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The Awakener

Page 22

by Amanda Strong

  It was hard to believe that two weeks had passed since the demon had attacked. Micah rubbed his hand across forehead; he felt restless.

  Lying on his back in bed, he couldn’t shake the feeling he was missing something. It was late, probably past midnight. Trent had insisted Viola and Gianna come over earlier, telling him he desperately needed a social life. He guessed it was Trent’s way of worrying about him.

  Knowing sleep eluded him, he sat up and rested his elbows on his knees. Tonight had been a turning point with Viola; he knew he didn’t like her as more than a friend. He’d confided this to Trent an hour ago, after the girls had left. Trent had just muttered something in Italian and gone to bed.

  Trying to put his finger on what it was that was bothering him, he got up and paced the floor. When Sage came to mind, Micah mulled over what she’d said two weeks ago, like he’d done a thousand times before.

  Why did she say I was on the right path when I asked about Eden? And why do I keep seeing Eden in my mind all the time?

  Sighing, he flopped back on his bed, throwing his arms above his head. Staring at the ceiling, his mind wandered back to their younger years. He and Eden had been joined at the hip since he could remember until she had moved away. He’d been twelve; she was almost eleven. He’d been depressed for a while, but then Chase had moved to the neighborhood, and they’d become friends. At that age, it was nice to have guy friends who were into sports like he was. The last few years, he had gained more friends and a girlfriend or two. They had a tight group and did everything together. He hated to admit to himself now; Eden had been pushed to the background.

  Then, out of nowhere, she’d plowed him over in the locker hall. He grinned, remembering how red her face had been. It was almost as if it wasn’t in her control, as if she was being moved by some unseen force. As if she was supposed to hug Trent and me…

  He bolted up. Of course! How did I not see it before?

  Realizing what this meant, he wondered who else she may have touched. Has she figured out what she can do? Ironic, such an unassuming person can hold such a gift and not even know it.

  Contemplating her ability, he saw her stormy-blue eyes staring back at him. In his mind, there was a yearning in her expression. It startled him. He’d never seen that look on her face before.

  Then he was following her in his mind, watching her sitting on the bleachers with Andrew, walking alongside them through the school lawn, and then seeing her abruptly hug him.

  So Andrew too.

  Then he was at a dinner table with Andrew and Eden. He was trying to pay attention to what they were saying, but their voices were muted, and there was an annoying pressure on his chest. He took a deep breath, trying to shake it, and realized Chase and Willow had joined the table. This time, Chase hugged Eden.

  Micah’s eyes widened. Wonder what that means…

  But he didn’t have time to wonder; the visions were flowing now. He was following the girls into the restroom, something he wasn’t entirely thrilled about. He pressed on, knowing there was always a reason behind what he saw.

  Eden hugged Willow.

  Micah gazed at Willow, and in that moment, he could have sworn Willow stared right back at him. He did a double take, but Willow was saying, “Thanks, I guess I sort of did,” to Eden.

  Very interesting.

  The vision didn’t end though. In a déjà vu way, he saw his friends at Chase’s for a party, and there was Eden right in the middle of it all, looking lost.

  And beautiful…

  Her hair was down, framing her face and covering her back, looking full and silky. He had the unexplainable urge to reach out and touch it.

  She smiled; the braces were gone. She always did have a nice smile.

  Andrew led her to the dance floor and a new feeling flooded Micah—jealousy. He knew he had no right to feel it, but he did. Andrew’s arms around her made him sick inside and, as she nestled her face into Andrew’s neck, he groaned. He’d had enough, and was glad his dream shifted. He pushed aside the ache in his chest. He didn’t have time for that now.

  I need to pay attention.

  Eden was hugging another guy, someone Micah didn’t recognize. It was right in the middle of the classroom too. Her face was very red.

  Then there was a girl. She was hurt, limping. Eden was putting her arm around her, supporting her. It was a sideways hug. Micah supposed it counted.

  Trying to place the details of the room the girls were in, his eyes flew open. Grateful it was morning, Micah rolled out of bed, walking through the bathroom and rapping on Trent’s closed door. He didn’t know what time it was. Trent won’t be happy if it’s earlier than eight, but this can’t wait.

  When he heard no response, he hesitated before knocking once more, this time harder. There was a squeaking floorboard, and then the door flew open.

  Trent’s eyes squinted back at him. “There better be a fire or a demon in your room, because my internal clock says I shouldn’t be awake right now.”

  “Neither, but I need to talk to you.”

  “Tell me Sage’s there at least.” Trent sighed heavily.

  “Nope, but I figured something out last night. Something Sage said to us a few weeks ago.” He surveyed his cousin’s head slipping down the doorframe. “Are you awake?”

  “What?” Trent’s head snapped up. “Yeah, you were saying…”

  “Trent, this is important.”

  “All right, all right, give me a minute. Nature calls.”

  A few minutes later, Trent shuffled into Micah’s bedroom. Micah had purposely turned his alarm clock so Trent wouldn’t read 6:35.

  He flopped down on Micah’s chaise, groaning, “Man, why does it feel like it’s still two am?”

  Micah cleared his throat. “I’ve been having more dreams.”

  His eyes popped open. “Did you see where the vaults are?”

  “No,” Micah exhaled. Trent’s lips turned down, but he didn’t say anything. “I wish I had, trust me. But I’ve been having dreams about Eden.”

  “Really?” One of Trent’s eyebrows shot up.

  Micah knew he’d have a hard time not teasing him, but dove in anyway. He had to tell him, everything, he decided.

  When he’d finished, Trent stared at him. “Do you think it’s because of something she did?”

  “Yeah. And I’ve been seeing others that she’s been touching at school.”

  “I knew that girl was special. I felt something warm and tingly when she hugged me.”

  He knew Trent was joking, but he couldn’t get the image of Andrew holding Eden close while dancing out of his head.

  “Sage said Eden was important and she’s right; Eden’s very important. She’s the one needed to start the gifts. Sage had a name for it, but I can’t remember. Can you?”

  Trent scratched at his short sideburn with his thumbnail. “I remember every word out of the beautiful woman’s mouth.”


  “Just a sec, it’s coming to me. She said some gifts are from the Captain and need a… an Awakener. I think that’s it.”

  “Awakener, yeah you’re right, that was it.” Micah couldn’t shake the void he felt. The excitement over his new discovery was fading.

  Maybe I’m just tired.

  “What is it?” Trent asked.

  Micah stared back at him.

  “You look like you just saw something. You got that out-of-focus glaze you get.” Trent half-rose from his reclined position.

  “No, I just… realized something.”

  Trent studied Micah’s face. “And?”

  Micah wasn’t sure what to say, but knew Trent wouldn’t let up, so he admitted the truth. “I can’t get her out of my head.”

  Trent chuckled. “Who? Eden? Ha! I knew it! I called it before we even left Virginia. You like her, don’t you?”

  “No, no it’s not that…” Micah’s words trailed off. His heart was telling him something otherwise. Why am I jealous of Andrew?
He’s my friend; she’s my friend… I should be happy, right?

  The ache in his chest startled him. Of all the times to realize my feelings, did I have to do it in front of Trent?

  Micah conceded. “Ok, maybe you’re right, Trent, just this once.”

  Trent was laughing hard now. “I’m always right, Micah. Just accept the facts, baby.”

  “I didn’t even realize it until she was dancing with Andrew, and I wanted to punch his smiling face.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Nothing, she was on a date with Andrew, one of my friends.” Micah grew quiet. That sort of complicates things.

  “Ok, I get it, I get it. You’ve got it bad for this one. She’s fine and, let’s face it, her touch is pretty special. So what’s the problem? I know she feels the same way about you. I saw it all over her face when I busted in on you two in the tree house. Which, come to think of it, what were you two doing anyways?”

  “It wasn’t like that, then.”

  “Wasn’t it?”

  “I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter; she’s with Andrew now.”

  “You saw them dancing! That doesn’t mean she’s in love with the guy! Plus, you don’t even know if it’s happened. Your visions are sometimes about the future too. Man, I thought you knew your way around the opposite sex. It’s like talking to a ten year old. Just tell her!” Trent shook his head in mock exasperation.

  “When did you become the expert on love anyway?”

  “I’m the interpreter. Pretty sure it’s part of my gift.”

  “Oh really? That’s a stretch, even for you, Trent.”

  As he walked sluggishly out of the room, Trent muttered, “I’m going back to bed. I think there’s a reason you turned your clock around. I don’t even want to know what time it is.” Micah decided not to remind him they weren’t sure yet what Andrew’s gift was, and if they’d need him around for what they had to do.


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