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Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 22

by Karen Frances

  “You’ve heard then.” I sigh.

  “Yeah. Where are you?”

  “At home, pigging out on cake.” It sounds stupid when I hear what I’ve just said.

  She laughs. “Get dressed.”


  “Because I’m coming to get you.”

  “Hold on. What? Why?”

  “Because I’m here. When the story broke, I just didn’t believe it. I still don’t, and neither does Colton. I’ve been where you are today and I can’t leave you to face this on your own.”

  “That’s the most crazy thing I’ve heard. We hardly know each other.”

  “I know everything I need to know about you. I don’t judge a person on what I read about them in the press, which is just as well, or Colton and I would’ve been a no-go from the start. I see something great with you and Ryan, so call it whatever you like, I’m here to help you deal with this. And Colton and Ryan have business to discuss.”

  “So, you’re meddling?”

  “Yes. I have your address, and according to my cab driver, I’ll be with you in twenty minutes. So, go get ready.”

  “Fine, see you soon.”


  “What’s going on?” Dani asks.

  “Rylee will be here soon.” She gasps, her mouth falling open. “Yeah, I know. I’m as surprised as you are.”

  “Maybe the two of us should sort ourselves out.”

  I laugh, nodding. She has a large spot of melted chocolate stuck to her top. I grab her top, showing her what I’m laughing at.

  She shakes her head, smiling. “My point is made.”

  “Ellie…” Dani calls through the house.

  “A minute,” I say, knowing fine well she probably won’t even hear me. I look in the full mirror, and although I don’t look glamorous, I actually don’t look as bad as I thought I would. With my jeans and t-shirt on, I shiver and grab a cardigan. I’ve loosely piled my unruly hair up and put on a little light make-up.

  Ready to face the world.

  I hope.

  I hear Rylee’s voice before I see her and I find her in the living room with Dani.

  “Hey, you. This isn’t the look I expected,” she says, waving her hands toward me. “Come here and let me see you properly.”

  I step toward her, her eyes scrutinising me, her eyebrows knitting tightly together before she grabs me in a warm embrace. “Where’s Colton?”

  “At the track with Ryan.”

  “Oh! Come and sit down.”

  “We don’t have time to sit down.”

  “Why?” I ask with a shaky voice, leaning back from her, hoping she’s not going to say what I think she might. And that is that I need to see him. The hair lifts at the back of my neck as I wait for what feels like forever before she speaks.

  “Because you need to see him. Because you want to see him. Because you two need each other and belong together. You know how this works; you’re in the business, after all. Don’t let the press eat you alive.”

  “You know, she has a very good point,” Dani agrees, both of them subtly nodding and staring at me.

  “Bloody hell, and now I have two of you nagging at me.”

  Rylee’s eyes widen, but a slow smile breaks on her lips. “And even if you didn’t agree with me, you still have a job to do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re still reporting on Ryan, and right now, there is a story that needs to be covered. We need to leave.”

  My body freezes. I can’t. I just can’t see him. I want to but…

  “Ellie, please. You have to. Looking back, Colton and I would’ve done things differently. The main thing being our stubbornness and shutting the other out. We wasted time, and as we all know, time is precious.” Her face falls for a minute before she quickly regains her composure. “Please don’t allow this to have an effect on what could be the start of a wonderful life together.”

  “I’m still trying to get my head around things.”

  “Yes, and you have twenty minutes in the cab to do that. Come on. The driver has the meter running.”

  “Bloody hell! Damn American.” I throw my hands up in the air.

  Rylee turns to Dani. “I’m guessing that’s me.”

  “Look after her for me.”

  “I will.”

  Dani nods with a warm smile. I sigh, resigned to the fact I need to leave the comfort of my house to see him. There are butterflies in my stomach. Rylee grabs my hand. I shout goodbye to her as she pulls me toward the front door.

  There is a black cab sitting in front of my house. The driver looks amused when Rylee tells him we’re going back to where she was; the track. It’s now early evening and I’m surprised everyone will still be there. I sit rubbing my hands together and rocking my body, albeit slightly. My breathing is all over the place, even though I’m trying hard to slow it down. Nothing is helping. I’m not sure I’m ready to see him yet.

  This is stupid. I’m overreacting.

  “Everything is going to be fine.” Rylee takes my hand in hers. “Do you want to talk about it? It might help. I’m a very good listener. It’s part of my job.”

  “What’s to talk about? Ryan got the girl I call my sister pregnant after a one night stand. And I have no idea how the hell I’m going to get through this. Bethany’s parents have always been there for me, and I just don’t know how I’ll be able to look at that gorgeous baby and watch her grow knowing…that Bethany and Ryan were together. They made a beautiful little girl. I’m talking rubbish. My head is just all over the place.”

  “Ellie, I understand how you’re feeling.” She winces briefly as though a painful memory has just resurfaced. “What if the baby isn’t Ryan’s? What then?”

  “The baby would be brought up by Grace and Frank because Bethany wants nothing to do with her.”

  “And then you’d still play a part in her life?”


  “So the issue is if the baby is his?”


  “Oh, Ellie!” She squeezes my hand tight. “This is going to work out, even if the baby is Ryan’s because I know he wants you in his life more than anything else. You just need to decide if it’s worth taking a risk.”

  “That’s the million dollar question.”

  “It doesn’t have to be. Talk to him. Don’t let this fester between you. Because the longer you leave it, the harder it will be to come back from.”

  I nod and we sit in silence.

  My heart is racing as the venue comes into view. I feel trapped. I know I should do this, but my mind is dizzy thinking about the possibilities of seeing him. Anger and frustration are at the forefront of my mind, thinking about the way he spoke to me and what he thought.

  Even if Ryan wasn’t involved, I would never do that to my family. I just couldn’t. This has to be down to Felicity in some way, but how?

  Rylee pays the driver and thanks him for being so patient with her. I stand outside, looking up at the building before me.

  “Our men are very alike,” Rylee says.

  “If you say so.” I shake involuntarily when I see his car parked alongside Les’.

  “This is going to be okay. I know you’re hurt and angry with him, but deep down, do you think he deserves a chance?”


  We enter the building and there’s no one to meet us behind the reception desk. I pause for a moment, wondering if they’d all be in one of the rooms upstairs. I shake my head. No, if I know Ryan, he’ll be outside. I lead the way through the building until we’re near the doors that take us outside, and that’s when I hear it. The undeniable sound of cars racing.

  He shouldn’t be in a car if he’s upset, even I know that. My breath hitches and my lips tremble. My knees feel weak. I walk outside and emotions hit me all at once like a bulldozer. Ryan’s car is flying around the track. Nothing looks slow and controlled. No, this is reckless. Totally out of control. Heading toward a Collision.

�Why is he out there?” I ask hurriedly. “He shouldn’t be.” My eyes dart trackside and I see Les standing with the papers in his hands. Dylan is there, his headset firmly in place, and I hope and pray he’s telling Ryan to slow the fuck down.

  “Colton always turned to the track to help him deal with things.”

  “What do you mean used to?”

  “Now, he always seeks me out. You have to understand that this is their way of coping with the shitstorm that comes tumbling into their lives. We need to let him know you’re here.”

  We walk slowly toward the others.

  Dylan smiles. “Thank fuck. Can you tell this crazy bastard that you are actually here and then he might not kill himself.” I hold out my hand and he gives me the headset. “Be gentle. I’ve never known him to be like this, not even after his brother died.”

  I nod and step away from them. I hear Rylee asking why Colton is out on the track.

  With the headset on, I take a deep breath and close my eyes. “Ryan. Ryan, talk to me. I’m here.”

  I wait.

  Silence fills the air.

  Well, that’s not true. I can hear the sound of the engine. I open my eyes and see his car taking a turn. Colton’s car is behind.

  “Ryan, please. I need you. I need you to know I’m here.” I’m begging, but I don’t care. I just need to see his car start to slow then hopefully my anxiety will do the same. He’s angry. I get it.

  “Fucking hell, Ryan. Talk to me, even if it’s to tell me to piss off because I hate this silence.” Still nothing. “This is crazy. Not only are you putting your own life at risk but Colton’s too. Get off that fucking track and do the right thing.” I shout because I’m not sure he’s even listening to me or can hear me. I swear the sound of the engine is drowning out everything else.

  I look at Dylan and he’s scared. His body tense beside me, his eyes are strained. I wait for a few moments thinking about what to say to Ryan. I need to control the anger within me and focus not on myself but ensuring both Ryan and Colton bring their cars back in safely. “Ryan please, I’m begging you. We need to talk, I can’t do that while you’re whizzing around a track at God knows how many miles per hour. I’m sorry someone leaked the story and I’m sorry I made you leave me. I just needed space to think.”

  My eyes are still on his car and it’s starting to slow down. I sigh heavily as relief fills me. Dylan offers me a smile and I close my eyes.

  “I’m sorry for doubting you,” he says, finally breaking the silence. “I’m sorry for everything.”

  “Just bring the car back in”

  I remove the headset and walk the short distance to return it to Dylan. Rylee smiles and Les starts talking about the article he wants written up about Colton being here in the UK to raise speculation about a race. He hopes it will be a distraction until Ryan decides what he wants to do about the story of us, and also the story about the baby. I want to tell Les to fuck off right now; talking about an article. Now is not the time to be even thinking about this. Ryan’s head is not in the right place.

  But, I guess Les is right and that’s why he’s Ryan’s PR agent, he needs to be focused on trying his best to protect his client, but it would be great if the media wasn’t interested in Ryan. But as I’m sure Grace has said many a time, ‘if someone is talking about you then they’re leaving someone else alone.’

  Ryan’s car comes to a stop, followed by Colton’s. Both men get out and I stand back and watch as Les gives him a piece of his mind. Then Rylee gives both men a severe talking to, but Colton silences her with a kiss, and not just any old kiss. A heart stopping, breath-taking kiss.

  Ryan slowly walks toward me, flexing his fingers, curling and then uncurling them over and over. His eyes are scanning the area around us, and even though he’s walking toward me, he’s not looking at me, his eyes are on the ground.

  Clearing his throat, he closes his eyes when he is right before me and takes a calming breath. “Ellie, I’m so sorry for this morning,” he says, now looking at me directly in the eyes.

  “It’s fine,” I say automatically because right now he’s off the track and safe and I’m not sure what else I’m capable of saying without reigniting the fuse that starts the same chain reaction all over again.

  “It’s not fine. We need to talk about this. About us. I want there to be an us.” He reaches out, nervously waiting for me to recoil from him, but I don’t. There’s no flinch when he rests his hands on my shoulders. I take another step toward him. This time, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him. I welcome the warmth and comfort of being in his arms as I rest my head against his chest. “I want to take you home.”

  “But what about Colton and Rylee?”

  “They’re staying at a hotel.”

  “That’s not what I mean. Don’t you think it would be wrong to abandon them, especially when they came here to help?”

  “I’m sure we can arrange to see them tomorrow, but for the rest of tonight, I’m going to be a selfish bastard. I just want to hold you in my arms all night long.”

  I shake my head, laughing nervously. “Take me home then.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He salutes me.

  We say goodbye to everyone. I make an effort to pull Rylee to the side. “Thank you for this.”

  “Just don’t let him fuck up. Hopefully you and I can spend some time together this week while these two sort out details for a charity race.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Go on, get out of here and we’ll catch up tomorrow.”

  She kisses me on the cheek before Ryan pulls me away.

  “I’ll make this up to you. I promise,” he says, leading me to his car and I don’t doubt him.

  Chapter 33

  “Sweetheart, are you hungry?” he asks me as we enter his house.

  “No. I’ve eaten cake.”

  “Cake?” His eyebrows are raised. “Cake isn’t food. That’s junk.”

  “Yes, and I needed the junk food.”

  “That’s my fault. I’m sorry.”

  “Enough. I know we need to talk, but all I want to do is chill.”

  “I can help with that. Do you want a glass of wine?”

  “Oh, dear God, no. Even the thought of a drink.” I wander into his living room and flop down, sitting back on the sofa. I do feel at home here which terrifies me. How can I feel like this after a short period of time? I want him in my life.

  “When will you and Colton be racing?” I ask making small talk, hoping he’s not picked up on that.

  “I’m saying roughly eight months. That will give us plenty of time to line up sponsorship and work out the finer details so both our charities will benefit from this. Claire is going to meet with us tomorrow. I’m sure she’ll have some few ideas.”

  “I’m sure she will. Does Claire know about Bethany?” I ask him nervously as he sits beside me.

  “Yes, and she says you have her permission to kick my arse.” I laugh because I can actually picture the look on her face as she said it. “And that is the reaction I had anticipated.”

  “We need to talk.”

  He snuggles beside me, grabs the television remote control, and flicks it on.

  “Ryan, I’m not going to let you wriggle out of this conversation.”

  “Fine.” He blows out a long breath and looks at me through his eyelashes. “I was in the wrong this morning. I was so angry when Les phoned me. All I could think was that it was only you who knew anything about Bethany. There was no reasoning with myself. Only anger. It wasn’t until later that I realised my own actions fucked up everything, and by then I thought it was too late. I thought I’d lost you.” He pauses. “I’m sorry and I hope you’ll be able to forgive me for being such a stupid arse.”

  “You hurt me, lashing out like that. I never expected it. But then, we hardly know each other, so I shouldn’t have expected anything.”

  “Ellie, I know all I need to know about you.”

  “I might still hav
e skeletons in my closet.”

  “I think you’ve told me everything, but if there’s anything you’re holding back, I’ll wait until you decide you want to share with me.”

  “I don’t have anything else,” I say, my thoughts turning to the baby. “What about you?”

  “No. Nothing else will pop up unexpectedly.”

  “What about the baby?”

  He leans up and presses his lips to mine, silencing my questions, and for now, I’ll let him, but this is a conversation we need to have because I have no doubts that Ryan is a father. His lips brush lightly against mine, capturing me, his tongue delving inside my mouth, dancing with mine. I slide my hands around his back, pushing my breasts toward him. He groans, fumbling with my t-shirt before pulling it off.

  With his mouth still on mine, I wriggle into a better position on the sofa until I’m completely beneath him. Warm hands wrestle with the fastening of my bra and I’m about to tell him I’ll do it when I feel the heaviness of my freed breasts and the straps being lowered down my arms.

  I scrape my fingernails along his neck and down his arms, feeling his muscles tense in response to my touch.

  “I need you,” I murmur as his hands knead my exposed breasts, leaving me yearning for more. I need him inside me. I need to feel him.

  “I want you.”

  “I need you naked, now,” I whisper.

  “Your wish…” He stands, my eyes fixed on his as he slowly and torturously strips. My body is shaking as I watch him. My stomach muscles clench along with the rest of my body as he unbuttons his jeans, that deep ‘V’ now in my sight. My moan is audible and he smirks.

  “I think tonight you might very well be begging me to stop. I’m going to feast on you. You, Ellie Cooper, are my fucking craving.” He drops his jeans and boxers at the same time and I press my legs together, trying to ease the sensations sweeping through me. “Now who’s the one wearing too much clothing?”

  I don’t get time to answer him before he makes quick work of removing my jeans and knickers.

  There’s a glint in his eyes and a flush on his face as he lowers himself back down on the sofa, spreading my legs apart. Hands glide up and down the inside of my thighs, teasing. I inch my body down, wanting him there. I almost shout, demanding him…


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