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Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 15

by Karen Frances

  Les nods, giving me the okay. I get they want to talk about the possibility of a race, but I hope they tell me what is spoken about.

  Rylee and I find a free table to sit down. She calls a waiter over and we order drinks. “I presume you’re a sports reporter?”

  “No. Well, I am now.” I laugh nervously. “Up until last week, I didn’t know anything about racing, or Ryan, or even Colton. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. He might be a big name in the States, but I was hoping our holiday would be uneventful and we would get some much-needed time to ourselves.”

  “And here you are now in Monaco for the Grand Prix.”

  “Yes. We were meant to fly home tomorrow, or that’s what he’s telling me, but decided he couldn’t go. I think he had this all planned. But I don’t mind because he’s not driving.”

  I remember the online report of a crash. “Are you against him driving?” I ask her as she looks across the room.

  “Should I choose my words carefully?” she asks with a smile that reaches up to her eyes. “I’ll tell you what my husband already knows, and that way, if it’s printed, he can’t complain. After his accident, I didn’t want him back on that track, but he had to do it for himself. My heart still pounds when he gets in that car, and it doesn’t stop until the end of each race, when I see him climb safely from the car. Then I sigh with relief.”

  “I think I can understand that. Forgive me, and feel free to tell me to shut up, you might be surprised but I haven’t done much digging on you two as a couple. However…”

  “There’s always a however.”

  “I saw a picture, and although I could tell straight away you’re deeply in love, I also sensed it wasn’t always plain sailing.”

  “Tell me anyone whose love life has been plain sailing, because I’d like to know the secret. No, it hasn’t. I’ve done some research on Ryan, and he and Colton are very alike. Well, before he settled down.”

  “I see. He had a reputation with the ladies.”

  “What do you think?”

  I look toward the men as they laugh and joke, and I smile. It’s not hard to picture. “But you stole his heart.”

  “Yes, I like to think so, but he also saved me.”

  “Oh!” I know there’s a story hidden behind her words and the way her body tenses, but at the moment, I’m not going to pry. There are parts of my life I would hate to see in black and white.

  “That’s not a story I want to see printed. Everyone has a past. None of us are perfect.”

  “I can drink to that,” I say, thinking about my own past. That’s not something I would like to see making headlines.

  We both take a drink from the glasses the waiter left on the table. I think about Colton and Rylee. I sense they have been through some hard and troubled times, but come out happy and deeply in love. We talk about lots but nothing of great importance, general chit-chat.

  Les calls over, asking us to join them.

  “I might be speaking out of turn, but from one woman to another, I can see you have already caught his attention.”

  “Shit!” I mumble.

  Her hearty laugh rings around me. “Take it from a woman who has been there. Don’t let him mess you around. But if there’s something between you, it’s worth exploring to see what might be. You never know, you might get yourself a happy-ever-after.”

  “And you’ve sussed this out from a brief meeting? Bloody hell.”

  Rylee stares at me blankly and then I figure out she probably didn’t understand a word I said because I was speaking too quickly.

  Rylee and I walk back to the men and I can’t help but smile when Colton kisses her and wraps his arm around her waist, holding her close. I daren’t look at Ryan.

  “Ellie, Colton is happy to give you an exclusive interview this week,” Les tells me.

  “Really! That would be incredible,” I say.

  “We could do it just before the practice laps on Thursday, if that suits you?” I love his voice. I could listen to his smooth accent all day.

  “Thursday is perfect for me,” I say. “And will both of you be confirming any exciting plans?” My eyes dart between Ryan and Colton.

  “That you will have to wait and see, pretty lady,” Colton says, earning himself a nudge to the ribs from his wife. “What? I only have eyes for you and that you know, but I can still appreciate a fine woman.” He kisses the tip of her nose.

  “Ellie, it would be great if you and I could do lunch at some point this week. I know you’re working, but even reporters must get some time off,” Rylee says, sounding as though she means it and not just from politeness. “Here, take my number and you can call me, although I’m sure we’ll see you around. We’re staying here too.”

  “Thank you,” I say, taking the card from her.

  “Gents, I think you need to do some mingling,” Les says, shaking Colton’s hand. We say goodbye for now and walk through the room, talking to various drivers and celebrities before making our way back to the rest of the team.

  “Are things good?” Dylan asks Ryan.

  “Yes. I think when Colton and I sit down later in the week we will have a race on our hands, and what’s more, it could very well be at my track,” Ryan tells him, taking me by surprise.

  “Bloody hell, Ryan. That’s incredible.”

  “It’s still hush-hush at the moment, and that includes you, Ellie.” Ryan is looking at me and I find myself nodding with him, although the reporter side of me wants to report on this now.

  “That’s fine. Just let me know when I can run with the story. Talking of stories, I have enough to go with for now. So, I’ll leave you all and get back to my laptop.”

  “Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No, you’ll only distract me.” The words leave me in a whisper and all I want to do is kiss him and tell him I’ll be waiting for him in our room. But in this room full of people, that’s not something I can do.

  He leans down and I feel his breath on my neck. “How long do you need?”

  “An hour or two.”

  “I hope you’ll be waiting for me. I’ll send up a bottle of champagne and I’ll be with you in less than two hours.” Chills lace my spine. “Text me as soon as you’re finished.”

  “Will do. Goodnight everyone.”

  Chapter 21

  The bubbles slide down the back of the throat easily. I sit back in the chair, closing my laptop, happy with the article that is now in the hands of the editor. Hopefully, it will make the early edition of the newspaper. The suite door opens and I smile. That took him less than four minutes to get here from receiving my text.

  I think he missed me.

  I don’t turn around to see him. Instead, I close my eyes, listening to his footsteps slowly crossing the floor. He stops behind me. I moan when his hands glide down my breasts, kneading them, and he kisses the top of my head.

  He’s been on my mind since I started putting my story together about him and Colton, and their passion for helping children who are less fortunate. About the two men from different sides of the Atlantic being at the same place to help another charity.

  “You smell so good,” he says, inhaling my hair that’s now tied up in a loose, messy bun.

  “And I don’t smell too much alcohol from you,” I say opening my eyes and tilting my head backwards so I can see him.

  “I don’t really do getting drunk with what I do. Of course I like a few beers, but I don’t think I’ve ever really been drunk and I wasn’t about to start tonight.” He presses his lips to mine.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because I have a beautiful woman in my room and I want to remember and cherish our time together, not fuck it up.”

  “I know what you can fuck.”

  “Is this the real Ellie I’m seeing, with a dirty mouth?”

  I stand up, stretching out my arms, turning to face him. “I’m not sure. I don’t really know who I am.”

Well, we will have fun together finding out.”

  The words. His seductive tone. The glint in his eyes. The sexy smile. The chills running down my spine. The ache in my stomach. He knows what he’s doing, and he’s already won me over.

  I throw my arms around his neck. He scoops me up by the arse and I wrap my legs around his waist.

  “You’ve finished your story?”


  “And can you tell me what it’s about?”

  “Two hot drivers.” I laugh.

  “Not the correct answer. That should be one hot driver.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. There’s definitely something hot about Colton Donavan,” I tease.

  “You, Ellie Cooper, should be punished,” he says, striding through the lounge toward the bedroom with me in his arms as though I’m weightless. “Should I deny you sex? I think not, because I would only be denying myself, and I’m far too selfish where you’re concerned. It felt like I was waiting for your text forever.”


  “That’s what it felt like to me. And now I have you to myself for the rest of tonight and tomorrow. Everyone is under strict instructions not to even call me. We can go out and do some sight-seeing then grab dinner.”

  “Okay,” I say breathlessly as he drops me to my feet, pulling the pyjama vest top up over my head. I stand before him in just my shorts, with his longing eyes trailing over my body, drinking me in.

  “I’m not drunk now, but I sure as hell will be soon enough on you.” He unbuttons his shirt, and when the shirt hangs loosely around his torso, he shrugs it off and it falls to the floor. He then unfastens his trousers not once removing his eyes from mine. “I want you,” he whispers as he prowls toward me, closing the small distance between us. His desire isn’t hidden away, it’s clearly before me, written on his face; the hunger in his eyes has me giddy.

  I fix my eyes on his unbuttoned trousers, his fingers flexed against the waistband of his boxers, and wait. He kicks off his shoes. With a deep gulp, I lower my shorts and knickers before stepping out of them. I smile when I see he’s done the same and both of us are standing gloriously naked, our eyes glistening, showing our appreciation of the other.

  “I hope you’re ready, Ellie, because I feel as though I’ve been waiting all night to be alone with you,” he says softly. “Not just all night. I’ve waited my entire life to be with you.”

  I’m not sure what to say to his statement, but I’m glad he doesn’t wait for a response. He presses against me. His arms wrap around me so tight, almost as though he’s scared to let me go. I nuzzle into the coarse side of his face, taking comfort in it. I’m not sure what’s happening between us, but I don’t want to lose him.

  My thought scares the ever-loving shit out of me.

  He lifts his head and swallows hard. I blink and wonder if he feels the same.

  Warm lips meet mine in a crushing, passionate kiss, two sets of hands roaming each other’s bodies as his erection presses hard against my lower stomach.

  I moan.

  He groans.

  His hands slide down my back toward my bum, squeezing as they travel. I grip for dear life onto his shoulders.

  I giggle as he lifts me. I wrap my legs around his. His erection is poised and ready, pressing where I need it to be.

  With a quick glance, I wonder if we’re going to make it to the bed, but one look into his eyes tells me no. Two short strides and my back is against the wall.


  God, I’m not sure I’ll last.

  I tighten my legs around him, digging my nails into his shoulders. He flinches before a soft moan escapes his mouth. His tongue dances with mine.

  “Fuck!” I cry as he pushes deep inside me.

  Still and silent.

  Our lips part.

  My heart is hammering in my chest, or maybe it’s his I feel beating against mine. We’re connected in a way that I can’t describe; it’s so much more than having him deep inside me. My body has been buzzing with excitement since I texted him. No, that’s not true. I’ve felt so fucking alive since our very first meeting.

  He’s intoxicating.

  I grind down on him, wanting him to move yet not all at the same time. He moans on a whimper, prompting me to move again, friction building between us.

  “Fucking hell,” he grates against my neck, sucking and nipping against my skin. I close my eyes, pulling his shoulders closer and pushing him away, only to repeat over and over.

  “Ellie!” I open my eyes and his dark eyes are on me. Sparks fly, and if possible, more desire floods my soul. My world is starting to spin out of control. He pulls back, slowly and carefully, and all I want to do is yell at him. Instead, I take a deep breath and hold it, waiting and bracing myself…

  He thrusts forward and oh my dear God…

  “Ryan…” I cry out. He thrusts hard again and again. Sweat mingling. Moans of pleasure filling the air. His hands are still wrapped around me, holding me upright, his grip tightening on my arse with each wild thrust forward.

  I’m struggling.

  My body goes limp.

  My eyes are heavy but I daren’t close them. I’m scared I’ll miss something between us.

  With his eyes still holding my gaze, he withdraws. His jaw is clenched and I can see he’s losing all concentration. He’s as close to falling apart as I am.



  We both cry out loudly. Sweaty skin slapping.

  He thrusts hard, filling me deeper and deeper, over and over again. Our chaotic screams are primal as he pushes us forward until stars fill my head as we fall over the edge in unison.

  Everything around me turns dark. We’re both gasping and spluttering for breath, basking in ecstasy.

  I open my eyes when I feel him slip out of me. He smiles, and with his arms still holding me and my legs wrapped around him, he carries me across the room and gently places me down in the bed.

  I slither up until the pillows are beneath my head. He climbs in beside me, pulling me close to him. The silence is comfortable between us. I snuggle into the warmth of him and close my eyes. He chuckles softly, interrupting me and I open my eyes.

  “I’m nowhere near finished with you, sweetheart. We’ve fucked, and now I want to…”

  I roll over to my side so I can see him, not wanting him to say anything else. “You want more?”

  “With you, I always want more.”

  He dips his head and I push upward to meet his lips. Once again, he steals my breath with the sweetest of kisses. Nothing like the raw and hungry primal kisses from earlier.

  Ryan Jackson is quickly consuming all my time and thoughts.

  And what’s more, I like it.

  Chapter 22

  Nervously, I watch and wait. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, reading the news article I wrote on his phone. I made the deadline.

  He’s silent and still.

  I know what I’ve written and Les sent me a message earlier to say he approved of the story, but waiting to hear what Ryan thinks has me on edge. I’ve mentioned the meeting with Colton, yet left out the possibility of a race. I’m sure just the fact that the two have met will bring on speculation in the UK of a will they or won’t they race.

  The story in today’s paper is about the adoption charity, and the interesting fact that two big celebrities in their own part of the world were at this event together. Both have an interest in children’s charities. Could they be about to do more and help raise world-wide awareness for this adoption charity?

  Ryan lifts his head from staring at his phone screen and turns to me. I’m sitting upright in the bed, covers still around my body. “All this came from last night?”


  “I’m not sure what to say.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Sweetheart, of course I do. There’s nothing here that shouldn’t have been printed. You’ve mentioned the meeting with Colton and his wife and how we all g
ot along. You’ve linked his charity work and mine and managed to stay true to both and the international adoption charity. Honestly, there’s nothing not to like about it.”

  “See, media should be used to your advantage. Not all reporters are out for blood.”

  He takes my hands in his. “I still think you are the exception, Ellie Cooper.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

  “You really need to learn to accept compliments.” I can’t argue with him on that. Dani says the exact same thing to me. “Now, I promised you a day of just us. What would you like to do?”

  “I’d love to mooch around the harbour and admire all the yachts. Stop at a small café.”

  “That we can do, although there will be so much going on in the area. Final preparations will be well underway. You might not know this, so I may as well tell you, a lot of the yachts will be rented out for the race on Sunday.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask. Why would people rent yachts for a race?

  “Well, there are packages available so spectators can watch the race from on board a private yacht, where they’ll be served drinks and food and pay a ridiculous amount of money for the privilege.”

  “How much are we talking?”

  “Prices start at two and a half thousand, and that’s not including your hotel and flights, but I’ll be honest, for that the view isn’t spectacular. On the other hand if you’re willing to fork out half a million for say the, Oceano, well you get a lot for your money.”

  “Shit, that’s crazy. And all to watch men racing fast cars around the streets. On Sunday, where will I be?” I ask the question to deter myself from questioning the amount of money involved in racing.

  “I think with Les. I’d love to see you as soon as possible after the race, preferably at the finish line.”

  “I’d like that too,” I say, leaning forward, lifting our hands and kissing his.

  “Now, if you stay in that bed much longer, I’ll be re-joining you.” After our night together, it does sound very appealing, but I want to go out and get some fresh air.


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