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Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love

Page 8

by Sherelle Green

  Chapter 8

  “Kyra, I swear you’ll like it,” Luke said, gently pulling Kyra toward a makeshift booth on the beach.

  “No, I won’t,” she said. “I hate the water. There’s nothing about it that I like. Plus, I really don’t want to get my hair wet.”

  Nash laughed. “Said every black woman that I’ve ever dated.”

  “Shut up,” she said, flicking him off. “As I recall, you didn’t want to go zip-lining earlier today and Luke didn’t push you on that.”

  “That was different,” Nash said. “I’m two hundred and fifty pounds of solid muscle. Those little-ass ropes couldn’t hold my weight.”

  “You are not two hundred and fifty pounds,” Luke said with a laugh. “Since that was the weight limit, you lied to the guy so that you wouldn’t have to go.”

  “So,” Nash retorted. “Did you see the way that man looked when I told him? He knew I’d dodged a bullet. Zip-lining from tree to tree is not the black man’s way.”

  Kyra laughed. “Oh, my God, you did not just make this a black thing.”

  “More of a man thing,” Luke said.

  Kyra rolled her eyes. “Just admit that you hate heights.”

  “For what,” Nash said. “This is about you now. I thought you said you’ve ridden a Jet Ski before.”

  “I have,” she said. “A couple times.”

  “So what’s different between then and now?” Nash asked. “Unless you’re lying.”

  “Lying?” Kyra exclaimed. “Dude, come on.”

  Luke shook his head as he listened to Kyra and Nash go back and forth as they had since they’d arrived in St. Lucia. “Y’all argue like brother and sister.”

  “If you weren’t tryin’ to get her in your bed, you’d probably be arguing with her like this, too,” Nash said. “She’s annoying sometimes.”

  “Do you think about the crap you say before you say it?” Luke asked.

  Nash stuck out his arms in defense. “What? I thought that was common knowledge.”

  “You’re an idiot,” Kyra said. “And for the record, I’ve Jet-Skied on lakes before in a situation where I knew I wouldn’t fall off.”

  “How could you know that?” Nash asked. “You just got lucky and didn’t fall off. But I’m sure you got your hair wet.”

  “Why am I even arguing with you about this?” she huffed. “I’m not doing it.”

  “Would you do it if you were on the back of the Jet Ski with me?” Luke asked.

  She frowned. “Uh, no. I don’t trust either of you to not flip us over.”

  “I didn’t volunteer,” Nash said. “But if you get on with me, I’ll definitely be flipping your ass off it.”

  Kyra whacked his arm. “Remind me to never vacation with you again.”

  Nash laughed. “You know you’re enjoying my company.”

  “Nope. Negative.”

  Luke shook his head as they went at it again. When his mom, Athena, had called this morning and said that she wouldn’t be arriving until tomorrow instead, Luke had thought he’d treat Nash and Kyra to some fun island activities. But had he known they’d be so difficult, he would have let them spend the day lounging around his place instead.

  “Okay,” Kyra said, interrupting his thoughts. “I’ll go on the Jet Ski with you.” She walked closer to Luke and poked him in the chest. “But you better not flip us over, or else I will make the rest of this trip hell for you.”

  Nash snorted and mumbled something under his breath. He couldn’t make out his words, but he was pretty sure he shared the same sentiment.

  “You’ve already been acting like a princess, so I’ll take my chances.” He led them to a guy at the booth on the beach who set them up with Jet Skis. Luke had Jet-Skied more times than he could count at a bunch of different places. However, nothing could compare to the beaches of St. Lucia.

  While Nash didn’t waste any time hightailing it out into the ocean, Luke started off slow, making sure Kyra held him tight as she got used to the waves.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she yelled as they picked up speed.

  “Believe it, baby,” he said with a laugh as he kicked it up a notch so he could catch up with Nash.

  “Are you gonna slow down?” she yelled when he reached the speed he normally rode at.

  Luke smiled slyly even though she couldn’t see him. “Not a chance.”

  Nash was just as good on the Jet Ski as Luke was and, eventually, he heard Kyra comment on how beautiful the small islands were that they passed by. “It’s really pretty,” she yelled.

  “I agree,” Luke yelled back. “There’s nothing like it.” He slowed down so that she could admire one of his favorite small islands. “I took a small boat over to that island over there with my uncle a couple times when I was a teenager to do some exploring.”

  “You and Uncle Ralph are really close, huh?”

  Luke nodded. “Yeah, he and my dad never got along, but we’ve always had a close relationship. Most of St. Lucia knows Uncle Ralph and whenever I visit here, he always made me feel like a son. I learned more about this island from him than my own father, who was also born here.”

  “You’re lucky to have each other,” she said. “I definitely want to get another meal or two from him before we leave.”

  “Oh, you’ll get plenty.” Luke looked to his left when he saw Nash speed past them yelling about Luke being a slow rider. “But for now, I have to show my little brother up.”

  “Just be careful,” Kyra yelled as Luke took off. But it was no use. He was already speeding fast, passing Nash. A minute later, Nash passed him again, standing as he tackled the incoming waves. Although Luke had to remain seated because Kyra was gripping his life jacket for dear life, he managed to ride Nash’s tail, almost passing him. Then without warning, his brother slowed down and began to turn, pointing ahead.

  “Crap,” Luke mumbled as he saw a huge incoming wave heading their way. Nash managed to turn easily, avoiding the wave, but Luke wasn’t so lucky and they flipped over, both going under.

  When they rose to the surface, Luke quickly flipped over the Jet Ski, but Kyra was already freaking out.

  “Oh, my God, I can’t believe you flipped us.” She flailed her arms, glancing around the open water. “Why is the water so dark blue here? Are there big fish out here?” Her eyes widened. “Or sharks? Oh, crap, it’s an ocean so there’s definitely sharks, right?” In a panic, Kyra gripped the side of the Jet Ski.

  “Don’t do that,” Luke yelled. “It will flip it back over.” Unfortunately, she wasn’t listening and managed to flip over again and go under. Since Luke was so close, he helped her rise back to the surface.

  “Are you okay?” he asked after she stopped coughing.

  “No, I’m not okay,” she yelled. “We flipped over. In the ocean. Which is exactly what I was afraid of. You promised we wouldn’t flip over.” Kyra was talking a mile a minute, which wasn’t normal for her. Luke knew she was still freaking out, but no matter what he said to try and calm her down, it wasn’t working.

  He wished she didn’t look so sexy all heated and wet, but she did. She always did. If asked, he’d never admit it, but he’d done his fair share of social-media stalking. He’d convinced himself he was just checking on her to make sure she was okay, and strategically hounded Taheim for details of her exes when he saw a new guy pop up on her pages. Luke always thought through his actions, but ever since he’d moved to LA, he’d done less thinking with his mind and more thinking with his heart.

  “Are you going to help me back on this thing?” she asked, still in a panic. He wanted to help her. He really did. However, thanks to this whole thinking-with-his-heart thing, he couldn’t help her the way she needed, but rather, in the way he’d been thinking about ever since the moment they’d shared in her bedroom back in college.

  Not giv
ing it any more thought, he gently pulled her face to his, grateful that he didn’t have to tread water much thanks to the life jackets. To his surprise, Kyra melted into his kiss instantly, her hands snaking around his neck, causing him to moan as she allowed him to deepen the kiss.

  There were so many times when he thought about what it would be like to kiss her again, but never had he considered it would happen in St. Lucia, floating in the Atlantic Ocean. Had the waves not continued to crash into them and the Jet Ski, he would have kept on kissing her.

  Reluctantly, Luke pulled away, then gently rubbed his thumb against her wet cheek as she looked at him in surprise and arousal. Join the club, he thought because she’d been arousing him all freaking month. When he heard someone clear their throat, Luke finally glanced away, his eyes landing on a very amused Nash.

  “Don’t mind me,” Nash said, leaning over the handles of his Jet Ski. “I just wanted to make sure that the dolphins didn’t frighten y’all since the three of us are enjoying the show.”

  “What dolphins?” Kyra asked, her voice breathless from the kiss. Nash nodded to his right at two eight-foot-long mammals that Luke could barely see because they were dipping in and out of the ocean. “Oh, my God,” she screamed as one of them dipped their head above the water. And just like that, Kyra flipped over the Jet Ski. Again.

  * * *

  “Damn, Unc wasn’t kidding,” Nash said. “Trista knows how to throw a party.”

  “She does,” Luke said with a smile as they walked to the VIP section of Lou’s Reggae Lounge. To be honest, he wasn’t smiling because his cousin was great at planning a party. He was smiling because they’d just arrived in St. Lucia yesterday and already, Nash was calling Uncle Ralph Unc.

  That, and the fact that he was still on cloud nine after that kiss with Kyra. A kiss he’d hadn’t stopped thinking about since it happened.

  “I’m surprised Kyra chose to miss out,” Luke said. “She usually loves parties.”

  “You’re joking, right?” Nash asked. “I’ll admit, she was just as into that kiss as you were, but she freaked out on you after. You really need to question why she didn’t come out with us?”

  Luke frowned as he thought about how she’d gone from yelling at him for kissing her to being quiet during the rest of the drive home. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I didn’t mean to kiss her right then. It just happened.”

  Nash sat down in the one of the VIP booths while Luke took a seat beside him. “Bro, don’t think about it too much. It was bound to happen sometime. You and Kyra have so much sexual chemistry, I almost thought about asking Uncle Ralph if I could crash with him so y’all could have the house to yourselves.”

  Luke laughed. “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself, little brother.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Nash said, raising an eyebrow.

  “Oh, snap, Luke is in the building,” a voice said from beside them. Luke turned and spotted his cousin Trista.

  “Trista, what’s good?” he asked, standing to hug her.

  “Not much,” she replied, giving him a hug. “Dad told me you were coming into town since it’s Thanksgiving in America.” She glanced over Luke’s shoulder. “Then he told me you were bringing your newfound brother along with you, but I think I heard my dad wrong because he looks more like your twin.”

  Luke laughed. “Trista, this is Nash. Nash, Uncle Ralph’s daughter, Trista.”

  “Hey, cousin, it’s nice to meet you.” Trista gave Nash a hug. “Glad you made it to St. Lucia. My dad already told me that you may look like Luke, but that y’all are opposites, which makes me glad because as much as I love my cousin, he tends to think I’m reckless.”

  Nash laughed. “Great to meet you, too. And, yeah, I think it’s safe to say that no one is quite like Luke here.”

  “Agreed,” someone said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Luke, my man, what is up!”

  Luke turned around. “Maceo, what’s up, man? Last I heard, you were married and living in Barbados.”

  Maceo sighed. “Yeah, I was. But that didn’t work out.”

  “Sorry to hear that, man.”

  Maceo shrugged. “It was for the best. We weren’t right for each other from the beginning. I think we both knew it, but we stayed together for our kid.”

  Luke nodded. “Trying to do the right thing. I get it.” Luke waved over Nash. “This my brother, Nash. Nash, this is one of my good friends, Maceo.”

  “Nice to meet you, man,” Nash said, dabbing his fist.

  “You, too.” Maceo looked from Luke to Nash. “Yo, you look just like each other.”

  Luke laughed. “Yeah, we’ve been getting that a lot.”

  Maceo nodded and glanced over Luke’s shoulder at Trista. “Long time no see, Trista.”

  “Only because you stay busy,” she said with a smile. “What gives? Too good for my parties?”

  “Nah, just trying to get a handle on this single-dad life.”

  “I’m just teasing,” she said. “But glad you could make it.” She glanced to all three men. “In fact, I’m glad all of you could make it. But, Luke, where’s this woman my dad was telling me about? Said she has your nose wide open.”

  Nash laughed, but Luke didn’t find anything funny. “Man, Uncle Ralph needs to stop telling stories.”

  “It ain’t a lie, bro,” Nash said. “You been feelin’ Kyra since you were young. It’s obvious as hell.”

  “Bruh, why don’t you share that info with a few other people in the lounge. I’m not sure they understood who you were talking about.”

  Nash shrugged. “Why not?” He stood on the VIP couch and yelled over the music that Luke had a crush on a girl named Kyra. A few folks standing nearby asked who Kyra was, while a few others yelled for him to get down.

  “Are you happy with yourself?” Luke asked, ignoring the way Trista and Maceo were laughing.

  Nash gave him a Chuck E. Cheese smile. “Very.”

  “Good, because you’re taking a taxi home.”

  “Fine with me,” Nash said, glancing at the front door. “I’ll just take a ride back with Kyra.”

  “She’s not here,” Luke said. Instead of answering him, Nash nodded his head toward the door. Luke knew she was there before he even turned fully around, and when he did, the sexy black dress she was wearing almost made him stumble. Damn. True to Kyra’s personality, she’d already washed and straightened her hair, but that wasn’t what had Luke speechless.

  Her eyes landed on them and the way her hips were swaying in that dress even under the dim lighting had him wishing they were anywhere else but in the lounge.

  “Hey, guys,” she said as she joined the group. “I remembered the name of the lounge and figured I’d take a taxi here. Glad I made it.”

  “You should have called me,” Luke said. “I would have come and got you.”

  “I called Uncle Ralph and he called a friend to get me.”

  “That’s my dad,” Trista said with a smile. “Hey, Kyra, I’m Ralph’s daughter, Trista. I’ve heard a lot about you. Glad to finally put a face to the name.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Kyra said, giving her a quick hug. “I met your dad yesterday and he’s already one of my favorite people.”

  “He has that effect on people,” Trista said proudly. “And this here is Maceo, a friend of mine and Luke’s.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Maceo said, shaking her hand. “Welcome to the island.”

  “Glad to be here.” Kyra glanced back at Luke. “Hope you didn’t have too much fun without me.”

  “He hasn’t,” Nash said for him. “He talked about you the entire ride here.” Luke elbowed Nash in the ribs, causing him to let out a groan. “Be a lover, Luke. Not a fighter.”

  “Shut up, Nash.” Luke took another head-to-toe glance at Kyra. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks,” she said. �
��You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Maceo said to Trista. “Luke’s in trouble with this one.”

  Unable to help himself, Luke asked Kyra if he could chat with her for a minute.

  “Sure,” she said with a nod. There weren’t too many private places for them to go, so Luke pulled her deeper into the VIP area.

  “Are we okay?” he asked, leaning down to whisper.

  “You mean because you kissed me or the fact that we almost got attacked by dolphins?”

  He laughed. “Those dolphins weren’t going to attack us.”

  She huffed. “Yeah, okay.”

  “Seriously, though, are we good?”

  She looked to him, studying his eyes in a way that made him feel like she was undressing him in her mind. “We’re good. I know you kissed me on an impulse and didn’t really mean it. Everything’s cool.”

  “Nah, I meant that shit,” Luke said. “It was impulsive, but I don’t regret anything.”

  She smiled. “Me, neither.” At her admission, his eyes dropped to her lips, eager to taste her again, but not wanting to lay it on too strong. Especially in front of a bunch of people.

  “Y’all should join us tomorrow,” Trista suggested, calling over to them. “Maceo and I, along with a couple other locals, are thinking about going on a hike in the rainforest.”

  “That sounds like fun,” Kyra said, walking back over to the group. Luke followed.

  “Seriously?” Nash exclaimed. “You’re afraid of water, but you’re down to hike?”

  Kyra rolled her eyes. “How are the two of you even remotely related?”

  Nash shrugged. “I just thought you were one of those women who didn’t like to do anything outside. More of an air-conditioned kind of girl.”

  Kyra looked to Luke and pursed her lips together. “You may be down one brother after this trip.”

  “That’s if I don’t get to him first,” Luke said, shaking his head as the two got into another argument. Luckily, this time, Trista and Maceo were there to run interference.


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