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Claimed by His Beta

Page 4

by Marie Medina

  Luke kissed his hand. “I aim to please.” He started them walking again.

  “You’re very sweet … is what I’m trying to say,” Dane said, swinging their hands between them.

  “So are you.” Luke kissed his hand again.

  Dane only smiled, but his mind raced. He’d bristled just moments ago at the idea of Luke assuming Dane would go back with him, but he found himself thinking it wouldn’t be such a crazy idea.


  Luke stood on the balcony and looked out over the garden. He moved to the side steps and made his way down when he saw the king walking alone, a couple of rolls of parchment tucked under his arm. Asmund slowed his pace a bit when he noticed Luke heading his way.

  “Your Majesty, if you have a moment?” Luke said, giving the king a brief bow.

  “Of course.” Asmund pointed toward the palace. “Walk with me.”

  They fell into step together, Luke trying to get his words exactly right. “I hope my little slip up didn’t cause problems between you and Dane.”

  “No, it’s fine. Like I told Dane, I’m not sure what made me reveal all that to you and Gregor. I’ve never spoken of it with anyone but Dane.”

  “Perhaps you felt protective when you saw a wolf eyeing one of your flock, so to speak.”

  “My flock, hmmm?” The king laughed. “I suppose I am quite protective of my people. But as a wolf, I’m sure you understand.”

  “I do.” Luke waited a few steps before he asked, “Since Jared’s going to come live with our pack, will I need your permission for Dane to come live with me? One day, I mean.”

  The king’s expression revealed nothing at first. Then his gaze cut over to Luke. “You feel certain that’s what you’ll want? One day?”

  “I want it now, but he’s not so sure.”

  “Really? He seems very taken with you.”

  “He’s more than ready to be my lover, but he seems to think we shouldn’t rush into anything else.”

  “So, you’re moving fast in the way he wants to move slow, and vice versa?”


  “If you marry him, you won’t need my permission. And even if you don’t, it’s merely a formality. Old traditions meant to protect us and humans. I know he’d be safe with you and your pack.”

  “He’s very devoted to you. I think he’ll be sad to leave.”

  The king shrugged. “He’s so skilled at portals now that he could be back here in a moment.” He snapped his finger. “Like that, he could open a doorway.”

  “I suppose I’m asking for your blessing, when you get down to it.”

  “I tried to play matchmaker just the other day. You hardly need to ask for my blessing.”

  Luke swallowed, nervous energy building inside of him. “You two are close. I’m trying to do the right thing.”

  The king met his gaze. “I sense you’re implying something.”

  Luke halted just before they entered the palace. “The way he talks about you, the look in his eyes at times … they make me jealous.” He held his breath a moment and then let it out as he waited, his gaze studying the king’s face.

  The king looked at him with wide eyes a moment before blinking twice and then laughing. “I can assure you Dane’s not infatuated with me. He’s a good friend, and yes, very devoted, but it’s nothing like that. And my feelings for him are only friendly. Perhaps paternal.”

  “I only want to be sure.”

  “You love him? Already?”

  It was Luke’s turn to stare. He hadn’t expected that question at all. “No, not love. Not yet. But I never thought I’d want more than a night or two with anyone ever again.”

  “Since your mate’s death, you mean.”

  “Yes. And I don’t feel guilty thinking of Dane. Somehow, that worries me.”

  “How so?”

  “It’s like he’s my one chance to be happy again. Stupid, I know, but … I don’t know.”

  “Are you going to ask him to come with you when Gregor decides to go back? Or ask him to visit?”

  “He says he can’t just leave. He told me about tutoring students at the school.”

  “He loves doing it. You might have to put up with him spending several days a week here.”

  “He doesn’t want to come back with me at all. Says he’ll visit.”

  “And your wolf probably doesn’t like that.”

  “My wolf isn’t happy about a lot of things right now.”

  “Perhaps you should compromise and give Dane what he wants. I hate to reinforce any clichés, but the fae are a sensual race. We have sprite blood running through our veins.”

  Luke didn’t reply.

  The king waved his hand, opening the door they stood outside of, and he walked in, looking back at Luke until he followed. Luke glanced back to watch the door close behind them.

  “You don’t feel comfortable discussing this topic with me?” the king asked.

  “Not exactly. My wolf likes your advice, but if that happens, I’ll be as determined to keep Dane at my side forever as I would if he were my mate. That’s who I am, at least where he’s concerned.”

  “Tell him that.”

  “I have. Sort of. I might not have been clear enough.”

  “Then keep trying.”

  They halted outside the library. “Thank you,” Luke said.


  “Listening, I suppose.”

  The king smiled. “Everything will work out. We fae believe in certain principles of fate, and you and Gregor both came to this palace for a reason, I think.” The king winked at him and then waved his hand again to open the doors and enter the library.

  Luke stood a moment, considering his next move.

  When he walked away a few moments later, he ran into Dane around the first corner, and the plans buzzing in his head took second place to sliding his hand into Dane’s and locking their fingers together as the beautiful man smiled up at him and tugged him in the other direction.

  Chapter Four

  Dane began to feel sleepy as he watched the waterlilies doing a figure eight on the surface of the water in the reflecting pool. They faltered in their pattern as he felt Luke approaching. He turned his head and smiled, pleased that he’d felt the shifter approaching before he’d heard him.

  “Were you doing that?” Luke asked, gazing down at the water.

  “Yes. I’m pretty good at controlling the elements. I meant to show you the day we went to the beach, but I got distracted.”

  “You could control water in the ocean?” Luke sat on the stone bench beside him and reached down to lift one of the lilies from the water briefly. He examined it a moment and then set it down on the surface once more.

  “I could manipulate the waves. I suppose if I tried hard and long enough, I could affect the tides.”

  Luke shook his head, a smile coming to his lips. “That’s so amazing. Wind and fire, too? The earth?”

  “Never tried to manipulate the ground or rocks. Too many things could go wrong. But I can change the direction of the wind. Cause it to blow. I could put out a fire with my powers, but I’ve never created fire. Not from nothing. I’d need a spark or ember.”

  “You’re amazing. A new surprise every day.” Luke reached over and caressed his hand.

  “I’m not so special here. Elemental manipulation is a common gift.” Dane inched closer. “You change into a wolf. Isn’t that amazing?”

  “I suppose. Not that special to me.”

  “Well, we need each other then.” He gazed up into the man’s eyes. “Need to be reminded how special we are.”

  Luke lifted Dane’s hand and kissed his fingers. “When’s your next tutoring session?”

  “A couple of hours from now.”

  “Do you only do history?”

  “That’s my focus. I help with other subjects when I’m asked.”

  Luke continued to hold his hand, rubbing his thumb over Dane’s fingers. “What’s a math class like here?”
  Dane didn’t quite understand the question. “Probably very similar to how it is in the human world.”

  “Math and physics aren’t affected by magic? Viewed differently?”

  “Oh.” Dane chewed his lower lip. “Not exactly. I guess we do view the universe in a different way. Understand things and approach them from a different point of view. But geometry? A meter is still a meter.”

  Luke smiled. “So you’re on the metric system?”

  “Everyone is. You Americans are just stubborn. Metric measurements are all over the place. You simply won’t let go.”

  “Thrilling conversation you two are having,” said a voice behind them.

  Both men looked up and saw Jared smirking at them.

  Dane knew that smirk.

  “Sorry we’re too cerebral for you. Would you prefer we debate our favorite colors through the years?” Dane said, eyeing his friend with a smile.

  Jared laughed and came over to sit on the bench beside theirs. “Yours is blue. It’s always been blue.”

  “Good to know,” Luke said, squeezing Dane’s hand.

  “Did you need something?” Dane asked.

  “Just wanted to check in on you two. See how things are going.” His gaze went to their clasped hands.

  “I like to think they’re going well,” Luke said.

  “Good.” Jared stood up suddenly. “How about dinner with me and Gregor tonight? In our room, just the four of us?”

  “Fine with me,” Luke said. “Whatever my Alpha wants.”

  “That’s the attitude.” Jared turned to Dane. “And you? If you decline, we’ll just drive Luke crazy with questions.”

  “I think you’ll do that no matter what, but yes, I will come to defend him the best I can.”

  “Oh, Gregor won’t be that bad,” Jared said.

  “I meant from you,” Dane said. “Gregor will just ask if he’s claimed me yet and why aren’t we getting on with it. I know what to expect from him. You? The gods and all our ancestors help us.”

  “I’m wounded. Bring dessert to make it up to me,” Jared said before winking and leaving as suddenly as he’d arrived.

  Dane sighed. “I do make a good dessert.”

  “I bet you do,” Luke said, leaning in close.

  Dane soon forgot the frustration he’d just been feeling toward his best friend.


  Luke felt like a teenager again. He and Dane sat in a darkened corner of his balcony, kissing and caressing each other frantically, all the while trying not to make any noise. Spending nearly two hours so close to Gregor and Jared had affected him more than he’d imagined. Because of his newly mated status, Gregor’s pheromones were in overdrive. Jared being half wolf had only made the atmosphere more tortuous for Luke. Dane didn’t seem to be affected by it, and he’d been surprised when Luke had hurriedly dragged him into the next room and bolted the door before pulling him out into the cool night air.

  The fresh air had calmed Luke some, but he still ached to do what he knew Gregor and Jared were doing right now. Even through the palace walls, the two men could be heard. His hand moved over Dane’s erection, and he loved the way the fae moaned.

  “Are we taking this inside?” Dane asked.

  “If you can be quiet, I’ll suck you out here.”

  Dane sobered a bit. “You … we aren’t going to have sex?”

  Luke sighed, not wanting to argue. “I want to give you pleasure, but … I still want to wait.”

  Dane ran his hands over Luke’s chest. “Did they know you’d be like this? It took me a while to get what was going on. You seemed tense, and then it dawned on me.”

  “Gregor probably told Jared how being in their presence right now would affect me. And I’m sure Jared jumped at the idea of helping us along.”

  “He knows I’m crazy about you,” Dane said in a low voice.

  Luke ran his thumb over Dane’s lips. “Let me make you come.”

  Dane moaned again. “Whatever you’re willing to do to me, I’ll all for it.”

  Luke went down on his knees, not caring about the hard floor but pleased when Dane handed him a pillow from the bench. He got comfortable and then lifted Dane’s shirt, kissing his stomach and slowly unbuttoning his trousers. He licked the full length of Dane’s cock as soon as it was free.

  Both of Dane’s hand tangled in Luke’s hair, and he focused on teasing his beautiful fae into a frenzy. He loved every sigh and whimper that dropped from the man’s mouth. When Dane came with a strangled cry, Luke moaned and had to reach down and grip his own balls to keep from coming. He swallowed the cum down and then looked up at Dane, only to have the man yank him up into a hungry kiss.

  “If you tell me I can’t touch you, I’ll throw you off this balcony,” Dane said against his lips in a husky voice.

  “How romantic,” Luke said.

  Dane playfully yanked on his hair and then rose, his trousers hanging loosely on his hips. He pulled Luke back inside and pushed him down on the bed. Luke lay on his back for a moment before propping up on his elbows to watch Dane slowly freeing him from his pants. His head fell back and his eyes closed as Dane yanked his pants to his knees and began to stroke his shaft and mouth his balls.

  Sabina had been Luke’s only long-term lover, and the idea that Dane knew more about how to please a man sent a thrill through Luke. Dane couldn’t quite take all of Luke’s shaft into his mouth, but it was more than enough as the fae’s mouth engulfed him. His tongue swirled as he moaned his pleasure. When Luke raised his head again, he could tell Dane was hard once more and caressing his shaft. Without saying a word, Luke pulled him up onto the bed and moved them into a sixty-nine position. Dane didn’t miss a beat as they sucked each other, both of them frantic and not even caring how tangled up they were in the clothes they hadn’t yet bothered to remove.

  They came at almost the same moment, both of them gasping and gripping each other tight when it was over. Luke moved first, switching positions so they could face each other. He caressed Dane’s face and kissed him tenderly before pulling him close. When Dane fell asleep, Luke yanked the comforter up over them and held his fae close.

  Chapter Five

  Three Days Later

  Dane walked right into Luke’s room when he found the door ajar. The Beta zipped his bag and then looked up at Dane. Luke’s brown eyes grew darker, and he walked over to Dane and drew him close. Their lips met in a familiar embrace, and Dane pressed against the muscular man.

  “Don’t you want to come with Jared to help him settle in?” Luke asked, his questioning gaze exploring Dane’s face.

  “I’ll come soon, I promise.” He smiled up at Luke when he saw the Beta frown. “Don’t look so dejected. You act as if I’ve refused you. As if I’m never coming when you know good and well I won’t be able to keep away for long.”

  Luke didn’t smile back. “My wolf is whining. Pacing.”

  Dane slid his hands around Luke’s neck. “Then stay here with me. Just a few days.” Just until I’m sure what I feel for you is more than desire. That I can give you what you need.

  Luke hesitated, then sighed. “With the Alpha bringing his mate home, there will be celebrations. A ceremony. I need to be with my Alpha.” He licked his lips, one hand running up and down Dane’s back. “You’d learn so much if you came and observed it.”

  Dane felt tempted because he knew the ceremony Luke spoke of included Gregor declaring his love and then drawing his mate away to be claimed. He knew that it would be a good opportunity to completely seduce Luke, yet he hesitated. He could easily find someone else to handle his tutoring sessions and other duties, but something in him had changed. The way Luke spoke of forever so easily gave him pause. This gentle and patient man would be devastated if Dane couldn’t give him that. They’d shared lots of pleasure the last few days, but they hadn’t gone all the way yet. As much as he still wanted to pull Luke over to the bed and finish what they’d begun, he found himself glad they had waited to take
that final step. “Jared’s told me a little about it. He urged me to come, too.”

  Luke’s grip tightened on him. “Then come. Please.”


  “How soon?”

  “A few days. All right?” Dane smiled up and caressed his fingers through Luke’s rich brown hair.

  “Promise me you’ll come. I need to hear the words.”

  Dane’s body responded to the way Luke trembled against him. “I promise.” He laid his hand on the Beta’s cheek. “What’s wrong? You seem truly afraid I’m not coming. You can’t think I’ve been faking my attraction to you. The things we’ve done together prove the power of what’s between us, don’t you think?”

  “It’s my other half. He’s less rational than I am.” Luke forced a smile. “Forgive him.”

  Dane paused before he said, “He worries I’ll change my mind? That once you’re gone, I’ll want you less?”

  Luke chuckled as he leaned in to press his lips to Dane’s ear, a gesture Dane was growing to love. “What he wants is for me to bend you over the bed and claim you here and now. And then throw you over my shoulder and drag you home.”

  Dane felt his eyebrows shoot up as he drew back to look at Luke. “So all the romance has been coming from the human side then?” he said with a smile.

  “Yes.” He drew one of Dane’s hand up to his heart. “May I be honest?”

  Dane nodded. “I want that. Always.”

  “At the ceremony tomorrow, many will reaffirm their own vows of love and devotion. I thought perhaps I could give you what you’ve been asking me for these past few days.”

  “You’d fuck me?”

  “Make love to you. But, yes, there would definitely be more … animalistic moments. Plenty of them.”

  Dane ran his free hand over Luke’s cheek. “And then you’d consider me yours.”

  Luke nodded without shame. “I won’t apologize for that. I’m falling in love. Fast.”

  Dane drew back until only the hand Luke held was still touching the shifter. “Then wait until I come to you. It won’t be tomorrow night, but it will be soon.” He looked up into Luke’s confused eyes. “You’ve persuaded me on a few points this week. I care about you too much to hurt you. If I come to your bed, it will be because I plan to stay there.”


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