Attractions of the Heart
Page 15
“You hold my inner lips hostage by sucking on the pliable flesh. The momentary lapse where only your breath is on my clit is just enough to begin the climax I have dreamt about for twenty years. You run your tongue softly from my opening to the underside of my clit. I open myself further to release the tender spot from its cover. My clit is huge, the skin pulls away, and I gasp. My hips jerk, my thighs grow tighter, and I hold my breath until I almost pass out. Copious juices pour out of my pussy, and then slowly, you circle my clit until I literally ejaculate onto your tongue proving the myth false. I’m living proof that a woman can eject juices in the throes of passion. You yell, ‘Yes,’ and enjoy every drop. I scream as you follow up by making my grandest orgasm continue for as long as possible. The last of the spasms yield to that wondrous warm and completely sated feeling.”
Kat sucked in her breath. I was well aware of the cashier and the clerk’s rabid attention at this point. My knees grew weak, and I really needed to jerk off, or better yet, get laid. With the audience barely breathing in anticipation until the end, I couldn’t let them down, nor could I let them die. I had to finish what I’d started.
“I can’t move. My legs, at first molten, feel like lead. The orgasm uses up every ounce of energy. You read my thoughts and place your lips on mine. I drink in your goodness until we fall asleep in each other’s arms. The end.”
I turned to face Kat. “What do you think of my story, Ms. Famous Authoress?” Before she could find her voice, the cashier and clerk applauded.
Barely a grunt escaped Kat’s lips, but she managed to take a Big Flirt butt plug off the shelf and place it on the counter next to a large bottle of lube. When the girl rang it up, Kat knocked me out of the way with her hip and retrieved her wallet out of her back pocket. She handed the card to the cashier.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“Early Christmas present. Consider it my treat.”
I touched her arm, and she placed her hand over mine.
“Throw in extra batteries and a couple more bottles of your best lube, will ya?” she instructed the cashier. “My friend here is gonna need them.”
We walked out of the shop with our arms linked. Kat gallantly held my package, and I beamed from ear to ear, grateful for her friendship and loving her more than ever. We strolled over to Dean and Delucca’s to get me something sweet and her, something salty. It was just like old times, only better.
Keeping Up With Hornelia
A totally smitten scrub nurse starts to lose her edge when she falls for a sexy ward clerk who is almost too hot to handle. Can she keep up with her vivacious bundle of energy in and out of the bedroom?
Lizette was the hottest I.C.U. ward clerk ever to grace County Hospital and I was a totally smitten scrub nurse. She drew people in with her exquisite deep-set soft hazel eyes and had the tantalizing habit of furtively batting her thick eyelashes in my direction, while puckering up her lips as if ready for a kiss. She looked innocent to the common observer, but I knew the truth. Lizette was the sexiest and horniest woman I’d ever met. We worked together discreetly by day, and had a fucking frenzy by night. She had an orgasm addiction that could be considered clinical. By the third date, I had dubbed her Hornelia. She loved her new nickname and called me Studly in return.
After three months, despite enjoying this new and exciting labor of love, I worried about the eight year difference and if I could keep up with her. How she chose me out of a long line of suitors closer to her own age, both male and female, baffles me to this day. I knew I had lucked out.
I’ll never forget our first vacation together. We flew to the Caribbean during the height of tourist season. I commented on how crowded it was at the hotel beach. Lizette knew I had a weakness for babes in bikinis, having caught me drooling over girlie magazines one night in the on-call room. Her great tits attracted way too much attention for my jealous and insecure nature to handle. I didn’t like to share. Period. Neither did she. Lizette had a better idea and took us on a long walk in the sweltering heat. I was melting and moody. We finally arrived at a desolate area surrounded by massive rocks. The waves were enormous, and there wasn’t another soul in sight. If she hoped for a romantic getaway, I doubted I’d be much fun. My first thought was if we drown, nobody would ever find us.
“Let’s go for a swim,” my ever jubilant girlfriend said. It was impossible to stay mad at her.
Lizette reached for the hem of her shirtdress and slowly pulled it over her head. I didn’t trust the sight before me. Maybe the sun had affected my retinas. My girl was decked out in the sheerest bathing suit I’d ever seen. Vivid colors danced before my eyes. The swimsuit was either made of a special fabric or it was body paint. It was hard to tell.
I was drawn to the eyes of the tiger on Hornelia’s torso. They looked so real.
“It’s amazing,” I said. “How?”
“I found a local artist this morning while you slept. Surprised?”
“You bet. I love it. Can I touch it?”
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
I traced a finger along Lizette’s nipples that doubled as the tiger’s ears. The snout encompassed most of her belly. The highlight was the strong jaw drawn on her smooth pubes, with teeth ready to devour its next meal. I moved into the tiger’s den and fell deep into its clutches. “So beautiful,” I murmured, between kisses and caresses. “So hot.”
“Then let’s swim,” she said.
When she ran towards the water I got the full view of her sleek back and butt also in a tiger print.
I lifted my shirt and kicked off my shorts as I hurried after her. Keeping up with Lizette was not easy. I tackled her right where the waves broke. We splashed around until the strong current threatened to pull us out to sea, then headed back to the blanket and made love until the sun set. The vacation ended too soon, but there was never a dull moment with my girl around, and I intended to keep her around forever.
Several months later, my bedroom had become a sexual torture chamber. I still hadn’t given her a key to my apartment, but she slept over a lot, if what we did in bed could be called sleeping. Her boundless energy took a lot of work, but I didn’t want a day off. After putting me through delayed gratification hell, Lizette took me to orgasmic heaven, each time surpassing the one before. One steamy Sunday, she stood before me wearing only designer frames on the raised tip of her nose and raring to go at it for the third time that day
I pulled her hair in a hand-held knot at the back of her head. With her light brown waves out of the way, I had a full view of the satiny surface of her face. She wasn’t a classic beauty by any means. She had a gap between her teeth and a Meryl Streep nose, but her features had character and her body language exuded raw sex appeal. It helped that her flawless skin belied her age. At forty-two, Lizette still had a stunning figure. Slim, yet curvaceous in all the right places.
The following Friday, Lizette had the day off and I got stuck working a double. After sixteen hours of relentless labor, followed by a forty mile drive home, just knowing she was waiting for me made the trek tolerable. Lizette, wearing a sheer teddy, stockings and high-heeled slippers, greeted me the moment I entered the hallway.
“Come here, Studly, and service my wanton pussy before I get all naughty and do it myself.” Her tone was seductive, but with a warning.
“Let me wash up first and then I’ll join you.”
“Do hurry. You know how little patience I have when waiting for your talented touch.”
I shed my scrubs and was just about to step into the shower when Lizette flung her lithe body and landed naked on my back. I reached behind and cupped her ass to keep her from sliding down the moisture I had planned to wash off before I was accosted.
“You are ripe!” She wrinkled her nose.
“I warned you that I needed a shower, but you don’t listen to a word I say.”
She reached for my crotch, teasing her finger in and out of my wet center. She then brought it up to her nose and
sniffed before taking a sensual taste of my desire. I grabbed her wrists with mock brute force. She loved that.
“Wash me good, fair maiden. If you do a decent job, then you shall be rewarded.”
“Yes, master.”
Lizette bathed me like no medieval nursemaid, but rather like a temptress. My body responded to her advances.
“Keep that up,” I warned, “and I’ll come in a second.”
“Wait for me.”
I plunged my fingers into her clutches and got instantly swallowed up. She pinched my clit and within minutes we came like there was no tomorrow.
“God!” I said, summoning every last ounce of energy to keep from flowing like water down the drain. Holding her up was no easy feat either.
“Fuck me, Studly.”
“I thought that’s what I just did.” Lizette didn’t need much time between coming, and I took advantage of her at every opportunity. I laughed into her soaked locks and kissed her. She brought out the animal in me and I roared. That’s right. King of the jungle. Her jungle. And she had a mighty fine jungle. I roared like a lion in heat.
I parted her folds and she moaned with distinct pleasure.
“Yes, Studly, do me again.”
Her clit pulsed between my fingers. She was erect, but my legs were giving out. I lifted my luscious lioness, and somehow carried her, both of us dripping, and deposited her on the bed. The flannel sheets soon soaked up the water from our bodies, and I buried my nose into her fragrant pussy. I toyed with her, delving my tongue inside, sucking in her slick labia until she screamed.
“Oh, fuck yeah. Studly, do me harder…ahhhh.”
My senses were aroused, but my will-power kept me from nipping at what I knew from experience was a most urgent and painful clit, just like mine at the moment, until even I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to take her clit in my mouth. I had to have all of her beneath my tongue and drink in every drop, no matter how copious, because she was mine…all mine…and I couldn’t get enough of her. I flicked her clit with the very tip of my tongue and waited until it was as hard as it would get before moving away to stroke the top and the sides.
“Stop tor…menting…oh, fuck…me!”
I laughed, further teasing her molten flesh with the heat of my breath. This time she dug her nails into my back. I gave it to her. I gave it to her good. So open and receptive was her pussy as I massaged her in a rhythmic motion. I pulled the hood back as far as it would go, exposing the tender inner bulb that tasted better than anything I’d ever experienced.
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” Her hips jerked every which way and she’d nearly knocked me off the bed. I roared again, but she was too far gone to take notice. Her need was all that mattered. Her need was my need and I kissed the very tip of her fully exposed clit. She came hard enough to knock me clear across the mattress. Lizette got violent when she came that hard. I had to be quick not to be kicked in the head or worse. I loved it. I loved her with all my heart.
She settled into the crook of my arm and I smiled like a damn satisfied fool. I was her stud and the title suited me. Even with extreme fatigue, my girl could take me on a most energetic and erotic journey.
“Studly, you’re something else.”
“You make me like this.”
“Good, I’m glad. Night.”
We kissed and I drifted off into a dreamless slumber. When I woke up I had no idea what time or day it was, but the awareness of my pleasantly aching muscles soothed me back into one fantasy after another. I dreamt that my girl and I came all night long. Only I wasn’t sure if it was a dream or not.
After six months, Lizette moved in. Soon after we had set up housekeeping and longed to fix up the new abode, work had become intolerable. County suffered staffing shortages, patients grew sicker and more demanding and raises were put on hold. Add the cost of living increases, astronomical gas and food prices, we both ended up working more hours. We hardly saw each other and when our paths crossed at work, there was barely time for more than a quick hello.
Every spare moment that we managed to share the same space was spent in bed. Sex became our preferred stress reliever. To say that I became irritable about my job was an understatement. But I was determined, still, to spend my rare days off relaxing with my girl. As of late, most nights I ended up sleeping before I could satisfy Lizette. As much as I fretted, my walls went up. Lizette grew understandably distant and edgy. I became too preoccupied to take the edge off. Why was I pushing the love of my life away?
One night, as I lay naked on my stomach with my cheek resting on a pillow and my arms above my head, I grasped the headboard while Lizette sat on my tush and kneaded my back.
“You’re muscles are about to pop, Studly.”
I exhaled, trying hard not to think about anything except the task at hand, but couldn’t clear my mind.
“Relax,” she complained, “you’re so tense.”
Lizette repositioned her body further down my legs and worked wonders along my spine. I let go of the headboard.
“That’s better.” She palpated and pressed each vertebra as if cajoling my body to cooperate. I began to sink further into the bed. “Your birthday is coming up.”
I tensed and she slapped my butt playfully.
“The big five-oh,” she stated. “We need to celebrate.”
It was more than just a number to me and suddenly the age difference seemed more significant than ever. I shot up on my elbows. My sudden movement caught her off guard. At first, I blamed the winter with its shorter days, then I blamed work, but honestly, facing the fact that I wasn’t a spring chicken anymore bothered me the most and exhausted me to the max. I couldn’t help it.
I hated taking the coward’s way out, but I opted for avoidance. “You want the shower first?”
The hurt was evident in her eyes. She stared through me with a pout that made her appear young and vulnerable. “No, you can have it.”
Disappointment hung heavy in the air, but I didn’t look back. She tried several times that day to get my attention, but I was busy shoveling a path in our backyard. We hadn’t set foot on the deck since the summer and I cleared off the heavy snow until my arms went into rigor mortis. When the snow turned to blinding sleet and frigid winds bit my nose because the scarf wouldn’t stay put, I quit. The sliding door to the kitchen stuck and threatened to fly off the ice and snow-laden track, but I forced it open and stepped on the floor mat.
The heat got to me first as my eyes adjusted to the difference in lighting between inside and out. I shook off my snow covered boots and removed the parka before I noticed Lizette staring in my general direction. I removed my earmuffs to the sound of her drumming her fingernails on the table. She had two hot chocolates waiting, but the steam no longer rose from the cups.
“We have to talk,” she said.
I pushed away a sudden sick feeling. “Later. I need to go to the hardware store to get an ice chopper. The patio under the awning is a sheet of ice.”
“So what? Are you planning a BBQ in February?” She gestured with her hand towards the chair. “Sit.”
I declined the invitation. “I won’t be long.”
That night, the exertion of manual labor took its toll. Every movement hurt and I knew it would only get worse the next day. Lizette kissed my cheek and cupped my breast. I feigned sleep. It was the first night we didn’t fall asleep and wake in each other’s arms, and it wasn’t the last.
Would I fulfill my own prophecy and lose her for good? She had agreed not to make me a birthday party. She was being patient waiting for me to get my libido back. What more did I want from her? I had to come up with a plan. But what? If this kept up, I’d surely realize my worst fear. I’d push her away permanently.
Lizette heard the news before I did. I was updating a progress note and jotting down vital signs in a patient’s medical record when she came over all excited. “You’re up for a promotion!”
“They’re not replacing the
two nurses who quit and decided to hire from within for the supervisor’s position. You’re the most likely candidate.”
Ordinarily, I’d welcome the challenge, but lately, everything became a chore. I couldn’t get out of this slump. Turning fifty wasn’t the big deal I made it out to be, but I still worried that I wasn’t enough for Lizette.
“Why so quiet? I thought you’d be pleased.”
I couldn’t explain because I didn’t understand it myself. I buried my nose back in the chart and shut her out. She closed the chart on my hand – hard.
“Come with me.” She led me as if I was a child heading for a time-out. She didn’t stop until we were in an old supply closet rarely ever used and promptly locked the door.
She moved in on me and pressed her breasts up against mine. I hadn’t forgotten what attracted me to her in the first place. She fluttered her eyelashes and with moistened lips, she took tiny bites of my lower lip. I removed the clasp that held her hair and glided my fingers through her silk. It was like old times, until recurrent nagging thoughts began converging in on me. My body failed to respond to her kisses and caresses. I thought I’d suffocate in my own misery. I hated this worry that I couldn’t satisfy her or that maybe she needed to meet someone closer to her own age.
Lizette snaked her hand inside my scrubs and instead of parting my legs for greater access, I pushed her away.
“I can’t. Not now.”
“Why not?”
“Someone could walk in.”
“That’s a pathetic excuse and you know it.”
“I have a lot on my mind. I’m sorry.”
“Not as sorry as I am.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”