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Page 12

by Katie May

  Dimitri Gray stands in the doorway and leans against the frame. The man…

  He’s a scary motherfucker. Rumor has it that, before he became a teacher, he was an assassin for the monster government. He looks as sophisticated and elegant as always, the epitome of calm. I imagine nothing can ruffle this man.

  “Where is Violet?” Vin asks through gritted teeth, brandishing his sword. His jaw is clenched so tightly I’m afraid it’ll break.

  I stand behind Hux and Vin, debating the pros and cons of removing my beanie. On one hand, that’s a sure way to get Dimitri’s attention and compliance. On the other, the hallway is teeming with students, the majority of which are already staring at our ragtag group in rapt fascination.

  I don’t know if they’re staring because Vin Van Helsing is threatening a teacher, the dreaded Dimitri Gray, or if it’s because Hux has come out to play.

  Either way, my snakes will just make another spectacle we don’t need.

  “I’m afraid I had to send her to the headmaster’s office,” he replies coldly, and I bristle at his tone. “Now, have you guys met my friends? They’re recruiters and judges for the Roaring...which I’m sure you guys are participating in.” He steps back marginally to reveal the two men behind him. One is tall and willowy, bedecked in a gray business suit, while the other is a mountain of muscle. One glance confirms they’re brothers of some sort...perhaps a descendant of the Yeti if their white hair, scarves, and thick winter coats are any indication. Maybe even Jack Frost.

  “What does this have to do with my precious treasure?” Hux snaps, appearing as disgruntled as I feel.

  “We’re interested in recruiting Ms. Violet Dracula as an athlete,” the muscular man responds easily.

  I stiffen.

  I trust my girl to take care of herself, I do, but the games are immensely dangerous. Only the best of the best athletes are permitted to compete. The consequences of losing isn’t just hurt can potentially be death.

  Call me a hypocrite, but I don’t want my mate anywhere near that shit.

  Dimitri gives us a look I can’t quite decipher before turning back to the two men.

  “I’ll have her contact you,” he assures them, and the taller one nods seriously.

  As one, the two Yeti men step into the hall. Their shoulders brush Vin’s and Hux’s, both of who are glaring daggers into their backs.

  “What’s this about, Dimitri?” Vin hisses. “Why did you send Violet to the headmaster? And why the fuck are you recruiting her for the Roaring?”

  Hux looks as if he wants to punch something or someone but can’t decide who. I subtly move out of his immediate arm range.

  My face is too pretty to be damaged.

  “I’m not recruiting her for anything,” Dimitri snaps, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. “But the administrators for the Roaring are quite adamant that she competes.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  He levels me with a glare I can’t quite read.

  “Does it look like I know?” he barks. “All I know is that Violet can’t compete in the Roaring.”

  His ominous words cause goosebumps to skate up my spine and arms. I scrub at the skin absently.

  “Is that a threat, Gray?” Vin asks, venturing a step closer and still holding that fucking sword like he’s preparing to cut up some meat. His muscles are flexed, and his face is contorted into what I’m beginning to think is his “I’m going to fuck you up” expression.

  “No,” Dimitri says briskly. “It’s a warning. Now, if you Neanderthals don’t mind, I have papers I need to grade.” Without another word, he slams the door in our stunned faces, and I’m left reeling from the exchange. What the hell just happened?

  “What the heck?” Hux whispers, and I spin towards him. His glasses are back in place, and his stringy hair once more obscures his features from view. Not Hux, then. Jack.

  He blanches, pushing himself against the wall, as a group of students hurry in our direction, talking about some hot girl-on-girl fight. Normally, I would be heading that direction as well to reward the victor and consolidate the loser. But again, a changed man over here. My cock and heart only function for one female—see? I can totally be romantic.

  “Do you think Dimitri knows something we don’t?” I ask, reaching into my backpack pocket and grabbing out a joint. I made a promise to myself not to smoke in front of Violet.

  If she really wants me to stop, I will without question. But for now, I allow the sensual high to liquify my veins. I exhale, watching a cloud of smoke materialize around my head. I work on contorting the shape in the air, changing it into a heart, and smile blissfully.

  Stoned off my ass.

  “If he does, I’ll cut off his dick and feed it to him like a dog. Make him get on his hands and knees and bark for his dog food,” Vin replies darkly, and both Jack and I blink at him.

  What the everloving fuck? I always suspected Vin was in to some kinky shit, but this is next level.

  “That’s adorable,” I settle on at last, sidestepping another group of men heading in the direction of the library. I distantly hear raucous laughter and chants of, “Slap that tit.”

  That is some girl fight.

  The farther we get from the fight, the quieter it becomes. We find ourselves standing in the headmaster’s office, staring pointedly at the feathered receptionist.

  A receptionist I may or may not have banged at one point.

  Don’t judge me. I was high as a kite and had also consumed about...oh...five gallons of fairy alcohol? Give or take? And it isn’t like I’m the only guilty party. Vin tag teamed that one with me, and I’m pretty sure he was sober.

  The receptionist smiles and flutters her lashes, no doubt remembering my poor, unfortunate mistake.

  Hell, I didn’t even remember it until a week later when I found a feather up…

  We’ll just pretend that never happened.

  “Where’s Violet?” Vin demands, cutting right to the chase.

  Birdy’s—yes, that’s her actual name—lips turn down, and her eyes harden.

  “Who?” she asks snidely.

  When Vin looks ready to strangle her, the muscles in his neck twitching, Jack steps forward to alleviate the tension thickening the air. His attempt to pacify Vin’s rage is admirable, I’ll admit that.

  He shuffles towards her desk, head lowered, and politely states, “Excuse me, ma’am, but I’m looking for my friend, Violet Dracula. She was supposed to be here according to Mr. Gray. Do you know if she’s still here?”

  I can see Birdy’s resolve weakening, her maternal instincts coming out to play when faced with this timid boy. She sighs heavily, refusing to make eye contact with me or Vin.

  “She left a little bit ago with Frankenstein’s son,” she admits, and I feel marginally better at the knowledge Frankie’s with her and keeping her safe.

  Keeping her out of trouble.

  “Do you know where—?” Vin begins, but he is cut off when the glass door is pushed open and a red-faced library worker pants, “There are two naked girls fighting in the library. One of them is Dracula’s daughter.”

  Jack and I exchange a look before racing after the librarian.

  What. The. Fuck?

  Chapter 21


  She dies choking on a cock.

  Okay, so I might need to backtrack a little bit. I can’t just jump right to the good stuff, now can I?

  After the admittedly pathetic fist fight—one that involved a lot of titty twisters and boob punches—I’m dragged to a small classroom where I’m told to sit and behave.

  I’m the only occupant of said classroom, and I pace anxiously for a solid minute.

  Longest minute of my fucking life, let me tell you.

  After the allotted sixty seconds are over, I try the door handle, unsurprised to find it locked.

  “Hello?” I call, peering through the rectangular glass window on the door. “Is this detention?”

  When no one immediately replies, I sigh heavily and move back to one of the desks.

  The classroom, as previously stated, is tiny. Only nine desks are organized in rows of three. There’s a larger desk at the front for the teacher and a chalkboard.

  I vaguely remember being pulled in one direction while Titty McFlapperson is pulled in another. Frankie had hurried after me, mouth set in a determined line, only to be blocked off by a professor I still had yet to meet.

  Alas, I am here.


  In some random classroom on some random floor. I think it’s the top?

  Either way, the silence causes my skin to break out into goosebumps like it would with hives. If I’m going to be punished, I just want to get it over with.

  “Headmaster?” I call. “Anyone?”


  I perch myself on the edge of the teacher's desk and kick my legs. I sing a song I used to listen to a lot. Something about hitting a baby. Or maybe it’s the baby hitting me? One more time.

  I’ve just gotten to the bridge of the song—somehow, my one-woman concert has involved me getting on my hands and knees and singing seductively to the desk chair—when the door of the classroom is pushed open.

  I scramble to my feet, dropping the chalkboard eraser I’d used for my makeshift microphone, and turn towards the now opened door.

  Only to find it empty, the hallway plunged in darkness.

  Now, I don’t know about you, but me? I see a dark, abandoned hallway, and you bet your ass I’m not going out there. I’ve watched horror movies—and though I’m lovable and cute, I consider myself more the comedic relief character instead of final girl material.

  “Not today, Satan,” I whisper into the classroom. “Not today.”

  I half want to close the door once more, but again, I’m not stupid. The second I go over there, something will grab me and pull me into the darkness.

  Yeah, fuck that.

  I settle for huddling behind the desk, clutching a stapler to my chest. It’ll be hard enough if I need to whack someone over the head. And I’m a badass vampire with super speed and strength.

  Huh. Maybe I am final girl material.

  I debate whether it’ll be beneficial to use my speed and race to the exit. Maybe find a teacher and figure out what kind of hellish detention this is. But then again, I’ll also be liable to run into a wall and knock myself unconscious.

  Dark halls? Unfamiliar landscape? My clumsy ass?

  Not a good combination. On a scale of one-to-live, I’ll be a negative twenty. I’ll probably kill someone else with me.

  It feels like hours later when the hallway light flickers once before turning on completely. I stare at the white hanging bulb distrustfully.

  Horror movie one-oh-one. That light? Yeah, it’s a ploy. A way to lure you into a false sense of security before ripping it away from you. Don’t ever trust the light.

  I’m still in my huddled position when I hear a strangled sob and the sound of footsteps pounding against the linoleum tiles. I freeze, pushing myself further against the desk until I’m practically an extension of it. My breathing saws in and out, and my heart pounds in tandem to the racing footsteps.

  From the hallway, a malevolent voice whispers, “Run, run. I’ll always find you.”

  My “fuck this” mentality just escalated to “fuck everything.”

  Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

  The footsteps slow down suddenly, and a breathy moan escapes someone who is obviously female.

  Okay, so a creepy-ass man and a female. Noted.

  Now what the fuck is going on?

  I’m frozen. My entire body is hewn from ice. Hell, I’m pretty sure even my heart has glazed over at this point. I’m terrified.

  Moans begin to escape the female followed by a third voice, “Fuck me. Oh yes. Yes.”

  I’m not going to lie. A lot of things confuse me. Walking, for one. Basic conversation. How some people can eat like a pig and not gain weight.

  But this?

  I don’t even want to know what the fuck is going on. At the same time, I really, really do.

  Remember how I said I’m not final girl material? Well, my curiosity gets the best of me, and I find myself ambling to my feet.

  Each move is cautious, tentative, and I clutch the stapler like a lifeline. When I get to the door, I hesitate very briefly. I know this is probably a terrible idea. Hell, I’ve already mentally written my eulogy...which, come to think of, is actually pretty stupid because I’ll be dead and no one will get to hear it anyway.

  With bated breath, I peek out the door.

  The hallway is still illuminated by a half a dozen hanging bulbs.

  At the very end, three figures are silhouetted.

  I strain to make out any individual faces or features, and my breath leaves me in a swooping exhale.

  There’s a girl on the floor alright, sucking the cock of an unknown male. I recognize the girl as Titty from the library—still wearing the nasty shiner my smug ass gave her. A second male leans against the wall, cloaked entirely in shadows tinged with green.

  Only one monster looks like that.

  I’ve heard stories from my dad. Even he was scared of him.

  The fucking Boogyman.

  From this angle, I can’t see the first guy’s face, but from the pink waves emanating from him, I figure he must be an incubus or a siren eating Titty’s life force. that wings?

  What I thought was just an abnormally large back is actually red, feathered wings.

  Realization slams into me like a bag of falling bricks, and horror swamps me.

  It’s Cupid.


  For detention, the assholes put me in a hallway with the fucking Boogyman and Cupid himself.

  As Cupid tilts his head, cock still inside the mouth of the now dead girl, I stealthily walk backwards into the classroom.

  Please don’t find me. Please don’t find me. Better yet, please don’t know of my existence.

  “Little vampire,” a voice purrs, and this time, I’m positive it’s the Boogeyman. Only one creature is capable of having a voice like that. It grates on my nerves and instills uncontrollable fear within me. “Come out, come out wherever you are. Come play with us.”

  Yeah, no. I’ll stay right here, thank you very much.

  “Do you have to be such a cliché?” Cupid asks the Boogeyman snidely.

  “Did you have to kill the girl?” he counters.

  “I didn’t mean to take so much,” Cupid responds, and he sounds forlorn, almost. Despondent.

  There’s silence—briefly—before I hear what sounds like...moaning? Lips crashing together. The ruffle of fabric hitting the tiles.

  What the fuck?

  “Do you like my big cock in your asshole?” Cupid pants, and a manly whimper echoes down the hallway. “Do you like that? Take all of me. Take it all.”

  Oh my God. I’m witnessing monster audio porn.

  I hear flesh hitting flesh, and then the inevitable roar of completion by both of them. During that time, I have meandered back towards my little happy desk and have posted myself underneath it.

  I was once told that if I believed something hard enough, it’ll become true.

  I’m a plant. Just a plant. Nothing to see here, folks. Nothing to see.

  “Let’s go find the little vampire, shall we?” Cupid asks, and I hear what sounds like a belt buckle clicking. The Boogeyman chuckles darkly.

  Footsteps echo just outside the classroom. My entire body is frigid, but my heart is—contrary—beating erratically, shooting fire down my spine. It’s the only working organ in my body.

  I use my hand to stifle my gasp, and then I squeeze my eyelids shut.

  I’m a plant. Just a plant. I’m a plant.

  The footsteps abruptly stop, and I hear someone inhale sharply.

  “She’s in here,” the Boogeyman purrs, the sound causing full body tremors to cascade down my back.

/>   You don’t see me. Nope. Not me. Because I’m a motherfucking plant.

  “She’s under the desk,” Cupid adds in a singsong voice.

  “No, I’m not!” I call, and both men freeze in their pursuit.

  “Did she just…?”

  Debating my very few options, I scramble to my feet to face my tormentors. The murderers. On closer inspection, I see that Cupid has light red hair that matches his immense red wings. The Boogeyman has dark skin and vibrant green hair.

  “Don’t kill me. Or put your cock in my mouth. Or whatever it is you’re going to do,” I plead, raising my hands to fend them off. I turn towards Boogeyman pointedly. “And please, for the love of all that’s holy, stop with the creepy, echoing voice. It’s weird.” Two identically devilish smiles grace their handsome faces. “I have a much better idea that I feel will benefit all of us.”

  Chapter 22


  I’m running from the library, my sword already drawn.

  Mason keeps pace with me as we take the stairs two at a time, our breathing even despite our haste.

  “Top floor?” Mason questions, and I nod in response.

  All I can think about, all I can focus on, is Violet. My damn, suicidal mate. Doesn’t she realize how deadly detention is?

  I have only gotten it once my first year at the Academy, and it still haunts me to this day.

  As we run, I periodically check my phone, waiting for the confirmation from Jack that he has disabled the cameras and the alarm on the door.

  Perfectly timed, his text comes through just as we stumble to a stop in front of a thick metal door on the top floor. An impenetrable door, locked by a keypad.

  Jack: You have fifteen minutes.

  Fifteen minutes to grab my mate from whatever hell they had planned for her. And then spank her perfect ass for giving me gray hair before I’m thirty.

  You see, students don’t just sit in a classroom during Prodigium’s detention, nor do they write line after line on the board under the watchful eye of the professor.

  Instead, they’re fed to the monsters.


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