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Seraphim Academy 3: Fallen Kings

Page 17

by Briggs, Elizabeth;

  “Open your mouth,” Marcus says, and I realize I’ve neglected him. I need my third Prince too.

  His hard length slips between my lips and slides deep inside, just as Callan thrusts hard from behind. It sends Bastien deeper in me too, and all I can do is hold onto his shoulders as they work me into a frenzy of pleasure.

  Moaning, I lose myself in the moment. All I can do is ride out the intense orgasm while Marcus holds my head and flexes his hips, moving in and out of my lips. I can’t help the moans and cries, and he seems to like them. He throws his head back and pumps into my mouth, in time with the other two men who work me in tandem. I give up trying to move with them and just let them use me. Except it’s really me who’s using them, draining their sexual energy and life force to make myself stronger. I take it all and still want more, and then I’m coming again. The pleasure only gets more intense, almost painful, as it makes my body tighten up around my men. They’re close too. I can feel it.

  Marcus pulls out of my mouth, allowing me to focus on the other two guys. Bastien grips my hips and thrusts up into me harder, while Callan slows his own movements. I capture Bastien’s mouth with my own as his orgasm fills me.

  As soon as Bastien finishes, Callan grabs my hips and pulls me back against him, spreading my legs wide. Bastien moves off the couch, and Marcus takes his place. His cock enters me easily and his mouth devours mine while Callan pumps into my ass hard and kneads my breasts roughly. Marcus’s fingers slip down and find my clit, teasing it in the way he knows always drives me wild.

  “I want to feel you come around my cock,” he says, as he thrusts into me faster.

  I’m squeezed between Callan and Marcus, their muscular bodies pressing tight against me, and it’s too good. I let out a loud cry as my third orgasm bursts out of me. Callan rocks into me with abandon from behind, and his cock surges as he spills himself inside me. Marcus joins us a second later, kissing me hard as he rides out the intense pleasure.

  We collapse against each other on the couch in a naked, sweaty heap, while Bastien drops to the floor and rests against my legs, his head on my lap. I stroke and kiss all of them, feeling such warmth and affection for my three Princes. Once my enemies, now my saviors.

  “Thank you,” I say, once I can finally speak. “That was incredible. I’ve never felt anything like it. And I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to move again.”

  Marcus grins. “Good work, guys. We managed to out-fuck the succubus.”

  “Don’t tell Callan,” Bastien says. “His ego is big enough as it is.”

  Callan folds his muscular arms behind his head. “Egos are like cocks. Girls like ‘em big.”

  I grab a pink sparkly pillow and hit Callan with it, and we all laugh. We start getting dressed, as we continue to tease each other, and I feel a strong bond between the four of us. I had no idea how much we needed a moment like this. All of us together, united…like a family.

  It feels right.

  And tomorrow we’ll destroy the Staff. We’ll go after the Order next. Everything is going to work out.

  Just as I’ve finished donning my clothes, bright lights flash on the balcony. Half a dozen angels land on it, all wielding weapons and wearing armor. Uriel lands in front of them and stalks toward us, a look of grim determination on his face. Another angel lands beside him with light blond hair, and it takes me a second to place him. Zadkiel. Tanwen’s father, and the newest member of the Archangel Council.

  “The four of you are under arrest for the theft and concealment of the Staff of Eternity,” Uriel’s voice booms out, as the other angels rush us. His eyes focus on Bastien and he shakes his head. “My own son.”

  “Father?” Bastien asks, sounding as confused as I feel.

  None of us get to say anything else as the angels grab us. I start to fight them off, but my body freezes up. There’s some power holding me in place, and I can’t move my limbs. The angels slap a silver cuff around my wrist and I try to throw out seduction at them, but nothing happens. On either side of me, Callan, Bastien, and Marcus are taken captive too, while Zadkiel and Uriel watch with solemn expressions.

  I scream and try to look back at my men as I’m hauled away, before everything goes black.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  My eyes fly open and I jump up, prepared to fight off the guards arresting us. When my brain catches up with my eyes, I realize I’m in a small, stone room. Whirling in a circle, anxiety floods me and makes my heart race. There’s no door in the room. No window either. Just four stone walls, a stone floor, and a stone ceiling that’s not much taller than I am. The only things inside the room are a toilet on one wall and a bed that’s more of a wooden shelf with a thin mattress over it.

  Where the hell am I?

  “Hello?” I call out.

  No one answers.

  My wrists are encased in those silvery cuffs the guards slapped on me. They look perfectly seamless, except for a spot where chains can be added. I’m wearing different clothes too. Not that I was wearing much when Uriel arrived—that asshole—but I was definitely not wearing this scratchy, uncomfortable shirt and pants that are somewhere between a dark blue and purple. Indigo maybe? Whatever. The shirt is too tight in the boobs and too big everywhere else, and the pants are way too long yet narrow around my hips.

  The worst part is that someone put these on me while I was unconscious. They took off my other clothes. Touched me while I was naked. And then dressed me in this drab uniform.

  I’ve never felt so violated.

  To add insult to injury, they took my necklace from Callan too. I have nothing at all connecting me to my previous life.

  I sit on the edge of the bed as the intense silence presses around me. I’m not claustrophobic, but this small, soundless room is almost unbearable. So is the despair at the realization that I’m being held prisoner. Are the Princes here also? They must be. Unless they’re dead, but I refuse to consider that possibility. I can’t believe Uriel would let that happen, but then again, I never thought he would betray us either.

  I pull my legs up and bury my face in my knees. If I keep my eyes shut, I can pretend I’m somewhere else. Anywhere else.

  Eventually I roll onto my side on the uncomfortable mattress and curl in a ball, willing myself to sleep. It doesn’t work. My brain just replays everything that happened as I try to piece together Uriel’s actions. We didn’t tell him about the Staff, but he knew we were trying to stop the Order and get the Staff. How could he do this to us?

  After several lifetimes pass, I hear something. I open my eyes in time to see a door appear in the opposite wall like a shimmering illusion. It opens, and a woman in a black guard uniform snaps, “Lunch time.” She stands beside the open doorway and stares at me while I try to process what’s happening. “Move!” she shouts.

  I quickly stand up, but my legs wobble a little. As my head stops spinning, I try to access my powers to go invisible, blink out the door, or slam lust into her.

  Nothing. This place is a total dead zone.

  “Trying to use your powers on me?” the guard asks with a cruel laugh. She has mean little brown eyes and blond hair cropped close to her head. “Everyone does that when they get to Penumbra Prison. The cuffs block your magic, and there’s no way to get them off. Don’t even bother trying.”

  Penumbra Prison. The supernatural prison that houses fae, demons, and angels alike. During this year’s Angelic History course, Bastien explained how it’s ruled over by an independent council with members of the three races, and none of them are Archangels, Archdemons, or members of the High Court of Faerie. They have utmost control over the prison, superseding Azrael, Lucifer, and even High King Oberon.

  Which means no one is coming for us.

  The guard leads me out into the hall, where two more female guards wait. None of them have weapons of any sort. I guess if they did, I’d try to take them. As it is, I don’t think I can fight three of them without a weapon and no magic. Damn.

  A door appears at the end of the hall out of nowhere. “How?” I ask. I can’t seem to form coherent sentences. I’m still in shock, I guess.

  “We’re going to the cafeteria, so a door to the cafeteria appears,” one of the other guards says with a shrug. It must be some kind of fae magic, because I’ve never heard of such a thing.

  Before we enter the room, she holds a hand out in front of me. “Any signs of collusion or rebellion between you and the other prisoners, and you’ll be taking your meals in your room. Understand?”

  I nod as I drag my feet forward through the magic door. I can’t tell if I’m hungry or not, but I know I should eat so I can keep my strength up.

  I step into a large drab space with long tables with empty plates on them. As I step forward, trying to figure out what to do, more doors open, and dozens of women walk through, all wearing the same indigo uniform. They look haggard and desperate as they make a beeline for the tables and sit in front of the trays.

  I spot a familiar purple streak in the crowd and my heart leaps. Araceli’s moving toward someone with hunter green hair and another with straw-colored hair in a braid. I rush forward and they all spot me at the same moment, their faces as relieved as mine must be. Araceli hugs me tight, while Eveanna and Tanwen move in for a kiss, when a guard yells, “No touching!”

  We quickly break apart. We’ll have to be quiet and selective with what we say, but at least we’re together for a little while. We sit at the end of an empty table, and a few women sit at the other end, leaving several seats between us.

  As soon as we sit down, food begins appearing on the plates. It’s the same meal on every one—chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes—but it doesn’t look too bad. I grab the plastic cup first, gulping down the water. When I set the cup down, it refills. It’s a small cup, so I let it refill three times before I slow down.

  “Looks like they don’t mean to starve us to death,” Araceli says.

  “We must assume they’re not intending to poison us,” Eveanna says as she picks at her food.

  I grab my fork and stare at the food. Starving myself won’t do us any good. And who knows? This may be our only meal today. I shove a green bean in my mouth.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I finally ask.

  “Uriel and my dad came and arrested us,” Tanwen says with a scowl. “I assume the same thing happened to you?”

  “Yeah.” I sigh and take another long sip of water. “I’m happy to see you and to know I’m not alone in this awful place, although I was hoping you were out there coming up with a plan to rescue me.”

  “Do you think the guys are locked up on the men’s side?” Araceli asks.

  I nod. “Callan, Bastien, and Marcus were arrested with me. I don’t know about Jonah or Kassiel. Maybe they escaped.”

  “Jonah was with me,” Araceli says, her cheeks turning red. “Nothing happened though. I was hoping it would, but then we were interrupted by the guards.”

  “Tanwen and I were together as well,” Eveanna says in her matter-of-fact way. “Uriel and Zadkiel took the Staff.”

  I’d been holding onto some hope that the Staff remained hidden, but now cold dread grips my stomach. “We have to assume they’re working for the Order.”

  Tanwen slams her fist on the table. “I can’t believe my dad would do something like this. Uriel maybe. He’s a cold bastard, but my dad? No.”

  Eveanna reaches over and lightly rests her hand over Tanwen’s in a show of sympathy. A mean-looking female guard walks by us and glares, and they jerk apart. I stuff some potatoes into my mouth. The others do the same. No colluding here, nope, no way. The guard carries on and we all relax again.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell Tanwen, once the guard is out of range. “None of this makes any sense. Uriel turned on his own son too. He betrayed all of us.”

  A woman at the table behind us starts cackling loudly. Our heads swivel to look at her, and we see she’s staring right at us. “You made a big mistake, trusting that one.”

  I have no idea who this woman is, and she looks a bit mad, with long, wild brown hair, but I get the sense she knows something. “What do you mean?”

  “Lunch time is over,” a guard calls out. “Everyone back to your cells.”

  The food in front of us vanishes and the other women stand up and shuffle away. I barely touched my food and now it’s gone. We’ll have to eat faster next time.

  The guards circle us and hustle us back to the open doors, and I let them take me away, after telling my friends, “I’ll see you again soon. We will get through this.”

  Then I’m shoved into the door by the guard and taken back to my cell. As I sink down on my mattress, I think of that woman at the end. I only got a quick look at her, but something about her seemed familiar. She obviously knows something about Uriel.

  I have to find her again.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  After a few hours pacing my prison cell, I can't take the silence anymore, and begin to hum. It’s bad enough being in here by myself, but I can’t stop thinking about Liv and how she screamed as the guards dragged her away. Is she in prison too? Or have the Order taken her and the Staff? Are they now torturing her like they did Kassiel to make her use it?

  When my throat is dry and ears pounding, I stretch out on the cot with my eyes closed. I have to stop humming, so I tap the wall beside the bed to create noise in the space. Anything to distract me from my thoughts.

  Then I begin to count. One, one hundred, two, one hundred, three, one hundred.

  By the time I hear something and scramble into a sitting position on the hard bed, I'm up to a million and something. A magical door opens up and a burly guard comes inside and grabs my arms, then drags me through it.

  He lets me go and shoves me forward, past another group of scowling guards, and I walk through another doorway that leads outside, into a yard with grass and a few benches surrounded by a very tall chain-link fence. There are three other yards around us, forming a square, each divided by the same fence with about twenty prisoners in each one. All men.

  I immediately spot Callan and Bastien standing together in the yard next to mine, and I rush to the fence. I reach out to grab it so I can talk to them through it, and I’m hit with a large bolt of electricity that would probably have killed a human. I fall on my ass and can’t move for a minute, then a hand reaches down to help me up. Jonah’s hand.

  I shake off the buzz, my hair sizzling a little. “Jonah! They got you too?”

  “Yeah, me and Araceli.” He glances at the other Princes. “Was Liv with you guys?”

  “She was, yeah.” My chest hurts at the reminder of Liv. “I don’t know if she’s here or what.”

  “If she is, she would be on the women’s side,” Bastien says, his voice way too calm considering the situation we’re in.

  “Where are we exactly?” Jonah asks him.

  “Penumbra Prison.”

  “Shit,” Callan says under his breath.

  I know what he means. Not even our parents can get us out of here, and no one has escaped before. We’re fucking doomed.

  “Hey, things could be worse,” I try to find the upside in this situation because that’s what I do, even though things seem hopeless. “We’re not dead, and things don’t seem too bad here. Sure, it’s not like we’re at a five-star hotel, but at least we’re not being starved or beaten.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Callan grumbles and rolls his shoulders.

  I furrow my brow at him. “What do you mean? Did they beat you?”

  He ducks his head. “I might’ve decided to test them when they brought me here. They got a few good hits in.”

  “That’s not smart,” Bastien advises. “Don’t bring violence into play unless you think you can win.”

  He shoots him a look. “I think I can win.”

  “He always thinks he can win,” Jonah adds.

  “Marcus!” A familiar voice calls out. “Jonah!” />
  We turn to see Kassiel walking toward the fence in the next yard over. We move to the corners of our squares, where it forms a cross in the center, allowing all of us to talk.

  “What are you doing here?” Callan asks, but it doesn’t sound hostile.

  Kassiel looks so different with his hair mussed up and his ever-present suit replaced by a prison uniform. “After I made sure Lilith and Lena were safe, I flew back to Seraphim Academy to help you destroy the Staff. Uriel and Zadkiel got me the second I crossed the school grounds.”

  “Shit,” Jonah says. “We have to assume they got all of us then. Including Tanwen and Eveanna.”

  “And the Staff,” I mutter. “The Order must have it now.”

  “Are we sure Uriel is working for the Order?” Kassiel asks.

  “He must be,” Bastien says, his voice cold.

  “That fucker betrayed us and locked us up,” Callan snaps. “It seems pretty damn clear to me he’s not on our side.”

  Jonah gives him a sharp look. “Hey, that’s still Bastien’s dad.”

  “Which is why he should be the angriest one of all of us.”

  “I’m angry,” Bastien says in a level tone. “But I’d rather focus on a solution, not the problem.”

  Callan’s hands tighten into fists. “I’d rather pound your dad’s face in.”

  “If we ever get out of here, I might let you.”

  I kick at the grass in front of me. “Do you think Olivia is in here too?”

  “Hard to say,” Kassiel says. “They might have taken her somewhere else if their plan is to use her.”

  I sigh. “That’s my fear.”

  Jonah starts to reach for the fence, then thinks better of it. “We have to find a way out of here. There’s no fence above us. Can we fly out?”

  “I tried, but the cuffs block us from accessing our wings too,” Kassiel says.

  Bastien shakes his head. “There’s no escaping Penumbra Prison.”


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