Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 24

by Karen Frances


  Why did you think this was the only way out?

  For days I’ve not been able to get you out of my head. I wish more than anything you’d decided to stick around, but I know you thought leaving us all was right for you. I suppose in a way it was. You are no longer suffering. Tears fall freely down my face.

  Beth, I hope I’m doing the right thing. If only you could give me a sign that you don’t hate me, because at times, I hate myself. Sadness fills me when I look at everything I have in my life. I hope you don’t think I’ve stolen the life you could’ve had.

  I’m so sorry.

  Her soft crying interrupts my train of thought. I stand quickly and look in her pram as she wriggles, wide awake, seeking attention. At four months old, she has us all wrapped around her fingers. Ryan walks back toward us from the tree he was leaning against, giving me some time alone. “I’ll take her.”

  “It’s fine,” I say, picking her up and cradling her safely in my arms. “Beth, I hope wherever you are you can see that Mia is loved by everyone in her life.”

  Ryan wraps his arm around my waist, tugging me closer to him as my tears fall.

  “Ellie, sweetheart.” His voice is soft and comforting. “Come on, let’s get Mia to her grandparents and then we can go home.”

  I nod, agreeing with him. I’m looking forward to a night just the two of us. “Home.”

  I say one last silent prayer before turning away from the headstone with Mia and Ryan.

  This isn’t how I imagined my life, but now I wouldn’t change any part of it. Silence fills the air around us as we walk back to the car. Ryan folds down Mia’s pram with ease and puts it in the boot. “She’s always settles back to sleep when she’s in your arms. She must sense how relaxed you are because she’s never like that with me,” he says, opening the car door and adjusting the straps on her car seat.

  “You’re talking rubbish. I’ve seen you with her during the night when you’ve got up to comfort her. There’s no reason to hide it; I love hearing you sing to her in the wee small hours and you always get her back to sleep.”

  “You know?”

  “Of course. I always hear her, but you jump out of bed before I even move. Not much gets past me, as you should know.” I put her into the car seat, ensuring she’s strapped in safely. She looks so content.

  “Ellie!” He pulls me into his arms and I’m rewarded with his gorgeous smile. “I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you, but every damn day I’m grateful to have you in my life. Our life.”

  “Me too. I do love you, Ryan Jackson.”

  “And I love you more than you’ll ever know.” He kisses the tip of my nose and I swear it’s the most meaningful kiss he’s ever given.

  We get in the car. Ryan drives and it’s almost laughable that this man in the driver’s seat who is an F1 driver is now driving a family car. He’s swapped his need for speed for a car that is reliable and safe. After all, there’s precious cargo on board; his baby daughter. The drive to Frank and Grace’s house is silent but so comfortable.

  This is the first time Ryan has given in and let them have her overnight. He hasn’t excluded them from her life, which we’re all grateful for. And I suppose it’s a bit easier on them that I’m involved in bringing Mia up. I would’ve done that even if it had never come out that Ryan is her father. Because I made a promise to Bethany, and I keep my promises.

  Ryan parks the car in their drive. “You do know she’ll be fine,” I say, as he looks concerned.

  “I know that, and I’m looking forward to a night just the two of us, but I will miss her.”

  I lean across the car and press my lips to his. “I’ll just need to keep you occupied so you don’t have time to miss Mia.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he whispers.

  “I bet you do.”

  We get out of the car at the same time as Frank and Grace come out of the front door. The smile on Grace’s face speaks volumes. I know she was convinced Ryan might come up with an excuse to cancel this. Frank helps get everything from the boot of the car with Ryan while I carry Mia in her car seat inside the house with Grace by my side.

  “You look happy,” she says to me.

  “I am.”

  “I’m pleased for you, and that makes Frank and me so happy.”

  “I just…”

  “Ellie, no. There’s no looking back, only forward. It’s how I get through each day.” I smile at her words, because despite everyone she’s lost, Grace still manages to smile and remain positive. Mia cries softly, her small eyelashes fluttering as she awakens.

  “Can I get her?” Grace asks.

  “You don’t have to ask. She’s your flesh and blood, your granddaughter.”

  “That may be so, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re her mother.”

  I have no idea what’s wrong with me as tears fill my eyes. “It’s my privilege to be able to do this.”

  “To do what?” Ryan asks as he and Frank enter the living room.

  Grace and I share a look and a smile and neither of us says a word. As Grace lifts Mia from her car seat, I watch Ryan, waiting to see the moment he might have a change of heart, but it doesn’t happen.

  We stay until I’m sure Grace knows Mia’s bedtime routine, or until Ryan is almost dragging me away. And I thought it would be him that was reluctant to leave her.

  “Right, you. Go and enjoy a night off,” Franks says.

  “I’ll try.”

  “No, you will, and we will bring her home to you in the afternoon,” Grace tells me.

  “Okay.” I give Mia a kiss and my heart sinks. I’m leaving her for the very first time since she was placed in my arms.

  “Come on, we have plans.” Ryan surprises me. The three of them all share a look; that has me nervous.

  We say our goodbyes and leave Mia in the safe hands of her grandparents; two people who have been more like parents to me than my mother ever was.

  “Now, it’s time to take you home and have you all to myself for the rest of today.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  I’m surprised as we pull up in front of the house seeing his red sports car sitting in the drive. “Come on, we have places to go,” he says before getting out of the car and leaving me wondering what the hell is going on. I was so looking forward to a quiet night at home.

  “What’s going on?” I ask when I leave the car. He’s standing looking incredibly sexy, leaning against his car.

  “I just thought we could go for a drive.”

  “Have you been missing your car?” I ask, rounding the car and taking his hands.

  “Yes. I can’t deny it.”

  “Does that mean you’re thinking about going back on the track?” I ask, suddenly nervous because I already know the answer.

  “Yes. Does that worry you?”

  “Yes, that worries me, but I know you love it and I’d never ask you to give it up.”

  “Come on. Get in.”

  I nod and do it even though I’m certain I’d be happier going inside the house. He revs the engine and speeds away from the house I’ve been calling home these last few months. I don’t have time to enjoy the view outside because of the speed he’s going. Boys and their toys.

  I don’t say anything, although I smile when I realise where we’re going. Back to his track. He was only here this morning with Dylan, so I can presume he’s about to tell me when he’ll next be racing. When Mia came into his life, racing stopped, and I wasn’t naive enough to think he’d stop forever. Am I excited to see him back on the track?

  Hell yes.

  But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.

  Rylee has taught me that living with a racer is never going to be easy, that I’d have to accept the good days with the bad. She helped me come to terms what the fact that I’d never be able to change what he does for a living. I’ll be forever in her debt. She has become such an incredible part of my life. I just wished we at least stayed
in the same country.

  He comes to a skidding stop in front of the building. “Why are we here?” I ask.

  “Because I couldn’t very well take you to the ladies’ bathroom where we had our first encounter.”

  Well, what the hell do I say to that?

  He gets out the car and comes around and opens my door. There’s something odd about him. Ryan takes my hand and I follow him, wondering why we’re not making the most of being at home when we don’t have Mia. The building is silent. There’s no one here and that surprises me. There’s always someone here.

  I want to ask so many questions, but he seems to be a million miles away, so I don’t. He leads me through the building and out to the track into the stands. I gasp when I see a bottle of champagne and a gorgeous bunch of red roses.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Ellie, sit down.” I do as he says but not without noticing how damn nervous he appears to be. “I’ve brought you here because, for me, this is our beginning. This is where I fell for you, truly, madly, deeply. I knew there was something about you on our very first meeting, but here is where I got to see the real you. You dropped your defences and allowed me to see you. I’ve not hidden my feelings for you. I couldn’t even if I tried. In the short time you’ve been in my life, we’ve faced more challenges than most couples do in a lifetime. You are my reason for living. You give me hope and encouragement when I need it most, but most of all, you love me.”

  My breaths come quickly.

  “Ellie Cooper.” He drops to his knees before me, opening a small box. I gasp. “I love you so much. Please do me the incredible honour of becoming my wife and mum to our amazing daughter. Marry me?”

  With my eyes full of tears, I nod slowly. “Is that a yes to both?”

  “Of course it is. I love you.”

  He slides the beautiful diamond solitaire ring on my finger. When I lift my eyes to his face, he’s crying.

  “Don’t cry,” I say.

  “This means so much to me. You’ve no idea.”

  I clasp his face in my hands. “I think I do.”

  “No. I couldn’t have coped these last few months without you. You’ve been my rock. I love you and I want you to be my wife more than anything, but I want you…we all want you to be Mia’s mum.” He kisses the finger he’s just placed the ring on. “I’ve spoken to Frank and Grace. I know they’re your family and I have old-fashioned values, so when I asked permission to marry you, I also asked permission for you to become Mia’s mother legally.”

  “Oh!” Tears spill from my eyes as I think about him going to Frank and Grace, how much that small act meant to each of them.

  He laughs. “Well?”

  “I love Mia, and if Frank and Grace are happy, then I’m more than happy to become her mother legally.”

  “Good, that’s settled, because I already consider you her mum.” He presses his lips to mine in a soft, lingering kiss. “Now, how long will you make me wait?”

  “I’d get married tomorrow if we could.”

  “Shit, if only I had known that I could’ve organised a quick and intimate wedding.”

  He opens the champagne and pours us both out a glass before taking the seat beside me. “Cheers.” He clinks his glass against mine. “To our future. To our family. And to the woman who has shown me how to love. To love.”

  “To love,” I say. We take a drink and I look out across the track, noticing the sunset in the sky.

  “Love and happiness.” I cuddle into him, feeling more relaxed and happier than I can ever remember.

  The End


  Want to keep up with all of the other books in K. Bromberg’s Driven World? You can visit us anytime at and the best way to stay up to date on all of our latest releases and sales, is to sign up for our official KB Worlds newsletter HERE.

  Are you interested in reading the bestselling books that inspired the Driven World? You can find them HERE.

  Also by Karen FRANCES

  The Captured Series

  Family Ties a Captured Series Novella

  Captured my Heart Book 1

  Captured my Trust Book 2

  Captured my Soul Book 3

  Captured by Love Book 4

  Captured by Addiction Book 5

  A Beautiful Game Series

  Playing the Field a Beautiful Game Novella

  Playing the Game Book 1

  Playing to Win Book 2

  Saving the Game Book 3

  Moving on a standalone Novel

  The Scripted Series

  Scripted Reality Book 1

  Scripted Love Book 2

  Enemies of the City Series

  Secrets and Lies Book 1

  Love and Truth Book 2

  Past and Future Book 3

  Collision a Driven World Novel

  About the Author

  Karen Frances is the author of fifteen romance novels and two novellas.

  She currently lives just outside Glasgow, Scotland, with her husband, five children and two dogs, although she does dream of living somewhere warm and sunny by the sea.

  Her days are spent helping her husband run their family business. She spends some of her free time trying to keep fit and prepare healthy meals for her family, when their busy schedules allow them all to sit down at meal times together. The rest of her time is spent plotting stories, writing and occasionally reading.

  Karen writes stories that are both believable and full of life. More often than not she loves sending her readers on an emotional journey alongside her characters.

  For more information please check out her website.


  It’s always hard trying to remember who to thank for each book I write.

  My first thanks has to go to Kristy Bromberg, for allowing me to be part of the amazing world she created. Kristy has worked with all the authors in the worlds, at the same time writing her own book, trying to stay on track with her deadline while homeschooling her kids. I take my hat off to you. 2020 has been a challenging years for each and everyone of us.

  To my team who bring my stories to life and publication, I’ll always be grateful; Karen, Kari, Krissy.

  To my friends Suzie, Lean, Margaret and Pauline, thank you for everything you do for me, especially when it comes to telling everyone about my books.

  Tracie and KL I don’t know where I’d be at times without you. I value our friendship, your guidance and your support more than you’ll ever know.

  To my family, especially Paul and my kids, I’m thankful to you all.

  To the readers and bloggers thank you for reading, taking the time to review and recommending my books to others.

  Now, it’s time for me to get back to writing.








  Slow Burn

  Sweet Ache

  Hard Beat

  Down Shift


  Sweet Cheeks

  Sweet Rivalry

  The Player

  The Catch





  Faking It



  Then You Happened

  Hard to Handle




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