Don't Peek (The Diaries of a Teenage Girl)

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Don't Peek (The Diaries of a Teenage Girl) Page 7

by Marita A. Hansen

  I have a cold so I don’t think I’ll be going to Piha tomorrow with Shena.

  One of my cousins is coming over to stay the night, actually two nights.

  Mum and I are going to see Torvill and Dean and the Russian Ice Skaters today. My cousin saw the show and she said it was excellent and that we will enjoy it. We have to get dressed up pretty snug because it’s going to be cold there.

  When the RTR Countdown magazine comes out I’m going to look in the pen pals column to see whether my name is in it. I hope it is. It may not be in this month’s edition because of all the people that must be sending in, but I hope it will get in eventually.




  Karate starts back up tonight. At least I can get some more exercise. I’ve lost about 3 kilos this week from my diet.

  I’ve got a new sun frock from a store in Takapuna. It can be used for school, the Yugoslav club, and other places. Mum paid for it. I bought some hair removing cream too. It will be much better than having to shave my legs.

  I’ll be missing karate on Sunday because I’ll be going to Piha with Shena and her family. I’m going to invite her to the Yugoslav picnic.

  I saw another ‘American Ninja’ film yesterday. I also saw ‘The Pick-up Artist’ with Shena.

  I’ve written a gigantic letter to my pen pal from Napier. I used seven pages. I sent it off today. I hope I will get a boy pen pal too. I want to have as many as I possibly can.

  I’ve finished reading ‘The Scarlet Pimpernel’. The ending was different from the film as well as other things. I’ve still got three other books to read, not counting the one I’m reading now.

  We seek him here,

  We seek him there,

  Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.

  Is he in Heaven?

  Is he in Hell?

  That damned elusive Pimpernel.

  That’s the poem in the book. I reckon it’s quite neat. The Scarlet Pimpernel said it in the book and movie himself.

  The book was by Baroness Orczy.

  I’ve been doing Aerobics OZ Style all this week. I haven’t missed it once yet.

  Torvill and Dean and the Russians were great on Saturday. The Russian guys were cute, especially one of them. I’ve taken heaps of pictures, but some were wasted and the flash didn’t work a couple of times. The costumes were excellent, especially in the Egyptian segment and I also liked the hat dance and the card one because it was funny. The Egyptian one was sad though. But, all the performances were brilliant, quite dazzling.

  School starts on the 31st for me, which is on a Tuesday. I wonder what class I will be in and who will be in it with me? The holidays are going so quick now. I can’t wait for the Yugoslav picnic, that’s always great. I bet it’s on the Sunday before school starts up again for everyone, the 29th.

  When this week has finished, I will only have two more weeks of my holidays left. Man, has it gone that fast? Soon I will be back into that daily routine of getting up on time for school. At first it may be alright, but once you have been lumped with homework again you’ve had it. But, one good thing about it is my subjects. I’ve taken two Art subjects, so I won’t have to study for them. I’ve also taken History and English. History will be different; I’ve never taken it before. I hope we get a good subject, like the red Indians. And last but not least – English. That will be a good subject too, I hope. I also hope I will get good teachers. At least I know I will get good ones for the art subjects.

  I hope this year will be great! And I’m definitely going to the ball. I’ll probably be helping with it because I intend on being in the Social Committee, and also I intend on being in all the committees, including the Art’s one. So, it looks like I am going to be real busy this year. Also, I intend on becoming popular, because I know this is my year.




  Clara came over yesterday and all of us (my family) went to the beach, except it rained so we came home.

  Since it’s practically only two weeks till school starts (the classes, not the pre-stuff), I’m going to make the most of my last days of freedom.

  What can I do in two weeks to fill up my time?

  1) Tennis – I can go down to the domain and play against the wall or go with Clara.

  2) Zoo – Go for a one day trip. It’ll be nice and I can take photos.

  3) The pools – Go with Clara, my younger sister, or anybody for a swim.

  4) Pictures – Go with Nina to see ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’.

  5) Squash – By myself or with anyone.

  6) Bike Rides – Map out a route with Clara.

  7) Beach – Go anytime – bike down with Clara or Nina.

  8) Videos – Watch videos with Shena.

  9) Badminton – Anywhere.

  Got the Yugoslav picnic on the 29th. I’m going to invite Clara and Shena to come. Actually, I’ve already invited Clara.




  Mum, my younger sister and I went to church at 9:00 am, but we found out the time had been changed to 9:30, so while we waited we looked at the new video shop, and Mum got a membership card.

  Shena and her family picked me up just before 11:00 and we drove out to Piha. It was raining, so we waited in the car for it to stop and had our lunch in there. After a little while, it cleared up enough to let us go on the beach. We walked in the water. Piha has huge waves and when you stand still in the sand and water, big rips come under your feet and pull the sand away. And when you look at your feet it looks like you’re moving very fast.

  We drew some names on the beach and sunbathed. Shena and I kept jumping the waves and getting our shorts wet. It was an excellent day out. I think I got home at 4:30 pm.

  My younger sister and her friend, along with Shena and I are going to see ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ tomorrow, but before that I’m going to help Mum with the shopping. Mum is going to drop all of us off after the shopping is finished in time for the one o’clock session. We’ve got two free tickets for it: one for me and one for my sister. Mum won them. Since the tickets are so dear we’re going to use the tickets for me and Shena, and my sister and her friend will buy child tickets, so Shena will pay for my sister’s ticket, which is $3.50 instead of paying an adult’s ticket, which is $7.00, and a rip off, so everything will work out fine.




  We saw ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ but my sister’s friend didn’t end up coming. Mum, my sister, and I went to pick up Shena and dropped my bike off to be fixed. Mum then went and did the shopping, and Shena and I went to look at some other shops, while my sister went her own way. I bought some postcards. I’m going to write on one and send it to my cousin Marina in Yugoslavia.

  I’ve been reading the book ‘The Queen’s Confession’ a lot and I only have about a hundred pages left. It’s taking ages to read. It’s about Marie Antoinette.




  I finally got down to 59 kilos, I’m no longer in the 60’s. Obviously. I’m real happy about losing weight. It makes me feel heaps better. I intend on shaping my body better and keeping myself fit. I’ve been doing aerobics every day for more than a week and I think it’s showing. Also, I’ve cut down on food and am watching my diet, so I won’t go back to 64 kilos again. I intend on getting to the middle 50s’.

  Went to karate. It was boring, not like Tuesday. Tuesday was excellent because they let us fight, which was fun. Amy didn’t go to karate tonight because she was on a trip. I hope the next karate session will be more interesting. I’ve got a bruise on a bruise now. I seem to collect them like postcards.

  I’m going to the beach tomorrow. Hope it will be sunny. Mum, my younger sister, and I are going, and I might invite either Shena or Clara.

  When I went to the library on Tuesday, I got ‘Lace 2’ out along with two other books. Well, I’ve
finished two of the books so far, which means I only have four of them left. You might say I can’t subtract, ha, ha, I have more at home. Obviously.

  I wonder when I’m going to start badminton again. I’ll just have to wait for the Times to come out. The Public Notices will have the date for when it starts back up again.

  School is getting closer and closer, so I better learn my road code before there’s no time to spare for it. 10 more days to school. I must get a tan. I’ve hardly been out in the sun much. Well, there’s the Yugoslav picnic two days before school, so that will give me something, and plus tomorrow at the beach. Also, instead of reading inside on a hot day I’ll sunbathe and read at the same time.

  I must go to Shanton or the shop next to it before school, because I’ll need a short skirt for the summer period. It’s going to be boiling in February.




  At karate we had a real tough training session. We had to do kartas with different kicks, and that was very tiring. We also had to do fighting – that was fun. And, we were made to do 200 press-ups, that was NOT fun.

  My name was on Teletex under the new members, but it’s not yet on the pen pal’s list. I’ve written a new pen pal down from the new list.

  This week is going to be busy. Tomorrow we’ll probably be going to Panmure or somewhere, and be doing work around the house. Tuesday, I’m going to find something to do that’s easy. Wednesday is being spent with Mum and my younger sister – probably at the beach and Manukau. Thursday is to myself. Friday is at Shena’s for videos. Saturday – all sorts. Sunday, the Yugoslav picnic.

  I can’t wait until the Yugoslav picnic. It’s always excellent. I just pray it’ll be fine weather, because the beach is fantastic. Shena’s coming and I must see whether Clara is too. I’ve got to ring Clara and see how her trip went, plus I want to talk to her about what we can do for our last week before school starts up again.

  Also, I must ring up Denny’s for a job interview. And, sooner or later I must learn my road code book. I’ve got to ask Clara what part of the book I should learn.




  I will get a boyfriend this year. I’m sure of it. But I wish these New Zealand blokes weren’t so shy. I wish they were more like the guys in Yugoslavia, who were more forward, like when I went there just before my 16th birthday. They chased us there. There were some really nice guys, but unfortunately there were also a couple of idiots as well. I learned to say ‘na pusti me’, which I said when I wanted them to leave me alone, because those two wouldn’t stop bugging me and my younger sister. Idiots. I liked two others though; I danced with one of them at a party. Those two were both gorgeous. I say gorgeous a lot, but when a boy is, what else is there to use? I suppose handsome, but that sounds like what an old person would say.

  I wonder who is staying at school this year. Quite a lot of people are leaving. Some of them are Jill Rainey, Hannah Doran, Andrea Smith and so on. I’ve probably spelt their names wrong. Also, all the 7th formers from last year will be gone, including Clara’s boyfriend, Lauren (not my sister) and Molly. Everything will be so different this year.

  I’m really looking forward to the Yugoslav picnic, also I’m looking forward to going back to school, and I’m being optimistic. It’s going to be a great year, yet I’ll still miss the holidays. Sometimes I have mixed feelings about going back to school.




  Well, it was a great day. We went to Manukau and got some stuff and looked around. I bought two really beautiful postcards. I love postcards, I’m always buying them. We spent ages there. I searched for that Depeche Mode record I want, but couldn’t find it. They had a couple of other good records there, which I should have bought.

  We went to Panmure after that and I got two real nice skirts from the clothes shop next to Shanton.

  Clara, Nina, and I went to the pools after that, and Mum went home. There was this real gorgeous guy there. We kept looking at each other. When he was close by, he was talking to his brothers about me and I heard one of them say, “Ask her out.” I wish he did. He’s real gorgeous. Pity they had to leave early.

  I rang Amy up about karate. She will be starting next Thursday. I also asked her to the Yugoslav picnic and she said she’d love to go. She’s got to ask her parents though.

  Sometimes I feel like I can’t wait for school, but I also don’t want the holidays to finish. The end of the holidays are a pretty confusing time. I hope some new people will be starting the 7th form, especially boys. Amy said there will be about 340 7th formers this year. I got a shock when she said that, because there are normally only 120 that stay. She said she got a shock too when she heard it. Though, a lot will be coming back just for the camp.

  I really want a boyfriend. I just need to have company, with a boy. It would be neat to go places with them. Have them over for dinner, do homework together, go to parties together or even just to walk along the beach or talk together, etc. Sorry, I got distracted by boys again.

  Anyway, karate is tomorrow. I’ve got heaps of bruises. I’ve got one real huge one on my hip and another on the other side. I’ve got a couple on my legs and some on my arms. I just wish they would go away and that I wouldn’t get them. Also, in between my fingers are bruised. That was because I punched at the same time when someone else did and our fists collided.

  I want to start badminton again. I wish that it would begin soon.

  My younger sister, her friend, and I are going for a ride tomorrow to get videos out. I want to see ‘The Karate Warrior’. It’s similar to ‘The Karate Kid’.

  My hair is really long now. I’m going to grow it to my waist, if I can. Well, I’m trying. I’m also trying to grow my nails. I’m doing well.

  My letter to one of my pen pals was sent today. I also wrote another one to a new person in Hamilton, called Nancy. I hope everything goes well. I want to have heaps of pen pals.

  I really do need a boyfriend. I wish it would be like the first term in the 4th form again. Except, this time I’ll be going out with a boy. I want the whole year to be wonderful, since it’s my senior year, and I want it to be the best and most memorable.

  I’m really looking forward to the 7th form camp, because it’s where you get to know everyone properly. Also, I’m looking forward to the ball, which I am definitely going to, and with a boyfriend. I want this year to be a success.

  I really wish some great guys would start 7th form at our school. Like the guy at the pools. It’s going to be neat at lunch times, because we will be allowed to go outside of school. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s going to be the best.




  Went to school with Shena today, so she could fix her subjects. We got two videos out afterwards, one called ‘China Girl’ and the other ‘She’s Having a Baby’. My younger sister came over for a little while (we were all at Shena’s place), then Nina left to go to the pictures with her friend. I took the videos back when we finished with them, then went home. Got there about 2:26.

  When I went to school today there were heaps of people starting. A lot of Japanese were there.

  There are two teachers for history, Mr Hanley and Mrs Greyson. Shena’s got Mr Hanley for her teacher. I hope I get him too, because he’s a really good teacher. I can’t wait to find out about History, because I want to look up the topics that we’ll be studying and get videos out about them. I love reading History and I love learning about it too.

  Only 3 days before school starts. The holidays sure went fast.

  I don’t have karate on Sunday, so I won’t miss it even if I go to the Yugoslav picnic. Even if it was on, I would have missed it, because of the Yugoslav picnic, which I would never miss.

  There is supposed to be a get together on Monday, at the beach, for some school friends. I hope I get a real good tan from the Yugoslav picnic.

  My senior year at school will start in three days. I wonder what will happen in that year. Whether I get a boyfriend, become popular, or just stay the same? I don’t know what will happen. And if I do get a boyfriend, what will he look like, who will he be, did I know him for a long time or is he someone I will just meet, is he nice? And so on.

  I can’t wait, and that’s the truth. This is because I am so uncertain. I’m caught in the middle and that’s why I want school to come quickly so I won’t feel this way anymore, and I won’t feel like I don’t know what I want. When school comes I will know what I want. I’ll probably fall for some guy again, but this time I want it to be different. I want guys to fall for me and me to actually have a date. I want to fill up my calendar with dates and things to do. I want guys to ring me up and ask me out. I want to be popular. Doesn’t everyone? I don’t want to be a nobody like in that Emily Dickinson poem ‘I’m nobody! Who are you?’ I saw it in the book called ‘Suzy Who?’ by Winifred Madison. I think I remember that poem because sometimes I feel like a nobody. And I disagree with Emily Dickinson when she wrote that it would be dull to be somebody. No, she used the word dreary. Anyway, I’d still rather be a somebody than a nobody.




  The Yugoslav picnic was brilliant. The sky was cloudless and it was a beautiful day. Amy went with us. She fancied one of my cousins, but since she has a new boyfriend she didn’t do anything about it.

  Today, I went to the beach with Amy and some others were there. Amy’s boyfriend and his friends came too, and, boy, was Amy’s boyfriend Tate gorgeous. She finally hit the jackpot. He goes to a boys’ school. I’m invited to a gathering of friends soon. There will be mainly Tate’s friends from his school. I can’t wait.

  School tomorrow, nothing much to say about that. I’m more interested in meeting Tate’s friends. I really want a boyfriend, and I can’t wait any longer. And, I really want to get in with Tate’s crowd, because they know everyone, and the boys are gorgeous.


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