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Age of Valor: Awakening

Page 3

by D. E. Morris

  Her gown was simple, lacking the girth of a typical royal court gown. It was white and silver, flowing over her and fluttering with every movement she made. Her long black hair had been pulled back from her face and woven into a tumble of curls with cream and pale blue flowers. When she realized Jaryn was looking her over, her dark blue eyes looked away and a blush stained her olive-toned cheeks.

  “You are breathtaking,” Jaryn told her honestly. He strode forward and took her into a tight embrace. “You smell good, too.”

  As they parted, Luella couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “I cannot imagine how I would be able to smell otherwise. I have been awake since before dawn being bathed and massaged and made up.” She shook her head. “They wanted me to wear a white toga type thing with a red veil and shoes.” Jaryn’s face reflected the confused tone of her voice. “I know!” she enthused quietly.

  “No, this is perfect.”

  “Not quite.” Luella moved to the side of the room and pulled a silver brooch from a small table drawer. “Will you help me with this?” The decorative pin, a boar’s head with the bone of a deer in his mouth, was pinned to a red, green, crimson, blue, and white tartan sash. Jaryn helped tie it around her waist and let it drape down the skirt of her dress. “It is my birth father’s clan,” she said quietly, seeing Jaryn examine the brooch.

  “Aye,” he replied softly. “It’s a good thing to remember your roots, especially on a day you become an elf wife.” She chuckled as Jaryn straightened. “How do you feel?”

  Luella took a slow breath in and held it a moment, thoughtful. “I feel happy...”

  With a quirk of a brow, Jaryn said, “I hear hesitance.”

  Her quick smile to him was sad. “I dreamed of this day since I was old enough to understand what a wedding was. I pictured everything down to the last detail: what my dress would look like, the decorations, the dancing. The face of the groom always changed depending who was at court and single, but the one thing that never shifted was the fact that my father - Tadhg - was there with my mother and they were watching me, smiling, overjoyed at the happiness I would find in my new role in life.” She paused, tears prickling her eyes. “Laidley always said he would steal the first dance with me once I had danced with my husband and Tadhg. When we were growing up he was always telling me that no man would ever be allowed to marry me unless they met his approval. Laidley was always so protective of me.”

  Jaryn nodded, a frown of sympathy on his lips. “I'm sorry, Luella. I truly am. I wish there had been another way.”

  “But there was not.” She pulled a handkerchief from the same drawer she'd found the brooch and blotted her eyes with a delicate hand. “I know that, just as I know there is no point reliving the moment I...he died. I just cannot stop thinking of all the wonderful times we had together before everything fell apart.”

  Gently, Jaryn took Luella's face in his hands. “Your brother loved you. Even at the end he was agonized over what he felt he had to do. You could see it in his eyes. No one would dare say differently. He loved you, Luella. He may not physically be here today but I think maybe he is - the boy you grew up with and the man who cared so much for you - in spirit.” She smiled tearfully and Jaryn swept a thumb under her eye to catch a tear before it fell. “I know I'm not really family, that none of us can claim you by blood, but I hope you know we adore you.”

  “You are family.” Luella slid her arms under Jaryn's and hugged him tightly. “I am so grateful the Giver has put all of you in my life and that He has given me another brother to watch over me.”

  “Always.” He held her for a moment then let her go and looked down at her. “All right?”

  Taking a deep breath and checking her reflection in a nearby mirror she said, “I think I am ready.”

  “Then let us not keep your groom waiting any longer.” Jaryn extended an arm and Luella took it, her shoulders back and her head high. “By the way,” he added in a whisper, “I am very honored to be in this place at your side right now.” She squeezed his arm in reply as they stepped out into the softening light of the afternoon.

  Tasarin was already standing at the head of the crowd, nervously awaiting his bride-to-be before an elder of the village. Like Luella, he was dressed in flowing white and silver, his long brown and honey streaked hair left down and reaching past his shoulders. When his gray eyes caught sight of Luella and Jaryn walking from the shadows of the tree lined path, a smile lit his usually serene face.

  Biting her lip, Luella looked at Tasarin and her eyes filled once more, though there was no sadness present this time, only love. Jaryn led her to her groom to stand between them and all three faced the elder.

  “Who would stand with this woman to give her hand in union?”

  “I would,” Jaryn stated calmly.

  “Let these who bear witness remember as you join their hands together.”

  Jaryn took Luella’s hand from the crook of his arm and she wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering her thanks and kissing his cheek. He kissed hers in return, then took Luella’s left hand and Tasarin’s right and joined them together. “It is well that it should be this way,” he told them, giving their joined hands a squeeze before leaving them to take his place beside Ashlynn.

  Once Jaryn was seated, Ashlynn leaned her head on his shoulder and joined her hand with his. He kissed the top of her head and whispered how he loved her. His eyes rested on her stomach while the elder began the ceremony, not really hearing the words but thinking about his child. He wanted a son, envisioned raising a boy, but what if it was a beautiful little girl? If his heart swelled this much at being chosen to be the one to give a friend away, how much more would he feel on the day of his own daughter’s wedding?

  Next to them, Elas sat with a sleeping baby Lucien in his care while Cavalon held Nuala’s hand. The Badarian's expression was stony and impossible to read. Every now and then, as if to remind him she was there, Nuala’s thumb would move in a slow caressing manner and he’d blink to bring himself back to the present.

  “I, Tasarin Blackwood, in the name of the Great Dragon, the Giver who cares for us all, by the life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my heart, take you Luella Ellison MacKinnon, to my hand, my heart, and my spirit, to be my chosen one, to desire you and be desired by you, without sin or shame, for none can exist in the purity of my love for you. I shall not seek to change you in any way. I shall respect you, your beliefs, your people, and your ways as I respect myself. I promise to love you wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again.”

  Tasarin slipped a thin band of gold around Luella’s finger and the elder asked her to repeat the vows for her groom. When the vows were completed, she slid a golden ring onto Tasarin’s finger. The couple smiled at one another and Tasarin lifted their joined hands to kiss her fingers.

  “If there should be anyone present who might believe this union to be looked down upon by the Giver or found unfavorable in any way, speak your fears now or forever keep them silent.” When no one uttered a word, the elder smiled at the bride and groom. “Then it is with the authority given to me by the people and the Great Dragon on high that I proclaim you to be husband and wife.”

  They beamed at each other while Luella bounced with excitement. Tasarin pulled her close and kissed her to the sound of cheers and whistling. They embraced, Tasarin whispering something in Luella’s ear that made her laugh and kiss him again.

  “Yay,” said Ashlynn quietly, watching Luella and Tasarin as they left for a large open tent that had been set up on the other side of the village. “Time for food!”

  The reception tent was of the same white silks and linen that temporarily decorated the entire village. It had a high ceiling and tables so laden with food that they bowed slightly in the middle. People milled about, choosing on their own where to sit or stand and with whom to keep company. Laughter was plentiful an
d the musicians gladly played through it all. There was not a single person eating, talking or dancing that did not have a smile on their face. Even Cavalon, who was in conversation with Elas and a young male elf, seemed to be enjoying himself as the evening progressed.

  After awhile, the newly married couple decided to join their friends. Luella hugged Ashlynn tightly, unable to see her up until that point. She splayed her fingers over the baby belly and nearly squealed in delight. “You are so beautiful,” Luella told her, hugging her friend again. “I can only pray to look like this when I am pregnant. You have to send word when you have had the baby. Do you promise? Tasarin and I will come straight away.”

  “Of course,” Ashlynn laughed. “I was told I have at least another month left, so you should be through with your wedding tour by then.”

  “Perhaps,” Tasarin interjected, kissing his wife and grinning. “Or perhaps not.”

  Kenayde and Elas were coming over, wanting to get their greetings in as well. “Thank you for playing, Kenayde,” said Tasarin. “It was beautiful.”

  “It was my honor.” She embraced him and then Luella. “Congratulations to the both of you.”

  “So what happens now?” Elas asked. “What does this mean for Caedia and Siness?”

  The newlyweds looked at each other. “Well,” Luella answered, returning her attention to Elas, “there will be a formal coronation for Tasarin once we are back home and he will be my king consort since I am already crowned. It is not the same as when Ashlynn and Jaryn were wed and both crowned at the same time.”

  “Siness is out a fine regent,” Jaryn lamented, elbowing Tasarin.

  Kenayde looked at her sister. “Who is there now?”

  “Father sent his regent to us until we find a suitable one.”

  This news made the younger sister frown. “He so rarely leaves Oceana anymore, there is no need of one.” Recovering quickly, she made herself smile. “This is not a time for sadness, however. It is a time to celebrate.”

  “Aye!” Jaryn agreed, lifting his goblet. “In fact, I would like to make a speech!” His voice carried well and in no time there was silence, save the musicians keeping up with their tune. “Mile failte dhuit le d'bhreid, Fad do re gun robh thu slan. Moran laithean dhuit is sith, Le d'mhaitheas is le d'ni bhi fas. For those of you not blessed with the language we were all meant to speak, a thousand welcomes to you with your marriage. May you be healthy all your days. May you be blessed with long life and peace, and may you grow old with goodness, and with riches.” Echoing sentiments of the same rippled through the tent and conversations quickly began again.

  As the sun began to tuck itself away for the night, Luella finally found herself face to face with Cavalon. They’d both been in conversation with someone else and turned at the right moment to see the other. He looked her over, taking in her glow, then stepped forward to wrap his arms around her. “You are stunning,” he whispered. As they parted, his smile was genuine. “I hope the elf knows how lucky he is.”

  “I think he does,” she answered with quiet laugh. “I am glad you came. I did not think you would, what with your aversion to weddings.”

  “I almost didn’t, if you want me to be honest.”

  “What made you decide to?”

  “Your father, Mortagh.” Seeing the confusion on Luella's face, Cavalon shrugged. “If he was alive I know he would have been the first person here to support you. Since he couldn't and I swore to him I would look after you, I knew I needed to keep to that promise and be here in his stead.” Glancing around, Cavalon found Nuala across the tent. She was in a tight group with Ashlynn and Kenayde, smiling fondly as Kenayde tickled Lucien and made him screech. “And Nuala made me come.” Feeling eyes upon her, Nuala looked away from her child and saw both Cavalon and Luella gazing in her direction. She said something to the other two women, then took Lucien and started across the room.

  “Congratulations, Luella," the winged queen offered with abow of her head. "It was a lovely wedding.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It was,” Cavalon echoed. “I’ve never seen so many pointy ears in one place before.”

  The two women gave half amused smiles, then stood there with nothing to say. Searching, Luella looked at Lucien and said, “Your son is beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” This brought a true warmth to Nuala’s expression.

  “He looks just like his father.”

  Nuala nodded. “He even has Nóe’s wings.”

  “What does that mean?” asked Luella. “Does he still have Phoenix abilities?”

  “He should,” the winged queen answered. “Though his children will not. From my knowledge of others who have Phoenix in them, anything less than a quarter of the heritage leaves them as vulnerable as a mortal.”

  Cavalon frowned in question. “There are more of you?”

  “Not many. I have a sister and a brother who live elsewhere and they are half Phoenix like me, but there have been others before us who have seen their lineage become so mixed with human blood that the Phoenix in them held no power.” She kissed Lucien’s cheek. “He will be safe from death, but it will go no further.”

  Coming from out of nowhere, Jaryn suddenly appeared at Luella’s side and took her hand. “As the brother of the bride, I believe I am entitled to a dance.”

  She giggled and gave a deep curtsy. “But of course.” Turning to Cavalon and Nuala she said, “If you will excuse me,” before being led away by Jaryn.

  Cavalon took Lucien and blew a raspberry on his neck with Nuala watching him, frowning delicately. “You will not always be able to hide behind Lucien,” she told him, moving to stand closer to him. The music had picked up in decibel as well as tempo, and people were beginning to dance and grow louder in conversation. “He will not always be there for a distraction.”

  “What about you?” Cavalon asked, looking down at her with an unreadable expression. “Can I hide behind you?”

  Her cheeks flushed but her lips curved upward and she did not look away. “Perhaps,” she answered slowly. “For a time.”

  “Cavalon!” Kenayde was making her way over with her skirts in hand. “I have not had the chance to see you yet. Come dance with me!”

  Only a year ago she’d seemed such a little girl. At fifteen, she was more a sophisticated young woman now. It was hard to believe that he’d disliked Ashlynn and her sister from the start. Now they were like family to him. He shook his head and handed Lucien back to his mother. “Your wish is my command, princess.”

  It was easy to forget at times like these that there were responsibilities awaiting them all. There were countries to run, documents to be signed, disputes to be settled. Ashlynn stood clapping along to the music and standing with Elas, happy in knowing her biggest worry when she returned home was whether or not the nursery would be ready in time for her child's arrival. With the regent from Oceana staying at Altaine for the time being, there was no pressing rush to find a regent of their own. As Kenayde said, Wessely hardly ever left the castle anymore and if he did, Kenayde and Elas were usually there in his stead.

  She worried for her father and missed him greatly. It had been several months since she’d seen him, but being on the water made her ill and she was told flying was not a good idea. It was hard enough to keep herself from getting sick on the boat to Mirasean; sailing all the way down to Caedia would be disastrous.

  Her baby kicked and she startled at the pressure, her hand going to the side of her belly. Elas noticed her movement and looked at her with concern. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded, grinning. “I think he or she likes the music.” She grabbed his hand and pressed it to the spot the baby kicked. When Elas felt another kick, his face lit up. “Definitely Jaryn’s child,” she giggled.

  “Does it always do that?”

  “More than you know.” She grinned at Nuala as she sidled up beside them and took Lucien without even asking. “It’s my favorite little angel!”

  “Hey!” Cavalo
n yelled from the middle of the dancing crowd. “Lumpy has an excuse but I want you other two out here right now.” With a smirk and a shrug, Nuala took Elas by the hand and he twirled her out into the crowd.

  The hours passed quickly and soon the evening turned to night. With many hugs and offers of well wishes and congratulations, Luella and Tasarin were sent on their way to sail for Caedia where they would begin their new lives together. The celebrations, however, did not end once the bride and groom had departed. There was still a feast to be had and tables were pulled together as more food was brought out to share. The mood had settled from earlier in the evening casting a somewhat subdued atmosphere inside the torch lit tent. Ashlynn sat with her husband and her friends, content to rest and listen as she ate; observing and taking it all in while they were all still together. The elves, however well known they were for their serenity, did not allow for the peace to last long. Once it was apparent the food was running out, they began the music once again and cajoled those sitting into dancing once more.

  With so many people moving around, the tent quickly felt stifling. Humming the tune that was being played, Ashlynn stepped out into the much cooler night air and took a deep breath. There was no danger to worry about on Mirasean. It was one of the most peaceful and forgotten places among the world. She walked slowly along one of the many tree-lined paths smiling to herself as she went. It had been far too long since she'd felt so full and happy.

  And yet the feeling was ever fleeting.

  Someone was watching her again, she was sure of it. The trees surrounding her were dark and could give cover to any number of things. There were animals on Mirasean as wild and untamed as any other land. Perhaps it was one of these watching, making sure she wasn't getting too close to something they regarded theirs. It could be forbidden lovers, stolen away into the night and afraid of being caught.

  A twig snapped in the woods to her left, an echo that moved around her tauntingly. Ashlynn resisted the urge to reach for the hidden dagger she always kept in her boot. Instead she narrowed her eyes and peered into the darkness. “Is someone there?”


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