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Seraphim Academy 3: Fallen Kings

Page 25

by Briggs, Elizabeth;

  And Azrael? He’s locked up in Penumbra Prison, where he belongs, along with Grace, Simiel, and everyone else we caught who was working for the Order. A few people they let off the hook, due to them being coerced or scared for their lives, but the rest were imprisoned with Azrael.

  Gabriel gives us a thumbs up and I’m starting to wonder if he’s a sitcom dad instead of an Archangel. Actually, not just an Archangel. The new leader of the Archangel Council. Like he should have been all along.

  Mom yanks his hand down with a laugh, and I sense lust and more between them. They’re not together yet, but I have a feeling it won’t be long. I just don’t know if he can handle her succubus lifestyle. I’m so lucky I found four men who can.

  Uriel drones on about unity and togetherness and how hard they all fought to overcome tyranny and ensure peace. It’s tough not to roll my eyes. The Archangels spent hundreds of years dealing with Azrael. I came onto the scene and took care of it all within three years.

  Bitches get shit done.

  “It is with regret that I announce I’ll be stepping down as headmaster from this point forward,” Uriel says, making many in the crowd gasp. Most of the students and parents are in the dark about the battle and the real stakes of what happened here. They know Azrael tried to use the Staff, that he murdered Michael and tried to kill Callan and me, and that the school was half-destroyed. What they don’t know is how the entire Archangel Council was complacent in Azrael’s actions for years. They let the Order torture, blackmail, and even murder people—including students at this very school—to further their cause. There’s no way Uriel can continue as headmaster now that those things are starting to come to light. Besides, I think the guilt of it all finally got to him.

  “In my place, the newly appointed Archangel Raziel will be headmaster of Seraphim Academy,” Uriel continues. “We look forward to many years of prosperity under his tutelage.”

  Professor Raziel waves at the crowd, then looks surprised by the raucous applause. I don’t think he has any clue how much he’s loved by the students, both current and former. He flushes a cute pink and adjusts his bowtie, which has dinosaurs on it. I hope he never stops wearing those.

  “Now we request a moment of silence as we honor those we lost this year in our battle for peace.” Uriel steps aside, and the screen behind him comes to life. Faces flash on the screen, with names and other information below. The first is a Valkyrie I recognize from Combat Training and my throat clenches up. The next two I don’t know, but the fourth one is Jeremy and I have to look away.

  I did that. I killed him. In self-defense, but still. Maybe he deserved it for all the things he said and did, and maybe he didn’t. Either way, I’m going to have to live with his blood on my hands for the rest of my life. I’ve come to terms with that.

  The video continues, showing more students and professors who fought on either side of the battle. Then Hilda’s face fills the screen, while harp music plays, and a tear rolls down my cheek. Her death still hits me hard every time I think about it. She taught me so much and never once treated me unkindly because of what I am, even though she once cut down demons on the battlefield with glee. She’s proof that even though we were enemies in the past, we don’t have to continue that way now.

  Callan rises to his feet and climbs up to the podium. “Hilda of the Valkyries was an inspiration to us all. She was a former member of the angelic army, known for her fearlessness in battle, but she retired when Uriel opened the school to become a Professor here. She taught many of the people sitting here now not just to fight and defend, but to have confidence in oneself.” He bows his head, the grief getting to him for a moment before he continues. “Many of you have been touched by her legacy and now mourn her passing, as I do. The one consolation is that Hilda died in battle, as all Valkyries should, protecting the people she cared about most—her students. Thanks to her brave sacrifice, countless lives were saved that day.”

  Professor Rosie, who stands off to the side of the stage, waves a hand, removing invisibility from around a glass box with Hilda’s Valkyrie armor inside. It hasn’t been cleaned. The huge scorch mark from the blow that killed her is still on the front. From my angle, I can see it goes right through the amazing armor.

  Callan looks at the armor with a grave face, before turning back to the mic. “The gym was heavily damaged in the battle, and the Valkyrie families have generously donated the repair funds. This armor will stand at the entrance, and the building will be renamed the Hilda Memorial Gymnasium.”

  Many people jump to their feet and applaud as Callan steps back. On my left, Tanwen subtly dabs at her eyes, and I wrap an arm around her. “Hilda would be honored,” I whisper. She nods and leans against me as the graduation ceremony continues.

  Finally, Uriel starts the proceedings of handshakes and name announcements. When it’s my turn, black and white confetti suddenly falls onto the stage all around me, like it’s pouring from the dark clouds above us. I shoot a look at the guys, who laugh and cheer. I don’t know how they did it, but I know it was them.

  And then, just like that, I’m a graduate of the Seraphim Academy.

  * * *

  It’s our last night in the bell tower, aka the Princess Lounge, and it’s packed. For our graduation party we invited all our friends, family, and the remaining members of the Archangel council, plus any students and professors who fought on our side. Lilith and Gabriel insisted on organizing the event, trying to outdo each other the entire time, which is why we have angels in gleaming armor and Lilim in skimpy outfits handing out hors d’oeuvres and champagne. It’s like the perfect mishmash of my two sides and I love it.

  Angels and demons alike move across the small dancefloor or mingle on the sides with each other, and I feel like I’m seeing a vision of the future. That’s my hope anyway.

  I find Jonah and Araceli sitting practically on top of each other on a couch in the corner, and I squeeze my way between them like the super annoying best friend and sister I am.

  “What are you two doing over here, hmm?” I ask, as if I didn’t already know.

  Araceli laughs. “Nothing.”

  “Only because our parents are here,” Jonah says with a smirk.

  I love seeing the two of them together and how their relationship has blossomed over the last few months. But it’s bittersweet too, because of what they’ve decided to do after graduation.

  I drape my arms across both of their shoulders. “I’m going to miss you both so much.”

  Araceli rests her head against mine. “We’ll come back as often as we can, I promise.”

  Araceli and Jonah have decided to go to Faerie, both so she can learn more about her heritage, and so they can try to improve relations with the fae. It’s dangerous, but they’re determined to try.

  I think Jonah just misses it there.

  Jonah nudges me. “Besides, you’ll be too busy to hang out with us while hunting down the Order, right?”

  “That’s the plan.” Dad offered me a job in his spy network, but I turned it down. I love him, but his deception hit me hard, and it’ll take a while before that relationship is repaired. Uriel also wanted me to stay on at Seraphim Academy in some way, but I declined that too. I need some space from the school for a while.

  When Callan pitched the idea of a taskforce to unmask the remaining members of the Order, I jumped on the idea. Marcus did too, claiming someone needs to make sure Callan doesn’t get himself killed again. We know there are still members of the Order out there, lurking in the shadows, probably plotting a way to break Azrael out of prison. The three of us will track them down and dismantle the secret society, freeing those people still being blackmailed and living in fear of them.

  As we chat about Jonah and Araceli’s plans in Faerie, Tanwen and Eveanna squeeze onto the couch with us. “Nice party,” Tanwen says. “I’m going to miss this place though.”

  “You sure you don’t want to come with us?” Jonah asks. “We could use your expertise.�

  Eveanna shakes her head. “I’ve decided not to return to Faerie, even though my banishment has ended. The High King has brought dishonor to our people, and I can no longer work for him.” She turns and tilts her head at Tanwen. “Besides, I’d like to watch more movies and eat more popcorn.”

  “I think we can manage that,” Tanwen says, before giving her a quick kiss. Then she turns back to Jonah. “We may be traveling a lot here on Earth anyway. We’ve both been asked to be on the new Duskhunter initiative Gabriel is putting together. I want to take them down after what they did to my mother, and to Ekariel and Lena.”

  “The task force is lucky to have you both,” I say.

  As a slow song starts to play, Kassiel makes his way through the crowd and offers me his hand. “Can I steal you away for a dance?”

  I slip my hand into his. “Yes, although I’m not very good at it.”

  “Not yet,” Kassiel says, as he lifts me to my feet and pulls me into his arms. “But we have an eternity for me to teach you. Assuming you don’t get bored of us before then.”

  “Never.” I kiss him as he sweeps me onto the dance floor. My succubus grace keeps me from making too big a fool of myself as we move, but I honestly don’t care anyway. I’m having too much fun just being in his arms.

  “What class have you decided to teach next year?” I ask him, as we sway together.

  “Raziel thought I should take over Demon Studies.”

  “That makes sense. Either way, you’re a great teacher. Those students are lucky to have you.”

  He raises a shoulder in a casual shrug. “Perhaps. Some students will be upset about me being there, along with their parents, but if we want change, we have to create it.”

  “It will help angel-demon relations to have you teaching there openly. I heard they’re adding an angel teacher at Hellspawn Academy too.”

  “Now all we need is to get the fae onboard,” he says with a grin.

  I shake my head. “It might be some time before that happens.”

  When the song is over, Kassiel leads me over to Bastien, who’s been watching us from the sidelines while sipping some whiskey.

  “Care to dance?” I ask him.

  Bastien gives me a cold look. “You know I don’t dance.”

  “Well, I had to try.” I wrap my arms around him anyway, and he squeezes me close. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “You’ve lived your entire life at Seraphim Academy. Uriel groomed you to be the next headmaster. Now Raziel’s taking that job.”

  “I don’t mind. I’m not ready for that position. I need a few more decades of experience first. Centuries, perhaps.” He picks up a strand of my hair and wraps it around his finger. “Right now, I want to focus on my mother’s recovery. Besides, I like teaching. I’m happy to continue as the Angelic Histories teacher for some time.”

  I run my hand along his chest. “It suits you.”

  Marcus comes up behind me and nuzzles at my neck. “I miss you. When are you moving back into the house?”

  “Tomorrow, along with Kassiel.”

  “Good,” Bastien says. He’s been living there ever since we returned from the prison. After the battle, he got all his things from Uriel’s house, and never returned.

  I turn to face Marcus and move into his arms. “Are you sure there’s enough room in the house for all of us?”

  “I’m sure. If not, we’ll find a bigger house.” He grins at me. “None of us want to be apart from you.”

  “It does please me when you’re all close,” I say, as I play with the collar of his shirt.

  He pulls me hard against his body and nibbles on my ear, whispering, “And we’d be very happy to please you later tonight.”

  We snuggle against each other, while Bastien looks on with amusement, and then I spot my mom moving through the crowd with Lena and Asmodeus in tow. I give Marcus and Bastien each a kiss and then head over to them.

  “Ah, there you are,” Lilith says, wrapping me in a warm embrace. “Congratulations on your graduation, my dear daughter. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Asmodeus clasps me on the shoulder with a wry grin. “Yes, you’ve done well, even if you mistakenly chose to attend the stuffy angel college instead of the fun demon one.”

  “I had my reasons. I’m going to spend some time at Hellspawn Academy though, checking out their classes and doing more research in the library. I really liked it there.”

  “It will be good for you to spend some more time among demons,” Lilith says with a smile. “We’re trying to introduce Lena to our society now, but we’re taking it slow.”

  “I really hope we can get to know each other better,” I tell Lena.

  She crosses her arms and looks away. “Whatever.”

  Lilith’s smile grows pinched. “We’re going home. I think this is a bit much for her. I love you, dear.”

  I give her a hug. “Love you too, Mom.”

  The three of them head out, and I marvel at how much my family has grown and expanded over the last few months—and not just because of my siblings. I spin and take in the room, watching the people I care about most mingle with each other.

  Callan wraps his arm around me. “Lena will be okay.”

  I reach up to grab his hand, pulling his arm closer. “Ekariel will be too.”

  He sighs. “I sure hope so.”

  “All we can do is be there for them.”

  He nods. “My mother wants to invite you for dinner.”

  I spin around to face him. “Are you sure? Jophiel actually said that?”

  The woman hates demons, and I’m pretty sure she hates me the most. First, because I tricked her into thinking I was half-human, and then because I was sleeping with her son and keeping him from fulfilling his destiny in the angelic army.

  “With Ekariel back, and then my near-death experience, she’s trying to change. Trying to be a better mom, I guess.” He touches my chin and gazes into my eyes. “I think she realized you’re going to be a big part of my life, and if she wants to be in it, then she better get over her issues with you.”

  “What does she think of your taskforce against the Order?” I ask.

  “She doesn’t love it, but she finds it slightly more tolerable than when I was an assistant professor for a year.”

  I laugh, but it’s cut short when huge shadowy wings fill the night sky. Lucifer lands on the balcony, his wings snap back, and he strolls forward wearing an impeccable black suit, looking like a model on a runway. He adjusts his tie as the crowd parts, both angels and demons alike staring at him with awe and fear. He gives them each a charming smile and a little nod, as he makes his way over to us.

  “Callan,” he says, offering his hand.

  Callan shakes it without hesitation. “Lucifer.”

  “I’m pleased the matter with your father has been resolved.” He inclines his head slightly at Callan, before turning to me. “Olivia, I apologize for not making it to the ceremony.”

  “That’s okay.” I never expected him to show up, honestly. Allowing a few demons to attend Seraphim Academy’s graduation was fine. Adding the leader of all demons might be pushing it.

  “I’d like to speak with you and your father alone, if that’s possible,” Lucifer says.

  “Um. Sure.” I lead him across the room toward where my Dad is talking to Professor Rosie. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, not at all.”

  He and Gabriel step aside to speak in hushed tones, and I see Dad nod a few times. Then they return and ask me to follow them. We head down the stairs and find an empty classroom, and Gabriel perches on the edge of the desk in the front like he’s a professor.

  “There’s something Lucifer and I would like to ask you,” Gabriel says.

  Lucifer adjusts his coat, even though it’s impeccable. “Yes, we’ve been discussing it for some time, and we’ve decided we need an official liaison between angels and demons. Someone who unders
tands both sides and doesn’t show any favor or bias. Someone who can dedicate their life to fostering peace between our people.”

  “We’d like you to be this person,” Gabriel says.

  My mouth hangs open as I look between the two of them. “You do?”

  Lucifer nods. “We think you’re uniquely qualified for the job.”

  “Thank you.” I press my hands to my chest, overwhelmed as a sense of rightness settles over me. This job is exactly what I wanted to do after graduation. I just didn’t know such a thing could be possible. “I would be honored. Truly.”

  “It’s settled then.” Lucifer heads to the door, but then pauses. “Oh, one more thing. I thought you’d like to know that we’re changing the law. Effective immediately, angels and demons are no longer forbidden from having relationships with one another.”

  Tears prick my eyes, but my voice fails me and all I can do is nod my thanks. This means my existence is no longer forbidden either. It also means Rhiannon can take her rightful place as the leader of the Valkyries and stop hiding her demon lover. I can’t wait to tell Tanwen.

  “Oh, and welcome to the family,” Lucifer adds. He steps through the door, leaving me alone with my dad.

  “I had a feeling you’d want the job,” Gabriel says with a warm smile.

  “It’s perfect. Thank you.” I lean on the desk next to him. “How does it feel to finally be leader of the Archangels, as you should have been all along?”

  “Good. Stressful. Overwhelming. But mostly good.” He hesitates, then wraps an arm around me. I let him. “I can finally make some real changes…for the better, I hope.”

  “You’re already off to a good start.”

  We chat for a little while longer, and then I head back up to the party. It’s later than I expected, and the place has cleared out. Lucifer has that effect on a party, I guess. All that’s left are some silver and gold decorations from the party, plus our pink pillows and a few stuffed animals from our redecoration months ago. I pick up a sparkly plastic tiara from the shelf and set it on my head, then slowly turn around the space, taking it all in for the last time. I wonder who will take over the bell tower next year in our absence.


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