Book Read Free

One Giant Leap

Page 28

by Keith Martin

  “Just ask, and it’s yours my love.”

  “We need… I need some time to get used to this. I don’t want to just fall in love with that fantastic body of yours. I want to get to know you first.”

  “Are you saying we can’t have sex?” Samantha baited him and she was playing for keeps.

  He had never trained for this. He was not completely in control this time. He just winged it. “I’ve known you for four days woman. It’s not that I don’t want you; I do with all of my being. I only wish for some time to get to know each other first.”

  Samantha pulled out the chessboard and slapped it onto the table. “You’re the boss.” She started setting up the game. “And Joshua!”

  “Yea?” He asked sitting across from her.

  “Good luck with that.” She had no plans to wait more than a few hours. At best! This would be a battle of wills... that any man would give his right arm to be in.

  ‘That worked perfectly.’ Joshua thought as she sat down and started setting up the game with her. ‘I wonder how long before she goes completely nuts and jumps in my lap?’ He took his seat and the game was on.

  This was a battle of wills and he had set it up to see just how strong her will truly was, he wanted a strong willed woman that could fight for herself, yet would not fight with him. He wanted her to loose control and jump him. He checked his watch and noted the time.

  * * *

  The New World Government rose from the ashes of the virus to become the political power on Earth. It was slow to establish due to the lack of training in this type of management and the distances that needed to be covered to simply reestablish contact with the survivors took close to two years.

  There were no longer separate governments in every country. It had been put to a vote and the world voted for one governing power. They would make decisions as a collective governing body based on what was good for the entire planet. Not just a small chunk of its landmass or for those few that would become ridiculously wealthy raping the land.

  The questions of environment could be answered quickly now. No red tape to wade through. If it hurt the environment it was no longer allowed.

  Peace was the law of the land.

  All the old prisons were destroyed and crime was dealt with in a fair and humane fashion. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, if a woman killed another woman she was put to death. If a woman took from another woman, all of her belongings were forfeited and given to those she had wronged.

  There were no drug crimes; drugs were considered a commodity not a plague. To cage the people... filling large buildings with bodies over their drug choice had been absurd from the start.

  Ninety percent of transportation was now public and fuel was free for the pumping at all stations. Though it seemed that most women in the farming communities were choosing to use horses for their transportation needs. All farming was split into small collectives and the work was spread out so that it employed more women and it gave a better quality food to the women of Earth. The Grange Hall became the first real place of meetings as the governing of the people again became a part of Earth. It was from a grange hall that The New World Government was birthed and started on its way to become the dominant world power.

  The colleges were the first institutions to resume their function of training new students in those fields beneficial to mankind’s growth and survival. Everyone agreed that without higher education humans would be lost for all time.

  The field of cloning was the focus of most biotech colleges. The women of Earth were researching ways to keep Earth’s population growing. It was widely thought this was how humans would continue to exist on the Earth.

  It was the only direction the Master Chair of Earth could see that would guarantee the continued existence of the Human Race.

  * * *

  Today, the Master Chair called an emergency meeting of all Earth Chairs. She wanted their backing to her new plans. The news of women going to the Moon had changed everything in her eyes and she felt it was best to act quickly.

  It was no longer a question of how they would bring men back to Earth. It was a question of how many women each man should breed with to help save the race.

  * * *

  The Meeting Recorder opened the meeting. “Ladies it is time for us to begin, I do believe everyone has checked in now, so if you will all take your seats, we will get rolling.”

  The Master Chair walked to the podium taking control of the meeting. “Fellow chairs from around the Earth; thank you for coming here on such short notice.” The meeting room held one thousand Chairs, their advisers and support personal from every country and state on the planet. The hall was huge and built like a massive amphitheater. The Master Chair podium sat at the base of the theater for everyone’s viewing ease. The theater was filled with cameras bringing any speaker to the main screen that covered the wall behind the stage and to all the televisions on Earth and the Moon with a delayed broadcast sent out to Mars. The Master Chair’s image filled the screen as she spoke.

  Before the virus found Earth her construction company rose on the back of minority public works projects to become one of the most powerful construction firms in the history of the planet. To keep the company its minority status all of the company’s key personal were women. New York was still feeling the sting of the virus when she was informed of this happening. She ordered all her key personal to Bio-Research Labs that were supplied and ready to survive what she knew was coming.

  It was her power and established infrastructure that gave her the edge when it came to voting in a Master Chair. Even though she had been known as a feminist in the business world it was felt that with no men around her need for feminine power was complete. The world needed a good manager and she was voted to be the one to guide the Earth into the future.

  The hall quieted down, close to ten thousand women were in attendance in the great hall for this meeting and the Master Chair waited until everyone had stopped talking so all would hear her every word. “Ladies, as I’m sure you all have heard, Ashley and Shianne Chisholm have landed on the Moon and they are no longer infected with the virus. They have been in physical contact with a man for nineteen hours and he is still well.”

  A voice came down from the Chairs. It was soft due to the size of the throat creating it, one of the tiniest women in attendance, yet her commanding tone made everyone in the hall look her way. It was the voice of Chair May, Empress of China, ruler of a half billion women. Her voice was recognized by all at once. “Who is this great man who risks his life for the women of Earth?” She stood to be sure all knew it was her requesting this information.

  “I believe it was the father of the sisters.” The Master Chair tried to make light of the risk he had taken for all human kind.

  “Do you not have the name of such a great man who risked his vary life for us all?” Inquired Chair May with a little more determination in her voice.

  The Master Chair did not need to ask for the information. In fact she had it on the tip of her tongue. She acted as if she had to get the name from one of her advisers and turned to talk with them for a few seconds before responding. “Otto Chisholm is his name Chair May.”

  “Otto John Chisholm is at this moment risking his vary life to assure us all that his brilliant daughter Professor Ashley Chisholm has indeed found a way for man to again be with women from Earth. This is the man we speak of here today my fellow Chairs. Let us here on Earth record this day into the history of the Planet as the day Otto John Chisholm proved to us all that his trust in a woman’s ability runs so deeply he risked his life without a seconds thought knowing he was safely in the hands of the women of Earth.” May informed them all.

  Her words brought the great hall to its feet and the roar of their voices filled the hall. Otto was now a part of Earths history. A simple act of love and trust had sealed his fate as a leader of Mankind into this new future.

  Chair May raised her hands to quiet the hall; they responded
and quickly stood frozen waiting for her next words. “I the Chair of China and the representative of a third of the planets population ask for a vote to be taken at once to recognize Otto John Chisholm as the man who risked it all for mankind. Let every woman on Earth be told of his selfless courage and the love and trust he holds in his daughters.”

  “We do not have time for a vote just to pat a man on the back at this time.” The Master Chair barked in response. “But I do feel we should applaud this man’s efforts for us all.” She didn’t want or need a man taking the limelight from her position of power.

  Chair May addressed the hall turning away from the Master Chair as she did so. “Ladies... Otto John Chisholm has risked his life to prove the methods to save mankind created by his amazing daughters, Ashley Chisholm and Shianne Chisholm, will in fact help save all of mankind as the years march on. How shall we show him our understanding of the risk he took for us all and the gratitude owed to him by all of mankind for his actions?”

  The hall erupted with applause that hurt the ears of all within. The hall resonated with it and it did not fall in intensity for more then a minute

  The Master Chair was smacking her gavel the whole time trying to regain control of the meeting. She hated the Chair from China for always trying to rein in her power. At every turn that woman would try to take the light from her. One day she would pay for all she had done. Her plans were in the works and when the opportunity came she would show all the Chairs that she the Master Chair held the true power of the Chairs.

  Chair May continued. “Let us put it to a vote then. All in favor of Otto John Chisholm being recognized as the man that willingly risked his life to prove woman and men can again be together please cast your vote now!” Each chair had a voting monitor and Chair Mays support personal had hacked into the system and recorded the vote. This was not going to be swept under a rug to be forgotten.

  Only 6 voted against out of 1001 chair positions. The motion passed.

  * * *

  She called a meeting with six of the Chairs she did business with and knew best before the NWG meeting was set. All were scared of her and her business practices but always put on a smile when doing business with her. So when she unveiled her new plans for the Moon to them to get a feel for how the Chairs would react what she got was six YES women agreeing to anything she said scared of what she would do next and needing time to decide for themselves what they should really do.

  With her little survey taken she felt confident that at least 80% of the Chairs would fall in line with her plans and that vote would quiet the others into complying with her.

  She just needed to get her plan on the floor and she just knew all the Chairs would agree with her and take action.

  She regained control of the great hall and continued with her planning. “Now that we know that women can be transported safely to the Moon...We need to send enough women to the Moon so that women will be the dominant sex on the Moon. We as women must be in control of the actions of the last of the men. We cannot risk our future as a race to a bunch of men who think only of themselves. We will be sending more women to the Moon as soon as Shianne returns to Earth with G-2. I have ordered a passenger compartment constructed that will hold up to three hundred women per Moon crossing. We will order Shianne to transport women to the Moon and take control of the gene pool there. We must, for our own existence, remain in control of the seeds of humankind. With proper management, this gene pool can be used more wisely in the future to improve the human race as a whole. Through selective breeding and gene therapy we can create a new future where womankind seeks science and a peaceful future, not wars and power. ”

  The hall went deadly silent. These were words none in the assembly had thought they would hear within these walls. After a few seconds, a couple of the Chairs applauded half heartedly, but not being joined by the rest of the Chairs they soon stopped.

  The Master Chair nodded to those who applauded and went on. “The one wife family shall be a thing of the past. It must be outlawed. A man can spread his seed to many women at one time. We must take advantage of this and send as many women as possible to the Moon. Implementing our plans without male interference will increase the Moon population as quickly as possible. Female children will be returned to Earth to sustain the population here. This would yield perhaps hundreds of offspring from each male. This would guarantee us all a foothold on life that we do not have at this time.”

  The Master Chair could see one of the Chairs standing, waiting to be recognized. She had no choice but to give her the floor. It was her duty to recognize any Chair that needed to be heard. “The Chairs will now recognize the Chair from Washington State.” She announced to the hall.

  The Chair from Washington State stepped forward so that all would see and hear her clearly. “What of the men that are married at this time? Do we just destroy their families to make some type of sperm supplier out of them? And what of men who only wish a one-woman family? Do we deny them their free will? The free will we all vowed to protect for all time when we first assembled to bring unity to this planet. We are talking about stepping all over the laws we as a governing body just passed in this hall a few short months ago. We do this just because we can now transport women to the Moon?” She looked around the hall and added. “I think not!” And she took her seat.

  The hall erupted in a din of conversation as the Chairs talked about this new development. The words of the Chair from Washington State were strong and well thought out. All of them understood the wisdom of her words.

  It took her many minutes to again quiet the Chairs so that she could continue telling them of her plans. Once they were again waiting on her words she began anew. “I do think we can allow for the marriages that are now binding. But even these men must donate sperm to a central trust for implantation. If this does not gain the population of males we need, then we must force the men to service as many women as possible.”

  Again the hall erupted with shouts of complete disbelief this was even in question and shouted questions demanding answers to what went against the vary laws this body had adopted when they formed the Chairs. It turned into a hall of echoing voices that no one could understand. Bedlam rained for minutes and those who agreed with this plan were being attacked by those who opposed it with words of a truth they all agreed the women of Earth were looking for.

  Once they again regained control she had no choice but to recognize the Chair from China. It was Chair May rising to her feet and walking out to the end of her station for all to see which finally quieted them down.

  “We in China realize the need to breed as many women as possible as soon as possible. China still holds the largest population of any nation on Earth. So the need in my country is the greatest. But what we are speaking of is reducing the males we still have to nothing more than captive bulls or dogs. They will be little more than breeding stock. Is this the life we are going to force on our men?” She stood there looking out over the sea of faces that now looked to her for advice. “If this is allowed to go forward as it is being presented to us it will spread disease throughout the male population. At the very least all of the women would have to be checked to guarantee their health and ability to breed. But we all know that can’t assure there will be no risk to the entire population of men on the Moon. With all these things in mind, it is up to us to look with our eyes completely open now that we can send women to the Moon. We must face the mathematical facts. Point one three percent of us will die from old age every year. That’s three million who will die every year. With a total of twenty two hundred and forty men still living at this time, there is no way to save the population of Earth, as we know it. Even if they impregnated a woman every day, it will only just save human kind from extinction. The human population will fall every single day for many years to come. Thirty seven million will die before the male babies birthed today are of breeding age. The Moon cannot be looked to as the place to hold this new population of humans. It is no
t a living planet. It is a dead moon. We must look for another planet to move humans to so that we as a race will have a chance to survive. At best, the Moon could hold one hundred thousand people. It would take all the worlds resources to pull it off. Then we would have no resources to send with our people to a new world, if we found one. It is up to us, here in this room, to look to the future and to plan for the best for mankind, as well as for humankind.” She bowed slightly to all and took her seat again.

  Her words shocked the hall into total silence. They all just sat thinking of these life or death questions that were now on the table. It was up to them to decide what the next course of action would be.

  “The Master Chair recognizes the Chair from France.”

  “First, I would like to thank my friend from China for enlightening the Chairs to the realities of the situation we face at this time.” She turned to May and bowed deeply. “We are in your debt Empress May.”

  Empress May stood and returned the bow deeply and the hall erupted in applause. Empress May had proven to all she was not just some window dressing from China.

  She bowed to the hall with her hands outstretched and the hall erupted anew and if possible... even louder. She had not looked for power in this body of women. She was simply one of the last women of Earth. She was in this for a fight and no one would get in the way of peace on Earth and on the Moon. Humans could no longer afford to be killing each other; women were the last of the dying breed. The struggle for power was finished. It would be those who could prove themselves leaders, those with the right knowledge or the right plan, those that always kept the good of all human kind as their mission in life, that would be the leaders of the future.

  “I also believe that the only real way that we as a race can hope to survive is to reach for the stars. There must be many places we could move to. It is our only hope. We the women of France declare to put all our resources and energies behind this mission. We will build anything asked. We will give our all. We can only save ourselves by leaving Earth behind. We as a race must face this as fact.”


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