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Alpha's Sacrifice: an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 1)

Page 14

by Nora Phoenix

  He was almost there. It was mean, but Enar wanted to see Palani break, only a little. As much as he loved that smart, bratty mouth on him, he also needed to show the beta he didn’t hold all the cards. If he wanted cock, he could damn well ask for it. Nicely.

  He brought his cock to Palani’s hole, circled it a few times. One hard push, and he’d be inside. But not yet. Not until he’d…

  “Oh, for the love of everything, will you please put your fucking cock inside me?”

  He pushed in hard, causing Palani’s angry words transform to a deep moan. “All you had to do was say the magic word,” he managed between gentle thrusts that brought him deeper and deeper inside Palani.

  “Oh…fuck…damn, you’re big,” Palani groaned, panting with effort.

  Enar’s smile returned. It was childish, maybe, but he loved hearing that. He gave Palani every inch of him until he bottomed out, his balls touching Palani’s ass cheeks. “How’s that?”

  “It’s…fuck, give me a sec…”

  Enar waited patiently until Palani relaxed around him. He was wonderfully tight, a testament to him not having done this in a long time. No wonder he’d struggled taking Enar.

  “Fuck, I'm…full. That’s a whole lotta cock you got there, man.”

  “You complaining? I warned you, didn’t I?” He gave an experimental thrust to see if Palani could take it. He could, his body tight, but relaxed around him.

  “Not complaining. Merely…stating…facts. Oh!”

  Apparently, even for Palani it was hard to talk while being fucked. Enar pushed the beta’s hips down to perfect the angle, then pulled out almost entirely, before sliding back in smoothly. It wasn’t till the last two inches that he gave a little extra boost to bring it home. It seemed Palani liked it, as he moaned when Enar did his little power thrust. To make sure, Enar repeated the move, smiling when Palani reacted the same way.

  “What do you reckon, do I know how to use it?” he teased.

  He heard Palani breathe in to answer and surged in with added power to see if he could jolt him. The words Palani had planned became unintelligible grunts, and Enar didn’t give him a chance to form a coherent thought but kept thrusting in. He was nowhere near close to full power, but the force was enough to make Palani buckle down on the bed and fist the sheets with both hands. He lowered his head even further, spreading his legs wider so give Enar complete access.

  A rush of satisfaction thundered through Enar. “Doesn’t that feel good? There’s nothing like a fat cock in your hole, is there?”

  His own words registered with him, just as Palani lifted his head and shot him a murderous look over his shoulder. “Anytime you wanna switch places, say the word…”

  Enar froze with his cock halfway in, unable to move. Oh god, he knew. Palani knew. How was it possible Enar had fucked up this badly? First, that stupid joke about Palani not being a good pain in the ass kind, which no alpha would have ever made, and now this comment of his that betrayed he knew what a cock in his ass felt like. And Palani was smart, so he must have picked up on it and…but why would he say it like this? Oh, wait, he was joking… Oh, shit, it was a joke, he hadn’t been serious.

  Enar tried to come up with something to say, but his brain failed him, and he could see Palani trying to work out why there was no response to his joke.

  Palani frowned, then his eyes widened. “Oh, fuck…” he said slowly. “You do. You’re…”

  Enar closed his eyes as he pulled out. Embarrassing didn’t even begin to cover how his emotions. He should’ve made a joke of it, but now this stubborn beta had spotted what no one before him ever had. This was such a fucking nightmare.

  Palani turned to sit on the bed. “Enar, I’m…”

  The regret in his voice was easy to spot, but it only made it worse. “Forget about it,” Enar snapped, interrupting the apology that was coming.

  He tore off the condom and got dressed, Palani watching his every move. He walked out without saying a word, closer to tears than he’d ever admit to anyone.


  He’d fucked it up all over again with his stupid outburst. What the fuck had he been thinking, railing against Lidon like that? Vieno buried his head in his hands. That was the death of the plan of Lidon marrying him, let alone claiming him. He was such an idiot.

  “You’re right.”

  Wait, what?

  Vieno slowly raised his head and found Lidon studying him with a serious expression. “Excuse me?”

  “You’re right. You should think it over, and it wasn’t fair of me to present it as an easy choice for you. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re…” Vieno shook his head, wanting to make sure he understood. “You’re apologizing to me?”

  “That’s the usual practice when someone is wrong, no?”

  “But, but you’re an alpha,” Vieno sputtered. He’d never encountered an alpha who admitted to being wrong. Hell, he didn’t think he’d ever even heard his father utter the word sorry, unless it was about someone else.

  “That doesn’t mean I’m always right.”

  It started to sink in that Lidon was different. “It's not news to me alphas aren’t always right, but I didn’t think you were aware of that truth.”

  Lidon lips curved. “Some of us are. Anyway, take your time to make a decision.”

  “I don’t need more time. I already told you I’m okay with you alpha-claiming me.”

  Lidon frowned. “What the hell were we arguing about?”

  “You objected to the fact I took a few seconds to gather my thoughts before giving you my answer, and I alerted you to the error of your ways.”

  Lidon’s frown disappeared and he smiled. “That’s not how I remember it.”

  Vieno smiled back. “We already discovered you could be wrong, so for argument’s sake, let’s assume that could happen again?”

  “Oh, I see how it is. You’re gonna blame everything on me now, is that how this works?”

  Vieno blinked, a smile playing on his lips. “I’m sure your broad alpha shoulders can handle that, rather than my puny omega body.”

  “Sweetheart, there is nothing puny about your body.” Lidon gave Vieno an appreciative, slow once-over, cocking his head once his gaze fell on his ass.

  “Yeah, my butt is ginormous,” Vieno sighed. No matter what exercises he did, he could never seem to get rid of the extra…storage on his ass.

  Lidon yanked him forward, and he landed face down on his legs, his butt sticking up in the air. Lidon’s big hand came down on it with a soft slap, before administering one to his other cheek as well. “Don’t insult my favorite part of your body. Your ass is a fucking work of art, sweetheart, a masterpiece worthy of admiration and worship.”

  Vieno giggled. “You want to worship my ass?”

  Instead of a slap, that big hand was now rubbing his cheeks in circles, the fingertips grazing Vieno’s hole without ever touching it. “I sure do.” Lidon’s voice had dropped lower. “I could put my mark on your butt.”

  “That would mean I’d have to drop my pants every time someone needed to see it,” Vieno pointed out helpfully.

  “Mm, right, no way. This ass is mine…or it will be.”

  It was an expression, but Vieno was once again reminded that if he went through with this, his ass would literally belong to Lidon. His ass and the rest of his body. He’d become his property according to the law. That realization was unsettling, and yet his omega seemed to take no issue with it. It had fucked things up royally before, so he was done trusting his instincts or whatever the fuck Lidon wanted to call it. He’d rather use his brain.

  He was upended and placed on Lidon’s lap, the man’s hard cock dangerously close to Vieno’s ass. “Do you object to me saying shit like that?” Lidon asked.

  Apparently, he’d picked up on Vieno’s hesitant reaction. “I'm not sure,” he said.

  “Will you call me out on it if I say something that offends you?”

  Vieno shook his head. “You say the
weirdest things. Me, calling you out? In what universe will that end well?”

  “In ours,” Lidon said firmly. “I have a lot to learn about how to treat omegas as equals, I’ve discovered. You need to correct me if I say something hurtful or wrong.”

  “I’m not sure I could,” Vieno confessed. “The idea of correcting you is a little…out there, you know?”

  “Would you do it to Palani?”

  “Of course, but he’s…” How did he explain this in a way that made sense without reinforcing once again what Palani was to him? “He’s a beta and I’ve known him all my life…and he doesn’t have the power over me that you do. Or will.”

  “Fair enough,” Lidon admitted. “Can you at least try to keep it in the back of your head?”

  Vieno nodded.

  “Okay,” Lidon said. “I hate to ask this, but do you know how alpha-claiming works?”

  Vieno blushed, his cheeks burning. “Yes. You…mark me while we…are intimate.”

  Lidon smiled as he took his hand, holding it with a tender gesture. “I think what you meant to say is that I bite you while I’m inside you, with at least one other alpha watching as a witness.”

  Vieno's cheeks grew even hotter. “Yes…”

  “Enar already saw us, sweetheart. Besides, he’s a doctor. He’s seen it all, pretty much.”

  “I know, but it’s still embarrassing as fuck. Not that I’m embarrassed about the claiming, or belonging with you…”

  “I understand. But with your permission, I’d like to get Enar in here so we can get this show on the road. Is that okay with you?”

  Vieno had to appreciate the effort Lidon took in getting his consent about this, especially after their clash from minutes ago. He took a fortifying breath. “Yes. Does…does Palani need to watch?”

  Lidon kissed the knuckles of Vieno’s right hand he was still holding. “Do you want him to?”

  “I don’t know. Selfishly, yes, but would it be fair to him?”

  Vieno bit his lip but let go when Lidon’s eyes trailed to his mouth.

  “I’ll ask him, okay? And I’ll make sure to be neutral about it so he has a choice.”

  He kissed Vieno’s hand again, then let go. He rose from the bed, his magnificent body so graceful and strong. “Aren’t you gonna put on any clothes?” Vieno asked.

  Lidon grinned. “They’re about to watch us fuck…and they saw pretty much everything last time. I don’t think clothes will offer much extra, do you?”

  Vieno's face heated up all over again. “I guess not,” he mumbled.

  It didn’t take long before Lidon walked back in, Enar following him. Vieno looked past him, craning his neck. He was almost ready to give up on the notion of Palani joining them, when his lover walked in, his head down and his hands stuffed in his pockets. He didn’t look up until he was next to the bed. Vieno sat there as their eyes met, his insides all twisted with joy and nausea and guilt and fear.

  For two breathless seconds, they looked at each other until Palani offered a hint of a smile. “You’re doing the right thing,” he said, his voice only wavering a little and his brown eyes so full of acceptance. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Tears sprung in Vieno’s eyes. “Thank you. And thank you for being here, right now.”

  “I will always be there when you need me, always.”

  Vieno half expected Lidon to step in and cut this short, but he didn’t. He seemed content to wait and watch, and Vieno was grateful he was afforded this opportunity for closure at least. He sent Palani one last look, then turned his head to face Lidon. “I’m ready.”

  Lidon’s smile was sweeter than he had expected, more tender. He lowered his long, hard body on the bed and positioned himself on his back, his cock sticking out, still rigid. “Ride me, sweetheart,” he said.

  A strange sense of calm rolled over Vieno, taking away his nerves. This was the right thing to do, it really was. His omega might be a slut, but he would not steer him so wrong. “Yes, alpha,” he answered, then positioned himself above Lidon.

  He loved that Lidon stayed on his back, giving Vieno every opportunity to change his mind…and to do things at his own pace. He reached backward to grab the alpha’s hefty cock and lifted it up, wriggling down until it pressed against his entrance, which was still slick and ready. One second he hesitated, and then his omega decided for him, moving downward on that fat cock, taking it in inch by inch, until he was resting with his ass on Lidon.

  As soon as he was, Lidon sat up, stabilizing Vieno with both hands, shifting until he’d found a comfortable position. With one finger, he tipped Vieno’s chin until their eyes met. The calm steadiness in Lidon’s brown eyes took away the last slivers of doubt and Vieno smiled at him.

  “Yes, alpha,” he answered the unspoken question.

  Lidon smiled back. “Do you accept my alpha as your mate for life, sealing our unbreakable bond as long as we both shall live?” he asked, his voice deep and steady.

  “Yes, alpha.” Vieno calmed himself, not wanting his voice to crack in this important moment. “Do you accept my omega as your mate for life, sealing our unbreakable bond as long as we both shall live?”

  “Yes, omega.”

  Lidon cupped his cheek. “Do I have your permission to claim you?”

  This wasn’t in the official ceremony, but it made Vieno’s heart sing. “Yes, Lidon. Please.”

  Lidon kissed him on his lips, an almost chaste kiss after everything they’d done already. Then both his hands held Vieno’s shoulders, pushing him down so their union was absolutely complete. Lidon threw his head back and closed his eyes, his lips peeled back, as he let out a roar that Vieno felt everywhere in his body and soul. This was his man, his alpha, a piece of him.

  The next thing he knew, Lidon came at him and his teeth sunk down in Vieno’s shoulder. Vieno was too shocked to even feel pain, and then Lidon licked the spot he’d just bitten and Vieno got dizzy.

  “It’s time to leave,” he vaguely heard Enar tell Palani, but he was too out of it to even react.

  Lidon’s strong arms held him as he rolled them over so Vieno as on his back, then folded his legs double. “I need to…” Lidon grunted, then growled as he slammed in deep again.

  “God, yes. Harder,” Vieno said.

  “Mine,” Lidon said, thrusting deep again. “You’re mine.”

  “Yours,” Vieno affirmed, strangely comforted by that realization. “Yours forever.”

  Lidon had figured that after him alpha-claiming Vieno in front of Enar and Palani, the biggest hurdle would be behind them. After their vigorous lovemaking, Vieno had slept peacefully in his arms, exhausted from all the emotional upheaval. They’d woken up at the same time and after a slight awkwardness, Vieno had allowed Lidon to shower first.

  Lidon walked into the kitchen, smelling fresh and his hair still damp, to find Palani cooking massive amounts of scrambled eggs and bacon. “Morning,” Lidon said friendly.

  Palani’s head shot up. “Morning.” He quickly refocused on what he was doing and Lidon let him. Hell, he had no idea how to navigate the four of them either. He’d smelled Palani all over Enar the previous night when he’d asked them to join him and Vieno for the alpha-claiming. They’d had sex, that much was clear, though he’d also spotted the awkwardness and tension between them, so something must have happened. Not that he was gonna bring that up. It was already complicated enough.

  “Vieno’s in the shower,” he supplied.

  Palani nodded. “I could hear the water running.”

  Enar came walking into the kitchen as well, still buttoning his shirt. “Morning,” he repeated the ritual Lidon and Palani had just been through. Lidon studied his friend as he sought Palani’s eyes until the beta acknowledged him.

  “Morning, Enar.”

  Just then, Palani walked over to the fridge and Lidon’s eyes narrowed. The beta’s movements were stiff, as if he… Oh. Right. It had been a while for him if he’d been with Vieno all that time. And while Enar’s lengt
h was shorter than Lidon’s, he had about the same girth, so Palani was feeling it this morning.

  “You okay?” Enar asked softly. He must have spotted the slight wince as well.

  “I’m fine,” was the curt answer.

  “We both know that’s a lie, but I’ll let it slide for now.”

  “You’ll let it slide? Why, thank you for your grace, alpha.”

  The sarcasm was strong with this one and Lidon suppressed a chuckle. Enar would have his hands full with him.

  “You ought to know better than to rile up an alpha,” Enar chided Palani.

  “What, you guys all come equipped without a sense of humor?” Palani shot right back.

  The door to Vieno’s bedroom opened, and he walked into the kitchen, his eyes trained at the floor until he reached Palani. Then he looked up and his face broke open in one of those sweet smiles that made Lidon’s insides go gooey. Except the smile wasn’t aimed at him, but at Palani. And Palani smiled right back before leaning in toward Vieno, his lips puckering.

  Lidon was waiting for his alpha to demonstrate protest, but before he could even say anything Enar’s hand shot out to forcefully yank Palani back. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Enar snapped at Palani, their faces inches apart.

  All color drained from Palani’s face, while Vieno stood nailed to his spot, his mouth open in shock. Lidon frowned. Why was his alpha not demanding he showed his claim? He was jealous, but his alpha was merely…confused. Still, he needed to show Palani Vieno was now his.

  “Vieno,” he said, fighting to leave the alpha compulsion out of his voice.

  Vieno walked over instantly, wringing his hands. “He wasn’t thinking,” he blurted. “It’s a habit. I didn’t…I wouldn’t have…”

  “Can I hold you for a sec?”

  Vieno stepped into his embrace, and Lidon’s jealousy quieted down at the touch and scent of his mate. His hands came around him possessively, touching his hair, his back, that luscious ass. He breathed him in deeply, his alpha’s anger and jealousy disappearing as fast as it had flared up. “Thank you. I needed to connect with you, touch you.”


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