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Wrong Number, Right Guy

Page 20

by Elle Casey

  “He’s hot.”

  “Very.” I smile. He is so, so, so, so cute. If I were sixteen again, I’d write his name all over my notebooks.

  “He’s willing, I assume?”

  “He’s already kissed me twice. Or did once and almost did a second time.”

  “Who stopped the second attempt?”

  “I did.”


  “Why is that good?”

  “It gives you the upper hand in his mind. Okay, so what else?”

  “I don’t know.” I’m depressed now. This is so messed up. “I can’t think straight where he’s concerned. Yes, he’s my boss, and yes, he’s here for professional reasons, and no, I don’t want to get my heart broken. That’s all I can think of.”

  “What about the sex? Have you thought about that?”

  “Not really.” My face flushes at the very idea. “I mean, I’m completely attracted to him, but every time I get near him, I get so flustered I say stupid things, and then I have to get away so I can think straight.”

  “Wow. Geez. You’ve got it bad.”

  “I know!” I whine, collapsing back onto my bed. I stare at the ceiling while Felix climbs up to lie down on my chest. “He’s smart and tough and hot and sexy, and he cooks like a professional chef, and . . .”

  “And he’s your boss.”

  I fall down to earth, crashing from my high to a very low low. “Yes. And he’s my boss.”

  “So what’s the worst thing that could happen? If you slept with him, I mean.”

  I think about it for a few seconds. “I guess we could end up not working out and then it would be awkward, and I’d have to quit my new job.”

  “And you’d be right back where you were before: no harm, no foul.”

  “But I like my new job.”

  “Sure, but I’m just saying, the worst-case scenario doesn’t make you worse off than you were before you met him.”

  “Except for the broken heart part.”

  “Meh, hearts heal. Trust me.”

  “I could also lose the respect of my coworkers.”

  “Who you don’t even really know, and once they get to know you, they’ll forgive you. Besides, maybe they’d like to see their boss in a relationship.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Everyone knows bosses who are getting laid regularly are much more reasonable.”

  “Everyone knows that?”


  “I didn’t.”

  “Well, you’re young.”

  “You’re only thirty-two!”

  “I’m wise beyond my years.”

  “Okay, so are you telling me I should have sex with him, then?”

  “I’m saying you should follow your heart, because if it doesn’t work out, you’ll be fine, and if it does work out, you’ll be finer.”

  I grin from ear to ear. “I love you, Jenny. You’re so smart.”

  She sighs. “You were going to sleep with him anyway, no matter what I said.”

  “That’s not true. I value your opinion.”

  “Yeah, but you’re hot for him. No amount of common sense is going to stop that train from running down the sexy track. Just go and get it over with. I predict you’ll be glad you did.”

  I’m suddenly filled with the urge to see Ozzie. “Okay. I’ve gotta go.”

  She laughs. “So quickly? Don’t you want to discuss the new computer program I’m working on? It’s very exciting.”

  “Sure it is.” She works for a company that makes calorie-counting applications for phones. “I’ll hear about it this weekend.”

  “We’ll be seeing you this weekend? Sure you won’t be too busy having all kinds of dirty sex with your new boyfriend?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Jen, stop! You’re putting pressure on it now!”

  “Okay, fine. I’ll stop. I love you. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “But you’re a total ho-bag.”

  “Once upon a time, I was! Have fun!” she trills before disconnecting the call.

  I sigh with happiness as I let the phone fall to my side. My sister has green-lighted this affair. My sister and The Fates have spoken. It’s time to tell Ozzie how I feel.


  I find Ozzie in my living room, hovering over his computer. He’s put a blanket that used to be on the back of my couch up over the windows. Sahara is sleeping in the hallway. Felix joins her there, taking up residence on her paws. She makes room for him to settle in, and my heart melts just a little more toward her. She is now permitted to toot in my living room.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, taking a seat near Ozzie. I pick up a magazine to show how cool and relaxed I am. He’ll never know I’m burning up inside, imagining telling him that I want his body against mine. I hate that Britney Spears is singing in my head right now.

  To distract my overly busy brain, I practice casual pickup lines in my head as I wait for his answer:

  You look hot in that shirt. Maybe you should take it off.

  Do you have a girlfriend? Do you want one?

  I was wrong, Ozzie. So wrong. Take me to bed now.

  Do you come here often?

  Sex. I want some. Rawr.

  “Nothing much,” he says, oblivious to my mania, “just checking various cameras we have set up around town.” He swivels the laptop in my direction. There are several windows open on his screen. When I recognize the houses in one of them, I point.

  “Hey! That’s our target from today!”

  “Yeah.” He makes the window bigger. “Looks like we’re getting some activity.”

  There are two cars parked outside and one just arriving. The images aren’t great quality, the individuals walking around lit by streetlights only, but they’re good enough for one thing.

  “That’s that guy!” I say, getting up so I can kneel by the computer. “Right there. That’s baldie.” I point to the screen.

  “Yes, it is,” Ozzie says, typing something out really fast on his keyboard. The image gets bigger, as if the camera on the drone is focusing.

  “Whoa,” I say. “That’s seriously cool.”

  “Not nearly as cool as what you’re about to see.” He shares a quick gleeful smile with me and then flicks over to another screen. To his right on my desk is a joystick I hadn’t noticed before, plugged into the USB slot of his computer.

  The fingers of his left hand type on the keyboard. His right hand is on the joystick. Suddenly, we’re looking at another view of the house, but this one is moving, and it’s going a lot faster than the Parrot I had in my hands today.

  I feel a little dizzy, watching from this perspective. “What’s happening?” It’s as if he’s taken the drone from the pole and moved it.

  “Another bug we have.”


  “Bugs. Electronics used to listen in on conversations and so forth.” His tone is distracted as he concentrates on what he’s doing. The bug that was heading toward the house now flies over to the side of it.

  “Where’s it going?”

  “Just watch and see.” When it reaches a dilapidated wood fence leading to the backyard, it stops. There are several people there, enjoying what looks like a barbecue. Ozzie presses one of the F-keys on his laptop, and suddenly sounds are coming out of his computer. Party sounds.

  “Oh my god! It’s a bug! Like in the movies!” I clap my hands together like a small child. When I realize I look like Sammy congratulating himself on the toilet, I stop.

  “Yeah, except this one is the real deal.” He pushes another button. “So now we record everything and analyze the data later.”

  “Can I help with that part?”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  I go a little warm inside. He’s counting on me. Cool. Hopefully, this bug will pick up something good. Assuming it doesn’t get discovered, of course. I’m not sure how it could be missed, though. I mean, I
can hear them partying it up, but that doesn’t make them blind.

  “Aren’t they going to notice a drone sitting on their fence?”

  “Not this one. It’s the size of a dragon fly and looks a lot like one.”

  “Whoa. That’s kind of spooky, actually.” I look around my room, wondering if there are any bugs hiding around here.

  He turns his head to look at me, removing his hands from the joystick and computer at the same time. “Did you want to talk to me about something a minute ago?”

  Suddenly the conversation with my sister comes flooding back, and I go from being fascinated and impressed to nervous again. “Uhhh, heh-heh . . .” Ack! My brain and my mouth have disconnected!

  “Are you okay?” Ozzie asks, frowning at my expression.

  “Yeah, sure, I’m fine.” Phew, thank goodness, the brain is back online. Now if I could just get my blood pressure to calm down I’d be stellar.

  I get to my feet and back away from him, stopping when my calves hit the edge of a chair. I sink down into it, hoping I don’t look as nervous as I feel. “Just had a chat with my sister. Thought I’d come down to see what you’re up to.” I glance at the clock. “I normally don’t go to bed until after ten.”

  “Me neither.” He leans back in the office chair, making it squeak in time with his slight rocking moves. “I guess we have a couple hours to kill.” He looks me up and down. The way he’s rocking makes it look like he’s nodding his approval.

  Whoa. Powerful stuff.

  I can’t hold his gaze. My eyes wander the room. “Yep, couple hours or so. We could watch TV.” I shrug. I’m cool. I’m casual. I can watch television with a hot guy for two hours and keep my hands to myself. I’d better pop some popcorn, though. Keep the hands busy.

  “We could.” He nods slowly. The chair has stopped moving, so I know he’s doing it on purpose this time. I think he might be holding back a smile; it’s hard to tell.

  “We could . . . play cards,” I offer.

  He stops nodding. “We could do that, or . . .”

  I shrug and my mouth opens, words spilling out. “Or we could just sleep together. Get it over with.”

  Oh my god! I just said that out loud! Help! I’m going down like a clown to Crazy Town!

  “That’s always an option,” he says just as calmly as he said we could play cards.

  What. The. Hell!

  I turn my gaze toward him and find him smiling.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” I say, a little breathless from my nerves being shattered. I’m sweating too, of course. Hopefully not enough to be noticeable.

  “How am I supposed to be looking at you right now? You just propositioned me.”

  “No, I didn’t.” I frown like he’s the crazy one and not me. I doubt it’s very convincing since I’m pretty much wearing a name tag that says, “Hello, my name is CRAZY.” I look off to the side, convinced there’s something very interesting that needs my attention on the bookshelves.

  “I might be a little rusty in this area, but I’m pretty sure you did.”

  “What area?” He has my full attention now. Is he confessing that he hasn’t had sex in a long time too? Just like me? Are we both coming off a long, dry spell?

  “The area of having women throw themselves at me.”

  I stand, outrage pouring out of my every pore. “I did no such thing! How dare you!” I’m so embarrassed! Humiliated! This is awful! My worst-case scenario was nothing this disastrous! Run away!

  He jumps up too and lunges for me, grabbing me in a bear hug before I can escape. He’s laughing, the bastard.

  “I’m just kidding!” He buries his face in my neck as I struggle to get away. “Calm down, Bo Peep, before you hurt someone.”

  “I’m going to hurt you as soon as you let me go.” The sting of his earlier tease is easing, quickly being replaced by the warmth of his touch. Our bodies are connected from toes to nose. I’m still going to slap him, of course, but then I just might do something else after.

  “Aw, you don’t want to do that, do you?”

  My struggles mostly cease. “Kind of.”

  He kisses the delicate skin of my neck, ending my resistance completely. “Are you sure about that?” he asks in a whispery voice.

  I sigh with delight and defeat. “I’m not sure about anything where you’re concerned, Ozzie. Seriously. You’re confusing the hell out of me right now.” He’s a complete stranger, but he’s not. A big mountain man with a horrible beard, but not. Dangerous, but not. Ack! Something better start making sense around here . . .

  “Good. I like confused.” He growls and takes a small bite of my neck.

  “Ow! Watch it.” I push on his chest, pretending I want to get away.

  He knows it’s all an act, though. We both do. Besides, I’m not going to get away from this cage made of pure muscle until he wants to let me go. Hopefully, that won’t be happening for a long time. The word forever flits through my mind.

  He’s kissing me again, slowly sucking the spot he nipped. Shivers go up and down my spine and everything feels like it’s catching on fire. My system is going haywire. His kisses continue up my neck, where he licks the skin near my ear, before reversing direction and going down to my shoulder. My pulse is racing and my breath coming faster. My nipples grow hard under my bra, and other parts of me down below start to ache.

  He groans. “Mmmm, you taste so good. I wonder . . . do you taste this good everywhere?”

  Now my crotch is on fire too. Great. How am I going to say no to him now?

  His left hand slides down my back and grabs my butt, squeezing and then using it to pull me against him. He’s as hard as a rock. I can feel his arousal through all our layers of clothing, and he’s just as big there as he is everywhere else. Oh my god.

  A weird beep I’ve never heard before sounds out in my front foyer.

  Ozzie freezes in place for two seconds, and then his hands drop away from my body. He steps back, every fiber of his body screaming the fact that he’s on alert.

  I stand there like a mannequin posed in a sex-shop window. My eyes remain half shut for a few seconds until I realize that he’s walking away.

  “Wha . . .?”

  “Shhhh.” He holds a finger to his lips as he walks over to the foyer.

  I cease the sex-mannequin act and follow him to the keypad at my front door. The number 8 is lit with a red light. It’s ominous, as crazy as that sounds. I think my impression is aided by the fact that Ozzie has gone from being my sexy maybe-going-to-be lover to being an army commando ready to strike. It’s both scary and hot as hell to see in action.

  “Stay right here,” Ozzie says, pulling me by the wrist over to the bathroom by the front door. “Get in, lock the door, don’t come out until I tell you to.”

  “But . . .?” Okay, this isn’t sexy. This is scary. I don’t want to play anymore.

  “Do it. Tell me you understand.” He takes me by the chin and holds my face still. He’s staring at me so intensely, I have no choice but to nod.

  “I hear you and I understand you,” I say as best I can with him still controlling my jaw. “What did that light on the keypad mean?”

  “It’s a possible intruder alert.”

  My heart spasms in my chest. Am I going to get shot? I’d better not. Ozzie and I were just getting started. “Why didn’t the siren go off?” I whisper-squeal.

  “Because they haven’t breached any entrances to the home yet. It’s marking someone crossing the border onto your property.”

  I notice for the first time that an exterior light has come on in the front yard. When did that thing get installed? I don’t remember having one of those before.

  “When did . . .? Since when do I have . . .?”

  “It was installed this afternoon. I asked Thibault to come over here and put the system in.” He leans down and kisses me on the mouth before letting my chin go and leaving me alone in the bathroom.

  I lean outside the door after he’s go

  “Felix!” I whisper. “Get in here!”

  Felix comes over dutifully and enters the bathroom, his tiny toenails clicking on the tile like itsy-bitsy tap shoes. Once I’ve shut the door, locking us both inside, I sink down to the rug and commence panicking at level ten.


  It seems like forever that we hear nothing. Then the alarm siren goes off, and I nearly squeeze Felix to death in surprised fright. He yips in pain and bites me on the arm.

  “Ouch, you little punk!” I pick him up and climb into the bathtub, closing the shower curtain behind us. Felix feels bad about biting me, so now he’s trying to make it up to me by giving my arm a tongue bath. Great. Curling up into the smallest human I can, over by the faucets, I pray that Ozzie doesn’t get hurt trying to keep me and my little furbaby safe. I can hear every one of my heartbeats. Felix’s too.

  Sahara’s deep, threatening barks come through the door next. Felix perks up and starts barking too. I hold his mouth closed, and his anger comes out muffled.

  “Berf! Erf! Eerf, berf, berf!”

  Little man’s pissed, but no way in hell am I going to let him out there to get kicked into the wall. Jenny was right; Felix would go for the ankles and pay dearly for it.

  After what seems like a really long time, long enough for me to sweat through my shirt, Ozzie’s voice can now be heard over the din of Sahara’s discontent. He’s telling someone at the alarm company that everything is fine. Then he’s at the bathroom door.

  “What’s your password?” he asks.

  “Who’s there?!” I want Ozzie to know I would at least check before trusting just a voice. I’m practically a security specialist already.

  “It’s me, Ozzie. I need the code, or they’re going to send the cops.”

  “Are you alone or are you being held at gunpoint?”

  “Open the door and see for yourself.”

  Ozzie would never tell me to do that if there was a real bad guy out there. I don’t know him very well, but I know this. I honestly could picture him taking a bullet for anyone on his team, me included. I get out of the tub and crack open the door. “It’s Sahara,” I say as quietly as I can and still be heard over the sirens.


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