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Friend Bangs My Wife in Front of Me

Page 24

by Ryan Robert Anderson

  tender. "Tell us what you need, darling, and we will satisfy you." He

  lapped leisurely at her earlobe while she panted.

  "Fuck me," she whispered. "Tony, fuck my pussy, please Jason. Both of you."

  Jason let go of her neck and her head lolled on his shoulder as she felt

  his fingers sliding down the crease in her buttocks.

  "Now, Tony, fuck her with your fingers."

  Tony never stopped sucking on her sensitive nipple as she felt his fingers

  tunnel into her pubic hair seeking her entrance. She felt him encounter

  Jason's fingers there, felt him rub over Jason's hand, and then come back

  and begin to slide into her. She gasped, as almost simultaneously Jason's

  hand slid forward and his finger began to penetrate her with Tony's.

  She sobbed with the intense pleasure that both men's fingers inside her


  The abrupt stretching was an exquisite pain that she welcomed, and

  encouraged with her moans and thrusts.

  "Yes, Kate, take us both inside your sweet, hot center, darling. How good

  you feel, so wet and wild. Dance on our fingers, Kate, yes, yes, like

  that." Jason clamped his teeth in Kate's shoulder and the sting intensified

  everything she was feeling, blurring the line between pain and pleasure

  until she cried out.

  "Oh, oh, Jason, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I," she had to stop for a moment

  to catch her breath, "I'm going to climax, I can't stop, I can't!"

  At her words Jason pressed his finger deeper inside her, and Tony followed


  Tony was sucking ravenously on her breasts, first one then the other. He

  bit down on a nipple at the same moment he pressed his palm hard against

  her swollen sex, and Kate lost her control. Their teeth, their hands, they

  were consuming her, and she burst into flames as the conflagration took her.

  A keening wail broke from her as her whole body shook with her orgasm. Her

  pussy clamped down on the two fingers, stretching her in different

  directions, and she thrust down hard on them. An intense, almost unbearable

  pleasure took hold of her as she felt those fingers rub on an especially

  sensitive spot, and she sobbed out.

  "Oh, Jason, Tony, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me." The pleasure went on and on

  as they swirled their fingers inside her, never pulling them out, just over

  and over that same spot until she thrashed and bucked, trying to break away

  from the intense physical pleasure.

  "Enough," Jason said quietly, and first he then Tony pulled their fingers

  out of her.

  She could hear the wet, sucking sound as her drenched pussy tried to hold

  on to them, and she moaned in embarrassment, turning her face away as Tony

  bent to kiss her.

  "Kate, Kate," Tony breathed, kissing her neck and cheek, anything within

  his reach with her face turned away. "Don't be embarrassed, darling. How

  glorious you are, so wet for us, because of us. I want to feast on your

  juices, Kate, knowing we did that to you."

  Jason rested both hands on her upper arms, one coated and damp with her


  She made a small mewl, her embarrassment rising.

  "You'll do everything we want tonight, Kate, and we will give you pleasure

  like you've never known. And by tomorrow there will be no more

  embarrassment between us." Jason spoke harshly as he wrapped a fist in her

  hair and pulled her head back to face Tony. "Now kiss him, Kate. Do it."

  Kate looked into Tony's beloved face, hard with desire, yet his eyes soft

  with love, and wondered how she could ever have turned away from him. She

  raised her arms and grasped his head in both hands, pulling it toward her.

  "Tony, my love," she whispered right before their mouths met. Tony moaned

  as she thrust her tongue into his mouth, all finesse gone, to be replaced

  by raw hunger, and driving need. She growled low in her throat at his

  surrender, and again when Jason tightened his grip on her hair. Again, the

  sweet sting of pain heightened her senses, and increased her pleasure.

  Jason was at her ear, whispering low. "We're going to make you come all

  night, Kate, over and over, until you don't know where you end and we

  begin, until we are imprinted so deeply on your soul that you can't survive

  without us. Until you believe that we will never leave you."

  After those last words, Kate pulled back from Tony. "Yes, Jason, now, do it

  now!" She pushed Tony away and pulled free of Jason and twisting, sat down

  on her hip, stretched slightly away, but still between them. She was braced

  on her arms, and she knew she looked wanton and demanding and reveled in

  it. "Fuck me now, you two, now."

  Tony looked at Jason and backed away, going again to rest against the


  He had a wicked grin on his face.

  "Oh, my dear, you've done it now," he told her with a chuckle.

  Kate looked at Jason, and if she hadn't loved him so much, and trusted him

  completely, she might have been afraid. Instead his stern countenance only

  served to excite her more. She sat and grinned at Jason challengingly.

  "What are you going to do, Jason?" she taunted him. "You know you want me.

  Give me what I want. I demand it."

  The sheer audacity of her bravado shocked even her. After a moment's

  silence Jason grinned, not quite pleasantly, and nonchalantly grabbed

  Kate's legs, yanking her so she lay on the bed beneath him. He straddled

  her, and grabbing her arms, held them over her head. His face pressed close

  to hers until they were almost nose to nose.

  "Oh, you naughty girl, you seem to have forgotten who's in charge of you.

  Do you need a reminder lesson?"

  "Yes," she hissed at him, her excitement escalating with each word, with

  the tight grip of his hands on her wrists, his dominant position over her.

  "I dare you."

  Tony laughed outright at her answer, catching Jason's attention. He slowly

  sat up, letting go of Kate's arms, but she left them where they were,

  stretched above her head, offering herself to Jason. His eyes were on Tony,


  "Don't be so smug, Tony." He reached out and grabbed Tony's hand, pulling

  him upright, and closer, so close he and Jason were almost touching along

  their bare torsos.

  "Don't forget, I'm in charge of you, too." He gave a little tug, pulling

  Tony that last inch into his arms, and his head swooped down, his mouth

  capturing Tony's like a hawk with prey.

  Kate could see Jason dominate Tony with the kiss, bringing him to heel with

  the whip of desire. He licked and sucked, and nipped at Tony's lips until

  Tony was clinging to him, running his hands up and down Jason's back and

  buttocks. When Tony grabbed hold of the cheeks on Jason's buttocks and

  squeezed, Jason abruptly pulled back from the kiss.

  "Oh, no, Tony," he said a little breathlessly. "You were a naughty boy, you

  and Kate both, disturbing me at my work. You need a lesson, too."

  He pushed Tony away, and the other man fell back on the mattress, catching

  himself on his arms, legs splayed, displaying his long, engorged cock and

  large sac to Kate and Jason. Kate could see the motion was deliberate. He

  wanted to tempt Jason beyond his control
. Kate could see the blast of

  desire in Jason, his instinctive move toward Tony, but then he visibly

  reined in his lust.

  "Pile the pillows for Kate's hips, Tony. We want to elevate that sweet

  bottom of hers."

  The command had Kate catching her breath. She had never has anal sex, and

  was as apprehensive as she was anticipating. She watched Tony's pupils

  dilate as he understood what Jason was saying, and quickly moved to obey.

  Jason laughed. "Oh, yes, you'll let me lead if you get what you want, won't

  you, Tony?" he purred at the other man, bending over Kate to rub his face

  over her soft belly and breasts. The slight rasp of his beard made Kate


  Jason raised his head to look at Kate, still bending over her. "I want you

  to go lie down in the middle of the bed, Kate, on your back, with your hips

  and ass resting on those pillows."

  He sat back, and swung his leg over Kate, freeing her. Slowly she rolled

  over and rose to a kneeling position. She paused for a moment, staring at

  the pillows, at what they meant, although she was a little hazy on that.

  Suddenly Jason's hand connected with her rump with a loud smack, startling

  a cry from her. She scooted forward out of his reach and looked over her

  shoulder at him.

  "Bad girl, Kate. Do as I told you." Jason's gentle tone and smiling visage

  contrasted sharply with the spanking.

  Kate was breathing heavily, shocked at how that one slap had set fire to

  her pussy, and made her breasts feel heavy again. She crawled over to the

  pillows, and turned around to lie down on them. It was awkward, but Tony

  helped, and soon she was lying there, spread and raised for whatever

  pleasure they devised.

  Jason cocked his head slightly to the side surveying her. "Pile a couple of

  pillows behind her head, too, Tony. She's going to be a busy girl." His

  request was accompanied by a feral grin that Kate saw Tony return. When he

  moved to put the pillows under her head, tilting at an almost awkward

  angle, she looked at him apprehensively. Immediately his face gentled, and

  he rushed to reassure her.

  "Oh, my dear, don't be afraid. You'll enjoy everything we do together

  tonight, I promise. That's the point, isn't it? We want to make love with

  you, to give you pleasure.

  Trust us, OK?"

  Immediately Kate's fears vanished. "Oh, Tony, I do trust you, I do. It's

  just, it's been a long time since I felt this, well, inexperienced. I'm not

  sure what to do." She bit her lip in consternation as she looked over at


  His face was like an open book, and Kate realized he was deliberately

  dropping his dominant facade, so she could see the loving, tender man

  underneath. She smiled at him, and he smiled back, a smile of pure


  "Yes, Kate. If we ever do anything that doesn't please you, all you have to

  do is tell us, and we'll stop. But I don't think you'll ever have to." His

  smile turned playful.

  "Remember, we've had years of practice in ways to give you pleasure. Let us

  pleasure you, Kate, and in return you will give us the greatest pleasure."

  "Yes, yes, Jason, love me," she told him with complete trust, wiggling her

  bottom to get comfortable on the pillows, and adjusting her shoulders. "I'm


  Kate's trust, given so willingly, and her anticipation at what they planned

  was nearly Jason's undoing. He wanted to fall on her, wanted to claim her,

  love her, make her love him so much she would never forget him. He had to

  close his eyes for a moment and take several deep breaths to get himself

  under control. He blocked out the coming duel and focused on the moment, on

  he and Tony fucking Kate together.

  He opened his eyes to see Kate and Tony looking at him.

  "Jason," Kate whispered as she reached for him, her love shining her eyes.

  Tony just nodded at him, as if understanding.

  Jason gave himself a mental shake and smiled at them both. "Oh, Kate, now

  we come to the good part." He slid down beside her, lying on his side with

  one arm bent, his head resting in his hand as he looked at her. He raised

  the other and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she laughed

  a little breathlessly.

  "Good heavens, was what we've done so far the bad part?"

  Tony laughed out loud at her comment, and then crawled between her legs to

  kiss her stomach. "Don't be silly, there are no bad parts. There's only

  good, better, and best.

  I think Jason meant the best part is coming."

  Kate cleared her throat a little shakily as Tony continued to kiss and nip

  her stomach. "I'm not sure I'll survive it."

  Jason leaned in and kissed the soft spot behind her ear. "Oh, you'll

  survive it and beg for more."

  Kate closed her eyes as her breath sighed softly between her parted lips.

  "That's what I'm afraid of."

  Jason reached down and ran his fingers through Tony's hair, causing the

  other man to lift his head. He moved back slightly as Jason's hand slid

  down Kate's stomach into her pubic hair. She gasped, and her hands fisted

  in the sheets. Jason pulled his hand back, and his fingers were wet with

  Kate's cream. He circled one damp finger around her nipple, then leaned in

  and licked it off. Kate's breathing became erratic.

  "So wet," he murmured over her breast, then lifted his head to gaze

  inquiringly at Tony. "Tony, didn't you say you wanted to feast on Kate?"

  "Why, I believe I did, Jason," Tony said with a grin. He slid down the

  sheets until he was lying prone between her legs, his face even with her

  open pussy, and leaned in, licking deeply along her crease. His hands

  grasped her thighs when she started to buck, controlling her. He began to

  lick voraciously, and Jason could see his teeth take little nips of her

  pussy lips. Kate was making small passionate cries as she gripped the

  sheets tighter. Soon Tony's mouth was encircled by a ring of Kate's cream,

  gleaming in the candlelight.

  Jason knew Kate was ready. "So wet, Tony, enough to coat your fingers until

  they're slick, don't you think?" The softly voiced question was asked as

  his mouth traveled a mere fraction over the skin of Kate's shoulder,

  raising goose bumps.

  Kate didn't understand the meaning of his question, but Tony did. He pulled

  back from her pussy, licking his gleaming red, red lips, and Jason's cock

  trembled with need.

  He wasn't even sure for whom anymore, Kate, Tony, both, it didn't matter.

  "Yes, Jason, God, yes," Tony murmured, and Jason saw him slide the fingers

  of one hand along her crease, and then he thrust two of them inside her,

  fucking in and out, coating his fingers thickly.

  Jason sat up slightly, and Kate's hand let go of the sheet and gripped his

  arm tightly. When he looked at her, her eyes were closed, her small mouth

  open and panting. He leaned over and watched as Tony pulled his fingers

  from her pussy and ran them down into the crease of her ass. He pushed her

  legs open wider, and Jason saw him circle her anus with his slick finger.

  Kate gasped and her eyes flew open as she jerked partially up. "Tony," she


  Jason lay back down beside her, trying to control his own excitement. He'd

  dreamed of seeing Kate's ass penetrated by a hard cock. The sight of Tony's

  fingers preparing her pushed him to his limits.

  In response Tony pressed his mouth back to her pussy, and Kate moaned,

  falling back.

  "Let him in, Kate," Jason told her softly. "He's preparing you. If we're

  both to fuck you tonight, he needs to get you ready for his cock."

  At his words Kate licked her lips and her head turned toward him on the


  "What do I do, Jason?" she asked in a tight voice. "Tell me what to do."

  "That's my girl," he told her, and rewarded her with a kiss. It was tender

  yet passionate. He made love to her mouth, telling her without words how

  much he loved her, how much he wanted her and what they were going to do.

  Her eager response thrilled and steadied him. She wasn't afraid. There had

  been a small corner of his heart that had worried she would be. He was glad

  to set that unease aside.

  He slowly pulled back from the kiss with a long lick of her lower lip. Kate

  sighed, her breath hot and moist as Jason breathed it in with almost giddy

  wonder. Mine, mine, mine, his heart chanted. He looked down at Tony, eating

  Kate like the delicacy she was, and the word repeated itself, mine.

  As he watched, Tony's drenched finger returned to the sweet rosebud he was

  gently persuading to bloom. Kate's breath hitched, and she clutched Jason's

  arm again.

  When he looked at her, he could tell her reaction was one of desire, and

  his anticipation leaped like a fire in his chest.

  "You have to relax, Kate. As he pushes his fingers in, relax and gently

  push against him."

  She nodded stiffly, closing her eyes. Then she tensed for only a moment,

  and Jason looked down to see Tony's hand moving slowly, and he knew he'd

  penetrated her.

  When Tony looked up, his pupils were dilated and his breathing irregular.

  "Yes, darling, like that. I've only put just the tip in, Kate. You're so

  tight, my sweet, I don't want to hurt you."

  Kate's breath was harsh with desire when she answered him, opening her eyes

  and looking down at him. "Don't stop, Tony. It feels strange, but good,

  too." She laid her head back, saying, "I want this, you know I do." She

  paused a moment, biting her lip as Tony pushed his finger just a little bit


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