I be kidding about?” Rodin propped his hands on his hips.

  “First off, who I have sex with is none of your business. Second, the council made the decision for me to stay with Zane. And third, yes I read the contract. I am aware that if I get pregnant and decide not to be in a bridal contract, I am not allowed to take my baby home. I’m not an idiot.” Andi’s voice rose louder and louder as she finished with her finger poking into his hard chest.

  “It is my business.” Rodin bent and stared directly into her eyes.

  Leaning away so he wasn’t so close to her, Andi licked her lips and voiced the question that seemed unspoken. “Why is that?”

  “Because you are mine and I mean to have you.” Rodin stated, watching her tongue wet her mouth.

  “Excuse me?” Andi whispered, shocked at his response.

  “And guess what?” Rodin watched her, his eyes promising secrets she was unsure she wanted to know.

  “What?” The question was so quiet that Rodin would not have heard her if he hadn’t been a hairsbreadth from her.

  “Tamin means to have you too.”

  As Rodin gestured to someone over her shoulder, Andi could only guess Tamin had walked into the room and was hearing the insanity that was being spewed by his friend.

  Sure enough, Andi turned around to find Tamin standing at the door. Searching his face for an answer to the questions that were rolling around in her brain, she didn’t realize at first he wasn’t alone. Standing immediately behind him, Staci had her hand over her mouth. Well at least Andi had a witness to the madness.

  Wide-eyed, Staci stared at Andi as if she wasn’t sure what she had just heard.

  “Fuck. Me.” Not realizing that she’d spoken aloud, Andi practically jum
ped out of her skin when Rodin moved forward to press his body into hers from behind. An unexpected shiver of arousal worked its way through her.

  “We will. Soon,” he whispered into her ear from behind.


  Andi had never seen anyone move so fast in her life. Making quick excuses to those in the room, Staci lit out like her butt was on fire. After the red-faced woman had scurried out the door, Andi stood staring at the doctors. Circling until they were both in front of her, she held out her hands as if to keep them at bay.

  “You guys are crazy,” she sputtered, her shock evident.

  “Not really.” Tamin smiled at her with a sexy grin she had never seen cross his face until that day.

  Taking a moment to do her own staring, Andi realized that the men were extremely similar in build and appearance. Both men had hair that was shorter than most of the other warriors, falling just short of their shoulders. They also had tattoos on their temples that signified they were in the medical sector. The black-inked markings were composed of curved lines that accented their eyes.

  “How can you just come out and say something like that? I didn’t think warriors shared brides.”

  “Most warriors do not, you are correct.” Rodin agreed and continued, “We are different though. Tamin and I have been together for many cycles. We grew up in the same training house and are what you would call best friends.”

  Ahhhhhh. Wide-eyed, she focused all her attention on the men. It was interesting that neither of them had made even the slightest blip on her gay-dar.

  “So you guys…” She wiggled her fingers back and forth between the men. Tamin laughed and Rodin appeared offended.

  “No. We are not homosexual. We are simply close…like brothers. It has been apparent to us that with our duties to Squadron One, it would be hard for us to each have a bride and dedicate the time that a successful marriage would require. We are the main doctors for the ship and rarely have time when we are not needed in one form or another,” Tamin explained.


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