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Heartless Savage: A High School Bully Romance

Page 22

by Ivy Blake

“We’ll get you to the hospital,” Austin said gently. I nodded, I didn’t care where we went I just wanted to get out. I looked down at the body in front of me. The man was still alive, I could tell by the way his chest was rising and falling.

  Austin let go of me, taking his warmth with him as he bent down in front of the masked man. He looked over at me as if he needed permission, and I nodded my head. Even though I was terrified, I’d gotten this far and I needed to know who the mysterious stranger was. The one that was willing to go to every length imaginable to hurt me and my family. Austin lifted his mask off the stranger, and he looked like he’d seen a ghost. He stumbled back wordlessly, looking lost in a way I’d never seen him look before.

  “Austin, what’s wrong?” I said, stepping closer to the body.

  The man’s eyes were closed, but I could still tell that he was middle aged, a fact that made me shrink backwards in disgust. Who the hell was this man? And why had he targeted me? The pain from my arm was agony as I looked between Austin and the man, trying to figure out if he knew him or not. Austin’s eyes were filled with tears as he turned to me.

  “It was Steven all along,” he whispered. I spied red and blue flashing lights through the trees and then everything went black.

  * * *


  As I sat in the back of the ambulance with Megan passed out beside me I had to concentrate on breathing or else I’d find myself in the same place as her.


  It had been fucking Steven who’d not only terrorised me, but Megan too.

  I thought I was going to throw up the entire contents of my stomach when I took off that mask and saw his face.

  I thought I’d never see him again. I’d hoped that I’d never have to see that face.

  From the moment I’d spied him about to force himself on Megan, I’d been on autopilot. Knocking him over the head with the log was a mercy. Even the blood pooled around his head by the time the police and paramedics came wasn’t enough to bring me satisfaction. Head wounds bled more than other wounds anyway. I wanted to kill him for all the things he’d done and the things he’d been about to do.

  I squeezed Megan’s hand as tears ran down my face, taking extra care to make sure it wasn’t the injured one. What if I hadn’t been running on that road? What if I hadn’t been able to save her? When the cops had arrived, I was still in shock and had tried my best to explain everything to them. I remembered seeing Nate’s face before I was ushered into the ambulance. Just before the door shut, I caught a glimpse of Steven being pushed into the back of a cop car as he’d started to come to.

  It was as if the bastard could sense I was looking at him. He turned to me, a big smirk on his face before his head was pushed into the car. That face would haunt me for the rest of my life, I was sure of it. Everything had happened so quickly and there’d been so much noise, so many questions, blood, a gun, Megan fainting, lying on the floor not moving.

  I didn’t care what happened next. I didn’t care what happened to me, I didn’t care who saw us, I just needed her to be okay. I can’t believe I let her out of my sight for even a moment.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered over and over again. I didn’t care if she could hear me or not. I meant it with every fibre of my being. Even though I wasn’t religious, I prayed all the way to the ambulance that Megan would be okay and that Steven would never hurt either of us again.

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  When my eyes fluttered open the next morning I was momentarily disoriented. Quickly, memories started flooding back. Memories of the masked man, his gun, him holding me down as he was about to assault me. The fact that my stalker was Austin’s stepdad.

  I felt like everything that had happened the night before was a dream. My whole body was aching but especially my right arm. I looked down to see that it was in a sling and that I was in a hospital bed.

  “Hey,” I looked up to see Austin standing beside me. He looked like he hadn’t slept at all, but he still managed to look as gorgeous as ever.

  “Hey,” I said back, my voice croaky and dry. Austin grabbed a glass from the table beside me and held the straw to my mouth.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel like a sack of shit,” I chuckled, discovering that it also hurt to laugh.

  “You look it,” Austin shot back with a smile.

  “Fuck you.”

  “I’m just kidding, you look beautiful as always.”

  We were both silent for a moment as we looked at each other. So many words hung between us, I didn’t even know where to begin. All I knew was that I was so grateful that he was here, so grateful that he had saved my life.

  “I’m so sorry Megan,” Austin said gently as he sat on the bed. He took my hand in his.

  “I don’t even know where to begin, this is all so fucked up. I’m sorry about the pictures, I should never have blackmailed you in the first place. Even though I didn’t send them, if I hadn’t taken them, Steven would have never been able to send them.”

  I nodded my head as I tried to process his words. His beautiful eyes were watery and I could tell that was speaking from his heart. I didn’t even know where to begin, it felt like so much had happened between us that no words could ever truly make up for it. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to try.

  “I’m sorry too,” I croaked. “I’ m sorry that I didn’t believe you when you said you didn’t send the pictures-”

  “It’s okay, there was no way that you would have known that Steven had hacked into my shit!” Austin cut me off.

  “You’re right, but I’m still sorry. I wasn’t fair to you with everything going on with your family. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now.” Austin’s gaze dropped to my hands and he played with my fingers.

  “It’s not been easy but we’re getting there. At least this time, we’re all certain that Steve is going to jail. And for a long time.”

  “Good,” I said, shivering as I remembered the way he’d touched me the night before.

  “Can I ask you something?” Austin said, his voice hesitant.

  “You just did,” I teased until I realised that he actually wanted to be serious. “What is it?”

  Austin cleared his throat as he contemplated his words.

  “It’s okay if you were, I just want to know,’ he said slowly, his eyes fixed on mine. I sat up in my bed, making sure to be careful with my arm

  “What are you talking about?” I asked gently.

  “Were you lying when you said you loved me?” Austin’s voice was so quiet, it was barely above a whisper. My breath caught in my throat and my chest suddenly felt really tight.

  “Of course I wasn’t!” I said enthusiastically before shrinking back, slightly embarrassed for my eagerness. Austin’s eyes lit up and his face broke into a smile.

  “Are you sure?”

  “100%,” I said. “There were moments when I wish I didn’t because it hurt so much to think that you would do something so awful to me after everything, but I never stopped loving you,” I breathed, tears pricking at the corner of my eye.

  “I never stopped loving you,” said Austin.

  He brought his hand to my cheek and his lips to my mouth and we shared a kiss before someone announced their presence in the room by clearing their throat. Austin pulled away and I opened my eyes to see my Mom standing at the foot of my hospital bed.

  “Mom!” I said, embarrassed that she’d caught me kissing the guy I’d put on blast only the night before.

  “I’m glad to see you’re awake, Meg.”

  She turned to Austin. Austin’s face had gone still as stone as he waited to be lambasted by my mom.

  “I have a lot of words for you young man, but for the time being I’d like to thank you for saving my daughter.” I watched as he let the tension dissipate from his body, relief washing over his face.

  “I’m sorry about everything, I’ll be really happy to explain. I just care about Meg so
much, I’ve just been a real prick to her and I’m really sorry,” said Austin sincerely.

  “We’ll see,” said my Mom shortly as she lifted the drinking straw to my lips.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to get you both to trust me again.”

  “Anything?” I said with a smirk. Austin’s eyes widened as he nodded eagerly.

  “You name it Megan, I’ll do it.”

  Mom raised her eyebrows but didn’t make a comment, she simply stroked my hair.

  “I’m gonna get you to watch all the Twilight movies,” I said smugly, half expecting him to object, given our first encounter.

  “Deal!” he said. Austin looked over at the TV hanging opposite my bed. At the same time we both noticed there was a DVD player.

  “I’ll be back,” he said, giving my hand one last squeeze. Austin waved goodbye to Mom and me before rushing out the hospital room, presumably on his way to track down some teenage vampire DVDs. Mom chuckled as she sat down beside me.

  “That boy really likes you, huh?” she said after a moment. I nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed talking to her about my feelings.

  “I like him too,” I said quietly. “I know things have been crazy but-”

  “I want what’s best for you, but you’re grown up enough to know what’s right for you,” Mum said, cutting me off. “As long as you’re being safe and you’re sure about this guy, I’ll be here to support you.”

  “Thanks Mom,” I said, squeezing her hand.

  “I’m just so glad you’re okay and that that man is going to be locked away where he can’t hurt anyone. I’ve also spoken to your school and the cops about the picture fiasco, and they’re going to sort it all out.”

  I was so glad. I still couldn’t believe that someone could be so evil. Not only had he abused Austin and his Mom, he’d hacked into Austin’s phone, stalked me and spread pictures of me to the school. Not to mention the fact that he basically kidnapped me and tried to force himself on me in the forest. Steven was a monster and he belonged behind bars.

  “Hey, mind if we pop in?” I looked to the door and smiled as I saw Sophie and Lola in their school uniforms with flowers and chocolate.

  “Hey guys,” I said.

  “I’m so glad you’re alive!” exclaimed Sophie as she threw her arms around me. I leaned into her familiar scent and was glad to still have her as a friend.

  “Me too,” I chuckled as she pulled away.

  “You’re the talk of the town,” said Lola as she handed me the chocolate bar. My stomach had started growling and I was immediately grateful for the sweet bar of goodness.

  “Well Austin is, he’s kind of the hero, as you’d expect.” Lola winked. “I still can’t believe that his stepdad was stalking you!”

  “Me neither!” Sophie chimed in, her eyes wide in disbelief.

  “It’s crazy,” I said, but I was so glad that I’d made it out of the forest alive, thanks to Austin, and I was now surrounded by the people I loved.

  “Where is Austin by the way?” asked Lola.

  “I swear I saw him sprinting down the hallway-” Lola’s words were cut off by the door banging open. We all turned around to see Austin standing at the door with his bed hair and running clothes, clutching a teddy bear in one hand and the Twilight Saga boxset in the other, a big grin on his face. Where he’d managed to find the DVDs so quickly, I had no clue. But as I watched Austin walk across the room my heart filled with so much love for him.

  “Anyone up for a movie?” We all chuckled as Austin figured out how to work the little television.

  “We’re gonna leave you to it,” Mom said with a chuckle before she proceeded to shepherd Lola and Sophie out the door.

  “Call us if you need anything,” said Sophie with a wink. I waved them goodbye and as they shut the door behind them, Austin settled into the little bed beside me.

  “This better be good,” he said as he wrapped his arm around me.

  “Oh it’s brilliant,” I said as the opening scene of Twilight began.


  A few months later


  I ran up behind Austin as he cooked us breakfast, throwing my arms around his waist as I pressed my cheek to his back

  “Hey you,” he chuckled, turning around to kiss me.

  “Hey yourself,” I said against his lips.

  “Watch it, I’m gonna end up burning breakfast if you keep wearing stuff like that,” he purred as he ran his free hand up and down my waist. I smiled because I knew that this dress would drive him crazy. It was a lovely summer dress that was tight in all the right places and the length always guaranteed sexy times.

  “I don’t mind ordering something,” I said coyly as I guided his hands to my ass. Austin growled and put the spatula down, turning off the cooker before he picked me up and placed me on the counter.

  “You’re a bad girl,” said Austin in his smooth, velvety voice as he began kissing my thighs. I shivered with pleasure from his touch as he squeezed my thighs with his warm hands. I loved that we could do this without worrying that anyone was watching. Austin had surprised me with a trip to Spain for Spring Break and after redeeming himself by saving my life, even Mom hadn’t been able to say no.

  We were staying in a lovely condo, right by the beach. It had an amazing balcony where we spent many a night drinking Sangria, dancing and laughing together before we ate delicious food in the evening and enjoyed long nights together. After everything we’d been through over the past few months, it was the perfect get away.

  “I’m only bad for you,” I teased as Austin pulled my thong off with his teeth, tossing it across the kitchen table.

  “Hey, I like that one-” I started saying playfully, but my sentence was cut off when Austin put his tongue to my pussy.

  “Mmm, you taste so fucking good, baby,” he moaned into my pussy as he pleasured me. I tossed my head back and grabbed his hair as he tongued me, just the way I liked him to.I was close to finishing when Austin stopped abruptly.

  “Hey, you always do that,” I said with an exaggerated pout on my face. Austin kissed me, allowing me to taste my juices before he carried me in his arms and in the direction of the bedroom.

  “I like to make you wait,” he said with a smug expression on his face.

  Austin threw me on the bed, making me squeal, before he immediately climbed on top of me. He stuck his finger in my mouth and I sucked it while staring straight into his eyes.

  “You’re mine,” he whispered and his words sent warmth throughout my whole entire body.

  “And you’re mine,” I whispered, meaning it entirely.

  We proceeded to rip each other’s clothes off. Even though we’d been together for a few months now, our sex drives were still incredibly high. Luckily for us, we could be as loud as we wanted to here without any complaints or having to have any awkward conversations with parents.

  Austin palmed my breasts as we kissed passionately, slowly this time, savouring every second. I jerked him off while smiling against his lips as I felt him squirm with pleasure.

  “Can you take it for me?” he whispered in my ear as he grabbed a condom before lowering himself on top of me.

  “Make me take it,” I breathed back as I tilted my hips up. Austin grabbed me by the hips and slowly eased himself into me, moaning as he felt me spread around him.


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