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Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 10

by Karen Frances

  And I don’t usually sleep with a guy unless we’re in a relationship.

  I sigh, parking my car, seeing Felicity’s parked. It was wishful thinking on my part that she would be out the office covering a story, but no, it looks like she’s in the building. Hopefully, I can avoid her.

  Our floor seems quiet when I exit the elevator, but I see and hear Felicity. Her screeching voice has me closing my eyes briefly and sighing. Frank is in his office with the door closed. He’s on the phone, but waves, seeing me. I head over to my desk and log in to my computer. I’m here, I may as well get as much done as I can. Pulling up the first draft, I give it a quick read through, taking notes of some things I want to change. As I’m reading, I realise I want a decent picture of Ryan, not one with him stumbling out of a nightclub.

  I call Les. “Hi, Les,” I say when he answers.

  “Afternoon, Ellie. What can I do for you?” It’s noisy wherever he is. I’d imagine he’s at the track.

  “I won’t keep you. It sounds busy.”

  “Ryan is just doing a few laps.”

  “Sounds interesting. Listen, I need a picture of Ryan. Something new.”

  “That’s fine. You could bring a photographer to the track and get some pictures this afternoon with the car.”

  That isn’t what I had in mind. I planned on staying well out of the way today. Give myself some distance from him.

  “Yes, that’s fine. Give me a couple of hours then I’ll be trackside,” I say reluctantly before we end our call.

  “Listen to you saying all the right things. Next you’ll be reporting on the hot football stars.” Her voice sounds so sarcastic. So much for avoiding her today.

  “I’m sure hot football stars are your thing.”

  “Oh, come on, Ellie. Don’t tell me you’ve not had any fantasies about a certain Fletcher Adams?” I turn to look at her and she’s almost salivating. This girl has no fucking shame.

  “You do know Fletcher Adams is happily married?” I might not know much about sports, but I do know about Fletcher Adams, Scottish international footballer, a player on and off the field until he met his wife, Jess. Of course, Felicity is right, he is hot.

  “All the good ones are. Never stopped me before.” I bet it hasn’t. “How are you getting on with Ryan Jackson? Any juicy gossip? Is there a woman in his life?”

  “No gossip, as yet,” I add, hoping she’ll do us both a favour and fuck off back to her own desk.

  “Shame. I’d have gotten the gossip on day one.” She twirls a few strands of her hair around her fingers and bites at the corner of her lip. I know she’s thinking she would’ve slept with him on day one to get the information she needed. I’ve slept with him for no other reason than that I wanted to.

  “This assignment isn’t about gossip. It’s about showing the world who he really is,” I say bluntly, earning myself a scowl and raised eyebrows from her.

  “Ellie?” Saved by the bell, or rather, Frank. I turn and he’s standing in the doorway of his office. “Les has just called. You can take Greg with you back to the track. Just come in and brief me before you go.” Greg is who I would’ve picked to do a photoshoot. He’s professional and he and I always work well together. I’ll be able to tell him about the article on the way over and I’m sure he’ll get the picture I need.

  “Will do,” I call over to him, and he quickly closes his office door again. “Felicity, I’ve a lot to get through before I leave,” I say, hinting at her to just piss off. I’m not in the mood to make small talk or any other sort of talk with her.

  “I’m sure you have. Talking of hot footballers, I’m on my way out now, anyway. And no, it’s not to see Fletcher Adams.”

  I don’t care who she’s going to see. She turns away, her hair swishing from side-to-side and her hips swaying, I’m sure for the attention of the male workers in the office.

  Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to the document opened on my computer and start making necessary changes. This won’t be sent to the chief editor until I’ve seen what picture we’ll get today, then I’ll send everything together. And I’m hopeful that Sunday morning’s headlines will be very favourable for Ryan Jackson.

  The first of many.

  Chapter 14

  “Bloody hell, Ellie. What’s going on here today?” Greg asks as I park my car in the same space as it left only a few hours ago, right next to Ryan’s car. “It looks busy.”

  He’s right it does. Lots of cars in the car park and sitting near the large garage doors is a lorry, the same flashy red as Ryan’s race car.

  “I wonder if we can swing it for me to come with you for that. I’d love to be there soaking up the atmosphere. Watch Ryan win yet another race. Meet Colton Donavan, and of course, take some pictures.”

  I laugh as we stroll toward the main building. “Let’s not forget the pictures. And is Colton racing?” I know his name has come up, but I didn’t think he was racing, unless I’m totally useless and have forgotten.

  “No, he’s an indie racer. He and his wife are there on holiday. He was asked in a French interview recently if he would be attending and he said yes. You do know there has been some talk of Ryan and Colton racing?”

  “Greg this is me, what do I know about sports? Although, Frank has mentioned it.”

  He wraps his arm around my shoulder on a laugh and guides me through the open door. “And that is what makes you such a special person.”

  I introduce Greg to Stacey and sign him in as I have my pass, then we make our way through the building to the stands and trackside.

  “Wow! This is incredible,” Greg says.

  “I suppose it is.” There is definitely a buzz in the air and lots of noise. Engines revving, kids happy and excited, and a lot more people than I’ve seen all week.

  “I’ll pretend you didn’t just say that. Why are there kids here?” Greg asks.

  “Ryan supports a charity for children from addicted parents. The charity is based here.”

  “I didn’t know that,” he tells me, and here is where Ryan’s problems lie. “I don’t have any permission documents with me.” Greg blows out a deep breath and I can tell that’s a problem for him.

  “I’m sure if anyone is willing to have their pictures taken we can get Frank to email a copy over and have it printed off.”

  Greg smiles. “And that is why you’re here and Felicity isn’t because you’re smart. If I was only a few years younger.”

  “Just a few,” I tease.

  “Hey, you, enough. I’m not that old.” It’s true, he’s not ready to pick up his pension yet. At a guess, Greg is probably around the same age as Frank. Old enough to be my dad though.

  “There’s Les. Let’s go and see him and we can find out when Ryan will be ready.”

  He nods, but I know he’ll be happy taking pictures of the cars that are on the track, which aren’t just Ryan’s. There are another four. I wonder who they belong to.

  “Ah, there you are,” Les says as we approach him. “I was wondering when you were going to get here. Ryan will be ready soon.”

  I introduce Greg to him, and the two men stand talking about the upcoming race. Greg is very animated; I can tell he’s excited. Maybe Frank could arrange for him to come out even just on race day itself. I’m sure Greg would ensure it was worthwhile. Maybe I should give Frank a call tonight to discuss the possibility.

  My eyes dart around everywhere until I find him. Warmth quickly fires through my body as my gaze meets his and I smile. He’s leaning against his car, arms folded over each other, watching. Dylan is beside him, talking, and like this morning when I left, Ryan’s focus is elsewhere. Dylan looks my way, and from here I can see his whole body sag as he throws his hands up in the air before walking away from Ryan.

  “What’s up with the two of them?” Greg asks beside me.

  “I don’t know,” Les says. “But they had better sort it out. We have too much to do before Monaco.”

  “Why is everyone is l
eaving early?” Greg asks.

  “It gives our guys plenty of time to integrate with the main team.”

  “So, when is the team travelling?” I ask, just as I feel Ryan near.

  “Yes, Les, when are we travelling?” Ryan asks with a smile, his hand out to Greg. “I’m Ryan. You must be the photographer.”

  Greg shakes his hand. “Yes. I’m Greg. It’s great to meet you.”

  “I think we should travel on Sunday,” Les tells him, but looking at me. Does that mean I need to leave then as well? What the hell will I do in Monaco for a week before the race? “You have the first pre-qualifying on Thursday. Friday is a rest day. Second qualifying on Saturday then Sunday for the race.”

  I listen to what Les is saying but my mind has wandered off and I find myself watching a car that is still doing laps on the track. The other day, I don’t think Ryan was going as fast as this car. And with the words Les has just said about putting their lives on the line, I’m not sure this is a sport that will grow on me.

  “So, Ellie, can you be packed up for an afternoon flight on Sunday?” Les asks me, and I find myself nodding.

  “Pictures,” I say, interrupting the current conversation and not making eye contact with Ryan. I’m scared if I do, Greg will know that something has happened between us. “That’s what I’ve brought Greg with me for, after all.”

  “Yes, of course. Come on and let’s get this done.” Les puts his hand on my shoulder. Ryan walks in front of us with Greg beside him and I can hear them talking. Les and I stand at the side of the track while Ryan does his stuff. He looks confident and cocky as Greg starts snapping away. This isn’t how we want the world to see him. We need to strip him back.

  “Stop!” I call over.

  “Ellie, what’s wrong?” Les asks beside me, and Ryan and Greg stop and turn my way. I start walking toward them and Les quickly follows. Ryan’s eyes narrow and his stare becomes intense. My heart skips a beat but I have to ignore my feelings for now and work.

  “What’s wrong is that this photoshoot could’ve been done months ago. It doesn’t let me or the readers see anything different, and I thought that was the whole point of your PR exercise. I’m sorry, Ryan, but standing there posing isn’t doing anything for your reputation. We need to strip you back, get you out of those overalls or whatever you want to call them, put a clean t-shirt on, and jeans, so you’re more natural-looking.”

  “Ellie has a point,” Les says, looking at Ryan.

  “Dylan!” Ryan calls over to his friend. “Can you grab my clothes from the changing room?”

  “Get them yourself,” he replies, laughing before walking away. I don’t laugh because I’m now standing with my eyes glued to Ryan, who has decided now is a good time to strip off.

  I shake my head. “You did say strip back, woman,” Ryan teases, removing his hands from that damn suit and pulling off the top underneath, leaving him shirtless. Greg is actually taking pictures of him half undressed. I sigh, wondering what the hell I’ve let myself in for.

  “Ryan!” It’s Les shouting at him, but Ryan doesn’t acknowledge his word and continues to undress. I spin around, turning my back to him and suddenly feeling a little hot under the collar. I’m certain my face has flushed crimson. I smile, hearing Ryan laughing, and I sneak a look over my shoulder just in time to see Dylan hand him his jeans.

  “I’m certain you don’t need to look away,” Dylan whispers as he steps close to me out of earshot of everyone else. I can’t say anything because he’s right. “Ellie, please don’t let him fuck with your head, because I know he will.”

  I sigh as his words hit home. Ryan Jackson is known as a player and that isn’t about to change just because I’ve developed feelings for him. Reality is hard to take in. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks with concern in his voice.

  “Yes,” I say on a sigh because I’ve already given Ryan space in my head.

  “Well, you should turn back now he has clothes on.” Dylan smiles, the kind that tells me he’s being sympathetic to how I feel. Stupid girl.

  “At least you’re dressed now,” I say, turning around. “Now, can we at least be professional?” Ryan’s eyes narrow, studying me curiously before Greg instructs him on what he wants. Good, because I’m not in the mood to deal with him. I leave them all to it and go and sit in the stand. I need to make plans for travelling on Sunday.

  “Can I join you?” I turn to the soft voice of Claire and nod with a smile. “How are you doing? Ryan told me.”

  “Actually, I’m fine.”

  “Fine? I don’t like that word and what it means. My door is always open.”

  “I know that, and I think when I come back from Monaco, I’ll take you up on that, if that’s okay with you.”

  “Of course it is. For what it’s worth, I think being able to talk about your past will help it not control your future. I know most of the work we do is with kids and parents who want to be helped, but there have been a few that aren’t interested in the help we provide and it’s led to the kids being removed from the parents’ care. Things have changed so much in the last few years. When you and I were growing up, your situation would’ve been brushed under the carpet. No one was interested.”

  Tears fill my eyes at her very accurate response. “Claire, I’m sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean to embarrass you, the charity, or myself.”

  “No apology is needed and you certainly didn’t embarrass yourself. So stop that. If anyone was to ask, I would just say the enormity of what the charity does shocked you to the core.”

  “Thank you. I’ll try and remain professional from now on.”

  Her eyes dart to the track and I see Ryan with a couple of the kids, messing around, and Greg taking pictures. “He always looks happy with the kids,” Claire says. “But there’s something different about him.”

  “He loves his charity work. That has come through clearly every time we’ve talked.”

  “He does. His path could be so different, and I still find myself worrying about him.”


  “Because in the fast-paced world he lives in, you never know what’s around the corner. Alcohol, drugs… I can help deal with those. If he has an accident…”

  “You love him,” I say without thinking or knowing anything about either of them.

  “Yes, I do. He’s family.” I lean my head to the side, thinking about her words. “Sorry, Ellie. I thought he told you, he’s my cousin.”

  “No. He never mentioned that.”

  “Yes. I’m two years older than him but we’ve always been close and I try to keep an eye on him. Keep him out of trouble.”

  “Trouble seems to follow him from what I’ve read,” I say, smirking.

  “Yes, it does. But hopefully you’ll help him in more ways than I ever thought anyone could. I’ve seen a new side to him since he met you. Now, I’ll be busy right up until you go away on Sunday, but if you need me, I’m happy to make arrangements to meet you at night if my cousin hasn’t decided to keep you otherwise occupied.” I gasp. “Ellie, don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me, although I’m not sure Ryan can do discreet. We can talk about him too.”

  “Thank you,” I say as she stands and leaves me alone again with my thoughts of the handsome racer who, at the moment, looks relaxed and carefree.

  My thoughts are now full of him racing his car at those dangerous high speeds and the worry Claire must feel watching him.

  Why does he do it?

  Chapter 15

  “You look a million miles away.”

  I lift my head to find Greg standing before me. “Sorry, I was. Are you all finished?”

  “Yes, so if you have time, we can look over what you have to work with in the office. I know it will mean you’ll be working later, but I think it will be worth the time.”

  “That’s fine with me. I actually want to run my eyes over the article one more time, so it’s not a bother.”

  “I thought you were happy with it?”

  “Yes, I am. It’s just…”

  “You need it to be perfect.” I nod with a smile. Greg knows I never hand in a piece of work unless I’m one-hundred-percent happy with it. “Right, then can we head off.”

  “Can you give me a minute? I need a quick word with Les and Ryan about Sunday’s travel plans.” I don’t want to face Ryan but I suppose I should get it over and done with. I’m sure they must be busy with preparations for the next few days, and hopefully I won’t need to see him until Sunday.

  “Go on then.” He nudges me to get a move on.

  Les and Ryan are still standing beside his car, deep in conversation, when I approach them. Ryan’s body stiffens and his eyes dart toward me. “Right, I’m heading back into the office to see what I have to work with,” I say.

  “I think Greg has a lot to work with,” Les says with enthusiasm.

  “I think so. Now, Sunday,” I ask. “What are the plans?”

  “I’ll email you tomorrow with pick up times. Our flight is in the afternoon.” Again, it’s Les that answers. Ryan looks subdued, pissed off, and I’m beginning to think I’m the reason behind his mood, or maybe he’s just trying to focus on his race next week.

  “Perfect. So you don’t need me around tomorrow?”

  “No. Do whatever you need to do. I have a few PR things I’d like to discuss, but we will have plenty of time in Monaco. Ryan and the crew will be busy for much of the week, meaning you and I could do some sight-seeing,” Les says, earning himself a scowl from Ryan. He turns away from me, sighing heavily. What the hell is his problem today?

  I don’t know what it is, but I can only hazard a guess that I’m his problem. Well, that’s fine because I’m sure he’s going to become a problem for me.


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