Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 2

by Karen Frances


  “I know. I couldn’t resist it and you’ll look stunning,” she says, thrusting the dress into my hands. “Now, tell me, who are you going to be reporting on?”

  “Some Formula One driver I don’t know.”

  “You mean our own Ryan Jackson?” she squeals. I nod, surprised Dani knows his name. “Bloody hell. Felicity will be fuming when she discovers this. Have you seen him? God, if I close my eyes I could orgasm just thinking about him.”


  “What? I can’t help it, I’m a hot-blooded woman and he’s just so… fine. Damn. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when she finds out. I can just imagine the look on her face.”

  I run his name through my head, and again, I’m coming up blank. The niggling in the back of my head tells me I should make a mental note to do some research on him tomorrow. “How do you know of him?” I finally ask.

  “Well, for someone who is meant to be in the know about all the latest news, I really do worry what planet you are on. He’s from Glasgow, you know this city we both happen to work and live in. Ryan Jackson has been up against some of the best in the world lately and has surpassed some of the greats when it comes to F1.”

  The doorbell rings.

  “You get dressed and I’ll go and let Frank in. Tomorrow, after I finish work, we’ll share a bottle or two of wine and discuss Ryan Jackson.”

  I nod as she spins and walks out of my bedroom.

  Slipping my robe from my body, I step into the dress and pull the zip up at the side. Shoes. I need shoes and a bag. Rushing to the closet, I grab my good black shoes and matching bag, the ones I’ve been saving for a special occasion. I hope these fit.

  I can hear Frank laughing from the sitting room; I shouldn’t keep him waiting. Holding my breath, I turn and look in the mirror to check out how the dress looks. Bloody hell. Dani was right, this dress is perfect on me, but it’s missing something.

  My eyes glance down at my mother’s jewellery box. It’s time. Opening it, I see the diamond set that she would always wear going out. The only expensive thing she owned and never sold. I put the earrings in and place the delicate chain around my neck.

  My smile is real as I walk out of the room with a certain air of confidence; something that has been missing from me for such a long time.

  One step at a time.

  I just need to make sure it’s a step in the right direction.

  Chapter 2

  “Will you please relax,” Frank says. “I can feel the tension rolling from you. And, girl, looking like that, you have nothing to be nervous about.”

  My eyes dart around the ballroom as we enter and, yes, it’s fair to say my nerves are getting the better of me. Frank has my arm in his and I don’t want him to let me go. I’m so out of my depth. Standing on the red carpet outside the hotel’s main entrance posing for a picture has my body still shaking. Events like this have always been for other people, not someone like me.

  A waiter approaches us with a tray of champagne-filled flutes. I remove my arm from the crock of his and Frank takes two glasses, thanking the waiter. “Here, take a drink. It might help calm those nerves of yours.”

  “Do you think?” I ask, my voice laced with sarcasm.

  He smiles with a nod. I take a sip and hold my glass in my hand as Frank guides me through the room, introducing me to lots of people. Some faces I know because I’ve met them before. Some I know from the TV; a few actors and presenters. Everyone is welcoming, and it does help me feel at ease, even though it’s only small talk that’s exchanged between us.

  We’re just approaching our table when I see her, and why I’m surprised that’s she here is beyond me, even after telling me she was going out with the girls. Of course Felicity would be here with Mummy and Daddy. I straighten my back and hold my shoulders tall because, tonight, I’m not going to let her get to me. “Ellie, how wonderful to see you,” she says, air kissing my cheeks. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  “I didn’t think you’d be here. I thought you were going out with the girls tonight?”

  “Yes, I know, but I couldn’t resist this. You just never know who could be at an event like this. Let’s have a look at you.” She stands back and I can feel the intensity as she scrutinises me with her gaze. “Wow, you look…”

  “Incredible, is the word you’re searching for, Felicity,” Frank says, stepping in.

  “Yes. Yes she does. Oh, I should swap the names so you and I can sit together and have some girly chat. These old fuddy-duddies will only bore us.”

  She rushes off, grabbing my name and swapping.

  “She’ll be gone soon after dinner,” Frank says as soon as I realise I’ve released a heavy sigh.


  “Don’t be sorry. I feel the same way. She makes my blood boil almost as much as my daughter. The only difference is, I love my daughter. I’ll make sure I’m still sitting beside you. She really wasn’t meant to be attending tonight. It makes me wonder what’s in it for her because, let’s face it, she only does things when she stands to benefit.” He has a point.

  Frank and I are both singing from the same hymn sheet and, for that, I’m grateful. I don’t have to pretend around him about my feelings toward Felicity. I take the empty seat next to her after greeting her parents and a few others at the table who all work within the building. Frank keeps his word and sits beside me, but Felicity’s mother engages him in conversation straight away, asking about Grace. I’m a little surprised that he tells her she’s sick, but then again, Frank does like to keep things to himself. He’s been let down so many times in the past with Bethany.

  “So, Grace, is she really sick or is it Bethany?” Felicity asks.

  “I believe she’s sick.” I’m not about to engage in gossip, although I’m pretty sure Felicity will make up something more interesting if she doesn’t have juicy facts to use. “Won’t the girls be disappointed you didn’t go out with them?” Now, I’m the one making small talk.

  “They’ll get over it. Look at some of the faces here tonight. They’ll understand. You don’t usually go to these sorts of events, do you?”

  “No, but––” I don’t get to finish as someone, a man, takes to the stage before us and starts speaking. Silence descends around the room. He’s making an announcement on behalf of a children’s charity which deals with the children of addicted parents. I rest my chin on my hand and listen to what is being said. Things like this matter to me. I wonder if this is why Frank invited me along. I glance to my side and he’s smiling with an edge of uncertainty. I place my hand on top of his and nod. No words are needed; he’s bound to know the mixture of emotions running through my veins.

  I turn my attention back to the stage and listen to what the charity does for both the children and their parents. Their aim is a simple one: to give the kids a normal life, experiences they might never get the chance to do, at the same time helping the parents to kick their addictions, whether it be drug or drink-related.

  If only they had been around when I was growing up.

  I shiver with my thought and Frank rubs my hand in that comforting way that does actually help. Felicity lets out an unrecognisable noise from beside me, and when I turn toward her, I see her eyes are fixed firmly on mine and Frank’s hands. Oh, boy. And there it will be; her made-up story. “Are you okay, Ellie?” she asks, trying to sound concerned.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. I just get a bit emotional hearing things like this.”

  “Ellie has a big heart,” Frank says. He knows the real reason I get emotional, but I’m like Frank; I don’t like everyone knowing about my private life.

  “We have to remember that all of these kids… it’s not their fault their parents are addicts,” Felicity’s mother, Valerie, says while handing me a tissue, which I accept.

  “Very true,” Felicity agrees, although she sounds anything but sincere. “Will the paper be running stories to highlight this issue?”

�Yes,” Frank and her father, Tom, say together.

  The man continues making a speech before giving a run-down of tonight’s events. The main reason we are all here is to raise funds and awareness. I wish Frank had given me warning about tonight. I would’ve brought a notebook and pen with me to jot down some notes. I make a mental note to ask Frank what sort of story he plans on doing with the charity in mind. We can talk about this on Monday in the office. This is something I’m passionate about.

  The main speaker finishes talking to a wonderful round of applause, and dinner is served. Talk at the table is light and comfortable. Felicity’s eyes have been moving around the ballroom. I’m not sure who she’s expecting to see, but she does seem somewhat disappointed when I hear her sigh and return her attention to the food before her.

  “I’ll be leaving after dinner,” she says quietly to me. “If you want to slip away with me.”

  “Thanks, but no. I’d better stay. I think Frank wants a story from this event.”

  “I suppose that’s the reason he brought you, after all.”

  “I suppose so.” I smile politely, even though I’m silently cursing her under my breath. She has a knack of getting under my skin with the way she speaks; she’s always looking down her nose at me. I shouldn’t let it get to me.

  The food is lovely, and I’m surprised the conversation around the table is light and filled with laughter. The others have been so welcoming considering they are used to Grace attending these sorts of events.

  I excuse myself from the table after the main course, all the men stand as I do—how gentlemanly—and Felicity, well I can hear her grunt as they do before she takes a large gulp of wine.

  As I leave the ballroom in search of the ladies’ room, a few people stop me, and some more very polite conversations are shared. I exhale with a certain amount of relief when I finally exit the room. I’m grateful for these moments on my own, away from Felicity and her meaningless and bitter conversations. Sitting with her tonight hasn’t changed my opinion of her. If anything, it has given me more clarity on the type of person she really is. She’s out for herself, and damn anyone who dares to step in her way.

  I find the ladies’ room easily. As I enter the bathroom, the only noise that can be heard is the clicking of my black high heels across the tiled marble floor. Perfect. Just what I need for a few moments to myself before I re-join Felicity in the ballroom. I will be happy to see the back of her tonight. It’s bad enough the limited time we spend together in the office without having to spend time socialising with her. That girl should come with some sort of warning because she’s toxic.

  As I wash my hands, I stare into the mirror and smile. I look more than acceptable, and I can understand why Felicity stumbled over her words when she first saw me earlier. She appeared shocked as her eyes took in my appearance. I’m not surprised because I’m always in jeans at the office. What can I say? I like to be comfortable at work, whereas Felicity looks like a model most days, with her face full of make-up and hair always sitting so perfectly. Who has the time to do that every day? Not me, that’s for sure. My life is too damn busy in the morning for all that effort.

  “Time to go back,” I mutter to myself as I stop and take in my appearance in the full-length mirror. I smooth down the front of the dress. Dani was right, as she usually is. I love it, and even though I’m not sure where I would wear it again, I’m reluctant to hand it back.

  With my bag in my hand and my shoulders back, I walk toward the bathroom door. I reach for the door handle, but instead, the door swings open, just missing hitting my face by mere millimetres. “Bloody hell!”

  “Oh, shit…” I take a deep breath, hearing a raspy voice, and I look at him. I want to shout at him to look where he’s bloody going, but I’m left speechless as I drink him in. Deep brown eyes hold my gaze, leaving me quivering at the intensity with which he studies me. I’m lost to the deep piercing desire I meet in his eyes which I think is a reflection of my own needs, or maybe it’s… Not. What would he possibly want from someone like me?

  “Have I hurt you? I’m so sorry.”

  Unable to speak, I shake my head and take notice of the little things as I break our eye contact; the fact he’s wearing a tuxedo makes me think he’s at the event in the ballroom. His dark hair sits perfectly and is just the right length to run my fingers through.

  I haven’t really just had that thought?

  Yes, I have.

  I can’t hide my reaction to him when my gaze drops on his soft, full, kissable lips I long to taste. There’s a rough edge to him, and it’s more than the facial hair, which to be honest, I’m not usually a fan of. But, on him… well, it looks sexy. I only realise I’m biting the inside of my cheek when his mouth curves at the edges into a delicious grin. He knows what I’m thinking.

  Oh, dear Lord.

  I pull my gaze back from his lips, trying to discourage my own very clear thoughts. Amusement flashes in his eyes, and embarrassment seeps through me.

  I shake my head as reality hits me. “What the hell are you doing pushing your way into the ladies’ bathroom?” I say with confidence, remembering where we are and that he shouldn’t be in here.

  “You haven’t answered my question. Did I hurt you?”

  “Do you think you’d still be standing there if you had?” I yell at him, not caring if I draw anyone’s attention.

  “Oh, fiery.” He raises his eyebrows before drawing his gaze over my body. I close my eyes momentarily and take a deep breath. “I do love a woman with fire and spirit. It makes our time much more interesting, especially in the bedroom, or bathroom.”

  He really didn’t just say that, did he? I step backward as he takes a step and then another toward me until we are standing toe-to-toe and his lips are in kissing distance.

  “I was going to apologise.” His whispered voice trails across my neck, sending a rippling effect of shivers dancing across my skin. My breath hitches in the back of my throat. I know if he kisses me, which is stupid since I don’t even know him, I will kiss him back. “But seeing as I’ve not hurt you, I have nothing to apologise for.”

  “You haven’t answered my question.”

  He smiles, a real cocky smile that reaches his eyes. “And what question did you ask?”

  “Why you were pushing your way into the ladies’ bathroom?”

  “Honestly?” he asks. I nod, even though I’m not sure I really want to know his reason. “Because I saw a drop-dead gorgeous woman in a red dress, and I wanted to know who she was, so I followed and gave you the few minutes to do whatever it is you ladies do and here you are.”

  Fuck. I wasn’t expecting that.

  He stands and waits, watching me for a response. My heart races and I know this is all sorts of wrong. He might be standing before me dressed in a tux, but everything about him screams bad boy to me. Under that fine suit, will there be tattoos on his body?

  I need to get out of here, get away from him before I’m tempted to do something I know I shouldn’t.

  “What, no mouthy comeback? You disappoint me.” He’s standing so full of himself, so sure I’ll fall at his feet. His eyes sparkle with amusement and there’s a smirk he’s not even trying to hide.

  Arrogant git.

  “I’d hate to leave you disappointed…” My voice trails off and I wait with bated breath for his next move because he’ll be the one making it; that’s a certainty.

  The scent of lust fills the air. I moan softly as he wraps his arm around me, resting his hands firmly on my neck and pulling my head closer to his. A spark ignites in my body as he trails his fingers over my cheek then brushes them along my mouth. My lips part and I’m giving him an open invitation to kiss me.

  There’s no time to change my mind as his mouth meets mine. His hold tightens at the nape of my neck and I wrap my arms around his shoulders as I lose myself, surrendering to him. Our stance changes and I’m now pinned in place against the full-length mirror behind me. Confidence oozes from him. H
e must know I’m powerless to the lust that’s building within me.

  His tongue entwines with mine and I’m already dancing on air.

  I need to come back down to Earth because this isn’t me. This isn’t good old Ellie Cooper. She doesn’t do spur of the moment or make rash decisions.

  But this feels good. So damn good.

  He pushes his body closer to mine. His heavy chest against the swell of my breasts has them aching with need. His erection presses against my stomach.

  I can’t do this. Not here.

  I pull my hands from his shoulders and push against his firm chest. “I can’t,” I say, taking a step to the side.

  “Well, I am disappointed because I happen to think you and I could have fun together. Lots of fun.” And there is that smirk again, the one that tells me he’s not wrong. He dips his head, kisses me on the cheek, and readjusts his cock to a more comfortable position. “I’ll leave you to freshen up,” he says before swiftly leaving me alone and flustered in the ladies’ bathroom.


  Did that really just happen?

  Chapter 3

  “What took you so long?” Frank asks with narrowed eyes. “I was going to introduce you…” He’s interrupted by Felicity as she says goodnight to him.

  “There’s still time for you to join me,” Felicity whispers grabbing her bag.

  “Thanks for the offer, but no. I should stay.”

  “Suit yourself. You’re the one missing out.” With that, she takes her leave, her hips swaying from side-to-side as she walks away. I notice many a man with a longing look in his eyes, watching after her. She’s not the type of person I’d envisage myself spending time with.

  “Now, what were you saying?” I ask, turning my attention to Frank.

  He’s looking around the room, searching for who, I don’t know. “Nothing, it doesn’t matter. We should go and speak to a few people and then I’ll drop you home.”

  “Frank, you know I can take myself home if you need to get back to Grace and Bethany?”


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