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Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 19

by Karen Frances

  “Yes. I’m glad Ryan’s okay, but it’s strange watching Colton so engrossed. I wasn’t sure how he’d be watching from the sidelines.”

  “Fucking hell, he’s back into second place.” Colton is all but dancing before us. “He is going to win this. And when he does, what a brilliant achievement.”

  I smile. It’s hard not to when Colton is so enthusiastic about the race. I’m still trying to gather my own strength from watching his car spin out of control.

  There’s nothing between first and second, according to Colton, who is passionate in his outbursts. I’ve stepped away from Rylee. I can no longer watch this. My poor heart can’t take anymore.

  “The last lap,” Colton shouts as I stand with my back to the TV screen. “Come on. Now, Ryan!” I don’t care about position I just want him across that finish line. Now it’s me that’s pacing because I know this will all be over soon. “That’s it. That’s it. Fucking brilliant.”

  I look over my shoulder and Rylee is smiling at me. “He’s on the home straight.” I turn back to the screen and see his car racing toward the finish line, the other car now firmly behind him. I cover my mouth with my hand as I see it.

  Colton jumps in the air and gives Rylee a kiss. She shrugs from his hold and instructs him to come to me. “He’s done it.” He scoops me in his arms and spins around, planting a kiss on the side of my face. “He’s done it. Not many would’ve carried on, I’m not sure I could’ve picked myself up so quickly.”

  “You can put me down now,” I say as I feel people staring at us.

  “I might not want to,” he says with a cocky grin that reminds me so much of Ryan. Colton looks over his shoulder and his wife is laughing. I nudge him not-so-gently. “Fine.” He puts me back down and gives me a moment to steady myself. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Thank you both for being with me.”

  “The pleasure was all mine. Now, how about we go and see the winner?” Colton takes to the stairs. Rylee stays beside me and we walk together.

  “I don’t know if I want to hit him or kiss him.”

  “I’d go with the latter, then you can have words with him for putting you through that. Honestly, I felt every emotion with you.”

  “I know you did.”

  “At least now we celebrate!”

  I’m pleased they’re celebrating with us. I actually think Rylee and I could be very good friends.

  It’s hectic when we get downstairs; the press are everywhere, with cameras flashing. I know each reporter will be looking for an exclusive, but Ryan is under Les’ instructions not to give anyone an interview except me. This is one story I’m nervous about writing. Will I be able to keep my emotions out of it? I hope so. Rylee and I stand at the back out of the way, and Colton heads straight into the thick of it to congratulate Ryan and the team.

  My phone starts ringing and I’m surprised to see Frank’s name flashing before me. I frown. “Is everything okay?” Rylee asks.

  “I hope so. Hey, Frank,” I say, answering.

  “Ellie, sweetheart…”

  “Frank what’s wrong?” My body sways hearing the pain and anguish in his voice. I hold my breath and wait.

  “It’s Bethany. She’s not doing so great, and…”

  “I’ll go and book a flight and I’ll be home soon.”

  Rylee squeezes my hand, offering me comfort and support to a situation she knows nothing about. My eyes dart across the room, finding Ryan. He’s smiling broadly at me. I offer him a smile but my emotions are getting the better of me and tears fall down my face. He frowns and starts walking toward me with Colton and Dylan behind.

  “I hate doing this, bringing you home, but Grace is scared that Bethany is going to do something stupid.”

  Ryan takes my hand from Rylee. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “When do we need to leave?” Ryan asks without hesitation or questioning what’s wrong.

  “As soon as I can get a flight home. But you stay and enjoy the celebrations.”

  “Not without you. Is she okay?”

  I shake my head. “Dylan can you get Les to arrange flights?”

  “But you can’t. You still need to go and get your trophy.”

  “Ellie needs me and I’ll be on that podium in a few minutes. We can leave for the airport straight after.”

  “What about our things?” I say as he wraps his arms around me and I rest my body against his.

  “I’ll pack everything up for you and Dylan can bring it tomorrow,” Rylee says.

  “Thank you. And you go and do whatever you need to do,” I say to Ryan.

  “Not without you.” Ryan takes my hand and leads the way through the crowd. People from various teams congratulate him as he makes his way toward the podium where the other two drivers are waiting. “I need to go and speak with the Team Principal and sponsors. Explain an emergency has come up. Dylan!” he calls out, looking over his shoulder.

  “I’m here,” he says, pushing through the crowd to stand beside us.

  “Take care of Ellie until I’m back!”

  Ryan kisses me on the lips and I’m sure the flashing cameras have caught that, but right now, I don’t care. Dylan stands beside me and takes my hand as Ryan walks away. “You mean a lot to him.”

  “You sound surprised.”

  “I just didn’t think he’d fall for you in the way he has. Claire will be thrilled when I tell her, that she might need to buy that hat after all.” I shake my head.

  Silence descends as our national anthem is played and I watch him, my heart bursting with pride for what he’s achieved today. Everything happens so quickly after the anthem, and the F1 anthem of Carmen-opera from Georges Bizet is played as champagne is sprayed over each of the three drivers.

  “I’ve got you both a flight,” Les says, placing his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll get this wrapped up quickly.”

  I feel awful taking him away from these celebrations because this should be about him and no one else.

  “Ellie, you have my number. Please give me a call,” Rylee says. “I’m always here for you, and hopefully we’ll see each other real soon because the guys want to do something together for charity.” She gives me a hug.

  “Thank you. As soon as I know what’s happening back home, I’ll call and tell you all about it.”

  “Make sure you do.”

  “Ellie, I need to do a quick change then, we’re leaving. Liam will meet us at the airport with our passports,” Ryan says. We say a quick goodbye to everyone and Ryan ignores the many questions fired his way about the race. We make our way inside so he can put on normal clothes.

  I’m still unsure what to expect when we’re back in the UK, but I find the thought of Ryan by my side comforting.

  Chapter 28

  Poor Ryan, he should be in Monaco celebrating instead of here with me. It feels as though I’ve taken away all the excitement he should be feeling after his win. And what a win it was. I can’t believe he won after the hit his car took and then spinning on the track. It’s a well-deserved victory.

  “Ellie, are you sure you’re okay?” he asks as we exit the private car.

  “Yes, I’m just dreading seeing Beth. I’m scared of what having this baby means for her. She doesn’t want to try and get clean, not even for the sake of her baby.”

  “What will happen to the baby?”

  “Social services are involved because of Beth’s addiction. Frank and Grace are still waiting to hear if they will be allowed to bring the baby up. There’s so much red-tape, but it’s not even that, the baby might not even survive. He or she will have to go to intensive care to be looked after.”

  “Will you be okay? I know this must be hard for you.”

  “I’ll be fine. I always am.”

  “That’s what worries me.”

  “Ryan, you don’t have to worry about me.”

  “But I do, and there’s not a thing you can say to change that. Let’s go and see your friend.” He takes my hand a
nd we walk through the hospital until we get to the secured unit. I press the buzzer. A nurse lets us in, and from the shocked look on her face, she knows who Ryan is. It’s funny watching her as she fawns all over him and congratulating him over his win only a few hours ago.

  I should just leave the nurse with Ryan and go to Beth’s room, but I don’t. I tap my foot on the floor, staring at her.

  “Oh, erm, sorry. How can I help you?”

  “Bethany. Her father called me,” I answer sharply.

  “She’s in room four and your name?”

  “Ellie Cooper.”

  “That’s fine I have your name on my list.”

  “Thank you,” I say, tugging on Ryan’s hand. She doesn’t even question why Ryan is here.

  “Ellie was there a need for that?” I stop outside the room, glaring at him. “Right, okay. I get it.”

  “Can you wait there? I’m not sure how she’ll be if I bring a stranger in,” I say.

  “Of course. It’s not the best time to meet Bethany, as she gives birth.”

  He kisses me on the cheek and leans against the wall casually. He looks good. Even after everything that’s gone on today, I can still appreciate him. I open the door and everyone turns to face me, Beth, Frank, Grace, and a nurse. Beth is puffing and panting. Shit. She’s in labour. The baby isn’t due for a few more weeks.

  “I see you just couldn’t wait,” I say strolling toward the bed as Grace wipes her daughter’s sweaty brow.

  “Hey, you. Sorry I dragged you back, but I needed you with me.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I promised you I’d be here for you and the baby.” I take Bethany’s hand and Frank places his hand on my shoulder.

  “Thank you. Now that you are here, I’ll go and wait outside. There are some things a dad shouldn’t see,” Frank says with a nervous laugh.

  Poor Frank. He’s right but I know he’s seen his fair share of things with his daughter.

  “Well, you can keep Ryan company.”


  “You seem surprised.”

  “You mean he came back with you?” I nod with a smile. “Right, well then he and I should have a chat then.”

  Bethany screams out, digging her fingers into my hand.

  Frank leaves the room and Grace speaks to the nurse looking after Bethany.

  “Ryan is with you?” Bethany asks, her eyes on the door as soon as the contraction ends.


  “It must be serious if he’s come home with you.”

  “We’d have to ask him about that, although maybe just not right now.”

  She shakes her head and I’m not sure what it is, but something isn’t right. “He never keeps anyone close to him,” she says spitefully and I wonder why she would say that.

  “Bethany what is wrong with you?” Grace says. “Ellie has come home at our request to be with you and you sound so ungrateful.”

  “I’ll leave,” I say, standing, but Bethany’s grip tightens as yet another contraction takes hold of her.

  “Time to get the midwife and the specialist team in,” the nurse says with a sad smile.

  She opens the door and it doesn’t close behind her. I see Ryan and Frank talking, but Ryan’s face tightens as he looks into the room. I see anguish in his eyes. I turn back to look at Bethany and she has the same haunted look.

  They know each other.

  Realisation hits me.

  She knows him. Intimately.

  She’s been with him.


  Fear grips me and I want to pull away and run from the room. Bethany squeezes my hand, digging her fingers in tight, sensing what I’m thinking. A knot forms in the back of my throat and I swallow back the sob that threatens to escape. Ryan steps away from Frank and is now standing in the doorway, confusion all over his face.

  “Maisie,” he says, looking from me back to Bethany. Maisie. And there’s my conformation. The name she chooses to use so no one can link her back to her parents. I don’t believe this. Bethany and the man I’ve fallen hard for, she’s slept with him. But it’s more than that.

  Grace’s tear-filled eyes are taking everything in but she doesn’t say a word. She knew. I can see the sympathy on her face as she looks at me.

  “Get him out of here!” Bethany shouts. “He can’t be here. I didn’t want him knowing…”

  My world as I know it spins. Frank pulls Ryan out of the way as the team comes into the room and the door closes behind them, shutting them both out.

  My heart sinks. I know what she was going to say, and as I look at Grace, she does too. “I’m sorry,” she mouths across the bed.

  Tears are in my eyes and I know they won’t stay there long.

  I can’t believe this. It has to be some sick and twisted joke, but I’m not finding it funny. “Ladies, I’m sorry. Only one of you can stay,” a doctor tells us.

  I stand, giving Bethany a quick kiss.

  “No, I need you to stay,” Bethany cries.

  “Your mum should stay with you. I’m not sure I can.”

  “Please, Mum.” She turns to Grace. “Please. I’m sorry, but Ellie should stay.”

  “Bethany, that’s not fair to Ellie, not now.”

  “She has to stay. I need her to stay. This baby needs her.”

  She is pleading with us and I’m trying hard not to turn and walk away from her.

  Grace looks at me, waiting for me to decide. I nod slightly and she stands slowly and with dignity, giving her daughter a kiss first, then me. “Ellie, I’m just outside if this gets too much.”

  “Thank you,” I say as she leaves the room. I don’t turn toward the door. I don’t want to see that haunted look in his darkened eyes.

  I take a deep breath and force a smile at my shell of a friend and sister. “You can do this,” I say, trying to give her some encouragement.

  “I’m s…” She starts to speak but another contraction takes hold of her. The midwife tells her what she needs to do.

  “Beth, it’s fine. We’ll talk later. Let’s just concentrate on getting this wee one into the world.”

  “I do love you.”

  “And I still love you.”

  The sadness etched on her ghostly face tells me she’s sorry for whatever happens next. This isn’t her fault. I never expected to have Ryan in my life and Bethany never had any intention of telling him he was a father.

  How could she do that? He has a right to know if this is his baby. Or has she been with so many men during her drugged-filled months that she doesn’t actually know who the father is?

  My fear turns to anger; that isn’t good for anyone. Not Bethany, and certainly not this baby, who is completely blameless in this whole fucked up situation.

  I focus on what’s happening as the midwife tells us she can see the head.

  “I can’t do this,” Bethany wails.

  “You can and you will,” I say forcefully. “You said you want this baby to have the best in life and that starts today. Only you can do this.”

  She nods with tears running down her cheeks.

  “I promised you I’d be here for you.”

  “That was before,” she pants.

  “My promise is always my promise. Circumstances don’t change that. Now, let’s deliver this baby.”

  Holding my hand, she listens and does what she’s told by the midwife. Pushing when she has to, and without the screaming that I expected from her.

  “I’m tired.”

  “You’re almost there,” the midwife says. “This next push and baby will be here.”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder as she pulls herself back up into a sitting position and she pushes and then pants…

  A piercing cry fills the room. My eyes drift from Bethany to the midwife holding a tiny baby with dark hair.

  “Do you want to hold her? Some skin-on-skin contact is always good.”

  “No! I’ve already made my position clear on holding the baby.”


  “No. You hold it.” She turns away from me, shrugging from my hold. The baby’s cries fill the room and the doctor is quick to take her.

  I take steps closer to the doctor who is doing a full check my eyes wide in amazement at the most perfect baby I’ve ever seen.

  “Bethany, you can’t go to sleep, not yet. Just a little bit longer,” the midwife coaxes her.

  “Come on, Beth. Just a few more minutes.” Her eyes are closed.

  “Go to her. She needs you more than me, now.” The hatred in her voice is new to me and there’s nothing I can do as she pushes me away. “Go!” she screams.

  I’m lost. I don’t know what to do until the midwife nods and assures me I should go to the baby.

  I step toward the cot she’s in. She looks so tiny as she wriggles and screams. “Is she okay?”

  “I won’t say this will be easy. There’s many factors to consider. Not only is she premature but this little one is addicted to drugs. Now, we really should get her straight to the intensive care unit.”

  “Can Ellie go with her, please,” Bethany’s tear-filled voice cries out.

  The doctor shakes his head. “I’m sorry not at the moment.” I’m glad he’s said that because there’s only so much I can do.

  I stand rooted to the spot and watch on as the doctor leaves the room, quickly pushing the cot.. “Is she…?”

  “Yes,” she answers my unasked question.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because, believe it or not, he is the only person I’ve slept with in the past year.” She refuses to look in my direction, choosing instead to look out the window. “I can only imagine what you think of me.”

  “Oh, Bethany. I don’t know what to think anymore but my promise stands.”

  “Please!” she shouts. “Can you leave.”

  Opening the door, I take one last look back at my friend hoping and praying that tomorrow after she’s had time to think about everything, she’ll see differently, but the look in her eyes tell me nothing will have changed. Stepping out into the corridor three sets of eyes are watching me. Grace leans against Frank and she’s crying. This is an emotional night for her.

  “I don’t want to see anyone. Get everyone out of my room!” Bethany is screaming at the staff from the room.


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