Boss Daddy: Naughty Daddies Series

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Boss Daddy: Naughty Daddies Series Page 2

by Jayda Marx

  “We lost our apartment last month, so we ended up living in her car. We had no gas money, so we stayed parked in a department store lot. They were open twenty four hours a day, so they never made a fuss. Mom went out on foot one night when I was sleeping and didn’t come back for two days, so I went looking for her. I found her downtown in an alley by a dumpster. She was gone.”

  Jesus. My heart broke for this poor boy. He’d endured so much in his young life, and lost his only family way too soon. I now understood his decision to stay away from alcohol and I assumed any other substance.

  “I didn’t know what to do, so I went into a restaurant nearby and used their phone to call 911. The hospital couldn’t do anything for her of course, but they did help me get in touch with a funeral home, and told me how to claim a burial allowance with the state. It was just a couple hundred bucks, but I gave it all to the funeral home towards her casket and plot. They said I could make monthly payments for the remainder of what I owed them.”

  I tapped my fingers together as I listened. His story was terrible, but it sounded like everything was worked out. “Are you having trouble with the payments?” I asked, trying to understand why he was here.

  Lucas sniffed and nodded quickly. “Right after the burial, I started looking for a new job. I thought everything was starting to turn around; I’d get a steady paycheck, make my payments to the funeral home and save up for a place to live. But a few nights ago, a group of guys found me in the car while I was sleeping. They dragged me outside and said they’d been sent to collect.”

  “I told them I didn’t know what they were talking about, and one of them punched me in the stomach. It turned out they were sent by my mom’s supplier; she gave him all of her money each month and he gave her the product. But now he says that she owed him back payments and he wants his money in full. The guys he sent gave me the option of getting my kneecaps smashed or handing over the car as a downpayment, so I gave them the keys. They told me I had four days to get the rest before they drove off with everything I owned.”

  “But now I have no way to get to work and nowhere to stay. If I can’t pay the funeral home, I don’t know what that means for my mom. I mean...will they move her? And if I can’t pay the supplier, he’ll find me, and I know he’ll kill me. Those guys he sent...they were bad dudes. I went to the bank just hoping and praying to get out from under everything and start fresh. I knew it was a longshot, but it didn’t work out and now I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m lost and scared and…”

  At that moment, Angelo knocked on the door before bringing in Lucas’ sandwich and soda, which he placed on the desk in front of him. Lucas wiped his eyes roughly and shook his head as if trying to rein in his emotions.

  “Thank you, Angelo,” I said quietly. He looked between Lucas and me before nodding his head and leaving the room. He never asked questions about my business. He knew I’d give him any information he needed; I always did.

  Lucas stared at his food but didn’t move to take it. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to finish telling me his story or waiting for permission. “Eat,” I told him gently. If nothing else, it’d give him a moment to think.

  He grabbed his sandwich and took a large bite. And then another. His cheeks were stuffed full as he chewed ravenously. “When did you eat last?” It was none of my business and had nothing to do with the matter at hand, but I had to know. I felt a pull towards this boy. He needed someone to care for and look after him. He needed me.

  Lucas swallowed his mouthful and his cheeks flushed again when he answered, “Tuesday.” I scrubbed my hands over my face; it was Thursday night. I watched as he devoured every bite of his meal and chugged his soda. Once he was finished, I knew we needed to get back to our conversation.

  “So tell me; what is the total amount of money that you owe?”

  Once again, Lucas stared at his fingers while tangling them before answering, “Thirteen thousand dollars.”

  It was pocket change. Hell, I’d made five times that much tonight. Thinking about my work brought me back to Lucas’ “bad dudes” comment he made just minutes ago, and my curiosity as to why he agreed to come here in the first place.

  I leaned in closer to him and asked, “Do you know who I am, rabbit?” The nickname rolled easily off my tongue; he was jumpy, easy prey and in need of protection.

  Lucas’s lips tipped up in a lightning fast smile before he clamped the bottom one between his teeth, torturing me with his effortless sexiness as he chewed. “Angelo told me that you might be able to help me; that you helped lots of people...for a price.” I nodded my agreement, and for him to continue. “So I think maybe I know, but I could be wrong. I don’t want to say the wrong thing.”

  How could someone who’d been through so much be so goddamn sweet? “Trust me, I won’t be offended.” I wanted to hear his thoughts.

  Lucas took a deep breath. “Well, I think that’re part of…” He ended in barely a whisper, “A mob.”

  I tipped my head side to side. “I prefer crime syndicate; it sounds classier. But Lucas, I’m not a part of it; I run it.” I surveyed him for signs of fear, but he remained still. “You’re not afraid of me?”

  He slowly shook his head no. “I probably should be.” His eyes widened like he realized what he said, but I just snorted a laugh. “What I mean is, I was scared of those other guys.’re different.”

  He was right about that; my operation was much different than those of other groups in the city. For one, I refused to sell or distribute drugs. That shit ruined lives, and sweet Lucas was proof of that. I also didn’t take on murder for hire cases. My main source of income was insurance fraud, so the main ones affected by my work were insurance companies. But Lucas didn’t know that, so I asked him, “How do you mean?”

  “They hurt me and threatened me. You’re listening to me and helping me; you gave me food.” He shrugged and blushed again when he said, “You’re nice.”

  I blinked in shock; it certainly wasn’t a sentence I heard everyday. “Now listen, I’ve got a reputation to uphold, so don’t go spreading that shit around town.” I was being serious, but Lucas giggled. He actually fucking giggled and my icy heart melted into a puddle.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” he promised. I winked at him and his smile widened, showing off his pearly teeth. Wait, is this flirting? Am I flirting? It’d been a while, but I thought I was remembering correctly. Come on, Vinny; back to business.

  “Do you know the supplier’s name?”

  “The only name those guys gave me was Bones. They said if I tried hard enough, I’d find him, or else he’d find me.”

  Fuuuck. I only knew Bones by reputation, and it wasn’t good. The guy made an asshole like me look like a saint. He was involved in every racket imaginable and had no qualms about taking a life. He got his nickname from collecting a souvenir finger from every guy he knocked off, and wore them around his neck on a goddamn chain. The man was a fucking psychopath, and not someone Lucas needed to be messing around with.

  “I’m going to help you,” I announced firmly. I had to. I couldn’t let anything happen to this sweet boy.

  Lucas’ jaw dropped as his eyes widened. “Thank you! Oh my god, thank you so much. I-” he stopped talking when I raised my hand.

  “I’ll pay off everything you owe, and I will deal with Bones. You stay away from him, you understand?” He nodded quickly, appearing relieved. “You’ll have two options for repayment. Option one: I will give you a job at one of my businesses. I own everything from restaurants to casinos, so we’ll find you a suitable position, and installments will be deducted from your paycheck.” I’d make sure he had enough left over for a place to stay. I couldn’t bear the thought of him on the streets.

  “That sounds incredible. I’ll be happy with any job you give me.” He wiped his glassy eyes again before asking, “What’s option two?”

  Option two was the only choice I wanted to give him in the first place. No other
client would have gotten to choose their payment; I demanded my price and if they didn’t agree, I bid them goodbye and moved on. But Lucas was different; his story touched my heart and I wanted to help him, even if I didn’t get what I really wanted out of the deal. What I really wanted was him. He was the first man in years whom I’d felt a connection with. He was sweet and sexy and everything that was too good for me, but I couldn’t fight my craving.

  But I could never force this boy to be with me; it’d ruin him. He was a fresh faced angel and I’d made deals with the devil himself. No, I’d never drag him down to hell with me...but I’d gladly offer him a ride. I wouldn’t make it my demand, but I couldn’t let him walk away without taking the chance.

  “Option two is that you don’t repay me any money at all.”

  “I couldn’t do that,” Lucas jumped in, shaking his head. “You’re helping me out so much. I have to repay you.” This young man was more noble than anyone I’d ever met, and definitely too good for me, but that wasn’t about to stop me.

  “You’d be repaying me,” I assured him, “But not with cash.” When Lucas cocked his head, I explained, “I’m not the type of man who beats around the bush. I’m direct and I’m honest, so I’ll just put this out there; I want you, Lucas, and all debts will be settled if you agree to be mine.”

  He gasped, but I didn’t let him speak, continuing, “You would stay here with me, and I would spoil the everloving shit out of you. I have more money than I know what to do with, and can’t think of a better way to spend it than doting on my boy. I could give you anything your heart desires, but there would be rules.”

  Lucas swallowed hard and asked, “What would the rules be?”

  I answered with a predatory smile. He was interested; I could feel it. There was tension crackling in the air between us, and he sat on the edge of his seat, waiting for my next words.

  “You would be mine. You could not touch anyone else, and god help any man who would dare to put his hands on you. You would refer to me only as Daddy as a sign of your submission, and know that I would be in charge of you inside the bedroom and out. I’d make the decisions, always keeping your best interest at heart. My top priorities would be your safety and happiness. You’d never want for anything, but I repeat; you would belong to me. I’d guide you, protect you, and get the final say in everything.”

  Lucas opened his mouth to speak, but didn’t say a word when I raised my hand again. He was naturally submissive, and I knew he’d make one hell of a boy. I wasn’t a stranger to this type of relationship; I was dominant in everything I did, but especially in the bedroom. I’d had boys in the past, and even owned a couple for a while as payment, but I couldn’t deny this felt different. Yes, I wanted Lucas’ body for my pleasure, but I wanted his heart too. It was difficult to understand, but impossible to ignore.

  “I don’t want your answer tonight. It’s a big decision, and I want you to sleep on it. But no matter what you decide, I insist that you stay here tonight. I don’t want you on the streets, especially if Bones is looking for you. You’ll be safe here, and I’ll take care of him tomorrow night.” I would do it tonight, but I needed Sal and Johnny to go with me for backup, and they were probably already three sheets to the wind and balls deep in strippers at X-posure.

  “Thank you, sir,” Lucas replied in a whisper. I longed to hear ‘Daddy’ on his lips, but I meant what I told him; I wanted him to take his time and think things over. Because if he agreed, I’d jump in full throttle, so he needed to be sure.

  I stood up and motioned to the door. “Come with me; I’ll show you where you’ll sleep.” I couldn’t speak to him any longer tonight; the more I sat with him, the more I wanted him, and the harder it would be if he turned me down.

  Lucas popped out of his chair and followed me down the hall, staying two steps behind me the whole way. Whether he knew it or not, submission was in his blood.

  I flexed my ass cheeks as I walked, just in case he was checking things out back there. I wished I was in one of my posh tailored suits instead of jeans and a zip up jacket so Lucas could see the full package he could be getting, but he’d caught me right after work, and who wore a suit to burn a house down?

  “Here we are,” I said when we reached the nicest of my spare bedrooms. I pushed the door open to reveal the king size bed dressed in a white down comforter. “There’s an attached bathroom through that door,” I said, pointing to the doorway in the corner. “Feel free to take a shower if you’d like. The remote to the TV is in the nightstand drawer.” Lucas gawked at the fifty inch television on the wall, and I had no doubt he’d be channel surfing soon. “If you need anything, you can reach me or Angelo through the intercom.”

  He turned back to me, nearly knocking me over with the gratitude shimmering in his eyes. “Thank you, sir; for everything.”

  "You're welcome. We'll talk in the morning." I offered him my hand, and when he clasped it this time, my skin warmed at the contact. The heat between us was undeniable, and I knew we could be explosive together.

  Once again, I bent and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. I raised up slowly, stopping when our noses were no more than an inch apart. Lucas' breathing hitched and he licked his lips in anticipation.

  I smirked as I stood up the rest of the way. I wouldn't push him until I had his answer, but there was no harm in teasing. Besides, temptation was a great motivator, and I had no problem with playing dirty.

  "Sleep well, Lucas." I took my leave down the hall, smiling at the sigh from behind me.

  Chapter Three


  I looked at the clock on the nightstand to my right; 2:36AM and I hadn't slept a wink. My mind was stuck on loop, replaying the events of the past few days.

  I'd lost everyone I loved and everything I owned, and gotten tied up with a dangerous gang. Who would've thought my savior would be another gangster?

  Running into Angelo was the best coincidence of my life. He must’ve heard some if not all of my conversation with the banker, and saw how upset I was afterwards. When he told me that his boss may be able to help and gave me this address, I didn’t know what to think except that it sounded too good to be true. But I had no other options, so I walked halfway across town for a longshot.

  And then I met Vincenzo. The moment I laid eyes on him, I was overwhelmed by both apprehension and desire. He exuded power and control, and was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. He was tall, broad but fit, and had dark brown eyes that were so intense, they seemed to look through me.

  I loved the age lines on his face and the heavy gray in his hair. I’d always been attracted to older men, but never explored my attraction. Between caring for my mom and trying (and failing) to keep on top of the bills, I never had time for dating. I’d become well acquainted with my right hand over the years and was a master fantasizer, but had no actual experience to speak of.

  Which was why I couldn’t stop thinking about the options Vincenzo gave me. It was hard enough to believe that he was willing to help me, but I could barely wrap my mind around the fact that he wanted me as repayment. He could have anyone he wanted, but he wanted me.

  Of course, he didn’t know that I was totally inept when it came to sex and dating. Not that we’d be dating. Would we? Hell if I knew. As embarrassing as it’d be, I’d have to ask questions before I agreed to anything; and I’d have to warn him about my shortcomings. It was only fair; he may not be interested in me if he knew the truth.

  I could always go with the other option when it came to repayment, and take a job at one of his businesses. Maybe that’d be the safer option. But then I’d be giving up the opportunity for discovering sex and passion from an experienced hand. He was offering me everything I’d ever dreamed of; how could I say no to that?

  Besides that, I liked Vincenzo. He listened to me and cared enough to help me out. I could feel inside that he was a good man and would take care of me. No one was perfect. He didn't judge my mother on her lifestyle and I wouldn't judge him on
his. I didn't care what he did for a living. I wanted to be with him.

  I want to be with him. It was as simple as that. In any way he'd have me, for as long as he'd keep me, I wanted him. I'd never forgive myself if I turned him down due to my own insecurities, only for him to find someone else. I had questions, I had fears, but I couldn't let him go.

  I needed to speak with him. I wouldn't be able to sleep until I did. I climbed out of bed and walked to the intercom on the wall, but stopped before I pressed the button; I didn't want to wake Angelo. I didn't necessarily want to wake Vincenzo either, but this couldn't wait. Maybe it'd be okay if I went to his room to talk. I was dressed only in my t-shirt and boxer briefs since jeans were uncomfortable to sleep in, but I was covered if Angelo happened to see me.

  I left my room as quietly as possible and tiptoed down the hall. I'd never seen a home as fancy as Vincenzo's. There were expensive-looking statues and furniture all around me, and doors were everywhere. It was obvious that he was wealthy, and that he liked showing it off.

  I came to the first thick wooden door and rapped on it gently before whispering, "Vincenzo?" When I got no reply, I moved on to the next room.

  When I tried every door without an answer, I assumed that Vincenzo was either very difficult to wake, or he was on the second floor, so I made my way to the grand marble staircase in the foyer.

  The steps were cool and smooth beneath my feet as I crept along, trying to keep silent. When I reached the top, Vincenzo leapt into my line of vision, pointing a gun at my chest.

  "Don't shoot!" I exclaimed, uselessly crossing my arms over my torso. "It's just me! Please don't shoot!"

  He dropped his gun and my heart started beating again. "Lucas? What are you doing?"

  "I was looking for you," I explained in a shaky voice. "I just wanted to talk. I'm sorry for scaring you."

  "You didn't scare me," he insisted with a smirk. "I'm a light sleeper and heard someone creeping around. I was coming down to check on you."


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