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Irresistible Driver ~ A BWWM Sexy Romance

Page 11

by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku

  “Of course,” Lola readily agreed.

  If he believed her daughter had a different medical problem she wanted to know for sure.

  “Mummy, I told you, Uncle Maxwell will take care of me.” Amaka gave her mum a weary grin.

  Chuckling, Maxwell nodded. “Did you? What else did you tell your mom?”

  Carrying her daughter in his arms, Maxwell strode toward the carpark. Lola fell into step beside him, relieved he was in her life at this moment.

  “I told my mummy to call you, that you’ll know what’s wrong with me.”

  Maxwell grinned. “I’m glad you have faith in me.”

  “Amaka, we can only have faith in God, right?” Lola felt the need to remind her daughter not to put her trust in any man.

  “Yes, Mummy. But Uncle Maxwell’s nice. He likes us. I’m thirsty.”

  Maxwell laid her daughter on the back seat. “Amaka, you’ll get something to drink in a moment. First, I want to touch your stomach. Tell me if it hurts, okay?”

  Squinting her eyes, Amaka nodded.

  Lola watched while Maxwell tapped his fingers on the left side of her daughter’s abdomen. Nothing happened. Then he worked his way to the right side. The second he did the same thing on the lower right side, Amaka winced.

  “It hurts!” she cried, curling up.

  “On a scale of one to ten, one being the least and ten is very painful, how bad is the pain, Amaka?”

  “Twenty-five, Uncle Maxwell.”

  “How long has it been hurting?” he queried.

  “This morning after I got to school.”

  He helped Amaka sit up and she immediately curled up into a ball as her face contorted with pain.

  “Am I going to die, Uncle Maxwell?”

  “No, Amaka. I think you’ve got what we call appendicitis,” the American doctor reported.

  Lola’s legs wobbled with shock. She leaned against the car to avoid tumbling to the cemented ground.

  Amaka’s eyes widened. “What does that mean?”

  “It means you’ve got an inflammation of your appendix. A swelling.”

  “What’s an appendix?” her daughter asked, moping.

  “It’s a finger-shaped pocket in your stomach. Yours maybe swollen, that’s why you’re in pain. But we need to run some blood tests to confirm.”

  Shocked into silence, Lola considered how she would pay for what she knew would follow–surgery. She had nothing more of value to sell. Subtly, she wiped tear drops from the corner of her eyes.

  “So, why did that doctor say I’ve got typhoid fever?” Amaka wanted to know.

  Maxwell gave Lola a sideways stare. He must have noted her sad mien because he twisted to face her.

  “What’s the matter?” His tone sounded troubled.

  “How do you stop the pain, Uncle Maxwell?”

  “Surgery to remove your appendix is the permanent solution. But there are other ways to control it.”

  “You’re not saying anything,” Maxwell said to Lola.

  “I’m in shock. What if you hadn’t turned up here? I would’ve given my baby girl drugs she did not need because she isn’t suffering from typhoid fever.”

  Maxwell stepped closer and hugged Lola tight. He dropped kisses on her forehead and rubbed her arms.

  “Let’s get Amaka to the hospital immediately.”

  Sniffing, Lola nodded. “Thank you.”

  When they arrived at the private hospital along Lagos-Badagry Express Way, Maxwell took the lead. He asked to see the doctor in charge. They went for a brief chat. Soon, they were sent for blood tests. A long while later, the doctor examined Amaka and confirmed she had appendicitis. He recommended surgery to prevent the appendix from rupturing.

  The doctor called Lola aside. “If you’re a Christian, go and thank your God. Because if the American doctor you came with hadn’t diagnosed your daughter early, her appendix would have ruptured and the chances of survival would’ve been slim.”

  Lola burst into tears. The thought her daughter could have died scared her to death.

  “How much is the surgery, doctor?”

  “Half-a-million naira.”

  Her heart sank so low it would have been impossible to get it back up if she had no faith. She did not have a tenth of that amount in cash. If she asked Maxwell for help, it would seem as if she was bankrupt, or worse still, a parasite. People in her community lived from hand to mouth. So, borrowing money from her neighbours was impractical. Borrowing from the bank was also out of the question. Bankers only lent to the rich. Half-a-million naira? Where was she supposed to find that sum of money?

  “Lola?” Maxwell called out, striding closer.

  She could not face him, not with her face muddied with tears and fear.

  “Madam, please make the full payment so we can start the surgery at once,” the doctor told her just as Maxwell arrived behind her.

  With his hands clamped on her shoulders, Maxwell spun her around. She went into his arms and buried her face on his chest. Tears flowed from her eyes. Her heart felt heavy with worry. Even if she decided to sell her dream project, which buyer will cough up that amount of money within twenty-four hours? Her daughter’s life hung in the balance. One option was to ditch her pride and beg, Maxwell for financial support. But they had only just started dating. She did not want him to think she was a liability, or a penniless woman.

  “Talk to me,” Maxwell whispered. “Are you worried about Amaka’s surgery?”


  “Let me leave you two to talk.” The doctor exited.

  “An appendectomy is a simple procedure,” Maxwell assured her. Amaka’s young and I’m sure she’ll make a good recovery.”

  How was she supposed to say what was on her mind? Oh, by the way, can you lend me some money to pay for my child’s medical bill? Or oh, I need money for Amaka’s surgery because my savings is lean. Whichever way it was phrased, she would sound like a destitute. The proverbial warning, pride goes before a fall intruded her thoughts.

  Maxwell leaned back and propped up her face with one hand under her chin. She dimmed her eyes and lowered her lashes to avoid his scrutiny.

  “Something else is wrong. What is it? Tell me.”

  “I can’t afford to pay for my daughter’s surgery,” she finally let on, bursting into tears.

  Shame racked her body like a bad disease. The smell of poverty filled her nostrils and tortured her senses, dragging her down the street of humiliation.

  “Don’t do this here, my cupcake. I’ll pay her bills. Of course, I’ll pay. What did you think? That I’ll let you handle all of this costs yourself? If you don’t trust me, your daughter trusts me to take care of her. And I will.” He kissed her eyelids one after the other.

  Every word he said soothed her fear, shame and wounded pride. She held him close and wept for as long as it took for her to realize she had no reason to cry any more. When she was done, Maxwell kissed her lips and wiped her tears with his hot tongue.

  “Everything is going to be alright,” he cooed beside her cheek. “I can afford it without breaking a sweat, so stop worrying. Besides, I need someone to spoil.”

  “Thank you. God bless you for me, Maxwell.”

  “Amen. Can we go and make the payment?”

  Wiping her face, she nodded. “Yes please.”

  “Go, be with Amaka while I sort out the payment. I’ll go have a chat with the surgeon because I’d like to observe while they perform the procedure.”

  “OK.” Her heart spilled over with an emotion so overwhelming, she threw her arms around his neck, cupped his face and pasted her lips to his own.

  “Cupcake ehn?”

  He nodded. “Yeah! It means you’re my sweetheart.”

  Chapter 10 – You’re My First


  Still surprised by how fast his friend had fallen for a local girl, Joe showed up in Maxwell’s hotel room two weeks later.

  “Order drinks, bro. We need to catch up. I’ve been tr
ying to reach you for two weeks! Check your planner. Today is Thursday 7th November.” Joe complained the moment he settled on the blue two-cushion sofa.

  “My girlfriend had a crisis,” Maxwell explained as he picked up the phone receiver. He ordered drinks and snacks for two. “It’s good to see you, Joe,” he continued after he hung up the phone.

  “After the party, you disappeared with this babe. What’s her name again?”

  “Lola Lawson.”

  “But you didn’t have to cut me off,” Joe grumbled. “I was hoping to help you move into your apartment on Banana Island.”

  “That can wait. I need to tie some loose ends first.”

  “With your babe?” Joe sneered. “She looks very clingy. Never a good sign. I’m telling you the truth.”

  Maxwell shook his head. “Don’t go there, bro. You don’t know anything about her. She’s the best thing that has happened to me on this trip.”

  “Hey, don’t be so sensitive. For one, I know she’s a single mum of two kids. That’s a red flag. She’ll bleed you dry and leave you hanging.”

  Before Maxwell could respond, a knock sounded on the door. After the server delivered the order, Maxwell shut the door. While they drank, he told his friend.

  “Don’t make assumptions about, Lola. Why do you think being a single mum indicates a red flag?”

  Taking a bite from one fish roll, Joe shrugged. “Come on. Are you going to have fun raising another man’s kids?”

  “Is that all you see?” Maxwell countered. “Is it an awful thing to be there for kids who have no dads? You and I, were raised by single moms. Honestly, I don’t know about you but I would’ve given anything, everything to have had a male role model in my life!”

  Joe lifted both hands. “Calm down, bro. I’m looking out for you.”

  “Don’t talk trash about my girl if you want to look out for me. I’m pleased you invited me to Nigeria. But nothing is more exciting than spending time with Lola. She makes my pain go away in ways you can’t even understand.”

  “Of course. I bet she satisfies you in many ways.”

  Maxwell wagged one hand. “Last warning!”

  One after the other, Joe chewed on the egg roll and moved on to the Nigerian buns. “I get that now,” he said after he gulped half the content of the beer bottle. “I thought you would’ve been more excited about your investment properties and your plan to move into your new home.”

  “No doubt, that’s important. But I’m not thrilled about any of it if I can’t share it with her.”

  “So, get her involved,” Joe suggested.

  “She’s had a lot on her plate lately. I can’t wait to show her my place.”

  “I’m happy for you, lucky bro. Look at me. You know for a fact I’ve gone through lots of women here and in the US, yet I’ve not found one woman I can speak passionately about as you’ve just spoken about Lola. I’ll admit I’m a little envious.”

  “Tough luck! I feel your pain. My girl is pretty special. She’s authentic and sexy.”

  “Clearly. I want to meet her again.”

  “Depends on if you’ll behave.”

  Maxwell’s phone rang. He clicked the answer button. “Hey my cupcake? Are you okay?”

  “I’m good. If you keep calling me that, I might fall for you, Maxwell Legend.”

  He strolled to the bathroom, out of his friend’s earshot. “You’ve not fallen yet? I’m devastated.”

  Maxwell heard her long giggle. His body warmed up as laughter gurgled out of his mouth.

  “There’s every chance that’s what happening,” she admitted. “Who knows?”

  “Be certain and I’ll celebrate. How’s Amaka doing?” He was falling fast and hard for Lola Lawson.

  “She’s singing your praises. I’ve got to keep reminding her, Jesus Christ healed her.”

  He chuckled. “Tell her, I’m her number one fan.”

  “OK. How are you doing?”

  “Missing you. Are you free today?”

  “No. But if you come downstairs, there’ll be something there for you. I hope you’ll like it.”

  His heart beeped wild. “What? Downstairs? I’ll be right there.”

  The clicking sound he heard indicated she had ended the call. Twisting the bathroom door knob, he picked up his wallet from the side table.

  “I’ve got to run,” he told Joe.

  “Right now?” His friend stood and emptied the last of his drink before he grabbed his car keys. “I’ll catch up with you later then.”

  Both guys strode out of Maxwell’s hotel suite and went their separate ways.

  Downstairs in the foyer, Maxwell glanced around, not sure what to look out for in particular. Then he realized he should have asked Lola a specific question.

  “Hey sexy, Maxwell.”

  The flirty voice aroused his senses. Jerking his head right, his heart lurched. Then he spun around.

  “What? You’re here, Lola!” His heart thundered.

  Dressed in a yellow retro-inspired sundress with lace detailing on the bust, his girlfriend stood to his right, giggling at the shocked expression on his face.

  He rushed forward, flung his arms around her shoulders and bundled her off her feet, careful to pin the hemline of her dress to her skin. Though he had not seen her for a couple of days, it felt much longer.

  “Gosh! I’m so happy to see you right now, cupcake. You look splendid in your beautiful, yellow dress.”

  She laughed. “Thanks. I saw you a few days ago.”

  “I know. What a pleasant surprise, Lola!”

  Eager to taste her sweet-coated mouth, he moulded her lips with his own and kissed her as passion blazed inside him. She caressed his bottom lip with her teeth and tongue, causing havoc between his legs. Her fingers scrolled along his entire back shooting flames through his muscles. Putting an end to the heated exchange after a while, he corked his head. He stared from the dipped V-neckline to the ruffled hemline of her mid-thigh outfit.

  “Cupcake, you’re as sexy and ravishing as I want.”

  She kept giggling and moulding his arms with her palms. He looped his fingers between the cute tie design of her dress at her lower back.

  “Now I’ve got a little surprise of my own, cupcake.”

  “Yeah? What is it?” She linked her arms around his neck and stroked his nape with her thumb. “You’re as good-looking as I remember.”

  Chuckling, he glanced at her face as if he had never seen her gorgeous features before. Her wide, shapely lips filled with smiles. Her flat nose, broad at the sides flared as her slanted eyes glowed.

  Pouting, she lifted her arched eyebrows.

  “You’re more stunning than I remember and your boobs are a lot bigger.” The twin beauty filled the cups of her dress in a way that revealed their sizes. “Where’s your bra?”

  Throwing her head back, Lola laughed a lot. Bowing slightly, he pinned his fingers around her hips.

  “Ow! I forgot your palms measure my boob sizes.”

  It was his turn to crack up laughing as she reminded him of his daring squeeze of her breasts at his wear-a-mask party. He dipped his head and topped her lips with his own.

  “Just so you know curious cat, I’ve got a backless strapless bra on.”

  “What a voluptuous distraction! Am I supposed to be coherent when you look so irresistible?”

  Giggling more, she rolled her fingers around the round neckline of his white t-shirt, teasing his skin.

  “Then don’t think straight, Maxwell Legend.”

  Tickled, he ducked from her fingers and caged her hands. “I want you to drive me to Lekki Peninsula.”

  “Right now?” her eyes widened. “I came to see you.”

  “I know. You’ll like what I’ve got planned.” At least he hoped she would.

  “What if I’d not showed up here?”

  “I’d plans to pick you up. We think alike.”

  They laughed, linking hands.

  “OK. Ready?” She squeezed h
is shoulders.


  Linking his hand with hers, they strode out of the foyer, laughing together. She trusted him and that made him feel secure in his feelings for her.

  “How’s Grandy holding on?”

  “She’s great and always talking to the neighbours about the white boy who saved her grandbaby.”

  “It’s one of the reasons I don’t show up much.”

  Lola clipped her other fingers around his arm.

  “Oh yeah? I thought you changed your mind about being with me.”

  He curved her waist with one arm, bent her over and kissed her lips. Then he pulled her back up.

  “There’s no one I’d rather be with, my cupcake.”

  “I get goose bumps when you call me that and my heart jumps a bit.”

  “Good. Because I’m not going to stop.”

  “Why cupcake?”

  “Because you’re beautiful, taste luscious and smell amazing! Then you can get prickly like some of the cute cupcake toppings when you’re upset.”

  “What?” She tapped his arm before they climbed inside the car. “How do I describe your type of prickly then, ehn?”

  He laughed as their spat on their first meeting came flashing back. “Are you saying my temper is worse than yours?”

  “Wow!” she squealed, backing out of the hotel parking lot. “There’s no freaking comparison. It’s like asking if there’s a difference between oil and water.”

  Again, he banged his head against the head rest. “Who’s the oil and who’s the water? Mind you, oil and water don’t mix. But we mix somehow.”

  “I’m the water. Cool and refreshing,” she insisted. “You’re the oil. Smooth and slippery.”

  Shifting in his seat, he faced her. But she kept her eyes on the road as she got behind a long line of cars.

  “What’s smooth and slippery about me?”

  “More smooth than slippery, I guess,” she revised with a twist to her lips.


  “Smoothly gorgeous, sexy and everything you say when you’re happy just heals where it hurts.”

  His chest popped with a strange amazing feeling.

  “And slippery because I’ve seen a lot of your rough temper. I almost knocked you over the head many times.”


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