Boss Daddy: Naughty Daddies Series

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Boss Daddy: Naughty Daddies Series Page 3

by Jayda Marx

  "Aww, thanks." In an instant, I went from being scared of getting blown away to all warm and tingly from his concern.

  Vincenzo snorted a laugh. "What did you want to talk about, rabbit?"

  God, I love when he calls me that. It wasn't a generic name he threw out; it was special just for me. I was honored; it gave me a peek of his sweet, softer side that I doubted many people got to see.

  Not that I didn't enjoy his strong, gruff side. He certainly looked the part now, standing there holding a gun, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers with his manly body on display. Holy shit, his body's on display.

  I'd been startled by his sudden appearance earlier and didn't notice how damn sexy he was. His torso was broad and though he had no visible muscles, and even carried a little padding around his middle, I could tell just by sight that he was strong. And he was coated in sexy silver hair from his collar bone to the top of his boxers, where my view unfortunately ended.


  Shit. I hadn't answered his question; instead staring blatantly at his body and drooling over it. I snapped my eyes to his; they were dark and intense, but they didn't appear to hold anger. Instead, it was as if he enjoyed my ogling.

  I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry, what was the question?"

  The corners of his mouth twitched like they wanted to smile. "What did you want to talk about?"

  "Oh, right! I wanted to talk to you about my…you know…options. I have a few questions if that's okay. But they can wait until morning." I let out a sigh, frustrated with myself. "That's when you said we'd speak anyway. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you up. I wasn't thinking."

  I turned to descend the stairs, but Vincenzo caught me by the shoulder and spun me back around to face him.

  "Lucas, you are never to apologize for needing me, do you understand?"

  I nodded as I swallowed the lump of desire in my throat. Vincenzo had a way of scolding me while making me feel cared for and it was the most addicting thing I'd ever experienced.

  "Come sit down in my room and we'll talk."

  My heart beat wildly as he led me into his bedroom and turned on a lamp, casting the space in a soft glow.

  "It's beautiful in here." In the center of the room was a huge mahogany canopy bed with four thick posts and sheer gray curtains surrounding the mattress. The slate colored blankets were barely disturbed from where Vincenzo slept.

  On the wall opposite the bed hung a television nearly twice as big as the one in my spare bedroom; Vincenzo practically had his own theater. Along one side wall and in the same dark wood of the bed was a large dresser with a mirror on top. On the other wall was a gray loveseat, where Vincenzo pointed for me to sit after he tucked his gun away in his nightstand. As we settled onto the soft cushions, I was both relieved and disappointed that we weren't getting into his bed together.

  Vincenzo shifted to the side and draped his arm across the back of the sofa, giving me his full attention. "Talk to me."

  "Okay…" As I gathered my thoughts, my fingers drifted in front of me and twisted together. It always happened when I got nervous, and had since I was little.

  I gasped quietly when Vincenzo covered my fidgety hands with one of his. "There's nothing to be scared of here." The warmth of his large palm seeped into my skin and settled my nerves. I took a deep breath and said a quick prayer that he'd leave it there.

  "Would you have other boys?" flew out of my mouth. He said that I couldn't touch anyone else, but he didn't talk about himself.

  "Would you want me to have other boys?" he asked curiously, arching a brow like this was some sort of test.

  "Fuck no." I rarely swore (except for in my mind), but the thought of Vincenzo owning and touching other boys made my stomach turn.

  Luckily I was sitting down, because my knees went weak when a deep laugh rumbled in his chest. The mirth on his face told me that I passed the test.

  "You would be my one and only."

  Thank fuck. "And for how long?"

  He raised his brow again. "Already looking for a way out?"

  "No!" I exclaimed, making him flinch. "I mean no, not at all. I just want to know what to expect." Honestly, I was afraid of falling for him just to get tossed out on my ass a week later.

  Another twitch of his lips proved that he heard my unspoken fear. He raised his free hand and ran it through my hair, making my eyes flutter shut and my balls twitch.

  "You need to let your worries go. I'm here to worry for you now, and to take care of everything. That's what a Daddy does; trust in me to look after you. Let me take control and give you the life you deserve. If we cross that line, you're putting your total faith in me, and losing your fears and doubts. Are you ready to take that step? What is your choice?"

  I opened my eyes to look into his and swore I saw hope mixed with a trace of fear within them. That fear - the worry that I'd reject him - erased any of my own.

  "I choose you." I took a deep breath and added, "I choose you, Daddy." It felt a little strange saying it out loud for the first time, but Vin - Daddy - liked hearing it. His gaze darkened and his hand slid from my hair onto my cheek.

  "But there's something you need to know,” I continued. “This isn't about the money for me. Don't get me wrong; I'm extremely grateful for your help, but I like you and I'd want to be with you no matter what."

  Daddy suddenly pulled me towards him and pressed our lips together. His bearded cheeks were soft when they rubbed against my smooth ones. He commanded my mouth, opening it with his own and plunging his tongue inside.

  He licked my cheeks and tickled the roof of my mouth before capturing my tongue between his lips. He sucked and flicked against it as I whimpered and held on for the ride. It was the most sensual thing I'd ever experienced, and the best kiss I could imagine.

  Daddy pulled away, but rested his forehead on mine. "I've wanted to do that since the moment I saw you."

  "I've wanted you to do it," I confessed, and he gave another rumble-laugh. "But I think there's something you should know about me. I'm worried that it will make you change your mind, but it's only fair that I tell you."

  My heart dropped when he backed away, and my face went cold without his close by. "If we're going to do this, I need complete honesty from you,” he told me in a no-nonsense tone. “You don't keep secrets from Daddy. I appreciate how open you've been with me about your past and your problems. But I need to know everything, so tell me what's worrying you."

  I didn't realize that I was chewing on my lip until he pulled it out of my teeth with his thumb. I didn't want to hide anything from him; he'd been so understanding so far. And it wasn't like he wouldn't find out eventually, for example when he wanted to do something sexual and I was fucking clueless. Or terrible. I sighed and closed my eyes, thinking it'd be easier to say if I couldn't see his disappointment.

  "I've never had sex. Or done anything sexual, for that matter. I kissed a couple of girls and guys in high school while I figured things out, but it never felt like the kiss you gave me. I think that you are so damn sexy and I want you in that way, but I don't know what I'm doing. I may be complete crap at it and I'm worried I'll be a terrible boy for you." I held my breath and waited for his response, preparing myself for his rejection.

  "Look at me." I slowly peeled my eyes open, and was shocked to see him gazing back at me with hunger. "That is the opposite of a problem." Finally, he touched our foreheads together again. "Don’t you know what it means to me that you saved yourself for Daddy?"

  "I...I didn't think of it that way."

  "It's the only way I think of it. You didn't let other boys touch you and I'm so proud of you. You're all mine; I'll be the first one to put hands on your beautiful body, and that's a very precious gift you've given me. You don't have to worry about a thing; Daddy's in control, remember? I'll show you every pleasure imaginable."

  His words lifted a thousand pound weight off of my chest. What I saw as a hindrance, he saw as a gift, and I couldn't be happier. It d
idn't matter if I knew what to do, because he did, and he'd teach me. "Thank you," I told him in a whisper, unsure how to put my gratitude into strong enough words.

  Daddy kissed me again, and this one was even better than the last. My insecurities floated away, and I gave myself over to the moment.

  He lifted my hands from my lap and placed them on his chest. I pet the soft hair there and smiled against his lips at his moan that vibrated under my fingertips.

  "Stand up," Daddy instructed when he pulled away again. I did as he said, keeping my hands cupped over my crotch; it was thick and heavy from the excitement of our kiss, and my underwear hid nothing. “Ah, ah,” he corrected, tapping my hands, “That’s mine now. I get to look whenever I want.”

  “Sorry.” I dropped my hands to my sides, and he hummed as he looked over the bulge in my boxer briefs.

  Daddy tugged on the hem of my shirt. “Take it off.”

  I held my breath again as I lifted my t-shirt over my head. I wasn’t broad and burly like Daddy. I was slim and puny, and the only hair on my torso was a thin line beneath my navel.

  “Look how beautiful you are,” Daddy whispered, and I sighed in relief. He touched his fingers to my chest and gently caressed over my skin. “So smooth and soft.” As he traced over my slender stomach, my heart rate picked up again, pumping all of my blood into my cock until I was fully hard beneath the thin cotton layer of my underwear.

  He looked up at me with dark eyes. “Do you like my touch?” My throat was too dry to speak, so I nodded quickly. “Let’s see how much.” He pinched the waistband of my underwear and snapped them against my skin. “Take them off.”

  Anxiety and excitement battled within me as I hooked my thumbs into the fabric. This was all happening so fast, but it was everything I wanted. Daddy made it easy to follow his commands, and his heated gaze made me feel sexy. I let out a shaky breath and pushed my underwear down in one quick movement.

  Daddy leaned back against the sofa cushion and draped both of his arms across the back. His eyes slowly raked up and down my body, lingering over my hard cock which jutted out in front of me. I wanted him to say something - anything, but at the same time, I enjoyed the anticipation of the moment. I was on display strictly for his enjoyment, and he was studying his newly acquired merchandise.

  “Turn around.”

  I shuffled in a circle until my back faced him, and he hummed again. “Mm, look at that ass.” I flinched in surprise when his warm hands cupped my cheeks; they each fit perfectly in his wide palms. “Gorgeous.” He squeezed them gently and spread them apart, exposing my hole. I shuddered when he blew a burst of cool air across my pucker, and he chuckled at the way it clenched. “Face me again,” Daddy instructed with a pat to my ass.

  When I turned again, his eyes lasered in on my dick and the drop of pre-cum that balanced on its tip. His appraisal had me more turned on than I’d ever been before.

  “You’ve got a nice little handful,” he said in a raspy voice, wrapping his palm around my cock. I was around six inches long and cut, and was thrilled he approved. Daddy gave me one firm, slow stroke until the glistening fluid bubbled out onto his fingers. I nearly passed out when he lifted his hand to his mouth and licked it clean.

  “Lucas, I need you to look at me and listen carefully.” I pulled my eyes from the back of my head to give him my attention. “I promised to give you pleasure and to keep you safe. I know this is all new to you, which makes my next words even more important.” I nodded my understanding.

  “I need you to tell me a word which you will never forget. If things get too intense or you need me to stop for any reason, you are to say that safe word, and I will stop everything to check on you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” He raised his eyebrows, so I tried again. “Yes, Daddy, I understand. If I need you to stop, I’ll tell you my safe word.”

  “Good boy,” he praised, and a wide smile crossed my lips. I liked pleasing him. “What is your safe word?”

  I searched my mind for a word that stuck out. I thought it’d be best to go with something that had a negative meaning for me, so I said, “Bones.” He scared me more than anything, and I’d never forget him. When Daddy narrowed his eyes, I worried I upset him because I chose another man’s name. “Is that okay? I can pick a different word.”

  His expression softened and he shook his head. “No, I told you to pick whatever you wanted. And that will definitely kill the mood if I hear it.” He gave me a sexy smirk and I knew he wasn’t mad. “Go lie on the bed.”

  I hustled over to the bed and climbed up onto the high mattress, lying flat on my back. Daddy stood up and followed me, and my eyes drifted down to his tented boxers. He gave himself a squeeze through the fabric while I moaned out loud. “You like what you see, boy?”

  I nodded so hard that my teeth clacked together. “Can I please see you, Daddy?” I was desperate for a glimpse of what was beneath his boxers.

  “My boy is so polite,” he replied with a hint of pride in his voice. He gripped the hem of his underwear and pulled them to the floor with one tug.

  “Oh, wow.” Daddy was about seven and a half inches long, cut, thick and veiny. Silver hair surrounded his base and coated his heavy balls. “You’re so…” I wasn’t sure I had the word to describe how mouth-wateringly sexy he was, so out popped, “Wow.”

  He chuckled that deep, grumbly laugh that made my stomach flip as he joined me on the bed and nudged my hip. “Roll onto your side.”

  As soon as I was positioned facing away from him, Daddy pressed his chest and stomach against my back, his body hair tickling and warming me as he kissed a hot line down my neck. His arm snaked around my body and he plucked my nipple as he nibbled on the flesh of my throat.

  “Ohh, Daddy,” I moaned as his hand slid down my stomach.

  “Fuck yeah, boy; say my name.”

  He cupped my fuzzy balls in his palm and squeezed, making lights burst behind my eyes as I exclaimed, “Daddy!” Every time I said his name, the more natural it felt. His dominating presence put me at ease while stoking a fire within me.

  Daddy wedged his cock in the crack of my ass while taking my dick in his hand. He jerked me hard and fast as he rocked his hips, brushing his heated flesh over my hole. “That feels so good,” I moaned as a full-body shudder rocked through me.

  “Yeah? You like my fat cock between your cheeks?”


  He stroked me faster, his hand gliding easily as pre-cum steadily leaked from me. The hair behind my ear ruffled from his heavy breaths as he snapped his hips forward and back, grinding along my crevice. The moment was so naughty and wonderful, I knew I couldn’t last.

  My toes were already curling when I told him, “I’m gonna come.”

  I shuddered again when his breath hit my ear as he answered, “Not yet.”

  “What?” I looked over my shoulder and saw the sincerity in his eyes.

  “Hold it.”

  “I don’t...know if...I can.”

  “You can and you will,” he growled as his abdomen slapped against my back. “We come together.”

  Fuck. I clenched my stomach, feeling a dull ache where Bones’ thug hit me the night before, but the pressure in my pelvis grew stronger. “Daddy, please,” I begged, but he didn’t answer. I dug my fingernails into the palm of my hand as my calves tightened and my thighs twitched. I didn’t recognize my own shrill voice when I repeated, “Please!” as my balls slowly rolled and lifted.

  “Now, boy! Come now!”

  I cried out and my cock pulsed, shooting cum over Daddy’s fingers and onto my heaving stomach. At the same time, a low growl vibrated against me and warmth splattered up my back as Daddy erupted. I was glad I managed to hold out; it was so special coming with him, and the delay made my orgasm more intense than any I’d ever given to myself.

  “Good job,” Daddy panted behind me. “Good boy.”

  “Thank you,” I answered in a whisper. His praise felt almost as good as the explosiv
e orgasm he gave me.

  He hummed and dropped his face into the crook of my neck, kissing me again. “I can’t wait to do so many filthy, wonderful things to you.”

  I looked at him over my shoulder and asked, “Like what?”

  He answered with another gravelly laugh. “Trust me, rabbit; you’ll find out soon enough. For now, let’s get you cleaned up. Hold still for me.” I didn’t move a muscle as Daddy rolled over and grabbed his boxers from the floor. He wiped down my back and then my front before tossing them away again. “Now let’s get you warm under these covers.”

  “I get to sleep with you?” I asked too excitedly. I’d never cuddled with a man before; let alone in bed, and the idea of snuggling up to Daddy’s warm, hairy body made my heart race.

  “You’re not leaving my side.”

  We shuffled under the blankets, and when Daddy wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, it was even better than I imagined. My eyes immediately grew heavy and my jaw dropped into a yawn.

  Something about Daddy’s presence soothed me. I knew I was looked after and safe in his arms, and that I could let myself relax. He’d take care of everything, including me. I nuzzled deeper into his hold, and he laughed before squeezing me tighter.

  One look at Daddy wouldn’t suggest he was a cuddler. His job wouldn’t suggest that he was a tender soul. And maybe he wasn’t...except for when he was with me. Damn if that didn’t make everything more special.

  Before I could bid him goodnight, Daddy dropped his mouth to my ear and whispered, “Tell me who you belong to.”

  “You, Daddy,” I whispered back before giving another eye-watering yawn.

  “Damn straight. Goodnight, Lucas.”

  “Goodnight,” barely passed my lips before I was gone.

  Chapter Four


  I peeled my eyes open and smiled at the warm weight of Daddy’s hand, slowly stroking up and down my back. It was the best way to wake up after the best sleep of my life.

  I stretched and rolled over to find Daddy sitting up in bed beside me. He was looking over the newspaper, and wearing a pair of chunky black reading glasses. “You look so handsome in your glasses,” I told him as I sat up as well. “Very sophisticated.” I wasn’t usually so forward, but after what we did the night before, a few compliments didn’t seem too bold.


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