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Friend Bangs My Wife in Front of Me

Page 16

by Ryan Robert Anderson

  Guys were always buy Deb drinks, but now they were buying me drinks too. Guys

  were always asking Deb to dance, now girls were asking me to dance (and

  occasionally a girl would ask Deb to dance too).

  A guy named Travis, who I'd seen around a lot came up and asked if I'd be

  interested in having a fence built around my backyard. He said he and his

  grandpa made some extra spending money building fences. I said, you've heard

  too? He looked at me and said, dude, everybody has heard. I asked if he knew

  who/how many had actually seen anything. He said he didn't know there names

  but three kids were back there and saw pretty much everything.

  I asked if I could get a little discount if I helped, he said yea, no problem.

  He looked at me and said I'll give you and even bigger discount if you let me

  work in the nude! Ok, guess I'm having a fence put in. Told him to come by

  tomorrow and we'd do some measuring and see what all was needed.

  Deb and I tied on a pretty good one last night and were in no hurry to get up -

  till the front doorbell rang. I wrapped a robe around me and went to answer

  it. Travis and his grandpa! A little early isn't it and he looked at his watch

  and said no, it's after noon! I invited them in while I changed. Deb kinda set

  the pace for things to come by walking out to the shower bare-ass. Travis got up

  and walked to the bedroom door and said, why get dressed when we're just takin'

  'em off outside anyway. I asked if his grandpa was ok with this and Travis

  just smiled. I pulled my boxers down and headed with Travis out to the patio.

  Travis introduced me to a very naked and extremely well hung grand father - Joe!

  Travis stripped and put his clothes on the table. He had a mallet and some

  steaks, a big roll of twine, levels and some other shit I didn't recognize.

  Guess he's done this before. We started marking off the fence and Deb came out

  - bare-ass. Travis looked at me and said damn she's a beautiful gal! Thanks!

  Did I just see Joe's dick twitch? And we continued working.

  We had it all marked off, knew where the post holes needed to be and were ready

  for step 2. He said he'd try and get the post hole digger today and come by

  tomorrow. And would call a friend of his to get the wood delivered by Tues or

  Wed. I was kinda impressed on two fronts, he didn't just stand there and ogle

  Deb, and he really knew what he was doing with the fence.

  Deb and I stayed out and started gettin' a little horny and lay down on the

  grass. We were eating each other pretty good when Janeane said Hi, just wanted

  to see for myself. We stopped and were going to go get some shorts on when

  Janeane took off her clothes and laid down next to Deb. Damn - wasn't expecting

  that! Deb and her started eating each others pussies. When someone else from

  the bar, didn't know his name said Looks like they left you kinda high and dry.

  He pointed an my dick and said you mind? I just said go for it! He stripped

  quickly and knelt in front of me and gobbled my dick down. Gotta get that fence

  up quick!

  Travis and Joe had the fence posts in on Sunday and said his friend would be by

  Tuesday with the rest of the lumber.

  By Wednesday three quarters of the fence was done. Travis, Joe and I were

  taking a break at the picnic table and Deb came out with an armful of beers.

  Joe looked at Deb and said, damn, girl, I just love what cold does to a woman's

  nipples!. Deb looked down and sure as shit the were sticking out a lot, She

  grabbed one of the beers and sat it in Joe's lap and said Let's see how it

  effects cocks! He said Darlin' there's only one way to make him smaller! Deb

  dropped to her knees and said I'll bet I can make him bigger before he gets


  Travis and I just watched his grandpa getting a blowjob. Travis said he'd

  never had a blowjob from a guy and if I was bored??? and he lifted his dick. I

  smiled and dropped to my knees. Joe was cumming and Deb was swallowing! Joe

  bent over and gave Deb a kiss on the cheek and said Darlin' you've made an old

  man really happy today hun - thanks. Deb turned around and crawled over to

  Travis and I and told me to share. We both were all over his dick. He came

  like gangbusters and Deb grabbed his cock and aimed it at my mouth. We cleaned

  him up and announced That fence isn't going to finish it self!

  Thursday the fence was finished and I said I was buying, if anyone wanted to

  join us at the bar. Janeane said she was disappointed about the fence, that

  she couldn't sneak up on us anymore. Deb grabbed her hand and said Bullshit,

  you can sneak up on me anytime you want! Janeane brought a round of drinks

  over to our table and asked Travis if I was as good as she had heard. Travis

  smiled and said he'd never tell! Janeane said he must've been good!. I was

  actually getting embarrassed. We told Janeane we were christening the

  backyard on Saturday and she could invite a few people if she thought they'd

  'fit in'.

  Jake and Jen came by Friday night to help get things ready. Jake and I built

  some cubby-hole type shelves by the gate for people to put clothes in. The

  girls were raking leaves cleaning the patio. Jake and Jen broke out a gift

  they said was meant for tomorrow but now seemed like a better time. It

  was a huge string of party lights. Jake and I hung them criss-crossing the yard

  a couple of times. The only problem we had hanging the lights was every time I

  climbed up the ladder, Jake's hands climbed up my legs. So, one very hard, very

  beckoning hard dick was yelling for attention. Deb came over and said to Jake

  may I, Jake smiled and said sure - as many times as Deb and I have had sex

  together, this was the most loving blowjob I had ever received. I got off the

  ladder and started hugging her. I was actually crying I was so happy. Jake and

  Jen came over and said See, this can be an amazing lifestyle. The four of us

  hugged for what seemed like forever.

  Jake and Jen slept on the couch and Deb and I in our bed - no idea why, it just

  felt right!

  The next morning there wasn't much to do. We sat at the patio table and had

  coffee starring at the backyard. This was nice.

  About 11:00 Janeane was the first to show. She brought three lady friends with

  her. Over the last couple years I'd had my eyes on Janeane. She flirted with

  every guy that ever set foot in the bar! And, then to see this. Janeane

  introduced us, as they were taking off their clothes, Carmen, Miranda, and

  Vicki. The owner of the bar, Tom showed up with a keg and ice. A couple

  introduced themselves as John and Georgia, I'd never met, or even seen them

  before. But they were naked before I could even get a question out. The next

  hour was pretty much the same. I bet I didn't know half the people here. I

  was getting a little worried about how many people had showed up. We had at

  least 50 people here! It wasn't just a huge orgy, Everyone was roaming around

  talking to every one else, lots of laughing, the occasional grope here and

  there. Jake stood up on a bench and announced 'Bring on the gifts'. Deb and I

  just looked at each other, we had never said anything about gifts. Everyone

  was heading to the gate and then coming back a minute later carr
ying gifts.

  John and Georgia asked for help with their gift and Jake and he carried in a

  really nice glass top patio table and chairs. More party lights, solar garden

  lights, BBQ utensils and, I think one of the best of all was one of Janeane's

  friends (Vicki I think) gave Deb a double headed dildo with a promise to show

  her how to use it later!

  About midnight things were winding down. Tom, the bar owner came up to me and

  said Don't make this a fucking habit, it's bad for my business, he laughed,

  shook my hand and left. I started picking up some of the trash, when Jake, Jen

  and Janeane came up to me and said Leave it, we'll get this tomorrow. I found

  Deb in the kitchen cleaning up, grabbed her from behind and was about too give

  her a wet slobbery kiss on the neck when she turned around real fast and hugged

  me. She was crying and I asked what was wrong. She said nothing, I just don't

  want this to ever end, I love you. We hugged for a few minutes and headed for

  the bedroom. Jake, Jen Janeane and one of Janeane's friends were on the sofa

  bed. Deb and I just went to our bed closing the door.

  I'd tell you what happened next, but it just doesn't fit in a jack-off story.

  But, I will say that the next morning we were able to announce to the sofa bed

  that Deb and I were engaged!


  It was early in the morning when we were settled for the History class that

  was just rescheduled because of the rumors that haunted everybody in school

  in the last few weeks. Our classmate, the math geek Kurt Reid, had been

  found dead in the locker area just before our class ended in the evening.

  His body, as we saw it, was teared apart; His flesh scattered in the floor

  like some gruesome creature attacked him ferociously and consumed the flesh

  in his body. The school board and the police both agreed the murder was

  intentional, but the parents who rather believed there was a serial killer

  roaming around demanded to reschedule all the classes in the evening.

  The students rather believe it was a mystical creature with an abberant

  face which hunts human flesh for food. Perhaps, imaginations caused some

  students to testify they have seen the creature once or twice in the

  government-protected forest just at the back of the school next to the

  open-air stadium. All of them who testified concured the creature looked

  like a scary-looking werewolf whose grey, nigh hairless skin was noticeable

  under the moonlight. The stories were appended by some adventurous groups

  of teenagers who intentionally camped in some parts of the forest to have

  sightings of the said creature. Yet, no one could actualy give evidences to

  the existence of the creature, and what everyone knew was that no one had

  been killed since Kurt. The school board hoped the rumors would fade and

  things would go back to normal soon.

  I was staring at Kurt's empty desk at this moment when Russel Gred, the guy

  who sat next to him, came in, met my eyes for a second, and dropped into

  his seat. I turned my head away and looked outside by the window next to


  Russel Gred had been making sudden, weird glances at me since the last time

  I saw him in the back of our house walking under the trees, half-naked. He

  was my nearest neighboor; His family lived in a modern-looking house next

  to an hectare of trees. His dad and my dad were friends and there was one

  time they did sit in our dinner table together. But because Russel only

  hangs out with Ash, Kyle, and Marco (the names you probably hear the most

  in school), I never befriended him nor I did have the intention to do

  so. When I saw him walking under the trees that time, he didn't talk to me

  and went straight to his way.

  I didn't have any close friend at all and I didn't like the idea of letting

  someone invade my privacy. I walked the school hallway alone without anyone

  to stop by for a short conversation and I drove my car back home without

  anyone riding shotgun. I didn't occassionaly receive stares from people

  unless I stood in front of them for a school report. No one seemed to like

  the idea of reaching me out and make friends with me. In general, I was an

  introvert who only liked to do studying all the feilds of natural sciences.

  I didn't even like learning about human behavior. Just few seconds ago,

  Russel looked to my direction and checked on me again. In my presumptous

  mind, he must have been trying to catch me staring at him; never did he

  knew I do it very rarely out of mistake: such moments like you were trying

  to look at something and he passed by and you met his eyes. He must have

  been bothered by something that I was not doing.

  But granting I was constantly checking him out, why bother on me alone?

  With his physical appearance how couldn't he become used of people staring

  at him? I knew a lot of girls who dreamed of getting him laid. I heard it

  uttered by Jessica, Leah, and Maye themselves in the canteen. If he thought

  I was staring at him occassionaly, why bother with it?

  Russel had mysetry in him and I could feel it. Yesterday, I was alone in an

  alley of bookshelves in the library when he popped in beside me looking for

  a book.

  "Hey!" I was taken aback by his presence.

  He didn't answer. He continued to search for a book in the biology

  section. It didnt last too long and he exited. I saw note dropped on floor

  written on it: See you in your car tommorow afternoon.

  I supposed the note came from him and it was for me.

  In the afternoon, after my major class, I went to the parking lot to pick

  my car and go home. I wouldn't expect him anymore. The note told he was

  going to see me in my car, but then as I was approaching my car, I saw no

  one waiting for me nearby. I looked for him no more, opened my car, and

  went in.

  "I supposed you have seen the note I dropped on the floor." A voice came

  from the backseat. When I looked into the rearview mirror, I saw Russel

  sitting there.

  "How did you came in?" I was a bit nervous.

  "I want you to stop staring at me." He said.

  "I'm not staring at you! For fuck's sake, how did you get inside my car?"

  "I know you saw me in the back of your house last week."

  "So what? What the fuck is wrong with it!"

  "You don't know who I am."

  "I dont really care who you are."

  "Shut your mouth up." He said. He clicked the lock open, pushed the door

  away, and left.

  What the hell is wrong with him? I asked myself as I was leaving the

  school. I just had infered how weird and rabid was that Russel Gred when he

  was close to you.

  The next day, the whole campus trembled with the news that a second attack

  has been made and this time, there were two victims, one died and the other

  one survived. The survivor, Ken White, had large marks of claws in the back

  of his body and he was inside the school laboratory hiding for the entire

  evening. His girlfriend, Danica, was found dead in the back of the school

  cafeteria. Her dead body was as the same state as of of Kurt's. Ken

  described what happened.

  They were dating when they heard howling from a distance an
d after few

  minutes, they saw it: a large creature with an abberant face, runs on four,

  with a body that looked like a robust dog. They were suprised that it took

  them tens of seconds to escape. The creature chased them and it hit Ken in

  the back with its claws. When Danica stopped to reach him, she was

  attacked. Ken attempted to rescue her, but then after he saw she was

  already stripped away, he ran and locked himself in the school laboratory.

  The said occurrence alerted the cops and they planned to hunt the creature

  in the evening. It hit the news websites' headlines in the afternoon before

  the said hunting began. The authorities was hoping to find a serial killer

  rather than a mystical creature. The town mayor was qouted there was a

  serial killer preying around looking for victims in the evening. There was

  one news company who termed it: a killer in custume.

  As far I had heard, the searching started an hour ago before I started

  doing my biology assignment. My dad, alarmed by the presence of the said

  serial killer, didn't took a sleep and kept himself alerted near our front

  door. My mom took her pills to pacify herself watching dad from the

  stairs. I just closed my door because I thought they were just


  Suddenly, two police cars came and they stopped in front of our house. I

  hurried downstairs to listen while my dad opened the door for them.

  "Good evening, Mr. Portman. Have you seen the creature passed through here

  in your property?" Said the policeman.

  "I have been watching from here for an hour already. Never seen aything."

  My dad replied.

  "Well Mr. Portman, if ever you have seen something unusual, we ask you to


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