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The English Proposal: Christian Victorian Era Historical (Window to the Heart Saga Trilogy Book 1)

Page 6

by Jenna Brandt

  Margaret glanced down at her outfit and realized that she was wearing one of her riding pantsuits. Flushed with embarrassment, she stated, “I did not plan on seeing anyone before my ride.”

  He laughed. “You should not worry. You look just as enticing as ever.”

  “No one is supposed to see me like this.”

  “I thought we already established that your secrets are safe around me.”

  “Thank you for being discreet, my lord.”

  “I fear you have me at a disadvantage, as I never stopped thinking about you.”

  Margaret’s mouth fell open at the sheer bluntness of his statement. It still surprised her how men could act even when they knew a woman was unavailable.

  “You flatter me, sir, but you must not say such things to me. You are being entirely inappropriate.”

  He chuckled. “It would not be the first time, and I daresay it will not be the last.”

  As they arrived at the stables, Margaret tried to pull free from the vidame’s grasp, but he would not let her go.

  “I think I should take you all the way into the stall of your horse. I wish to be thorough when in regards to you.”

  Why did everything that came out of his mouth sound evocative? She needed to get away from him.

  But before she could extract herself from his presence, he asked, “Is that mare yours?”

  Margaret nodded and looked at Charlie. Her pride over her most prized horse superseded her desire to flee his company.

  “Yes, her name is Charlotte’s Pride.”

  “She is exquisite! You know, I think I have heard of her. Is she not from a rare bloodline? I am an expert when it comes to horse flesh.” Pierre leaned in just past what was decent between two unmarried people and whispered, “Would you like me to go riding with you, my lady?” The way he said it, she knew the invitation was for more than riding once they were alone. She already had too many mixed emotions from her complicated relationships with Richard and Henry. She was not about to introduce a third man into the equation.

  Trying to dissuade him, she replied in a clipped tone, “That will not be necessary. I much prefer to ride by myself.”

  “Do you? How provocative.”

  Blushing, Margaret responded, “My lord, I find this conversation completely unfitting. I believe our time together has come to an end.”

  “If you ever change your mind, Lady Margaret, I will always be available to be of service.”

  With that, Margaret turned and headed into the stables, not wanting to respond to Pierre. He made her uncomfortable in a way that she did not understand nor want to explore.

  Margaret waited for the stable boy to saddle Charlie. Once he was finished, she patted the horse on the neck and fed her the sugar cube she had in her riding pants. She was mounting Charlie when her youngest personal servant, Francisca, approached her. “I am here, Lady Margaret.”

  Margaret looked over at the fourteen-year-old girl who had long brown hair and matching almond-shaped brown eyes. She was stick thin and had a tomboyish demeanor, which made her perfect for taking on her afternoon rides.

  Francisca’s mother had been a gypsy, and the earl had taken the girl in as a servant when her mother could no longer take care of her. Since she had no other family, the girl was extremely loyal to Margaret, making her the ideal companion when Sarah was unable to accompany her.

  Normally, Sarah went everywhere with Margaret, but Sarah had been feeling sick off and on for the past few weeks and Margaret had gone several days without riding. She was itching to go out, and she knew Charlie wanted to run free. Even though all the horses got daily exercise by the stable hands, Charlie enjoyed galloping in the open countryside.

  “Are you ready to go riding with Charlie and me? I had Phillip saddle up one of the horses for you.”

  Francisca smiled and replied, “As you wish, my lady.”

  With ease, Francisca mounted the mare and looked at her mistress for direction.

  Extra loudly, Margaret stated, “I think we will take the east paths today.”

  Secretly, Margaret acknowledged that she was purposely taking the paths closest to Burlingler Estate, hoping that she might encounter Richard since he had implied he would find her if she went riding again. It had been a few days since she had seen him at the Wollingleer dinner party, and she hated to admit it but she was desperate to see him again. She knew she should not feel this way, but the more time she spent away from him, the more she knew she was developing strong feelings for him.

  “Of course, my lady,” Francisca responded.

  As they headed out, Margaret smiled and hoped that one of her servants overheard her plans and would relay the information to one of the duke’s servants. Hopefully, today would be the day that servants’ gossip would pay off in her favor and Richard would know exactly where to find her.

  Being out for almost two hours, Margaret would have to return soon or face her father’s wrath. Disappointment was setting in as she began to accept that she was not going to be seeing Richard.

  “My lady, the sun is starting to set. We best be getting back home.”

  “I am aware, Francisca. I just want to spend a few more minutes and head over to that grove of trees near the small pond. We can let the horses rest for a bit, and then we can head back.”

  Francisca nodded in agreement.

  The two girls reached the grove of trees and brought their horses to a halt. After dismounting, Margaret handed her reins over to Francisca.

  “I think I am going to go for a small walk. Stay here and make sure both horses drink plenty of water.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Walking along the tree line, she looked out towards Burlingler Estate. Where was he? She was so sure she had heard him right when they were at dinner. She really believed her plan was going to work, but he was nowhere to be found.

  What was Richard doing at that moment? She hoped he was thinking of her as much as she was thinking about him. She knew her thoughts should not be consumed by him, but the truth was she could not help herself. Every time she tried to stop thinking about him, she would remember their stolen moments in the woods.

  Lost in contemplation, Margaret continued to stroll along the path.

  “Thinking of me, little one?”

  Margaret swirled around and found Richard coming from the woods on his estate.

  “I was wondering if you would find me, my lord.”

  “I think, by now, you should be calling me by my given name.”

  “As you wish, Richard, and you should do the same with me.”

  Confidently, he smiled at her. “I implied the other night that I have ears everywhere. I was informed that you were taking the east paths, which I knew were between our estates. I am glad you decided to take the risk to come out here considering the restrictions your father has put you under.”

  “I had hoped you would be as resourceful as I thought you were.”

  “In other words, you wanted me to find you?”

  She nodded. “I had to see you, Richard.”


  Margaret was afraid to be vulnerable and let him know how she truly felt. What if he did not feel the same? What if she intrigued him but that was as far as it went for him? She did not know if she could take that kind of rejection.

  Richard closed the gap between them and firmly pulled her into his arms. “I asked you a question, Margaret. Why did you have to see me?”

  She tried to focus on his question but was distracted by her body’s reaction to him. Her heart attempted to jump out of her chest just from his touch. He smelt amazing, and she relished in feeling his arms around her. Everything about him made her want more.

  Finally, she replied, “Because you consume my thoughts.”

  He looked down at her without saying a word, and for a moment, Margaret was worried he did not feel the same. But as she stared into his eyes, she knew he did.

  “From the moment I saw you, I knew that you wer
e the one.”

  Margaret smiled at him and asked, “What are we going to do about this? I am betrothed to someone else, but I cannot marry anyone else when I feel this way about you.”

  “I am going to take care of it. Nothing is going to keep us apart.”

  “I do not want to leave you, Richard, but I have been gone far too long. If I do not get back soon, my father will be suspicious.”

  “Yes, I understand, but we will not be apart for long. That I promise you.”

  Reluctantly, Margaret pulled away and started to head back to where she had left Francisca.

  Chapter 7

  The approaching carriage could be heard before it arrived. The echoing of the horses’ feet thudded to a stop outside the main door. Who was it and why were they coming here? Margaret crept up to the corner of the stairs and peeked around to watch the mysterious guest arrive.

  She had heard the servants gossiping that it was another suitor, and secretly she hoped it might be Richard. There was no one left unless it was someone from out of town.

  Impatiently, she waited for the door to open, fidgeting with anticipation. Petulantly, she snapped in her mind, Hurry up, sir! I am waiting to see who you are. The not knowing was driving her mad.

  Then, as quickly as her heart was beating in expectation, he entered the room, and she thought her heart was going to stop beating altogether. She gasped in surprise, excitement, and fear all mixed together.

  It was Richard! He looked incredible in his elegant day suit of navy. He did not seem nervous, which surprised her. Of course, he probably did not know the uphill battle he was going to have to convince her father to let him marry her.

  “Your Grace, welcome to Davenmere. The Earl of Renwick will see you in a moment.”

  With that, both Margaret from her hiding place and Richard from the door watched the old butler retreat to a side door and vanish.

  Staring at Richard for several seconds, she delighted in his magnificent looks. He was so strikingly handsome that it was slightly disturbing. Some said that the devil was the most beautiful of all the angels—was Richard to be her temptation?

  She watched him look around and slowly take in his surroundings. Even with no one around him, he did not seem at all worried or irritated to be kept waiting. In truth, no feelings at all were displayed, other than a stance that could only be construed as confident.

  What was he thinking? Was he thinking of her, or perhaps the last time they had seen each other? It had only been one day, but it felt like an eternity. She had desperately fought the urge to go riding again today, but Richard had said he was going to take care of it, so she had waited. It had been the most difficult thing she had ever done since she wanted to be with him so terribly.

  From around the corner of the bottom of the stairs, Albert, their butler, returned to the duke. “Your Grace, my lord will see you now.”

  Margaret watched as the departing figures made their way to her father’s study. Once she heard the click of the door shutting, she quietly tiptoed down the stairs and over to the study’s door. She leaned against it, peeking through the crevice, and listened to the conversation that was already underway.

  “I think we both know that horses are not the real reason that I am here, Lord Wellesley. Sir, I have come here to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage. I have come to the conclusion that she is the only one I want, and I feel that she also would find the arrangement agreeable.”

  “You are exceptionally bold, Your Grace, coming here and proposing marriage to a young lady who is already betrothed.”

  “You are most right, my lord, but you see—I had not planned on admitting this—but I am smitten with your daughter. In all truth, I find myself enraptured when she is present.” He stared at the earl for a long moment, and when he did not receive a response, he continued, “As for the Viscount Rolantry, he will have no problem finding another woman to fit his needs. Besides, it is common knowledge that your daughter does not really want to wed him but is doing so out of obligation to you and he continues to stay betrothed also out of duty. I have heard as much from him when we were in the service. He has never looked forward to this upcoming marriage, and I believe it will please all parties concerned if you accept my proposal.”

  “Yes, but a man is only as good as his word, and I have promised Henry my daughter’s hand.” The earl thought for a moment in silence, then continued. “Perhaps if we discuss this with Henry—”

  “No! I mean, he will only say what he thinks you want him to say. No, think about it. Is not your daughter’s happiness your utmost concern? I will be able to offer her a title and wealth unmeasured by anyone else. I know that you made the betrothal agreement before you came in to your current title. You thought at the time that the viscount would be the best that you could do by your daughter, but things have changed, and now I can offer her more than you had ever hoped for, and so can you, by giving me your blessing.”

  Agonizing moments passed for both Richard and Margaret before finally her father replied, “I am sorry, Your Grace, but my word means more to me than any potential windfall of money and title my family would gain if my daughter were to wed you. She will marry Henry and that is final.”

  “My lord—”

  She did not know what came over her or why she did it, but suddenly she found herself bursting into the room, saying quickly and without thought to the consequences, “Father, do you not wish to hear what I want?”

  “Daughter, this is of no concern to you.”

  “Of no concern to me? I am the one who will be sharing my life with my future husband and bearing his children. Do I not have a right to voice my opinion, for it is I who knows what will make me happy?”

  “And what might that be, daughter?”

  Angling herself to look at Richard, she replied with deep emotion, “The Duke of Witherton.”

  The silence in the room was thick.

  She looked from Richard to meet her father’s eyes, and the mixture of pain and rage she saw there nearly scared her to death. She averted her eyes and walked with her head high over to where the duke stood. Boldly, making her point clear, she took the duke’s hand in her own. He did not pull away but instead gripped it back.

  “Father, I want to marry Richard and he wants to marry me. Can you not let us be happy?” She looked at him once more and begged with her eyes for him to agree.

  “Daughter, you know I would do almost anything for you… but not this. My word is final. I cannot agree to this marriage you claim to want.”

  “Father, you cannot do this! I demand that you—”

  “Margaret, that is enough,” the duke said as he looked at the older man. “I will finish this with the earl.”

  “But I—”

  He turned to face her and put his hands on her shoulders. Then low enough for only her to hear, he said, “I will make this happen. No matter what it takes, you and I will be together. I give you my word.”

  “Richard, I… I….” There was so much she wanted to say, but she did not know how to put it all into words.

  “I know. Now hush and be on your way. I will take care of everything.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, Margaret left the room and headed for her own chambers, not wanting to hear the inevitable decision she knew her father would make.

  Her father had said no. He had refused every visit and letter the duke made. He would not even allow her outside for fear that they would encounter one another. She was virtually a prisoner. But what was worse was that it stemmed much further than just physically being kept locked up; emotionally she was the same. She was captive to her feelings for Richard, and she saw no way of her getting free of it or being able to express it openly.

  Everything was so horrible. Not only was she miserable, but she had hurt Henry as well. She had known at the time that it would only be a matter of hours before the servants’ gossip got to Brookehaven and Henry would find out what had transpired between Richard and her father. />
  Henry entered through the back, like he had for as long as she could remember. She had been heading up to her room to read when Henry approached her at the bottom of the double staircases.

  Margaret thought she had readied herself for the confrontation, but nothing prepared her for the awful truth or the look of resentment and pain she saw on his face.

  “Henry, what are you doing here?”

  “Do not play coy with me, my lady. You know why I am here.” He gritted his teeth as he spit out in bitterness. “How was it so easy for you to trample my heart? Did it mean so little to you? I handed it over to you on a silver platter, but instead of cherishing it, you cut it up and served it to Witherton.”

  “That is not what happened,” she stated, but she knew that it must feel that way to Henry. She did not like the pain that was plainly visible on Henry’s face, nor the fact that she was the one who put it there.

  Nevertheless, she needed to be honest with him. “I am sorry, Henry, but I cannot deny how I feel. You know all those things that I said I never felt for you and you told me not to worry about it, but I feel them now… with Richard. I did not seek to hurt you, and I wish that this did not, but I cannot change what has happened or my feelings.”

  “Was everything a lie? You told me you cared for me. Did you?” He grabbed her arms and shook her. “Did you? Tell me, did you play with me like a puppet on a string? Have you and Witherton been laughing behind my back about how I have made a fool of myself over you?”

  “No! No, that is not how it is. It just happened. I do not even know how it came to be. One moment, I had resolved myself to marry you, and the next, he consumed my thoughts and feelings.”

  He pulled away as if she had slapped him. She could see the tears he was fighting back in the corners of his eyes. She hated that she was hurting him this way. He had always been so kind to her, and she cared for him deeply, but she was not willing to lie to him to make this easier.

  “Did you ever even really care, or was it all a ruse to wait for something better to come along?”


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