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The Mysterious Coat

Page 5

by Nicholas Walsh

  ‘No worries, Tyler, we’ll sort it out!’

  Three police cars and a Special Forces truck arrive. Inspector Mack Young with a megaphone in his hand opens the door, steps out of the police car, puts the megaphone to his mouth and shouts, ‘All right, listen up, you dirty mysterious rat! This is the police! We want to see you with the mysterious coat and, also, we want you to release Tyler!’

  No one answers because the windows and the doors are shut and the blinds are closed.

  Inspector Mack Young put the megaphone to his mouth again and shouts, ‘That’s it, if you don’t care, we’ll force our way in with our weapons!’ Inspector Mack Young shouts to the Special Forces team. ‘That’s it, release Tyler and it’s arrest time for you!’

  The driver of the Special Forces team jumps out of the truck and opens the roller door. ‘Come on, boys! Let’s move out!’

  There are fifteen members of the Special Forces team with semi-automatic assault rifles surrounding the secret hideout.

  ‘Shoot the lock!’ shouts Mack.

  ‘All right, can you just step back please?’

  Mack steps back and the Special Forces team shoot the lock, kick the door down and burst in while Mack runs to the table to see if Tyler is okay.

  ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘Yep, I’m nervous, someone is threatening me.’

  ‘Don’t worry, mate,’ smiles Mack. ‘I’ll get one of the boys to take you to your place where you can have a nice cuppa and a stiff drink.’

  Constable Troy Williamson takes Tyler home in his police car.

  In the secret hideout the mysterious person is packing his bags trying to escape. The members of the Special Forces team rush to the bedroom to capture him and one of the Special Forces team puts a semi-automatic assault rifle at the back of the mysterious person’s head and shouts, ‘All right then, freeze! Don’t move!’



  hat night at Tyler’s apartment block, Peter, George, Mark, Paul and Mick come round for dinner, which is Noodle Box and drinks. The dinner is held to calm down Tyler. However, Tyler chooses to eat dinner by himself in the lounge room.

  Peter finishes his meal and skulls a glass of water. ‘Oh strewth! Those noodles in a box were too bloody hot!’

  ‘Ah don’t be a sook, you baby!’ says George as he laughs.

  ‘George, this is serious!’ says Peter.

  ‘All right, whatever,’ says George. ‘Is your friend Tyler going to be okay?’

  ‘Mmm, I’ll check,’ says Peter as he stands up and leaves the table for the lounge room.

  In the lounge room, Tyler is lying down on the couch after finishing his meal. He feels like he has post-traumatic stress disorder. Peter arrives in the lounge room and walks to the couch.

  ‘What’s the matter, mate?’

  ‘I’m having post-traumatic stress disorder.’

  ‘From what?’ asks Peter.

  ‘From being threatened by the mysterious person.’

  ‘Come on, Tyler, we’re having this dinner to calm you down.’

  ‘I don’t want a dinner!’

  Peter shakes Tyler by the shoulders and says, ‘Come on, get up.’

  ‘All right,’ says Tyler as he gets up from the couch. He and Peter walk to the dining room to see George, Mark, Paul, and Mick who have finished their dinner and are starting on some drinks.

  ‘Hey, Tyler, what’s up?’ asks George.

  ‘I’m not feeling so good,’ replies Tyler.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I feel pathetic. Have you seen the mysterious coat which the mysterious person wears? It makes me mad and crazy when I see it during swimming or working at the Duke of York Hotel.’

  ‘No mate, I’ve never seen it before,’ says George.

  ‘Nah me neither,’ says Mark.

  ‘I saw it once,’ says Paul.

  ‘When did you see it, Paul?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘Well, maybe it was last Friday during the Labour Day long weekend. I saw the mysterious person with the mysterious coat outside the Duke of York Hotel at night time,’ says Paul.

  ‘Did you know that person?’ asks Tyler, ‘Is it a man or a woman?’

  ‘I think it must be a woman,’ says Paul.

  ‘Are you sure?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘Yes, very sure.’

  ‘Oh my God!’ says Tyler, as the wheels start spinning in his head. ‘I suppose it could be Angelique or another woman!’

  Mick turns around and says to George, Mark and Paul, ‘I think we should leave because Tyler’s upset.’

  The men stand up and leaves the table as Peter thanks them for coming. Peter turns back and asks Tyler, ‘Is something wrong, Tyler?’

  ‘I’m going to be in big trouble,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Why?’ asks Peter.

  ‘I don’t know. I think I have made a mistake and maybe even the police …’ The sound of the door knocking interrupts them. Tyler says, ‘You clean up the mess from the table, I’ll open the door. Who is it?’

  ‘It’s Angelique.’

  Tyler opens the door, sees Angelique and asks, ‘Now, where have you been?’

  ‘Looking after my sick mother.’

  ‘Does your mother live in Melbourne?’

  ‘Yes, she lives in Toorak.’

  ‘Oh, do you have a car?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘Yes, my father had it before and now because my father passed away about three years ago, I own it,’ says Angelique.

  ‘Was your father wealthy?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘Yes, he was,’ says Angelique.

  ‘What’s his name?’

  ‘His name was Bill,’ says Angelique. ‘He was a gold mining tycoon.’

  ‘Oh, I’ve never heard of him before,’ says Tyler.

  Peter arrives at the door to leave for his own apartment block. He sees Tyler and Angelique. ‘G’day, Angelique, how it’s going?’

  ‘I’m quite worried,’ replies Angelique.

  ‘What are you worried about?’ asks Peter.

  ‘My mother,’ says Angelique. ‘She’s going to die soon.’

  ‘Oh, that’s sad.’

  There is an awkward silence for a few moments as Peter does not know what to say.

  ‘Well it has been nice to see you but I’ve gotta go now. I’ll see you soon.’

  Angelique walks into Tyler’s apartment block as Tyler closes the door behind her.

  At the police station after Inspector Mack Young locks the mysterious person up in a police cell and completes the police press conference, Mack has a piece of pizza and a cup of coffee.

  The police desk sergeant arrives, interrupts his dinner and says, ‘Inspector, Dr Airhardt wants to see you.’

  ‘Bring him in.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  Dr Airhardt, Leo and Roy arrive to see Mack finishing his dinner.

  ‘So, Inspector, you’re hungry,’ says Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Yes, I was,’ says Mack.

  ‘What’s the news about the mysterious person and the mysterious coat?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Well, we arrested the mysterious person at the secret hideout.’

  ‘For what?’ asks Leo.

  ‘What’s he charged with?’ asks Roy.

  ‘For using an arsenal of weapons,’ says Mack.

  ‘My goodness, is that person violent?’ asks a shocked Dr Airhardt.

  ‘I don’t know’ says Mack.

  ‘Can I see this person?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Not yet but you can knock on the police cell and talk to them. By the way, we’re going to interview Alan about his threatening behaviour. Also, can you come back to the police station tomorrow to supervise the ongoing DNA testing of the coat?’

  ‘Yes, that would be a good idea,’ says Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Good, see you tomorrow,’ says Mack as he continues having his dinner while Dr Airhardt, Leo and Roy leaves the police station.

  Later that night at Tyler’s apartment block, Tyler is preparing t
o go to bed and sleep to make himself feel better. After his shower, he sees Angelique being upset about her mother.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘I am so upset about my mother,’ says Angelique.

  Tyler walks to his bed, hops in and gives Angelique a hug.

  ‘You’re such a good hugger, Tyler,’ says Angelique.


  ‘Do you have any problems?’

  ‘Yes, I had post-traumatic stress disorder today,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Oh no, why?’

  ‘Because someone threatened me,’ says Tyler.


  ‘I don’t know but I’ll wait and see,’ says Tyler.

  ‘All right, how about a kiss?’ says Angelique.

  ‘What about a dance? You’ve been a dancer before,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Not tonight, Tyler,’ says Angelique.

  ‘Okay, darling. That’s all right.’ He kisses Angelique’s cheek and lies down.

  ‘Goodnight, Tyler,’ says Angelique.

  ‘Night,’ says Tyler as he pulls the sheets over them both.



  he next morning at 6am in Tyler’s apartment block, Tyler wakes up, grabs a dressing gown and walks to the lounge room. He turns on the TV and watches The Breakfast Show but there is a news item that catches his attention.

  ‘Thank you and good morning, everybody. A mysterious person was arrested and charged for having an arsenal of weapons and taking a person hostage. Police are finding out who the mysterious person is and who is wearing the mysterious coat.’

  The footage shows last night’s police press conference at the St Kilda Road Police Station and there are a lot of media crew for newspapers, radio and television. Behind them is Waylon McDermott in a suit with a Network Eight microphone.

  ‘Thank you very much, I’m here at the press conference room at St Kilda Road Police Station and behind me is Inspector Mack Young who is being questioned by the media about a mysterious person, so let’s talk to him.’

  One reporter asks, ‘Inspector Young, how did you capture the mysterious person?’

  ‘Well, we were using some cops and a Special Forces team. I rescued Tyler while the Special Forces team captured the mysterious person. The rest is history.’

  ‘What’s the name of the mysterious person?’ asks another reporter.

  ‘I don’t know yet. You’ll have to wait and see.’

  ‘What about the results of the DNA test for the mysterious coat?’ asks Waylon.

  ‘Oh geez, it takes a while but the result will be announced in a few weeks.’

  The footage goes back to Waylon and his microphone ‘Well, there you go. The mysterious person will not be shown in public until the result of the DNA test. The mysterious person will be announced in just a few weeks. They will stay in the police cell and the police will look after them. This is Waylon McDermott, National Eight News, Melbourne.’

  Tyler turns off the TV set. He feel upset and says to himself, ‘A few weeks … this is crap!’ He leaves the lounge room to go swimming.

  At the pool, Tyler is doing laps for peace and quiet. Shortly after he finishes swimming, Peter arrives.

  ‘Hey Tyler, what’s up?’

  ‘Just swimming to clear my head.’

  ‘What’s going on?’ asks Peter.

  ‘I was watching The Breakfast Show, and I saw the news which said the mysterious person will not be shown in public until the result of the DNA test for the mysterious coat which will be announced in few weeks, so I was upset.’

  ‘Oh, that’s not fair!’

  ‘Do you have a newspaper so I can read the headlines?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘Sorry I don’t, Tyler, but I’ll get it at the newsagent later.’


  ‘How’s Angelique going after I had a chat with her?’ asks Peter.

  ‘Well when we went to bed last night, she was upset.’

  ‘What’s she upset about?’ asks Peter.

  ‘Her mother.’


  ‘Because Angelique doesn’t want her mother to die.’

  ‘When are you going to marry Angelique? I hope her mother is still alive.’

  ‘Not yet, I want to see her mother before she dies, and see if there’s anything I can do to help.’ Tyler takes a long pause and asks, ‘How old do you think I am?’

  ‘Um, thirty?’ guesses Peter.

  ‘Yes, exactly.’

  ‘Okay, how old is Angelique?’ asks Peter.

  ‘I don’t know, I’ve gotta ask her when she comes up to see me. I’ll see you next time. Goodbye,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Bye,’ says Peter. He walks away and thinks about the future of his friendship with Tyler.

  At Tyler’s apartment block, Tyler is having a piece of Vegemite toast and a cup of coffee. Angelique appears in her blue satin dressing gown, walks to Tyler and sit on his lap.

  ‘Good morning, Tyler. How did you sleep?’

  ‘All right.’

  ‘Everything all right?’

  ‘Angelique, I need to talk to you.’

  ‘Yes, certainly.’

  ‘How … um … er … eh …?’

  ‘Oh please, just tell me!’

  ‘Will you marry me?’

  Angelique is shocked. ‘Of course I will, Tyler.’

  ‘Great!’ says Tyler, ‘I know it’s weird that we have only known each other for a few weeks, but I am madly in love with you, and think you’re the one. I will go shopping for you and me later because I’ve got other jobs to do.’

  ‘Good idea. You can meet me at the jewellery shop after you finish.’

  ‘Yes, I will.’ He kisses her on the lips.

  ‘Would you like to have breakfast while I shower?’

  ‘Yes I will,’ says Angelique.

  She gets up and walks to the kitchen but Tyler is thinking about when the wedding would be. It takes a long time for the result of the DNA test so he takes out a notepad and writes a list of things to do for himself and the wedding, although he’s not ready to write a date for the wedding.

  Later that morning at the chemist in Almond Street, Tyler walks to the counter with his sports bag from his gym lesson. The pharmacist arrives at the desk and says with a British accent, ‘Hello, can I help you?’

  ‘Yes, my name is Tyler Brown and I need help.’

  ‘Oh splendid, what do you need help with?’

  ‘I had an anxiety attack and I have post-traumatic stress disorder. What medicine do you have?’

  ‘I have St John’s Wort, which could be the best non-prescrip-tion one I think. Is that what you want?’ asks the pharmacist.

  ‘Yes, can I have a month’s supply of St Johns Wort please?’

  ‘I’m sure we can accommodate you, Mr Brown,’ says the pharmacist as he goes to pick up the supply. Tyler checks his watch. It is half past ten in the morning and he has to meet Angelique at the jewellery shop sometime in the afternoon. Shortly, the pharmacist, with a box of St John’s Wort, arrives at the desk.

  ‘Here you go, Mr Brown. That will be twenty-one dollars and ninety-five cents.’ Tyler puts his sports bag on the floor, takes his wallet out of his pocket, takes one fifty dollar note out of his wallet, puts his wallet back in his pocket and gives fifty dollars to the pharmacist. The pharmacist takes the money and gives Tyler twenty-eight dollars and five cents change.

  ‘Thank you. You know there’s other medical stuff to stop anxiety and post-traumatic stress. You can go and see your doctor or just try aromatherapy which could relax you by hopping in a bath with some lavender oil.’

  ‘Yes, thank you. I’ll see how it goes.’ Tyler pick up his sports bag, takes the box of St John’s Wort from the desk, and leaves the chemist.

  At the Duke of York Hotel, Tyler arrives with his sports bag and goes straight to the dark corner. When he arrives he sees the coat still hanging on the hook and thinks to himself, It’s payback time! Prepare to kick out the jams!

/>   Tyler puts the box of St John’s Wort on the floor, walks to the hook and grabs the coat. He throws the coat over his shoulder, opens his sports bag, shoves the coat in his sport bag and zip it up.

  Then, Tyler takes a piece of paper and writes:

  Dear Mr Pluck,

  I’m taking this damn mysterious coat from the hook and sending it to the police because there’s a mysterious person who was arrested by the police and charged for using an arsenal of weapons and attempting to take me hostage at his secret hideout.

  Please don’t sack me because I’m not a thief, just a private investigator. I don’t know who the mysterious person is, if it’s a man or a woman, so don’t fire me!

  Your staff member,

  Tyler Brown.

  After Tyler finishes writing, he sticks the note to the wall. He turns around and sees Dr Airhardt standing behind him.

  ‘What are you looking at, hey?’

  ‘I was looking for you, Mr Brown.’

  ‘For what?’

  ‘For going to the police station.’

  ‘The police station? What is this all about?’

  ‘It’s about Alan who is going to be interviewed by Inspector Mack Young. There is also a detective who’s just returned from holiday after he heard the news about the arrest of a mysterious person.’

  ‘What’s his name?’ asks Tyler.

  ‘His name is Detective Sergeant Nick Baxter.’

  ‘Has he come out of retirement?’

  ‘No, Mr Brown, he’s just returned from a holiday break in the Bahamas.’

  ‘Oh, what the heck!’ Tyler feels embarrassed as he’s never met this detective.

  ‘So are you coming to join me at the police station?’ asks Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Yes, although I’m not sure if Alan is going to threaten me again.’

  ‘Oh don’t be silly, come on,’ frowns Dr Airhardt.

  Tyler picks up his sports bag.

  ‘That looks heavy,’ comments Dr Airhardt.

  ‘Yes it is,’ says Tyler.

  ‘Have you been doing bodybuilding? Do you have a six-pack?’

  ‘Just a six-pack because I work out at the gym.’


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